i really dont think you can download Final Mix you just have to get the game...i think
nope sry...
thats interesting...
if you want to argue with him please do not do it here...no more spam please but anyway what does that code do above you exactly?
hey do you still have most of the codes from the very first code page that was started? i wouldnt trust redsonic too much...
2 part of the story...lol
codebreaker and gameshark rite?
my bad didnt mean too, but anyways if you want to learn how to convert the codes there is a forum titled Code Conversion go to it and all your questions will be answered. And thank you very much i appriciate it. :)
do you have the best inf mp code there is? please and thank you.
it works perfectly heres the code : E001FDFF 0035B55C 1033E830 00000203 remember press and hold R2 before you go in okay?
hold on i have to enter them again...
DjC remember its Y digits then X digits
im on it!!
i need the code your using plz? i wanna make sure that im using the code your using
i will try the code okay and i will post the results okay?
hollow bastion is very glictchy and so is twilight town... where exactly are you trying to go to?
one time but i really couldnt do anything cuz there was nobody there...lol, but anyways it all depends on the room mod and where you at. The infinte jump should work just fine.
all depends what code are you exactly using?
ohh...im sorry for saying the wrong thing