Katachi looked in the reflection of himself in the water. He pulled out his sword again and lunged it into the water. It went through like a white-hot knife through soft butter.
"Seth, why wont you tell them? You know they'll be us someday," Keishou said.
"Well if theres anything I've learned after the death of my dad, its that things always have a way of coming back to us. Your dad came back to life, twice, Versago came back, my dad came back once. I believe that no matter what, we'll always be able to do this," Katachi said. It was his first true speech he hadn't really prepared.
"Yeah, but something tells me theres someone out there, bigger than Ekitai. Ekitai isn't the Versago this time," Katachi said.
"Who else? I promised my dad. You never know who Ekitai's killing now. I heard of a report the death of every person in a village a mile out. It was burned to the ground and everyone was killed by 'a sword with a large black blade'. That has to be him," Katachi said.
"Well its just... alright. Now may be the time to do this," Katachi said. Fire slightly swirled around his left hand as lightning moved around his right.
"The funeral still wont stay off of my mind," Katachi said suddenly OOC: lets say we already had the funeral for Keishou. itll make it easier.
"Hey, I gotta stay at the top of my game. Besides, I promised my dad I would beat Ekitai when I turn 13. I guess I got a year to go..." Katachi laughed
OOC: heres the future Katachi BIC: Katachi practiced his sword skills on his own. He had become a strong fighter with his dads sword. Every strong swing left a brighter and brighter gold trail each time.
OOC: alright, let me find a picture of Katachi. in the mean time I found a good picture for ekitai so give me about 10 minutes and ill have somethin
Katachi fell asleep by the pond. His dreaks changed from sad to happy and for the time it seemed nothing would ever change OOC: i think right now would be best to go forward a couple years. I mean its a good area in a story for transition.
"Three sure is a magic number, huh Seth?" Keishou said.
"Congrats on the new one, she looks like both of you... a lot," Keishou said as if he was right there. Katachi stood outside and waited. He peeked in and saw the newborn. "What's the name?" Katachi asked.
SHAPE IS KING (katachi is shape in japanese, Sriously)
"I think that this time, theres someone whos bigger than Versago powerwise. I can sense it this time. Not like last time," Keishou said to Seth and Destiny. Katachi woke up. He felt a very dark presance near by. A darkness bigger than Ekitai's. He couldn't ignore it. He scowered the area before heading back out to the Kingdom.
"Maybe... what if I do have powers like my dad? Could i beat Ekitai on my own?" Katachi asked himself. He fell asleep by the pond. In his dreams he saw himself, just standing there watching his new family get killed by Ekitai. In his sleep he shouted at cried. He woke up again when it was really dark. Tears fell from his eyes onto the ground.
*shoots Kool Aid man* your new catch phrase should be OH NO!!!
AH Kool Aid man!
Katachi sat alone and stared at his hands. "How? Can I do that again," Katachi said.