Katachi shoved a whole piece into his mouth. He quickly grabbed another piece and then looked at Shun with a look of competition and shoved down this piece even faster.
"Seth, something doesn't feel right. It feels like a darkness spreading over the land. It reminds me of him. Something just doesn't seem right," Keishou said. "I still wouldn't ever let a spatula or pan near you Shun," Katachi interupted jokingly.
*destroys all with ALMIGHTY STEAK* winner.
"Yeah, maybe so, but if those spatulas didn't melt, I would've made a mean batch of pancakes," Keishou insisted.
"Oh so its all my fault is it?" Keishou laughed even harder.
"Hey, I wasn't that bad at cooking!" Keishou said to Destiny in her mind, "I can't help it if the plastic of those little spatulas always melted! And Seth, you wouldn't have burned those burgers if you took my advice." Keishou's voice began laughing.
Katachi had gotten all of his anger out. He headed back to the kingdom. His eyes had temporarily flared up in red and gold.
Katachi sat at his old cabin, striking at the wall, leaving a fist mark each time.
"Well, at least all of the blame and stuff is over for now. But I still have to deal with the death of my dad," Katachi said. He walked out into the woods again, and waited for a plan to come to mind. "Damn him. If he had taken Dawn to 'the doctor' then she wouldn't be here today."
"Sure she will Shun. I know her almost as well as anyone. And I know you just as well as anyone.I mean, sure, you may have lost it just a bit back there but its possible to forgive anything," Katachi stopped, "except death. That's why I don't forgive that thing, and Ekitai. I realize now why my dads little bro died. It was Ekitai that had killed him."
"Stop it you had no control over what happened so don't keep beating yourself up," Katachi said. OOC: gotta go, computer's about to overheat.
Katachi nodded. He turned his attention to Shun. "Its not your fault. You didn't know this would happen," he said.
"I wish I knew. She'll make it. She has to," Katachi said.
"Trust me, I know its not Ekitai. Its a gut feeling, and I'm gonna listen," Katachi shouted. "You are much smarter than your father. You can catch on quicker," Ekitai said as he faded into darkness, leaving Dawn lay on the floor.
"No stay away from my friend!" Katachi yelled. "Listen, I know that its Ektiai but its not the real him anymore!" Katachi yelled.
Katachi glared at Ekitai. He sensed something about him wasn't good. "No. I won't let you," he said to Ekitai. "Don't be ridiculous Katachi. You know you can trust me," Ekitai said.
"I'll take her," said Ekitai popping through the doorway.
Katachi put his hand to Dawn's forhead. "She's feeling really warm. I hope she'll be okay," Katachi said.
Katachi heard Dawn fall he rushed back to her. He picked her up and carried her back to the cabin. "Wow, you're heavy," he said under his breath. He lay her down on the bed and left some food next to the nightstand, for when she woke up. "Don't think that I would let you stay out there," he laughed.