well im usuming that there gonna explain that ten years because: 1. they said imediatly after bbs kh1 happend. so i dont think they would just skip to the last year be4 kingdom hearts 1. 2. nomura said that each senario's story will take place in SIMILAR timelines meaning not at the same time but around the same time period. thats why i think we'll over look what happend in the 10 years sora wasnt keyblade master ^^
there probably wont be. like nomura said it is 3 games in one. each senario story line take place at different timelines and it is going to cover the WHOLE ten years be4 the originak kingdom hearts game. so yeah... i dont thin so. but it would be awsome
ive known that i just thought it had a certain effect. but w/e
um yeah i kinda understand that. but isnt the menu always the same when u drive?
hey what does the normal command menu suppose to do anyway? ive tried it be4 and nothing was different
i will later, im getting ready for church right now. im also gonna try the space sora drive code to see if that works, but mikal said it does so i guess i wont have any prblems
what the heck is a blue sora? is his clothes blue or is his WHOLE body blue?
we havent started. all 3 pages r spam. but anyway have they looked for axels weapons yet?
hey guys redsonic gave the riku code out to public.
this isnt that bad of a theory. but i something i dont understand is, terra called ven his friend (lol that ryms ^^) and xemnas called aquas armor friend. so yeah that kinda gives it away. at least thats what i think
lol all that stuff discribes something i would do ^^
> haven >...
my teacher.... is very ugly. she needs to quite her job be4 i throw up from looking at her face ><
Chocolate Milk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
yo mama lol ^^ jp
candy mountain!
ur welcome :) 1. maybe maybe not... in that interview i posted on the other page nomura states that there working on a story for whats happening in the real world at the time. and i dont think they mean its ALL gonna be shown in coded. i think there already planing the next game. maybe kh3. since they said there working on the story for the real world. and i think 3 side stories is enough. so i think there already ploting the next game. but i dont think its AT ALL in develop meant. just planing 2. idk?
lol but do have any pics of the ipod touch? i havent heard of that. if it looks cool i think ill get it. WITH MY OWN MONEY! and ill rub it in my das face! lol!!!!!!!!
lol sweet avatar! its real cool :) lol i dare u to go call sara or rvr a staff noob. if u do take the dare let me know. that way i can get off the internet when u say it lol :)