Eon took another hit from the Heartless. Lucky enough for him he could manage to take the hits full force. For now he would focus on those who didn't have as much defense. "Aero on Karina!" Eon called out, casting the magic to reduce damage to her. She had the worst defense in the group and needed the boost most. Base would be next. @~Phoenix~
I assume the story will be the same as it was for the original ruby and sapphire. If they made it the emerald story, then they could have just remade emerald instead and not have made two games. Some things from Emerald like the battle frontier will most likely be added which then leads me to believe a battle frontier will be put in Z version. Like HG/SS I can imagine a new part of the map will become available post game to catch gen 4 Legendaries. I don't really see what you all mean by them looking different. They look the same to me, just with higher detail...
Ask yourself this... for HG/SS What did they retain from Crystal version? As for Mega Evolutions, I'm not entirely certain if Groudon and Kyogre will have Megas. Xerneas and Yveltal didn't and the game's main focus was mega evolution. I don't see the need for Mega Evolution Legendaries when they are already in the Uber class and cant be used whatsoever for tournaments or in game battle competitions such as the battle frontier/ battle tower. I had the same feeling with Mega Mewtwo.
Can I just say.... HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE! Gen III is where I started. I put over 2000 hours onto Emerald. I want to know more! What will become of the battle frontier, what legendaries from the past games will they add, will we get customization, what other changes to will they make? I'm ecstatic for this announcement, just a tad disappointed there is no gameplay included.
Damnation was glad to see the beast finally coming over and eating the piles of bodies he so happily supplied. However, this was only temporary as his mind began to grow fuzzy and his concentration neigh. It was as if the entire world had just become a distorted space. Once the person who came near him he looked over and his head began to spin. The hell was with this damn guy? His words were nonsense, his face was a blur and.. just damn... He tried his hardest to focus, and with a small burst of focus, he rushed Beuce and placed his hand onto him, putting him to sleep. "Now what the hell are you..." He began to enter his mind... He immediately released his grip and fell back, his hand shaking. "Wh-What are you!?' Damnation saw everything.... All of the references... all of the attempts to shatter the dimension they were in. Everything about this man was beyond his comprehension. "I... I never reading your mind... ever again." He stuttered, shaking the experience off. Now that his definition of psychological warfare had just been redefined, he moved over to Colossian quickly. His hand rested upon the large beasts head as he began to eat. "Good boy... Eat as much as you like." Damnation noticed a human fleeing from the beast. He quickly went down, stabbed him in the chest, and brought him back to Colossian. "Have some more." His hand was rested as such that if the large beast attempted to attack him, he could instantly force it asleep. If that were the case, he could use an inception technique to implement himself into joyous memories with the beast, forcing a change in memory and behavior to react to him as his master.
All accepted. PoH, however, the ice shard thing may need to come with the level ups however.
http://kh-vids.net/threads/bloodlust.145929/ = Main RP As long as humans lived, they always believed themselves to be the dominant species over all life. They had the perfect balance of traits to function as a group and over take the world. However, one day, people new evolution would take a course that would leave them behind. A species that took the human weakness and made in strength. The time finally arrived where humans became the weaker force. This new species known as lustors were far greater than their human ancestors. The shift in power created an imbalance between the two. Humans still wanted control, but they simply had no means to hold back lustors other than with conventional weapons. What exactly made lustors so much further advanced than humans? Well, they were granted unique abilities within their bodies. Some had the ability to boil their blood and set fire to things.. Others could use the power of their mind to lift objects off the ground. The only physical difference between the two races was the color of their eyes. Humans were commonly known to have blue, green, brown, and hazel eyes while lustors had pink, red, yellow, or orange. The year is 1500, the new century has just come into play and humans have begun a secret project that lustors have no idea about. With a lustor as king, things for humans have become even more bleak. The king, known as Mordecai, has made it legal to kill humans for any reason. He believes it best that the race go extinct. Of course, not all lustors see eye to eye with this ideal. Some have begun to work with the human rebellion to create a equal future for both human and lustor. The king has his men that do believe in his ideals, however, making things much more difficult. The country is now at constant war for the freedom of mankind. -Setting- The continent and country that this story takes place in is that of Crania. The time is as said, the year 1500. The city in which this will take place is the capital known as Organna. The city can be seen in the displayed map. (Still working on the map but here is the basic thing...) -Rules- The standard rules for KHV apply. 1. No godmodding. 2. No harassment 3. No killing unless approved by the other person. 4. Keep it PG13. 5. The number rule is the number of characters. 6. In order for the level to count, your post must be relevant and over 100 words! -Character Sheet- (human) Username: Character Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Weapon: (optional, you may want one though, no fire arms... it is the early 1500s after all) Starting Location: Other: Theme: (for fun, optional of course) (lustor) Username: Character Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Primary Power*: (look below) Inherited Power*: (look below) -limit Weapon: (optional) Starting Location: Other: Theme: Now let me talk about the powers. There is NO MAGIC to begin with. Lustors are humans with strange powers made from their body. For example, you can boil your blood and carry around wood to make fireballs. Mind powers are iffy things and need to be discussed between I and Wigglz for obvious reasons. Primary Powers are your unique power that your character was born with. Your character doesn't have to be the only one with this power either, however, there will be something that prevents identical characters. Inherited Abilities are the powers obtained through a parent and cannot be used to its full extent. This means there are added limitations. Say my character has the inherited ability to make their adrenaline rush voluntary, then there would be a set amount of time they could do this before having to recharge. I’ll give an example with my own character… Username: Myst Character Name: Emi Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Emi Bio: A young girl girl born and raised by the noble lustors. As a child, she was always friendly with humans and lustors alike. Her parents continued to say that she shouldn't play with them and tried to lock her away. When she became of age, she left her home and began to live in the human district, helping them out. Primary Power*: Medicinal Blood - Blood heals most wounds dealt to an individual. Inherited Power*: Adrenaline Control - Can make her adrenaline voluntary -limit: 5 minutes until she has to recharge for 25 minutes. Weapon: Great Ballista Sword (you know the bow sword in FFXIII-2? Yeah, that but a great sword and ballista) Starting Location: Human Quarter Other: She cannot cry unless something drastic occurs. Theme: Emi's Theme -Leveling System- Okay, so I want to try out a system I came up with for this. Leveling will allow your character to gain an ability from their powers. This is not limited to lustors mind you. The system works as such. level 1 = 1 post level 2 = 2 posts level 3 = 3 posts So on and so forth. Now every 5 levels, your character can give themselves one ability for either their primary or inherited power. Say my character can rip out their spine and use it as a sword, well, now said spine is made of a material harder than bone IE steel. These will have to be approved too. The cycle repeats once a character reaches that 5 levels, starting back at 1 post, 2, posts, etc. For humans that level up, it can go like this: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, etc, to the point of almost becoming super human. There are two important characters that should be known now. One is the King and the other is someone who will become more active as we go on... Spoiler: Mordecai He is ruler of the country and considered to be one of the most powerful lustor's of all time. It is currently unknown what his abilities are but they are said to be out of the norm. He keeps a close eye on the city he lives in and has a large distaste for human life. Spoiler: Arnold Chieftain The current leader of the human rebellion. He has been wanted for many years from the king and other lustors. He is currently in development of a new weapon that is said to aid humanity in the upcoming war. His ideals are that of peace among both races. He is a bit cold but honest. Myst Dr Wigglez Prince of Hearts Beucefilus Phoenix Master of Keyblades Cstar Skyheart jackdaniel0 Emi Level: 3 Post Exp: 3/4 Enhancements Kai Level: 3 Post Exp: 3/4 Enhancements Feo Level: 3 Post Exp: 1/4 Enhancements Sven Level: 6 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements 1. Bones now cost a smallish amount of blood to generate, cost is the same for retraction/detachment. Hunter Level: 5 Post Exp: 0/1 Enhancements 1. Physical strength increased. Gawain Level: 4 Post Exp: 2/5 Enhancements Sasha Level: 3 Post Exp 3/4 Enhancements Maye Level: 3 Post Exp: 2/4 Enhancements Orpheus Level: 6 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements: 1. Can withdraw the blood from undead, thus rendering it unusable but quickly healing him it process. Beuceflilus Level: 5 Post Exp: 0/1 Enhancements: 1. With the organ to develop heat now being connected to his windpipe, he can potentially breathe fire. The Warden Level: 4 Post Exp: 4/5 Enhancements Jedediah Level: 2 Post Exp: 2/3 Enhancements Cierra Level: 6 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements 1. Transfer some blood directly into the chains heating them almost instantly and they can reach the same temperature as her blood, boiling point. (100C) Not hot enough to melt anything but would leave severe burns. Gwen Level: 4 Post Exp: 4/5 Enhancements Kasen Level: 3 Post Exp: 0/4 Enhancements Ace Level: 1 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements Vera Level: 1 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements Rozen Level: 0 Post Exp: 0/1 Enhancements Charloette Level: 3 Post Exp: 0/4 Enhancements Gale Level: 1 Post Exp 0/2 Enhancements Poke Level: 1 Post Exp: 1/2 Enhancements
My vote is going to have to go to Beuce. Multiple reasons for this. 1. His contribution to the RP over the month was remarkable... and I love my umbrella. 2. I know he played a huge part on what would happen for the boss fight in Camelot and it worked very well. 3. C'mon, he just makes us all laugh. Being able to enjoy every post he makes is something that isn't an easy feat. 4. It's Beuce.
Eon stared at Karina as she had her break down. "That's my wife for you, angry but truthful... I've missed it." Eon was smiling at her. It felt like old times. He'd go comfort her later about the matter, first though, the kids needed to be dealt with. Eon punched both Dawn and Anta on the head. It wasn't a hard punch, it was light and mostly just a love tap to hurt a little. "C'mon, Anta. You know that I'm grateful that you've been with Dawn over the years, but think about it, she's only 14 and still has a few years until she's ready. I had the same problem when I met Karina." "Ow... you didn't have to hit me or anythin. I said I wasn't ready earlier. I'm not like Anna and stupid enough to get engaged to a guy I just met. I'm waiting til I'm older and ready." "Who's An- Nevermind... Good for you Dawn. Listen, when this war is over, let's you and me go have a father daughter get together." He patted her head to rub the bruise he probably left. "Okay." She smiled back. "Well, I'm going to go calm the awakened dragon, wish me luck!" Eon ran off after Karina. He opened the door and found her, placing a hand on her shoulder giving a light smile. "Okay, I think things will be settled for now. Come on, let's have that talk you wanted." Dusk looked over to Anta. He had some things to say as well. "As much as she means to you, I would never let her get engaged to you. Not yet. I still have yet to see you prove your worth." He said angrily. "Ever since you started hanging around Dawn, she's been an entirely different person. And its not the person I would have wanted her to become."
Eon would next summon the grant and mighty Bambi! And for some reason Marahute isn't on his list of summons but is one of his summons he bought a long while ago alongside 7 Dwarves and Dumbo. He wasn't sure when or how he got this Mushu thing either. "Okay, Getting the MP recovered now. Next... Fairy godmother... After Aero."
An evil scheme had just hatched in his mind. The Colossal was a terrifying creature, one that everyone form of life in this city feared. That was a power he wished to control. The question of how was another hurdle. Now why the beast was so close was most likely caused by Damnation and his killing frenzy... a perfect opportunity presented itself due to his rage. He began to give a sinister laugh for no apparent reason towards Zylen. "I have a plan. You my friend are going to help. This will be your punishment. I need you to distract the beast long enough for me to make contact and put him to sleep." If they could put the beast to sleep, perhaps they could gain control. Damnation could run through the files of dreams of that beast's mind. If he could find its strengths, weaknesses, desires then he could gain access to the most terrifying creature known to mankind. "Let's go!" Damnation began to storm out. He had run into a quite distasteful looking woman. "Move aside, wretch!" He pushed her aside and headed outside. He had no time for small talk right now. The beast could be seen in the distance. He ordered out tosome of the random NPC mutants to gather the dead bodies on the streets and bring them to a specified location just north of the base. "Let's make you my loyal pet... I always wanted a dog." Oerva stopped talking as she heard the monster in the distance. The other two didn't seem to have any clue about who it was... no... WHAT it was. She looked over to Valinton, fear engulfed in her eyes. "I-its here... Colossal is coming... we cant go near the black market now... it'll kill us all!" She yelled the last part, trying to make it how clear of a threat this really was.
Dawn and Dusk were following behind. They were conversing about some strange x-blade that appeared in their dreams over the years. It was just odd for them to share the same dream like that. "You kids talking about the x-blade?" Eon questioned them, ease dropping on their conversation. "Yeah, Dad. We've had this dream where Dawn and I somehow forged this extremely powerful keyblade that destroyed some unknown black figure." "We also went out of control and couldn't contain the power it gave." "Probably means you cant ever wield it alone, but only together would it work. Its saying you both are at your best when together. From what I've witnessed, neither of you have fought together during our training or even in this war, why is that?" "You." Dawn said angrily. "What did I do?" "You always gave Dusk special attention. You never tried to bond with me or teach me special techniques. It was like you were never there when I need you. You abandoned me! And because of that I grew jealous of Dusk and couldn't find the ability to fight with him. Eon lowered his head, knowing her words were true. He glanced over to Dusk who he'd spent more time with. Dawn didn't know the reasons behind it. "It's not his fault." Dusk jumped in. "It's not his fault... I had a lot of trouble that you aren't aware of. The times where dad and I disappeared for a few days, it was because darkness swallowed me and I tried to kill him. After a while he tried to train me to control that darkness. I also once tried to kill you... in your sleep." "He's right. I've had to watch him closely out of fear he'd lose control and kill my daughter. It's not that I hate you, Dawn, its that I love you both so much, I don't want to see you die and your brother lose himself." Dawn was still uncertain with this. She did however catch wind of her mother and Anta's struggle. She ran over to her mother and grabbed onto her. "Please stop!" She exclaimed. "I know that you're angry, and you're right... I'm too young to be thinking about things like that. I'm sorry, Anta just says some of the nicest things and he is always there to protect me when I need him most!" "Dawn's right. Whenever I was away with Dusk to assist him in his darkness issues, Dawn always wound up with Anta. Ananta was a friend of you and I so I believed she'd have been okay, guess I didn't pay much attention to their emotions... so this is partly my fault..."
The opponent had arrived. Kind of... This boss was much different then Gaston, the one expected. Eon would do the same strategy nonetheless. "I summon you, Basil! Point out the weakness of my foe!" Eon announced loudly. Basil was always going to be the first summon. Then the 3 caballeros could increase the amount of criticals. Eon mastering the summoning... turning into a little boy Yuna.
Your fear of the nether inspires me to set up an operation there and actually gather materials for others for trade. I love the nether. My only problem is the means of getting there.
HA, straight. I get it. Its funny cause he first said gay.
Jaaaaaynnnnn! I figured it out XD
Nevermind, I figured out how to do it.
Aaaand after an hour of photoshop, I manage to finish the signature and the avatar. Hopefully this will work. I love Kyoko so much.. and Sayaka......
I'm basically the same, but I'm visually impaired and live in the middle of nowhere so its all bleh! OH! That strikes. It's almost like 3 in the...
Spoiler: Character and Partner 1 Name: Red Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Red Personality: Tsundere, pervert Wish: To have a sister. Servant: Kyouko Sakura Brief Bio: Was born with 7 other brothers Code Cast 1: -Stun opponent when used vs a skill Code Cast 2: -Slightly heal your servant Name: Kyouko Sakura Age: 13-14 (estimated) Appearance: Kyoko Personality: here Originally from: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Class: Lancer Background: ^ Wish: To erase the wrong she's done to her father. Noble Phantasm: After Image Master: Red Additional Info: Hardest CS I've ever had to create Spoiler: Character and Partner 2 Name: Xenon Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Xenon Personality: An honest, warm heart person. He is bright as well, the only thing he lacks is common sense and cant really read subtext. Wish: World Peace Servant: Serah Farron Brief Bio: Lived a normal happy life. His mother was always supportive and his father assisted him through much of his school career. He was taught that everyone in the world has something good about them. Code Cast 1: -Slightly lower your opponent's strength Code Cast 2: -slightly lower your opponent's magic Name: Serah Farron Age: 21 Appearance: Serah Personality: [/url='http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Serah_Farron'] here [/url] Originally from: Final Fantasy XIII Class: Archer Background: ^ Wish: For a better future Noble Phantasm: Ultima Arrow Master: Xenon Additional Info: Serah from XIII-2 Spoiler: Character and Partner 3 Name: Keiko Age: 8 Gender: Female Appearance: Keiko Personality: Easily frightened, sad, belief the world is out to get her. Wish: For her parents to be brought back to life Servant: Kirito Brief Bio: She was a normal girl living a normal life until a year ago when her parents died in a fatal car crash from a drunk driver. Now she believes humanity is full of hate. Code Cast 1: -Slightly restore your servant's mp Code Cast 2: -Slightly Raise your servant's strength Name: Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya Age: 16 Appearance: Kirito Personality: here Originally from: Sword Art Online Class: Saber Background: ^ Wish: To be with Asuna again Noble Phantasm: Duel Wield Master: Keiko Additional Info: N/A "I call upon thee in the name of the holy grail! If thou dost abide by this will and reason, answer me"