then you will have to do this on your own then provide instructions on how to do it or tell us the results okay :)?
ive seen it and it looks pretty interesting...maybe testing is needed...
that seems to happen to me when i use character modifier codes too...i guessing theres no way around it? never da mind
thanks! and hi!
can anyone give me the codes for valor form slot and wisdom form slot? please and thankyou
A WHOLE LOT! We discovered UWM which are universal weapon modifiers and other UCMs. Anti weapon found a lot of music mods and more. Plus DW drive forms. Most of the codes we do have is on the first page in the attachments. I almost got to play with saix's weapon!
hey your back everthing with codes has gone up! remember me?
well i did think about it but i cant do anything about it because im not a hacker... thank you.
i think the reason that i cant find your codes is because they were on the last thread and is now sorry :(
well the invisible people isnt one and i think that blue thing you were talking about is actually wisdom form what was the others...just repost them real quickly.
idk i never tried that before and some of the codes you requested dont exist...yet.
there was this code everyone was talking about valor form using magic and the only one was reflect. So i was wondering if you had it. but i guess i will try to find your codes but it may take awhile so sit down and relax okay? :)
stop spamming! plz just talk about codes here! anti weapon do you know the valor form reflect code?
idk but you should go check in the kh 1 forum :)
right...doesnt this sound familiar? well anyways explain what kind of codes if you have then, nevermind i dont want to know.
we already know these codes and the codes have already been posted on the first page with all the digits and everything. We don't need Castle-Oblivion's codes. Their so old!
i wanted to port them but i dont know how :(
yes sir! Im putting the world sora codes in my vid and i change the song to Future Passion! Can you pm the codes that you used for tron sora plz?
wow theres going to be alot of newbies :) but we will help them out!
yep yep i need the codes...yep yep yep *ripping out hair* i cant get the stupid saix's claymore code to work all it does is give me aladins weapon and so does battlefields of war. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Aww man school in da morning gtg