wow im surprised ive never heard of this "ipod touch"? oh and a wired thing is, i told my dad that he should get me the new nano video for christmas so i dont watse my money. he told me no. NOW HES GONNA GO BYE ONE AFTER HE GETS HOME! WTF! and no its not for me. all of asudden he wants one. thats unfair
lol im always the one who has not even the slitest clue of what ur talking about ^^ im a (no joke) slow person. and no i dont have a.d.d im just plain slow. lol ^^
well it could be that roxas use to be his own person. maybe when he was frozen he didnt age and somehow merged into sora and roxas has a half heart. something like that. probably not, but i dont think that ven and roxas look the same/ talk the same for no reason. just think if roxas would've colected enough hearts to become whole who would he be? would he still be the same roxas but just with a heart, or would he become ven again? thats what im wondering. lol. nomura pisses me off because he makes something sound sooooooo mysterious and then we play the game and find out that its soooooooo simple about what he was talking about. i bet that when the game comes out we r gonna be like "we're so dumb ven and roxas are the same person because..." and same with xehanort. lol ^^
1. yep yep :) 2. lol u i just added u to my friend list. why? cause ur smart. lol
LOL u seem very happy about that ^^ well i guess im back. but i just wont be on often.
have a safe trip!!!!!!!!! hope u have fun =]]]]]
lol ill tell the truth. i was just really pissed off that day and what can i say, kh-vids is like a drug. u cant stop the ediction lol. well ill come back if the code vault isnt sooo chaotic anymore. which i doubt because evils in charge :) . so is it safe now evil? * comes out from under a rock* EDIT: well i think i need to spend less time on the computer so maybe ill visit every other weekend.
yes i know that but just read this (i made the sentence in bold that talks about riku): Interview: Whereabouts do you believe the quality of the cellphone game will be? Will it be the same as the other two games? Hajime: We plan on getting the game in par with Final Fantasy Agito XIII, however that's still being thought on. Interviewer: What is the concept of this game? Nomura: I wanted to make this like a playground for fans. Like Disneyland where there are many attractions for people. I wish to do the same, but with content instead. Hajime: Actually to start it off, Nomura was drunk at midnight (oh god) and began to explain the idea, with the help of the whiteboard and it's contents for the mobile phone. There was a lot of planning going on for that midnight. Nomura: It wasn't even thought about being part of the Kingdom Hearts series then, however whenever there's a plan for the game it's best to start from story. Hajime: At first the plan seemed terrible, but at the same time interesting, after all Kingdom Hearts is special. Nomura: We thought about various elements, that could be added into the story, to help extend the game. Such as in Before Crisis FFVII, and Monotone there was a new battle system, as well as chapters to help work the system, and the game. We might make it the same for Kingdom Hearts Coded Interviewer: Is there big plans for this game? Since the setting of it takes place after Kingdom Hearts II. Nomura: Yes, however I should point out that Sora from Kingdom Hearts, is only appearing in those clothes because of the Jiminy Journal is taking data from the very beginning. Therefore the Sora is not the original, but a data copy. The memory is also erased from Sora, and he has to go through his adventures again to solve the mystery of the Data bugs. Interviewer: Then this means they can enjoy adventuring with Sora, without worrying about a change in personality from the original Sora. Will there be a developing story in the real world too? Nomura: At first I wasn't sure, but I believe events in the real world will be talked about as well. There is also a story in development about the real world as well, which will be done for the user. Interviewer: There was an adventure in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, in the Kingdom Hearts series, will the Data World be following Kingdom Hearts series as well? Nomura: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, was created to relive the worlds created by Sora's Memory. This game differs from Chain of Memories, as ther will be a brand new story, since the bug has corrupted the data. Questions will be answered to, such as where the King had gone, and also what Riku has been doing. Interviewer: In the Jiminy Journal it's said "We must return to free them from their Torment" who is 'Them'? Are they characters we've seen before in previous Kingdom Hearts games. NomuraI can not tell you now. Actually it's not even possible to really explain it yet as it is about the true enemy of the game. Even though there are heartless in the game that are made out of data, they are not the real cause. Interviewer: How does the battle work? Hajime: Kingdom Hearts series button layout makes it simple to recreate it for the cellphone, and it will have that same combat feel, however at the same time I will be putting in new elements. One example is the "Debugging Mode" which was created to eliminate the bug. Interviewer: Will you be using any other elements that might make use of the telecomunication facility? Hajime: I will, such as being able to go in the world of the player. What I mean is that, it's possible to intefere with other players, as they all share the world together. An example being that if there is trouble in the world of Player B, I can go there and help them solve the bug, and then return to the world of Player A. Interviewer:The invasion do the bug is one thing, where there be other problems within the game? Hajime: It is likely to be the first aspect of the problem, and is also one of the concepts of the game. there may be other problems as well, but you'll have to wait to find out what they are. Interviewer: Will anyone be able to enjoy this? Hajime: The Kingdom Hearts series became a game for people who played the series before can understand the next one. I believe people who haven't even touched Kingdom Hearts can play this game for the first time, and enjoy it. Nomura: I will be preparing the playground for people to enjoy the game. I think everyone should look forward to the day it opens. (Laughs) Source: Famitsu and 2ch see! straight from nomura him self! i didnt mean that the WHOLE game was gonna be based on riku. im just saying we will see what riku has been doing. and i think we'll know what riku has been doing in 358/2 days because u will be fighting riku and i think theyll tell u why he wanted to fight roxas and how he found out about roxas through diz. stuff like that
hey guys! i have decided that im going to visit this site when im on holiday breaks. and im on thanx giving break so ill be on for the next couple of days. well im not exactly coming back. i just wanted to stop by and say hi. if u guys EVER want to reach me my aim screen name is called DJ Cruz94. so im gonna try and enjoy my stay and then ill leave and visit only for holidays. and if things get better at the code vault ill come back for sure but its still alittle shaky so im gonna wait keep in touch ^^, DjC
........................................ O__o? w/e. anyway. yeah i think that ven is roxas. and i think that baldy is the same person as xehanort.
i think that in 358/2 days it will discuss what happend in the year that sora was asleep. and in coded it will explain what he was doing during soras search for kairi and the king in kh1.
haha very funny
oh ok. is there anyone that wants to talk? im bored
yeah i know. did u get a reply from u know who?
i use to have a kid suck up to me. but then i found out that i kid wanted to beat him up so he wanted me to secretly be his body guard. oh my bad lol ^^
ive had set to that ever since what happend yeterday =/
lol i have horrible spelling thanx ^^ stop sucking up to the mods! lol jp oh and i was just kiding in my first post so chill
do what i do to my little cousins. beatem up ur welcome! do u want a burger?
here u go *hads org. the fries* so why are u sad
sure do u want them with or with out salt? or would u like the value meal? sad about what?