Ah. That's gotta suck. Sorry, man. :/
Oh. Okay, well then you got a lot of time on your hands before the weekend gets here.
... I'm still working on that. I'll improvise. *wink-wink*
I'm going to the park tomorrow with her. It's gonna be a little hard trying to arrange something on short notice.
Yeah... I don't have much booked for today.
Just go on the computer, check my profiles and whatnot. Watched a bit of TV, but that's it.
Nothing, really.
Well, I know that. But I just don't know any "Jack In The Box"es nearby.
Uh, I don't think so.
Hey. What's up?
Heh. Cool.
Artists like Three Days Grace, My Chemical Romance, Flyleaf, Green Day, and others are all classified as alternative rock.
Alternative rock, some metalcore.
No. I don't think so.
Heh. Yeah, indeed.
Oh, yeah. Thanks.
Well, one thing is that it's kinda hard trying to arrange something with my girlfriend. Things are pretty hectic with her family. And I get that,...
Nope. I wish... but nothing's happened yet. If I have to, I'll make something happen.
Not at the moment, no.
Yeah, well... same here.