*shoots cow in face* it had mad cow disease
i see u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u know i have a rooster outside my house right now and it needs to go boom.
Katachi looked in the mirror. "Nineteen huh? The same age as dad when he first died," Katachi said. He shifted lightning from hand to hand. OOC: heres Katachi as a ninteen year old-
KOOL KAR............ I love u...................................nicorns
Katachi saw Seth for the first time in a few days. He too had passed out from overuse of his powers and needed to rest but got up because he heard something. He got up and looked at Seth. "Oh my god, UNCLE SETH, YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Katachi shouted, "That means I didn't break my promise!!" Katachi fell to the ground and held his chest a bit. After the fight he had been injured badly. He wouldn't be able to fight for a day or two. OOC: ok im confused. i thought this was gonna be the main villan we just fought.
"Peace. It never lasts long. Theres not gonna be any for a long time now," Katachi said.
Katachi continued to burn the ground around the kingdom.
"Dawn, lock all the doors and make sure Lorelei's safe. Shun, alert everyone nearby and tell them to get inside. I'll make a protection for the kingdom," Katachi created fire around the kingdom that was stationary.
Katachi looked at Shun. "Something is too familiar about the Dark Knight," Katachi said.
Katachi looked at Destiny and ran back to the kingdom. "Promise me that you'll survive!" he shouted.
"I think I know who you are, Versago!" Katachi shouted.
"I never ever leave my promises unsolved," Katachi said. "Hey why don't you show us your face?"
"Let me fight! I made a promise!" Katachi shouted.
Katachi got up. "It doesn't seem like you're in the mood for peaceful working things out. Alrighty then," Katachi shot a ball of fire at the Dark Knight.
Katachi jumped up and tried to attack the Dark Knight.
Katachi continued to sprint. "He's Uncle Seth's killer, he will pay," was the only thing going through Katachi's mind at the moment.
Katachi looked at Destiny. "I know how serious you are.... and I know you'll be able to forgive me for this," katachi said under his breath. He started toward the castle but turned around and sprinted after the Dark Knight.
"Dark Knight?" Katachi asked. An instict struck his mind and body. "That's his murderer!" Katachi shouted as he drew his sword. "Where is he!?"
ah.... G4 is awesome i like there ultimate ninja show (i think its callled ultimate ninja idk)