"SHUN!" Katachi's eyes began to glow with a mixture of red and gold. "Let me try again!" Katachi sent even more electricity to his hands to try and jump start Shun's heart again. He pulled his hands away.
yay for blowtorches!!!! they used to call Cocaine yay in the early 90's
!! Shoot 'em Up Is The World's Worst Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!q!!!!
i used a blowtowtorch to clean the dishes.
"Shun, you won't die. Yiy won't!!!!!" Lightning came to Katachi's hands. He pressed his hands against Shun's chest. Power rushed through his hair and across his face he pulled his hands away to jump start Shun's heart.
a combination of rice, gravy, cherrios, roast beef, whipped cream, pizza, yogurt, choclate, ketchup, sausage, avacado, banana, horse raddish, roasted marshmallow and ramen noodles. IT WAS DISCUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is an evil demon that must be destroyed
i will always be HKB3 at heart (thats why I didn't change the hkb3 thing after "someone from the dark") *watching 3d MJ movie*It looks like Micheal Jackson is coming right at me*Micheal Jackson jumps out of t.v, takes me and runs.
ha i finally decided to make it this because Katachi is the name of the main character in my newest story.
no but riku is the person in that game whom I admire and i am like and he is my favorite character
I like Mac because its a more advanced computer than a PC (if you know how to use it)
"Shun, please, tell us something... anything," Katachi yelled. "With your daughter and Katachi, on the trip back to the kingdom," Keishou said
"Your son needs you!" Keishou suddenly said to Seth. "Shun you aren't your normal self right now," Katachi said.
"SHUN!" Katachi shouted and ran over to Shun and helped him onto his shoulder. "We might need to get you to a doctor."
wow i thought there would be a lot more votes for Mac and 'whats a computer'
Katachi arrived at the scene with Dawn. "This isn't normal of him. He's never that slow."
"I just wish I was here to help fight it. I never got enough action back then," Keishou laughed.
which computer is better?
Some way, somehow, we'll get through this *revives thread f*cking again*
ok so we should all post a picture of something that we found on photobucket (with the IMG code) and leave a little caption under the picture. I'll start WHO STOLE MY TOOTHPASTE!?!?