how dare u insult riku like that!!!! GET HIM FLUFFLES!!!
"You sense the dark times coming back too Dess? I was hoping that it might be just Ekitai, but it seems like we have bigger problems," Keishou said with a mixture of fear and insecurity about this. "These are pretty good pancakes, I must say," Katachi said, stealing one of Shun's.
ah yes, my bedroom
Katachi walked into the room, smelling the pancakes. "You had the stuff to make pancakes and you never told me? I can make some great pancakes," Katachi laughed, "I call pancakes next time!" "Katachi's right, Seth, he made the best pancakes when he cooked," Keishou said.
"My son, you know what has to be done. You know that it is you to defeat Ekitai," Keishou said. "I know but what can I do? The only thing I have is this sword," Katachi answered. "Don't worry, I'll always be with you Katachi," Keishou said. "As will I," Zetsumei's voice said. "Alright, but not yet," Katachi said.
YOU KNOW WHAT f*ck u sephiroth *cloud gives sephy the finger and runs*
*cloud breaks down door with ultima weapon* SEPHIROTH!
*shoots werewolf then wacko* I WANTED TO KILL CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!
Katachi sat alone by the pond. He watched the fish swim in circles around each other. "Always strange, the way they never stopped, huh Katachi?" Keishou asked Katachi nodded and a small tear ran down his face. "No," he said to himself, "no more of that. You're stronger than that." Katachi's sadness soon grew to anger. He slapped the water.
OOC: ok this is wierd; I had a dream that I was an orphan child taken in by my two best friends. Sound wierd yet? well the names of the two best friends of mine in the dream were Dawn adn Shun. Freaky, since I never have dreams like that. BIC: "Katachi's right, it's nothing. I wouldn't worry about it," Keishou said to Destiny.
STAY GOMIEZ!!!!!! no acceptions
alright well since other members told u to read the rules and whatnot so im just gonna say welcome and be careful of a few members..... theyre scary!!! jk jk jk
5' 2" almost as talll (or short whichever)
"Oh well, I guess it was nothing," Katachi said, as he knew that Shun had felt something strange.
"Ey, Shun, you ok?" Katachi asked quietly. He too felt he was being watched.
"Hold up.... something around here dosen't feel right. My insticnt is telling me that he's here," Katachi said to himself. Then the feeling quickly went away. He pretended to ignore it had happened.
Hope struck Katachi's heart. "If he came back, maybe my dad'll be alive again!" But Katachi soon realized that this probably wouldn't happen again.
OOC: ok i edited my post above to make sense. BIC: "Uh, aunt Destiny, did uncle Seth.... die?" Katachi asked.
Katachi went off to go join Shun and Destiny. He arrived at the area. "I remember stories my father told me about this place. Of when he learned about his 3rd form thing. Whatever that was." Katachi laughed. In his mind he saw the dragons and the attack. Then he saw Blade and Seth. He saw the sadness of his dad and Destiny. "I hated this place. It smelt really wierd," Keishou whispered to Destiny into her mind.
Katachi smiled and laughed to himself. Out in his cabin, he still liked the scerery and the threat of being attacked by something in the middle of the night. A flashback came to him of when he was six, when he saw a bear outside and his dad chased it away with a flame.