boo frickety hoo
"I know something to do but we don't need a fire in here!"
"I see what you mean. Anything I can do to help?" Katachi asked.
Katachi waved back and ran over to him.
/\ yours!!
new winner who likes Blood + now!
Katachi went looking for Shun and Dawn. He saw Dawn fall in the water. OOC: Im gonna be on 3.5 hours earlier that usual tomorrow
Chickenboxing Rox!!!!!!!
ya know what? NO!
Katachi sat by a pond. He didn't want this to happen. He promised to himself that he would protect his new family.
"I'm sorry but I cant be around this anymore," Katachi said as he walked away.
it happens when a noob with no rep gives you rep then it gives you a little grey dot!! CAKE!!
"Is it true how you easily killed the demon Versago. My dad used to tell me stories about it, saying that after he came back that you all got back together and took down Versago, Mr..." Katachi paused for a second, "I'm sorry, but what should I address you as?"
"Th-thank you. This means so much to me and it would for my dad," Katachi said, holding back tears. OOC: gotta go my laptop is almost outa battery and i dont have my charger. cya tommorow
a nickel for every time that happened to me id have so many nickels!
"Y-yeah. He was my only family left. My uncle, his brother, died of an arrow, my mother died after my birth and my grandparents died long ago. And now, I'm an orphan," Katachi said.
"She'll be okay, Shun. But my dad, he won't. He's dead. His heart condition was what killed him," Katachi said quietly.
Katachi looked at Shun with a tear in his eye. He smiled emotionlessly. "Oh, hey Shun. You guys okay? I heard you got into some big fight," Katachi said, trying to make himself happy again
Katachi walked over walked over to his father. "Dad... what happened?" He took his father's sword. Katachi felt for his father's heartbeat. It was very slow, almost nothing. "Dad no don't die!" Katachi shook his father. "Katachi, let me rest. It's my heart condition. It looks like it was my time," Keishou said in Katachi's mind. "If I find a way, I will bring you back. I promise