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  1. Mysty
  2. Mysty
  3. Mysty
  4. Mysty
  5. Mysty
    He continued to watch the battle between the dragon and the other keyblade wielders. He came in late and witnessed its defeat. With that, he gave a smile and stored the mirror away in a safe place. He nodded towards Base and headed off with him. The men were going to be here soon. The fight was coming.
    Post by: Mysty, May 3, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Mysty
    From Modern Warfare to Advanced Warfare. Sledgehammer went the advanced approach. Some of the abilities remind me of things you can do in Titanfall. Not much hype from me. I only play the CoD games anymore for the Zombie mode, and only Treyarch does that...
    Post by: Mysty, May 2, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Mysty

    Spirox War

    Oerva was baffled from where this man came from and what he was saying. People were just popping up everywhere like weeds. Get it, weeds? its funny cause she's a pla- The green hair girl hid behind Caleb as the mind reader began to speak of a plan. She couldn't do much right now being that there was no sunlight. She also still didn't trust... what did that guy call him... Toothless?

    "I-I... um... I'm not sure if I'll come... Toothless kidnapped me after all. I don't know if I can trust him." She stuttered. Another thing on Oerva's mind was if the mind reader could read her mind as well. She was more plant then human now so what would he hear? Would he hear her cells crying out for sunlight yelling photosynthesis in a repeated pattern? Or would he actually hear her thoughts right now? It was all just a bunch of questions. He'd probably answer her questions if he could read her mind.

    Damnation said nothing to the words he was given. Punishment was in order. He moved in closer to him and placed his hand on him. "You shall be spared mental torment. However, you are to search for them and bring them both here tomorrow morning." A creature of night having to walk through the day was enough of a punishment. If he refused, well, Damnation would just kill him like the rest.

    Once he removed his hand, an earthquake occurred. Though, it wasn't an earthquake at all, in fact it sounded like footsteps. "It's close... the Colossal..." Damnation spoke. If there was one mutant that needed to be feared more than he, it was the Colossal. "It's above us... I didn't expect it to get this close to the government building..."
    Post by: Mysty, May 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    Eon had grown curious to the area around him. He estimated it would be a while before Gaston and his men arrived. He went to go and walk around the moat to see if he could find anything interesting. He liked to collect items from the worlds he had visited. Previously, he took Kronk's goggles which he his still wearing on his head, before that was Ratigan's little bell. It made a nice chiming noise whenever he rang it. It was soothing almost.

    Along his route, he stumbled upon a mirror. It seemed to have been tossed out of a window or something. Amazingly enough it wasn't broken. He decided since it was out here, no one apparently wanted it. Eon looked into the reflection. Something strange was happening however... instead of his image, he saw some of the other keyblade wielders fighting a witch... with no keyblades.... why? There was Beuce and Ananta, Kel and Stratos. Eon however only knew the first couple. "I guess while I wait for Gaston, I'll just watch these guys fight... I wonder why they aren't using keyblades..."
    Post by: Mysty, May 2, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Mysty
    Look! Look!

    Equipped the Umbrella Keyblade.

    Post by: Mysty, May 1, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Mysty
  11. Mysty
  12. Mysty
  13. Mysty

    The next Tales of game to be announced. The above trailer is the Second PV and of course is only in Japanese. The game is focused on dragons and seems to feature an open world. The main character is named Slay with other party members being Alicia (the girl with the flower), Edna (the young blonde), Lyla (The sky blue haired one), and Mikulio (The blue haired male who apparently cannot be seen by anyone other than Slay).

    The game does have one thing going for it that was kind of a shock to everybody, the game is getting a worldwide release date just like Pokemon X and Y did. That is fantastic for some fans of the series since we don't get the Tales games all the time. The release date is still unknown, but it would have to be in 2015 since this year NA is gets Tales of Xillia 2, Tales of Hearts R, and Tales of Symphonia: Unison. The game is to be featured on the PS3... amazingly not the PS4...
    Post by: Mysty, May 1, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  14. Mysty
    Eon shrugged off the constant repeating of his own name from Base. People hitting him as if he were vapor though? That was an interesting way of putting it. Nonetheless, it was time for Eon to explain what Gaston was like.

    "Gaston is... well... he seems to be admired by everyone in town, like, he's their favorite guy. He is an inspiration to them. He's slick, he's quick, his neck is extremely thick. He has a strong jaw. He's really burly and brawny. His biceps are quite large. Not a bit of him is scraggly or scrawny. He's also really hairy, not as much as Beast, but pretty up there. Roughly, he's the size of a barge. Quite the intimidating man. What's most important is he has this dark aura about him, that's why I assume he's possessed by a heartless." Eon described Gaston like it were part of a song or something.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Mysty
  16. Mysty
  17. Mysty
    Steel. Its always been my favorite. Metagross, Scizor, Jirachi, Ferrothorn, the list goes on and on and on. Love em all.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Mysty
    Eon looked at Karina in complete shock. She was actually begging him to stop. There were many things that Karina was, a begger wasn't one of them. This clearly was beyond serious. He couldn't say no to her even if he wanted to. She was right, they needed to flee. Only if they could take Omega. His defense was grand, but the attack power this thing had was far superior.

    "Okay, lets get out of here. We'll meet up with the kids in Crystalis." He turned the glider away, dodging the oncoming rays of light. The keyglider opened up a portal to the other world they needed to transport to.

    Dawn sighed. "Yeah, we probably should have left 2 pages ago, but sometimes people are lazy." She grabbed ahold of Dusk and began to lead the way to wherever Taycat was telling them to go. After that, the writer would pay more attention to what exactly is going on and not skip the next 20 replies.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Mysty
    Escarglow. Here is my reasoning for this one:

    Escarglow has one of the highest defense stats for Dream Eaters. Another reason is one of its dispositions is Brick Wall which essential is a Sentinel class from Final Fantasy. There is also the amount of defense boost and elemental screen abilities you gain as it levels up. Seriously, does this NOT scream Eon?
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  20. Mysty
    Eon listened to Base's story. A much... happier tale then his. The impression he gave made Eon laugh a little. Base sort of reminded Eon of a father figure. Only thing with Eon was his father died before he could comprehend much.

    "Yes. I'm Eon. I'm not really a tank." He was obviously being very modest. Have you seen those def an res stats?

    "I was born in a prison. My mother and father were falsely accused of a crime against the worlds. My father died before I ever knew him. My mother died because of me. I've gone through a lot as a child and the beatings I've earned have only made my body more resistant to pain. I'm just glad the keyblade guided me away from that place I called home. I've never been happier to be around people who won't scold me for even looking at them!" He gave a bright smile.

    It was a true story. One day while Eon was eating the mush they gave for lunch, a beam of light appeared around his hand, forming the keyblade. It helped guide him out of the prison and protect him from the guards who tried to force him back. It wasn't like he committed a crime. He wasn't really even sure why they'd keep an innocent child locked away. Perhaps they saw that his parents could never make up the time they were enlisted for, so they stuck it on him.
    Post by: Mysty, Apr 29, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena