Not going to see more info till next year, sorry, FFXV is a priority and I agree with Square on this one, they've been working on it forever and it needs to come out already. Square man, can't rush games, you can't hate a game because KHIII is taking forever. We should see a release for FFXV next year, and we should see a KHIII release in 2015. No offense Mike but it seems like your asking for stuff a little too soon, I know in most people's eyes KH comes first but IMO and in Squares, FF comes first, its their key franchise and also IMO it hasn't been doing so well due to the crap that was FFXIII's games. Plus I know this is off topic, I am excited for KHIII as well, but....I kind of want FFXV more, I've grew up with FF, I also grew up with KH but I got into KH because of FF. And plus I think that KH's plot has jumped the shark since KHII, it feels like a typical anime story instead of being fresh like KH1 was, gameplay is good and all but still.
It's more fun to actually play the game, this is why I never watch Let's Plays, I'd rather play a game rather than watch it. It's a visual novel...
Indeed it does, but IMO the game is much much much better. I think peopole shoudl play the game rather than watching the show.
Another thing just came to my mind as well, if they had longer episodes with more character backstory, maybe I could get past all of the cliches. Honestly the only character's who has at least have a little backstory are Rwby and her sister (I guess). It felt like by episode 2 they just started throwing stuff at us at a fast pace. I'd prefer longer episodes and a more slow pace if you know what I mean. I remember watching the 4th episode and it was like, 5 minutes long and it just...ended leaving me saying "that's it?" sure you may think it may make me think "I wanna see the next episode" but it was the opposite, I thought "it was too short leaving it too unattractive, I'm not really hyped for whats coming next"
I think its pretty mediocre... Character wise (with some) and design wise its great. But so far the story really seems cliched IMO, and I understand that the animation is not made with the best money but honestly....Its not that great either, voice actors are great....with most characters, I find some characters are not even trying to act. If you like it I can see why, I'll watch it if I'm bored out of my mind, the action is great. But really, its about a 6/10 for me, you know what, I'll be nice and say its a 6.5/10.
Androids better obviously because of its more custom than an iPhone. Unless you jailbroke your iPhone you always have to stick with Apples way...
Hail the ogerlord
I'm most likely the only one here who owns an Android....
Shrek is love Shrek is life :-P
Despair :3 Junko <3
Sega's a great publisher. They helped published alot of great games such as Bayonetta. And if Sony bought them than it would mean SMT X FE would be cancelled.
I am home.
Hm, well I'm not gonna force her, I'm just gonna say "just play Vice City and you'll see why" (honestly I would say San Andreas which I think is the best in the series, but I can understand people trying Vice City out first) Oh and off topic, but I know the feeling of people never Sword Art Online, I watched it and I thought it was mediocre, yet all of my friends treated it like it was the holy grail, honestly I've seen better.
Awww....... Well hopefully she doesn't get pissed when I'm hogging the TV, she'll have to watch Adventure Time on her laptop.
I dislike the JJ Abrams movies period. Mostly because lens flare's are overused and he makes them way to emotional than sci-fi. I think newer Doctor Who is more sci-fi than his Star Treks, he also promised Into Darkness will not be exactly like Wrath of Khan, but all he did was just reverse roles. That's not "trying to be different" JJ, that's just playing opposite, its still the same concept in the end. Now JJ is not a bad filmmaker but honestly, the Star Trek movies are not his best, I'm not even a Star Trek fan and I can see the problems with the newer films. He himself even said he's not a fan and that he's more of a Star Wars nut, now I hope to GOD he makes Star Wars good and doesn't **** it up like Lucas did with the prequels.
Welp, 2 more to go until I skip a day of class just to pull off an all nighter. I'm skipping my extra money on 1.5 just for GTA V. My friend doesn't get my obsession with GTA, what should I make her play first, Vice City or San Andreas?
I might be the only person on here who started with FFVII. When I was 5 my big brother bought a PS1 and got FFVII for it, he showed me how to play it and I was blown away by the amazing characters and story, it was a whole new world for me. I played the first Kingdom Hearts game when I was 8 not only because I loved the **** out of Disney, but because I heard that Cloud was in it, I was absolutely in love with Cloud as a kid, he was my hero. I flipped out when I saw him in the game and I could fight him, it was just awesome. Never did I know that I would grow to love the KH universe itself.
Him and Grover for some odd reason are the most amusing characters. Even as an adult.
Or as I like to call it, how Loki got control of the Chidori army with the help of Thanos. Yes, Cookie Monster is the leader of the Chidori.
So a couple of days ago my friend posted on Facebook that "She feels like no one cares about her existence, so what's the point of owning a Facebook, who would miss her, no one contacts her" I posted that I would miss her and the reason why I don't constantly contact her is because I don't want to bug her, she's really important to me (as a friend), she lives miles from me and I want to know what she's been doing in life and how she is. But than another one of my friends (who is always a sarcastic honest person, and I mean in a ******* way, not that he is an ******* but he says a lot of rude things) posted a sort of rude honest comment. The next thing I know she has deleted her Facebook, I was thinking of contacting her on Skype just to say hi and see if she's okay, but she didn't respond (but than again it was late at night and I think she was getting read for bed, she went online like, 2 minutes I posted the chat to her). And all day today she has not been on tumblr, this is odd, in her free time SHE IS ALWAYS on tumblr posting and reblogging. I'm a little scared if I said something that made her mad, the last time I did something like this is when I told my other friend that I was in love with her (at the time), she than didn't talk to me for about 3 days but than she messaged me saying "its not you, its me, I didn't know what to say to you at the time, you're very important to me and I didn't want to break your heart and let you hate me forever and ditch me as a friend" of course that was all settled when I said "as long as we're close friends, nothing else matters" eventually that was solved. I asked my other friend (my roommate) and she says "just give her some time and she'll come back", maybe I should take that advice, but right now I'm starting to think this is like the last incident, I don't really see why my friend would be upset with me, I was never attracted to her, all I said was "don't quit Facebook, I would miss you, I care about you and all of my friends". Did I say something wrong? (because I don't think I did) if so do I just let her sit it out and eventually she'll maybe Skype me or text me? Or do I say something like "did I do something to upset you?" I really need your help KHV, its been on my mind all day, if its not me than I'm just worried about her in general, I'm worried if she's fine emotionally.