Oh, I thought we were posting pictures of bad
Blarg, I need to take a wee break, a few things i need to take care of IRL before I can get back to the RP. I'll be back in a while.
I want to be a piano headbanger when I grow up...
Not anymore.
looking at a computer
^ Thats a computer... the game?
G.L. began meandering around the city, looking for something to do when he noticed a shack, with the words “Weapon Smith” written on a sign in the window. He walked into what, for him, seemed like heaven, all different types of weapons: swords, axes, pikes… It just went on and on. He looked around for the owner, but there seemed to be no one there. He waited around a couple hours for someone to come back to their workshop, no one showed up. He started to become drowsy and dozed off; he slowly came to his senses and saw an old cylian sitting at one of the benches working industriously. Without turning around he mumbled, somewhat flatly, “the names Mort, have a good nap?”. ooc: pezz is the greatest!
Sitting in a courtyard in Cheslidair is where we find G.L. first. He's trying to mold a few bits of metal into something useful, but can't seem to concentrate on his task. "Must be the tension", he says quietly, "too many people in this city...”. He fiddles a little more with the metal and finally gives up on the small scraps. Out of the corner of his eye he notices a glint of something shiny behind a crate; it's a fine piece of metal, just long enough for a staff. He stands up and starts messing around with molding it into different shapes and weapons... ooc: lets see where we go from here :-)
Do you wish to see what I have so far?
Ok, I wasn't sure if they were needed for another task atm, that will work.
true, what kind of jobs are they doing at the moment?
aye, that is a good setup, with me being separated from my group and all...
I was pondering that myself. hmm
Okey-de-dokey, here we go. Username-S.R.K.N. Name (full)-goraan lellaren(just call me G.L.) Race-Cylian Powers (if any)-mold metal Age-699 Gender-male Side-good Weapon (if any)-Metal staff Background-A neglected youngster, he doesn't usually travel alone but has gotten separated from his friends in the recent uproar. He's not sure what do to at the moment. Appearance-moderate height with, shaggy bleach blond hair, and steel blue eyes.
Uhh, sure, why not
nope, don't guess so
Apr 18, 93
hah, i don't post much