Adding this and CodeMENT to Abridge series you guys should watch.
Magical Girl Tyrant Valvatorez's hair color: violet, outfit theme: painter, weapon: alpaca. Brb, drawing time.
If I chopped off my own dick and became a magical girl apperently I would be: Magical Girl Chance's hair color: lt. gray, outfit theme: hipster, weapon: axe. Awesome! How bout you KHV?
I don't really like the DR anime, but dat full opening.
Weekender Girl is now my favorite Vocaloid song.
Even if I didn't have them with me, I would still talk to them on Skype :3
And one of your old high school friends is now in the same university as you
Sorry bro.... I couldn't keep our promise.... Spoiler
Meh, any SMT game I suppose, Nocturne is still $30. Persona 4 is not that rare, only about $18 on Amazon :-/
Like I said before "revived"
I sometimes wonder if there is anyone who actually enjoyed Boku No Pico.....
I.....I just wanted to be a man......I wanted to prove that I was strong, that I had balls. Instead I came out with a vag.
Kill me
What was the last SMT game you've played? Have you played Persona 4 yet? O_0
THIS JUST IN! Every character in the game will now have a "shadow" version of themselves and they will all be playable and have different move sets!
Can't argue with that
What do you think of grown up Junpei?