So, I never have anything to do when I get on the computer in the afternoon and was curious if anyone wanted to add a n00b on Msn. I seem to remember stumbling across a contact list somewhere here, but that could have been the other 20 forums I've visited in the past few weeks...
You know what Demetri says about sweater vests... Already gone-crossfade
Thanks guys, I'll do my best at the whole "causing as much havoc as I can" thing!
Tasty: Muchas gracias for the warm welcome, and for the rep. I looked over the rules earlier seem fairly easy to go by... Braveheart: I've begin to see that, haha, Thanks for the welcome btw. @Cody: Yeah it's required on the other forums I ya know I have to stay in practice or my English goes down the toilet, fast.
Thanks for the welcome!...
Hey guys I'm S.R.K.N., which, as most of you have probably figured out stands for sora/riku/kairi/namine (shows how creative I Anyway, I have been here every once and a while browsing vids and such and decided to join up. Hope to see y'all around the forums quite often...
Heh, thanks
Yeah, I suppose creativeness isn't my strong suit..