no prob anytime if you come up with anything i'll be on
well that is one of the nicest things ever i mean riku with the oblivion thats like perfect...(your code work!)
ur having prob one sec...
yep yep that code works just fine
nope nothin i dont think riku is affected by moveset mods
it did nothing...i was in the end of his ground combo and he t stanced that light cycles moveset mod didnt work and did you mod the way to dawn cus if you didnt that code wont work
all i can say is check to see if you put in O's or I's cuz those are the only 2 letters ar replay doesnt use. idk maybe you should ask him and see what he
ohh...i forgot about that... here try this and remove session: V19J-EFAN-2QP3T JXZW-7MU7-W9V8K F7XU-M49N-UKN20 QAJH-Q1RQ-RYZ0Q 2YZ0-KR96-04M0Q KH36-TQBF-6Y141 CK2B-B0RR-FD22U CAWB-8HKZ-T4M70 8A8J-0KWH-EEM71
thats weird...but i want to play as blacked cloaked roxas as well but that wont happen cus he is only in a cutscene in final mix
but you know that since it was preloaded with codes it should already have the mastercode it probably has something to do with the code you tried to enter
the one from codejunkies works for me
its the same code
i almost did session i want to try that again...nvm i wont work i guess it was first time luck...
yeah when i tried your code i got the normal command menu and i dont see nothing really wrong...and i took his abilities off too...
that brings up a really good point that roxas was a dummy and so was riku before that means maybe we can play with about anyone we want with some exceptions....???
its okay i wasnt asking for someones position i wanted to know if i could help someone out like with hollow bastion or something
all of them have been tooken up can help someone else out?
if you need any testers or coders i'll be happy to assist.
but still it is a new UCM code...well it wont matter anyways cus we play with riku and dw sora, all rite!