is anybody there? oh well i guess i better go home *drives to burger king*
rosey is evil! pure evil! tricking inocent users into thinking ur bann. shame on u lol
i am. until i can convince him to let me give it to u guys. i still cant belive some people betrayed me for the riku code -_-. now there rumors going around
if i get it to work. i will do everything i can to get redsonic to let me post it i promise. but if i doesnt work then its no use to even post it. but if things get worse im packing my bags -_- no it doesnt it makes me pissed at me. i really want to post it i swear i do, but even if it is redsonic, i made a promise.
yeah because at the code vault we started to spam alot so we decided to make a thread at the spam zone so who ever from the code vault (or anyone in general) could continue there conversation but just not in the wrong place.
send me a pm and i will tellu everything that has happen.... to the code thread and me =/
idk? ill do my best. well i g2g. im tired at its midnight by me so bye
lol well there just siting there watching are every post. not sayiing anything. and i didnt know rosey was here when i said that! lol woops oh well just lighten up anyway redsonic use to post all kinds of lies and got into a flame war with evil then he just disappeared and he came back yesterday. and now hes bann for life
everyone at the code vault hates him (except me) but i feel sry for him i can imagine rosey wanting to strangle me right about now
no im not. im not afariad of getting bann. i was telling him to bann me because the spam and flam war was really my fault but nobody believes =/ i really never talk to rvs be4 until the pm and his avaratar is creepy *rvs if u are reading this stop readung it riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW! there u finished reading it
i got dereped because of the stupid riku code. and they left a mean comment
mutual? what? rvs is in da house. which is kinda creeping me out
lol well i have a feeling that ill talk to him tommorow only because he told me he will lol but not at this site lol i feel like the mods are watching me ^^
what was the pm anyway
no hes not banned at all redsonic is
no im not depressed. im just having a bad day and yeah the flame war and the spam i got warned btw =]
no hes not redsonic is -_- but i like it and it really was my fault
its all my fault about the code thread remember that
no im just plane bored -_-
im bored -_-