thats alright u dont have to rep me. i have 29 rep pionts lol well imma try to give ishotansem so rep and see if it lets me U COWWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yelling: lol jp uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! wait are u on my side or are u on organizations side?
to be honest with u i dont like neither. i use to like ur old own but i got tired of seeing that pic of final form. and the new one is okay but i hate summoning chicken little. plus i hate when mickey t-stances so i think u should have a avatar of dw anti form! cause its real cool and itll show ur pride in in that code lol dude ive been a sonic fan for alooooooooooooooooooooooong time and i like ur sig and avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im guessing u are a sonic fan too
well they said that in coded we will have an explaination on what riku has been doing but then again thats telling the story be4 kh2. so yeah i think we'll see whats up with in this game as well
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookayyyyyyyyyyyyy. but i highly doubt and im pretty sure that ven is not soras father/ or brother!!!!!!!! and i hope that they make ven like 13 years old in this game. they started soras story at 14 and it kinda made it difficult with the vioce and face change hey y is ur name like a dark pink color? oh and i remember in fm when the organization were having a discussion on those chair things and they said its 10 years TOO early for the next keyblade master. i dont think its a coinsidence that the game takes place 10 years before sora and they said it is 10 years TOO early for the next wielder dont u think?
what have i become??????????????????????????????????? *hides my face in shame* well alright this shall continue tommorow bye!
not even if she got me grouned? and i didnt ask u to hit her i asked u to blow her up mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
damn guys! i gotta go -_-. my mom says im grounded for trying to hit #1 disney fan. can u guys thank her for getting me grounded? and then BLOW HER UP INTO OBLIVION! i would appreciate it ^^
ha but i have the power of the heartless keyblade! *slays ishotansem and he becomes alittle tiny shadow heartless* now to finish u of for good! *summons kingdom key and slays the heartless* hahahahaha *watches his heart go to kingdom hearts* THATS NOT FAIR! i cant fight girls! steels the rest of the doughnut *yum yum* cast refelcta again
wups sry idk ur a girl? oh yeah well take this! *about to smack her with my keyblade but stopped by my mother* DJC! u know better not to hit girls! yeah i know im sry mom! thats no excuse! GO TO UR ROOM! BUT MOM! DONT MAKE ME REPEAT MY SELF MR. *sigh* yes mother cast heel on my wound hahahahaha! *cast reflecta to protect myself* EAT THAT BIACH! not on ur life time boldy! freezes ishotansem alive* oh whats wrong ansem cat got uur tounge
well now u ur just pissing me off! *summond terras keyblade* NOTE: i only use terras keyblade when i get REAL pissed! i will! *shoots a fire ball from keyblade* oh yeah ur the other guy i was talking about
lol go head but i promise to rep u in 24 hours lol oh well in that case *summonds kingdom key* i side with no one. starts attacking ishotansem,ansem the wise,la sofa,and the other guy (i forgot his user name)
u and ishotansem arent on the same side no more? idk that go head tell us! oh and this sucks. i gave u rep and i went rep crazy and gave everyone rep on this thread but i have to wait 24 hours to rep ishotansem =/
look at ishotansem! *jumps in the way and takes the beating for ishotansem*
LMAO! i seriously laghed at that one! im giving u rep for making me laugh. why? idk i just needed to lagh
i talked to him last week. but after that he hasnt been online
kk c'ya 2morrow then i cant wait for round 2!
wups sry ansem i was answering a code request. so will we continue tommorow? oh and try putting 20 spoon fulls of sugar in ur hot chocolate or coffe and drinkit ALL! u feel drunk! oh and the hot chocolate becomes a SUPER lite brown!
u mustve missed my post on the last page go look at it u dumb ***! *summons ultima weapon and terras keyblade and puts on armor* lets battle fool! this time u cant nock the keyblades out of my hand because they keep coming back!* yeah i tried celling them on ebay and they payed for it but when it was shiped off it came back to me! cool that means i can rip off people! *goes to put keyblade on sale to go find some sukers!*
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah well ill make u a dusk with the nobody keyblade! *summonds the two acrossing keyblade*