Well. I'm just going to say that I enjoyed Heavy Rain (kind of) I thought it had good characters and a decent story, the only problem I had with it is that sometimes (not all the time) I felt like my choices didn't matter (sometimes) and I can honestly understand why someone would hate interactive drama's, they're video games, they're supposed to have challenge to them not a long ass movie, if you're going to make a drama type game try The Walking Dead, I think that's honestly a perfect example of a interactive drama done right, great characters, good story and choices that actually matter. I've seen a demo of BTS and like so many people have said, it looked like none of your choices mattered in the game, it's just a 10 hour movie.
I know many people on here don't listen to reviews, neither do I but I found this to be pretty shocking. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/10/08/beyond-two-souls-review
And Yugi summoned a Gaia without a sacrifice, in fact everyone in the show cheats. I say that I have more faith in my cards than anyone else.[DOUBLEPOST=1381105061][/DOUBLEPOST] Same here.....Konami most likely is ran by a very very evil man.
Yeah Sanic. Something is bothering me. How you so fast?[DOUBLEPOST=1381091511][/DOUBLEPOST] I....never knew about this. Thank you.
I hate Duel Network, the players in it are just ******ed, I met someone who summoned a Blue Eyes without using a tribute. I think I would prefer to play Yu Gi Oh for real with my friends and not with idiots who don't know how to play..... >.> Plus this is just my opinion but I think you can cheat easier in Duel Network than you can in reality. I love Yu Gi Oh alot! And I love playing it! But I'd rather play it with people I can trust, or if I'm going to play something else I might as well play one of the games.
It was our goddesses birthday. Remember that she watches and protects us all. Spoiler
I honestly know where you're coming from. Mostly everyone at my University plays it, they never just want to talk, I can't make any "real friends" because all the time they just want to play ****ing Magic, like I said before there are people who play Yu Gi Oh there and they do agree to play with me but than when I say "alright I'm done" they just move onto Magic, its stupid. And I'm not the type of person who goes like "OH MY ****ING GOD I HAVE TO PLAY YU GI OH ALL THE TIME!" I only play it if someone is up to it or if I'm up to it. Thankfully I'm with my best friend from high school still and I'm still in contact with other friends from high school, its not that I don't want to meet new people, I really do, but its more of "I can't". Beh that's off subject though, Yu Gi Oh VS Magic, Yu Gi Oh wins in my opinion. Spoiler And the show is kind of a guilty pleasure to me, Season 0 (a much much darker side of Yu Gi Oh), the Japanese dub (same thing as the US version but they removed stupid things 4kids censored like guns) hell I for some odd reason enjoy the 4kids dub, but only for Pegasus's voice and Kiaba and just how stupid it is overall, its like Kingdom Hearts to me, it overall is just stupid, but god dammit I love it! [DOUBLEPOST=1380859513][/DOUBLEPOST] HOLY **** YES! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS! :D I've lost SO MANY FRIENDS because of ****ing Homestuck!
So I'm meeting an old friend tomorrow and he said he introduce me to Magic (really I just want to meet up with him, I don't care for Magic) Now the only card game I play physically is Yu Gi Oh (I would play online but for some odd reason I enjoy playing for real better). Everyone at my collage plays Magic all the time (there are people who play Yu Gi Oh but Magic dominates the population), what do you guys think? What game is better? Magic or Yu Gi Oh? I say Yu Gi Oh (I've seen Magic played, it just doesn't appeal to me)
Starting at 12 the United States government is shutting down due to voting down a House measure to derail Obamacare. For some odd reason I'm thinking about that crappy movie that came out earlier this year The Purge. Better lock my doors and windows.
I'm speechless....... ......................... Just.....wow.........
♪The emptiness just was on me, Takin' me and reel me along. It's you who feels the light goin', To feel the past you left on me, Just like the stuck good-bye.♪
Y-y-y-y-y-you sold it? ;_;[DOUBLEPOST=1380080136][/DOUBLEPOST] Yes [DOUBLEPOST=1380152496][/DOUBLEPOST] And so he did. Emptiness And is my favorite song in the game (obvious because of my sig) My second favorite would have to be Transformation To be honest I love every song in the game, if I didn't I wouldn't have bought the whole soundtrack off itunes (I buy songs that I support)
Shall we call this TWEWY month?
♪Emptiness flies you out of nowhere, Emptiness shows me to live out this♪
The DS version without a doubt will get you into it. I'm going to say this, if you love Kingdom Hearts, you will love TWEWY.
DS man, DS all the way, I played it as it was always meant to be played.
Okay, can we talk about this ****ing game (again?) I mean seriously, I just finished it and my god folks. One of THE BEST RPG'S I HAVE EVER PLAYED, EVER! I'm serious guys, this is a contender against FFVII and KH1. Best soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game, you know I love a soundtrack when almost every song I have the urge to get up and dance and sing, seriously......my current addiction is Emptiness and Spoiler Amazing story Amazing combat Just everything about it is a 10/10 game. Seriously, I know all of you already know this but god damn man, seriously just wow! This game man, this game. WHERE IS THE SEQUEL? JUST MAKE IT ALREADY SQUARE. GODDAMN!