Grand Theft Thread V
The sky is blue.
I've been waiting for this forever!
In my world there is no law baby.
I'll be eating and licking something if you know what I mean
Maybe. Attack on Titan is the most overrated IMO. But don't refuse to watch something just because its overrated, I know that Madoka Magica is extremely overrated but its still one of my favorite anime's. Along with Attack on Titan, I thought that I was going to hate it but if something makes me smile I know its something special.[DOUBLEPOST=1384536199][/DOUBLEPOST] You like the series? That's awesome, now do yourself a favor and play the game, trust me when you do you'll realize that the anime is pathetic.
Here's something. Atlus just posted this, all it is is showing pregnancy scans.....I have no clue if this is P5 or another SMT game or just another game in general.
Like I said, game is better, I got into the series because of the anime. Than I found the game to be ten times better, I will give the anime credit for getting people into the series, but I usually say to them after they got into it to immediately play the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1384469731][/DOUBLEPOST] You won't be disappointed.
Alright guys, the other reason besides Persona why I would get a Vita is because of the official American release of Dangan Ronpa, I've already played the game on the PSP and would like to support the company and NIS on releasing the second game here, if both do good than we will without a doubt also get Dangan Ronpa: Another Episode and Dangan Ronpa 3. And is Gravity Rush any good? I'm just wondering. So far PS4 is winning (if I do get one and it breaks down I will without a doubt keep the receipt)
Well, that's just what everyone's been saying but I've been getting reports of PS4's not working. Spoiler Of course I know that its not released yet (will be tonight thought :3) but I'm just worried that its not going to work once I get it. I know its my decision, its just a fear I have.
Okay guys I need your help with a decision. I have been saving extra money for something, obviously its either a PS4 or a Vita. I'll get one of them on Black Friday, I need your help with the decision. PS4? Or Vita? (Oh and obviously I will get PS+ when I get one of them)
Okay sorry, its a word I say in real life I guess its just something I least I didn't use my fully "Chrimony on a cracker" and its pronounced "Cry-mo-ny" Also: 1. Attack on Titan 2. KIll La Kill 3. Beyond the Boundary 4. Dangan Ronpa (though the game is still ten times better) 5. Gatchaman Crowds
Okay so I'm kind of panicking, I work part time at Walmart as a Stockman, now I've been getting 20 hour shifts per week, so the pay is pretty good for a college student like me. But recently I've checked my schedule, I don't work until the 22nd of this month, realize I haven't worked in like almost 2 weeks, and also I only work just 10 hours that day. No other future days to work. I have no idea if its because of holiday or full staff, and I know I should ask my boss, but honestly I'm a good worker, I get the job done and am fantastic at getting along with other people, I have not been yelled at once. If I get laid off not only will it be bad for my emotions and anxiety but it will take me forever to find another job, we're like talking 1 year if not 2 years of unemployment, and I need cash to live.....
Chrimony there were so many good anime's released this year...... Don't make me count them boys and gals.
Well I'm saving the day for Daniel's Bar Mitzvah And yes us jews come with amazing rap skills
Lets hope they pick a small town in Ohio....or nearby.
Of course I know that, I understand why they ban some cards but sometimes I think they're choices are horrible..... Monster Reborn is no more....
Trailers out! Lets cross our fingers that this will be a great movie!
SUCKS ASS! And I say that "ass" with an AAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS My poor Exodia deck.....
Well than....that beginning was very American Horror Story like..... So far the characters seem great and the story seems awesome so far, more supernatural than Asylum. Really recommend watching it, the first episode comes on again at 10 PM on FX.