Now that the teams were done, Eon was curious to the other two he'd be working with. They had time before the enemy showed themselves after all. Krowley seemed extremely serious about everything. Eon was like that as well but he at least knew when to have a little bit of fun from time to time. Base however seemed like a really good person. The way he treated D'daear was exceptional. "Mr. Base," Eon began, "You seem like a really good fellow, while we wait, would you maybe tell me a little bit about yourself?" The boy wanted friends, and Base seemed to be just the kind of person that would be a rolemodel and friend all in one.
"And thus arrives the guest of honor, monokuma himself." John said breaking the silence of everyone. "Questions are a simple matter and there is a few I think we all my beautiful fellow students have on their minds: just who are you and what is our real purpose here?" His questions were sure to be ones of the norm. This wasn't a normal school by any means. A bear was in charge, not one teacher was to be found, and from what he could tell there were no entrances or exits from this school. "I'm sure someone who is so "beary" excited about this school year, you'd be willing to answer those few questions?" The bear was punning so why not him? Girls always loved a man that could make them laugh. He himself saw the puns as quite humerus as well. So that was monokuma. He was kind of cute actually. He certainly gave the vibe of villain. The pretty boy was certainly to be the class flirt that would never get any action and the girls would either love him or hate him. Elle stayed back only to watch the events take place. His questions were also fine, the simple ones at best. The more she thought about it though, the more she thought she was actually inside one of her mangas, the events were bizarre enough to make it seem that way.
About a week ago, the creator of the Tales series had announced that they would be translating and localizing Tales of Hearts R for the PS Vita for both NA and Europe. Now, ToH is a game I've been waiting for for a long time now. I thought it was never going to be released here. Tales of Hearts follows the boy named Shing who runs into a girl named Kohak Hearts and her brother. Kohak's heart has been separated across the world and Shing being the protagonist of the game obviously goes out of his way to resemble it.
"pupupupupupu? Such a strange little bear he is. I've read weirder though. The fact that there are talking animals in Naruto is enough proof for me!" She announced to herself with a smile. Elle was simply trying to figure out what was going on until kuma came and announced the location for their briefing. She wasn't going to argue. Elle had headed to the cafeteria where everything would soon come into place. This would be the chapter where you meet all the characters and see there likes and dislikes. There was always the main character, the love interest, and the other strange characters that you'd fall in love with but would eventually die. Which one was she, she wondered? It would all be revealed in time. She entered the cafeteria to see all the strange characters that had been placed. Now who would end up being the chum that would be her partner in this here adventure of school life. Would it be a boy with dashing good looks, or perhaps a girl who was pretty or ugly that would classify her as the opposite. Oh it was just so exciting! She could tell one character already. The one who stood on the table was definitely the comic relief character. The next character was sure to be an experience. Oh, that reminded her, who would the villain be? There was always a villain in this kind of situation. John's attention had just moved to a more interesting topic. Sure he arrived a little bit earlier, he just chose to watch the girls walk in one by one. As they did, he continued to rate them under his breath. "The blonde with the majestic glowing eyes is definitely an 9. She has that young beauty feel to her. Innocent and happy with life almost. She is by far a keeper." "The pale girl with short black hair has a hidden figure. The imagination I need to use to imagine her probably cute and slender body makes her go to a 7.5." "That other one is wearing quite manly clothes. I can see her and I on a sophisticated date, a 6.8 for sure. I'd imagine her family to be quite wealthy as well." "Oh the brunette with glasses is a keeper. She's just going to catch my eyes every time. An 8. A nerd is always a good tease, especially when they get all quirky from compliments." "Next was the flat chested girl with the light blonde hair and a camera. She had to be an angel. A 9.7, almost perfect girl. Perhaps her personality will give her that perfect 10 I so crave." "The blonde with the jacket isn't much of my type, she's still kind of cute though, a 5 for her. Perhaps there is beauty hidden away that I have yet to imagine." "This blonde with glasses kind of scares me a bit... I don't quite like that, a 3." The new girl that just walked in, an eye patch to hid some mystery. Oh that is sexy. an 8 as well. A girl with a condition or past that may lead to the need of comfort. Another perfect thing for a man like me to help with." "Overall, the ladies here are quite beautiful. There are a few loose ends but it seems I'm going to enjoy myself here very much." He did this to pass the time for when monokuma finally reappeared. If any of these gorgeous ladies decided to come and give him a chatter, he would certainly be willing to tease them a little bit with his words of romance.
@anelg thanks... guess I'll make the OC's then. Name: Michelle "Elle" Blair (Elle pronounced L) Age: 17 SHSL Title: Super High School Level Otaku Personality: Makes obscure manga/ anime references, loud, roleplays different genres commonly, friendly. Appearance: Elle Other: Her right eye has no functionality so it is completely blind. This is why she wears an eyepatch. Name: John Arch Age: 15 SHSL Title: Super High School Level Romantic Personality: Charmer, pervert, overconfident. Appearance: John Other: "I may be a blooming flower, but nothing compares to the beautiful rose that you are."
Not sure if I can still join this since its started.
Eon will equip the Second Wind Ability. should now have 15/17 (+2) AP. Edited Eon's wiki page.
Oerva felt the movement from Caleb. It was enough to wake her up. She didn't move after hearing a sword come out of its sheath slightly. It was him, the mutant that kidnapped her and sold her away. They found her and Caleb already. What was there to do now? Oerva hated violence and refused to hurt those around her. But someone who saved her was in trouble. Between the dragon man and the other, she wasn't aware of how to react. When the yell came, she jumped in shock. The other could read minds... like Damnation... She sat up and held the covers closer to her. Valinton made it sound more then just him now. Someone was n danger, someone he seemed to care deeply about... it was that girl she saw with him. "It's that girl you were with wasn't it. Is Damnation threatening you with her life?" She questioned aloud to him, her voice still shaking from fear. "Enough of this." He said as he watched the girl squirm for help. Now he was pleased enough to settle himself. He'd let her suffer for a while. He didn't care what her fate would be. Damnation quickly leaped into the shadows and quickly returned to the market. He had another pest to deal with. That Ethel girl's emotions were far too excessive. He needed to delude her of those emotions and make her a lifeless puppet. Clearly emotions were something he needed to wipe away from all his subordinates. Dreams, the entry way to the mind's past and true self. If one can manipulate those, they can change a person's past and inner self, a phrase known as inception. He walked into the market and could see where she was. It was obvious really, there was only one room that looked like it was at the edge of collapse. He was about to enter the room before stopping himself. He couldn't shake the feeling that what he was doing was wrong. "You are lucky this time, wretch." Next he'd pat a visit to the vampire whom he sent to kill the cat and doku. Sure, he kind of needed Doku alive but at the same time he really didn't. Her methods would just make things simpler. "Zylen, mission report." He yelled, calling out to the bat man. Serena, as she was known by her family here, had awaited for Doku's return. She'd licked herself clean of any of the scratches that had come from her fight with Zylen. Once Doku returned, she looked at her as she changed. The look in her eyes were of some strange concern or something else. "What's wrong aunt Doku?" She asked, worried for her.
"I want to protect that which I find precious. I'll stay with Vincent, Karina and the others." Eon announced after coming out of a light daze. He hadn't really been paying much attention until Vincent said something about him. Nonetheless, the time was coming near when they would need to defend the castle from the oncoming siege. Hopefully, with their numbers, they could hold them off. Protecting Beast and Belle were the most important things right now.
Even though they haven't requested them, I made ones for D'daear, Kross, and Cat since Krowley has actually decided to use them in the boss fights, which I'm honored for... so here we go Kross D'daear Cat
Eon nodded towards Steel. "So you knew there was a mob too. That is definitely going to be an issue. Um, before we go further, I'm Eon by the way." He smiled towards Base and the others whom he had not met before. It was only common curtosy. If they were going to be working together then they needed to at least know each other's names. That of course was going to be stopped quickly with the topic of Luna and Karina's conflict getting deeper. Eon walked over to Luna and held his arms out to guard Karina. "Now is not the time! Don't be an idiot. We have more important things to worry about than stupid grudges!"
Yes, I specifically went out of my way to find an angry one.
Yours actually came out really well and I really like the looks of it....
Eon looked at Base in confusion. Maurice wasn't in danger? They were just with him. "We were just with Belle's father. He's at his home now. What exactly could be trying to attack him? And what do you mean Bea- ugh oh." Well now everything was beginning to make sense. That's why Maurice was screaming beast and why Gaston was coming in this direction. "Gaston has an odd aura about him. He's being possessed by Heartless or something. He said he is coming to kill the beast... which means the prince." He explained. There was a lot of information to take in and give out. They were keyblade wielders so the information was going into a just place.
Eon sighed at the site of Steel. He was out there, but a friend nonetheless. "Good to see you Steel." He announced. Next was the Karina vs Luna issue. Eon rushed between them to ask as a wall. "Karina, now is not the time. I don't know what grudge you hold against her, but right now we have more important matters at hand." He looked over to Base, Steel, Luna, and Krowley. "We have a problem. Gaston is coming this way to kill the prince. We need to get into the castle and tell him. We're also looking for Maurice's daughter who we think is inside there." He told them. Hopefully things could get simple now that there was more people. Gaston's odds were looking bleaker.
The castle was close by. They could see the afterimage it was producing. The mist surrounding the area was beginning to grow lighter too. Finally they could meet Belle and warn the Prince of Gaston. He as well began to increase his pace to try and get there as soon as possible.
Another mutant for my army... wonderful hehehemuwahahaha!
Eon nodded towards Kross. He was right, but really, they had time to kill until they reached the castle. There couldn't have been too much harm in conversing with one another. Kross really could learn to lighten up a bit from time to time. Why so serious all the time? "Sigh, okay."