Neko had finished. Once Doku sat on top of her, she shifted into a Cheetah once more in order to optimize speed. "You know, I haven't been home since I took the drug... The family probably won't let me back in." She admitted to Doku. She was now an alley cat, trying to make mince meat from whatever she could. There was also the others she ran into earlier in the day. They'd need to rendezvous back in the morning eventually. Try all she wanted, nothing was going to get to him. "Are you afraid girl!" He said once she tried to swipe at him. Now he was nowhere to be found. The shadows echoed his dark and merciless laugh. "Your fear, it's almost perfect." His movements aloud him to get around behind her once more, his hand placed onto her head. Her fears became clear once he entered her dreams and desires. "You fear emptiness most of all. Let's give you the gift of emptiness!" Damnation had the ability to make dreams a reality. Whether it was a fake body to resemble a loved one for him to kill, or other things such as loneliness or love, he could make it real temporarily. His hand gave a slight vibration as he imputed Zage's mind to lose three senses: sight, sound, and touch. "Bask in loneliness for the next day!" There was a weakness to this ability, if the target could sleep for at least an hour, they'd be cured, but the fear he drove into his victims made this a difficult task. Most went insane and tried to force themselves to lose consciousness. He could make it so they wouldn't have the ability to speak for such a request, but he simply enjoyed listening to their screams of terror and their plea for salvation.
That was rather surprising. Neko didn't expect Doku to pull out a syringe and stick it in the bat. As he fell to the ground and cringed from the poison, Neko wanted to strike him down now. If they could rid themselves of a primary threat this early in the game, things could be much easier. Her eyes glowed down at him as she rose her paw up and slammed down. "I won't be that kind of mutant that kills like all the rest." She said as her paw was beside his head, sparing him. "I'll spare you, but whether the poison does or not is up to Aunt Doku." She began to walk off. She sat in the corner and began to lick her wound as she waited for Doku to make her decision to heal him or not. Either way, he was immobilized. He watched Ethel leave, crying, a smile came across his face. "That's right! Run! Fear me you witch!" He yelled back at her. A coward threw and threw. At this point, he didn't care. He was ready to take down the entire city himself. The methods he had acquired over the years made him powerful and intimidating to everyone. The sword missed him as he once again moved behind her. Having a body like his made him incredibly light. All the cells in his body were that of a dream almost, simple and light. His claws rested upon her open back. "Human flesh, so delicate and smooth. How can a species have such a weak defense." Now he was enjoying himself. Lead the girl into a hopeless endeavor. No matter her struggle, no human had the potential to match him, or any mutant for that matter. Their extinction was unfolding.
Eon followed along with the others. The idea was brilliant and didn't need much recollection of thought. Karina's reaction to his question was... odd. When he was older? Was it something he shouldn't know at his age. He would just brush it aside if he were too young. Next came her mumbling something strange regarding something much different. "Karina, you okay?" He asked, worried she was catching Beuce's schizophrenia.
((Since Krowley wasn't on today and couldn't respond to my message on skype.... I won't be home nor have internet access until Saturday night, maybe sunday morning. Family vacation. I only hope there is something I can do to still get the keyblade since I'm sure these days away will make it impossible for me to get it. It's not like I have a choice in the matter)) Eon walked alongside Karina, his head leaning to the side. He was thinking about what happened. She is being so calm and collective. Were his words that strong? Maybe she had some unknown empathy for Vincent or something? He was kind of curious now. "Karina, why are you so calm right now?" he question her wanting to know the answer for himself. It was just unlike her to act like this, especially when she had a mission to do.
Dawn was quickly snatched by her uncle. Dusk stood breathing heavy from using all his mana once again. The disadvantages of being a mage. With a quick grab, Dawn pulled Dusk in with her and Erik to make certain he didn't get killed by the rays of Omega. "Thanks sis. I owe you one." "Don't mention it Dusk. I'm just glad we're safe for now." I hope Anta made it out okay. "Yeah, but how are we going to beat that thing? Mom and Dad cant even scratch it." "I don't know. It's not like they can go super saiyan god, grab a bankai, and shove a rasengan on it. Then maybe we could win." "...My sister has gone crazy." "No I haven't. I've simply embraced the writer." Dusk rolls his eyes at Dawn. And now we have two schizophrenics. Meanwhile... Eon had managed to dodge some of the rays being distributed through Omega's attack. "Damn, Karina, I think we're going to need to try a different approach. Let's wait for an opening then attack if from the inside." That is all Eon would say because Myst grew tired of editing his posts. Hopefully Omega would give them an opening to go inside and attempt to give them a chance. Protagonists always tried their best even when the odds weren't in their favor. "As much as I'd like this not to happen, I think its time you summon your ex. The vampire might know something about this." Then again, he might now. Who was to say?
Meet Master Steel[DOUBLEPOST=1397613490][/DOUBLEPOST] So, there was one that was almost perfect and I didn't even need to edit it. I find that hilarious. However, I decided to find another one and edit it anyway. Choose what you like more.
Believe it or not, I have the perfect thing for it. Will do. Is his mask a certain color?
For you its a tad more difficult. It was difficult for Base to but he gave me a lookalike thing with Sebastian. I mean, if you could help me visualize what he looks like and gives me hair color, eye color and shirt color, I could go with it. Your character also wears a mask or it looks like he is, in which case I still have something for it.
Something a little like this?
Karina was probably right. Maybe they needed to listen to Vincent's advice and head out. "Yeah, okay." He whispered back to Karina. He ran over to Kross and Vincent and looked up to the dark vampire that Karina was twiharding about. "Show us the way, please."
Eon nodded at Vincent. "Glad to have you with us." Now they needed to stop Gaston. Vincent made a good point, their was some evil aura radiating off of him. The vibe he gave was of darkness. The fact that Vincent mentioned a masked man and heartless almost made Eon think that Gaston WAS a heartless. "Karina, Kross, I think Gaston may have been possessed by a heartless or is a heartless. We cant let him get to the castle." He whispered back. The man with the mask, could it have been Aux? First he interfered in the Great Forest and now here. "We're against you Gaston!" Eon yelled, standing his ground. "If you want to get to the castle, you'll have to get through us!" His keyblade was no longer in a defense position. He pointed it straight at Gaston, He'd kill him if it meant helping Maurice's daughter.
Neko smiled when she managed to do some damage. A wound like that would surely make his movement on the ground less versatile. An easier target now could be made out of him. However, he was about to live to his name and drive his claws into her neck. She didn't have the reaction time with this one and gave a loud roar at the incision. Two could play at that game though. While he decided to suck her, she would wrap her tail around his leg then drive her claws into his torso. Damnation growled at Ethel as she tugged on him to stop. He rose his hand and forcefully lunged at Ethel, throwing her onto the ground. "No spriox or human commands Damnation!" He yelled back at her now aggravated even further. His eyes glared at the woman trying to seduce him now. Humans were all the same. They all thought some sort of deal can be made to outweigh casualty. "You are truly the bottom of your race. This is why the human species deserves the gift of extinction. You're simply hideous." After that, he appeared right behind her. "You are not going to survive, trash."
11 P.M. - DAY 1 - 38 hours remaining Dawn stared. Now that they were destroyed, they really had no other thing to accomplish. Getting off the islands would be a good start. But what then? She didn't recall her past so she'd basically be lost once she started walking around. The only thing she had to go by was she knew the big tree in the distance was important and she had some job to do with it. The idea of a raft came up. It sounded like a decent idea. "We should build the raft. Its better than doing nothing." She stated, smiling at the idea. It might have been a joke but it could be possible. Right now the goal was to go back to the tree. That is what Mist felt.
So I guess since others are making wacky things with their characters and others. I guess I can join the fun. I'll make a skit gif of your character if you ask me to. Original After Eon Karina Etrius Kaida Cat D'daear Kross Kel Luna Beuce Ananta Statos Glen Steel Base
Eon glared at Gaston for not stopping his tracks. If anything he wished that at least he'd wish to attack them for insulting him. If anything Eon had to do something. He jumped in front of Gaston and held his keyblade up. "You shall not pass!" Eon yelled, trying to defend the castle. Belle could not get hurt. He promised Maurice.
I haven't read the manga so I couldn't tell you. I just know its a prequel staring 3 other characters. I know the main cast has made cameo's in the first episodes, but I'm uncertain if they will continue to do so as the anime progresses. I agree with you however, I would love a Soul Eater: Brotherhood remake with the proper ending and true following of the manga.
Eon was glad Karina was being so friendly to Vincent. That was an odd change in pace. Why exactly she was so nervous around him though was beyond him. He couldn't really comprehend the reasoning behind it. At least now Vincent was on their side. Gaston came out with many men. Karina of course gave a vicious speech towards him, which he deserved after all, but still. He spoke up as well. "I've seen a beast. He's tall, harry, has an ego, and his name rhymes with spit on." Eon answered. It should've been obvious who he meant.
He clawed out another organ from the human. "I think I'm feeling muuuuuuch better." A loud crunch came out as he snapped the person's femur. He heard something come from Ethel as he snapped it, but it was so loud, he couldn't really catch it. "You say something?" I asked, movin his head towards her. However, he noticed a very revealing girl holding a sword. She was human that much was clear. "Care to be my next victim girl. I'm sure someone like you won't be missed... well by anyone important." Neko landed on the ground without the bat being in between her claws. That was the luckiest shot she had ever seen. She shifted once again, but this time in a leopard. Slowly working her way closer to him, when she was close enough she swiped at him with her claw. A loud growl came from her right after she swiped.
Eon smiled at Vincent. A man seeking for a purpose. One that would go until the end of his time. He needed something more pure. "I have a purpose for you. Your purpose is to help those who seek the light. Those with a key in hand and a heart of light who need help. That is your purpose. This way it'll also give you a purpose until the end. I hope that works?" He answered, his smile even wider.