I was wondering if there is some way to change the moveset of riku, cuz you can change the moveset of everybody rite? I would really appreciate if someone helps me out. also can some help me joker the riku code v.3?
i would test it but i dont know exactly what im suppose to do
cuz i tried the neo moveset mode on riku and it did nothin
maybe i can give it to him...what riku is this exactly?
you have to go to the final mix thread
that looks a lot longer but it can be more stable rite?
hey i was playing as riku and i used goofy's joint attack knocksmash but it t stanced me luckyly i was in the coliseum
u should upgrage your version all you have to do is cut some lines down in the old one its really easy :)
it works perfectly doesnt it...the way he holds it and fights with it is pretty nice...
fine if you dont believe check in the ReBirth of the Riku Project and take a look at the post, plus im used the version 1,2, and now 3...trust me it works just perfectly and it looks cool...but if still think im lying i'll give you the code
that is not true i've been playing with him with the oblivion and struggle bat
just dont worry about it, but does anyone have the code for a working UWM, the code i want is riku holds battlefields of war...plz and thanks.
but you couldnt answer my question in the other section i see...jp thank you
does anyone have leon and cloud as party members codes
does anyone have the code for cloud and leon in your party
hey everyone needs to get back on topic dont forget this forum can be closed down...no more spam plz
thanks i'll try it now...
can you help me make riku hold aurons weapon?
oh...(feeling kinda light headed becuase of all the smacking of the head) didnt know that one...
yeah um that code or codes doesnt work it was just redsonic and his ideas but that failed...a matter of fact thats an old one