are you talking about that drug base or something else. (is clueless)
"I think its time I told you something, my son. You have control over lightning and fire. You'll have to fight this new enemy with this knowledge," Keishou said. Katachi nodded. He stood next to Shun by the graves. He turned his attention to a tree. He held out his hand and focused out all of the anger he had ever had. A lightning bolt shot out of his hand with tremendous power at the tree, leaving it in a few pieces.
lolololololololol it is a cool quote. lol
OOC: cool and maybe in about 6 months rp time, Ekitai comes to attack the kingdom and we all fight him off. BIC: "Well there had to be a little bit of blood on the murder weapon. Unless its some kind of special sword like mine," Katachi demonstrated by making a small cut on his finger. No blood was left on the sword. Katachi's cut healed almost instantly
u know, i do believe you. It sounds so crazy it must be true.
"Maybe if I had a look at the blood trail, I could tell what happened before the death," Katachi said.
"Right, but I think you may have forgotten how smart I can be at times," Katachi said. A headache hit him a bit. "Dad, can you get a hold of uncle Seth from up there?" "I'll try," Keishou said trying to contact Seth's spirit.
Katachi pushed lightning to his hand accidentally. "Let's get them now!"
grove street families 4 life homie!!!!!! (grand theft auto San Andreas reference)
"Its just... your dad took me in when my dad died. Superstition back a few years ago said that once someone comes back once, they can't come back again...." Katachi stood up. "No matter what, I will avenge your father. Ekitai may just have to wait now," Katachi yelled. He drew his sword. "Whoever killed your father is as good as dead.
then his poop would be all bloody and metallic.
"Its hard to explain Lorelei. It was a big pormise, the biggest I had ever made, and I broke it. I let my dad down so much," Katachi said. Keishou's spirit erupted with anger. "Who ever did this is on dead son of a b*tch. If I was there, they would've had to pay!" Keishou's spirit had been absorbed in his own rage.
the secret place in the area
Tears flooded from Katachi's eyes. "I promised myself I would protect my family. I let myself down. I let my dad down. I let everyone down. I'm useless," Katachi said as he punched the ground
aw i wanted to eat it too.
BAH BAH BLACK SHEEP! *sheep*- what up dog?
"Something tells me your dad is in some big kind of trouble," Katachi said as he fixed his hair up a bit.
Katachi got out of bed, put on his normal clothes and, when he was at the door, turned around and went to knock on Shun's door.
Katachi bit his nails. It was a recent nervous reaction he had. He wished that Seth would come back over and over again.
No no, not mortal combat, MORTAL WOMBAT!