OOPS! I saw this and thought I replied to it. My bad. Anyway, welcome aboard King Arthu- I mean Charloette.
I was going to point this out but I am so glad someone else actually knows some Shakespearean other than myself.
Disney has some great villains... and some are really really dark. I guess I cant really say this is your favorite villain more as favorite antagonist because really, is Gaston that bad of a guy? Is he really a villain? SO what is your favorite Disney ANTAGONIST? Mine personally is Hades. I actually really love Hades. He's sarcastic beyond all "hell." Do you know how much he has to put up with in Hercules? I feel more bad for him then I do any other character. And James Woods makes for a really really good bad guy.
So Naruto is about over. The manga has only a few more chapters to go and as such its come to the point where we almost know everything about the characters to share who we love, who we hate, and all that jazz. As such, what is your favorite character? Mine is probably Madara Uchiha. After reading the manga and coming to understand his past and his desires, I really love his character. Sure he is a bad guy and everything, but he is a damn good bad guy. His abilities are pretty badass too and the more I read I am just concerned to how the hell he can be beaten? Anyway, Madara OP favorite character. Done.
Eon looked over to a very hurt Krowley. "Cure." He said, pointing his keyblade at Krowley. They needed to kill the damn thing already.
I have to pick only 5? This is gonna be more difficult then you think... 1. Yu Yu Hakusho - I watched this anime as a child all the way through. You'd think its dark aura and other suggestive themes would taint my innocence but I was so young I never caught on. After rewatching it years later, I had the sense of nostalgia with the added understanding of what was actually going on. I love the battle scenes, the characters are just beyond likable, every arc leaves me wanting more, and I just love the idea as a whole. 2. Madoka Magica - I'm kind of a sucker for cute girls with magical powers running around blowing everything up. That wasn't really what I got when I watched Madoka. Watching the anime for the first time left me in a mind boggling what the fu*k sensation. The series has characters that I feel attached to thinking back on it has a really well done plot... I'm still furious with Rebellion's cliff hanger, but at least I get more Madoka. 3. Sword Art Online - I know a lot of people either love it or hate it; I love it. Its the concept that mostly gets to me. My only issues were the fan service that was put in. I'd rather them take the fanservice out, make the anime have a 16.5 OVA and then call it a day. Regardless, I enjoyed the adventure of Kirito going off on his grand VRMMORPG quest. The concept of love conquers all hits real hard for me ya know? 4. Little Busters - THE FEELS! An anime that has made me emotionally traumatized from all of the crap that happens to the characters. I love each and every character. The story is near flawless, I'd like to have this anime on a higher spot, but I just admire other animes so much more for little things. Oh, and the dub is really really bad. 5. Magical Lyrical Nanoha - Props to DarkTraitor for showing me this one. Ah the story is just wonderful. The characters have depth. The universe and idea of multi-universe theory that is put into play is well done which I find is a hard concept to achieve. The manga is pretty good too, actually is one of the very few anime's I went back and read the manga for. Other notable animes aaaaare Angel Beats Death Note Zatch Bell Claymore Fullmetal Alchemist (NOT BROTHERHOOD) Soul Eater One Piece Spice and Wolf Symphogear Medaka Box
Man this one is tough since there is just such a wide arrange of characters. Most attractive: Vivi Most badass: Zoro Overall favorite: Luffy This is probably the only mainstream anime where I actually really really like the main character all around. I'm not much a fan of Ichigo from Bleach, I cant really stand Naruto himself, and there are just so many better characters in DBZ than Goku. Luffy however makes me laugh, makes me cry, has a really good code that he actually honors 100% of the time and I admire that.
I haven't necessarily finished Fairy Tail part 1 yet (like 20 episodes away) but thus far I can give a list of who I do like in what category. Most attractive: Levy Most badass: Gray Overall favorite: Mystogan/ Jellal. (counting both the Edolas and Eathland person)
Someone apparently leaked the list on what games are going to be shown at this years E3. I'm skeptical myself since I thought Nintendo said they weren't going to be doing E3 anymore yet they are on this list. Either way, its fun to predict if they are true or not. Microsoft Conference: Beyond Good & Evil 2 gameplay for Xbox One DirectX 12 trailer for Xbox One Fable Legends gameplay for Xbox One Forza Horizon 2 gameplay for Xbox One Gears of War 4 gameplay for Xbox One Halo 5 tech demo for Xbox One Kinect TV & Shows trailer for Xbox One Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare gameplay for Xbox One Quantum Break gameplay for Xbox One Star Wars: Battlefront III gameplay for Xbox One Titanfall DLC gameplay for Xbox One Microsoft Show Floor: Dragon Age: Inquisition (Xbox One) EA Sports UFC (Xbox One) Fable Legends (Xbox One) FIFA 15 (Xbox 360/One) Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One) Killer Instinct (Xbox One) Madden NFL 15 (Xbox One) Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (Xbox One) NHL 15 (Xbox 360/One) Project Spark (Xbox One) Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One) Quantum Break (Xbox One) Sony Conference: Destiny gameplay for PS4 DriveClub trailer for PS4 God of War 4 CGI for PS4 Indie Games trailer for PS3/PS4/Vita inFamous: Second Son DLC gameplay for PS4 The Order: 1886 gameplay for PS4 Uncharted 4: The Sunken Blade tech demo for PS4 Watch_Dogs gameplay for PS4 Sony Show Floor: Alien: Isolation (PS3/PS4) Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) Destiny (PS4) Disgaea 4 (Vita) DriveClub (PS4) EverQuest Next (PS4) Hatsune Miku - Project DIVA - F 2nd (Vita) Lords of the Fallen (PS4) Natural Doctrine (Vita) Planetside 2 (PS4) The Order: 1886 (PS4) Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS3) Watch_Dogs (PS4) Nintendo Show Floor: Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2 (3DS) Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate (3DS) Pokken FIghters (Wii U) Sonic Boom (3DS/Wii U) Super Smash Bros. U (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. 3D (3DS) Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS) The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare (Wii U) Xenogears: Origins (Wii U) - Source
Let me correct you on that friend.
Can I just say I love this song over most from the series? I want to dance to this song with my future wife during my future wedding. I'm not certain exactly why I like this so much, maybe its because its soothing and has a good feel to it?
Eon took the slap and only looked at her in shock. He sighed and brought her in, holding onto her tightly. "I thought we went over this Karina. I vowed to protect you against anyone who dared try and hurt you. That included your own family. I myself am still unaware of how you were revived... but I am probably at fault.' He looked over at Ananta and nodded back to her. It was best she leave the two of them alone. If things were going to get worse, he'd rely on his friend to help Karina. "Now for being a mother, from what I have seen in the few hours of seeing you again, you've been more motherly and sweet towards them then I imagined you'd be. You're a great woman and a great mother. Now stop worrying over the past! We need to fight for our children so they can actually have a future. If you weren't here, I'd be afraid that we would lose this battle and the entire universe would be destroyed. Have faith in yourself, my love." Dawn looked back at Dusk and then to Anta. "You both think... I've changed? And it sounds like neither of you like who I've become over the years." She lowered her head, walked to the corner, and sat down. Maybe they are right. I have become more emotional over the years. I'm not the same girl I was... Mom... What is the change? "Dawn I--" "Just shut up, Dusk. Leave me alone for a while." "... We should go, Anta." Dusk walked off to one of the other rooms. Maybe I was too harsh. "Anta.. I'm sorry for what I said. I was just angry and being stupid."
Not wanting to use anymore MP then necessary, Eon reached for his Potion and used it on himself to recover some HP. The dang boss really wanted him dead apparently. @~Phoenix~
Well hello there Cstar. Both look good to me. And I actually find it sad if people have to look up what a rapier is...
http://kh-vids.net/threads/bloodlust-ooc.145875/ OOC here The year is 1500 A.D. The evolved form of humans known as lustors has come into power and is now the dominant species. Currently the King known as Mordecai has begun making preparations on the H.E.P. (Human Enslavement Plan). Although lustors believe humans to be now a species longing for death, there is a simple reason why they wish not to kill them off just yet. Human blood is by far the most tasteful of organisms. Modecai now wishes to enslave the human race to harvest their blood plasma. Preparations are under way. While this all is going on however, the humans within the city have begun to fear leaving the district they call home. One wrong step and it could be their last. There is hope however. A group known as Humanities Life has come to begin a counterattack. An inversion said to be fueled by iron but strike like lightning. Silence and deadlock is the only thing going on right now... or so was thought... Within his lonely prison cell Kai began to wonder if there was really any hope left in the world. His eyes drifted towards the bars that had kept him imprisoned. Two guards stood outside of his cell, waiting for orders to bring him to his execution. First his mother and father, and now him. All they did was say the methods the king was using were wrong. They only wanted peace. Was that so wrong. Another guard came over to his cell. They were short and had a Greatsword on their back. "His Majesty says its time. Open his cell." The voice came out of a woman. The two guards looked at each other and opened the cell. "Okay, brat, its time for you to g-" He stopped talking being that he had now been stabbed his the chest by the person behind him. The greatsword left his body leaving the other guard confused, raising his weapon to counter, however the girl dodged quickly and launched another blow onto him. The woman removed her helm and looked toward the boy. "Okay kid. We need to get out of here. I'm sure more guards will be on their way now." She stated in a much lighter tone. This was her original voice. "Ugh... right!" They both ran out of the cell and through the hall, the guards running at them. Kai looked back and saw them. He turned around and pointed both of his index fingers, which was followed by a loud gunshot sound. The bullets from his finger tips pierced through their armor and into their chests. The girl looked back and saw the events. "So you're a lustor huh? What is that ******* doing killing off his own kind now? I swear he is insane. Dammit Mordecai!" She yelled out as the two continued to run through the castle. Eventually they would reach the exit. The guards there tried to attack them as well however the girl managed to stab them with her sword. Minutes later they came to a market area within the Lustor District. The boy caught his breath and looked up at the girl. "Thanks for saving me ma'am." "Of course! I was mainly in there for gathering intelligence, but I saw you trapped in there which I thought was odd. I can never let a child suffer in prison. I'm Emi by the way." She smiled. "I'm Kai... It's nice to meet you, Emi." "Well, now that that's out of the way, I think its time we get you back home." "I don't have a home anymore." His head moved to the ground as some tears began to leak out. "O-Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't know... Well, how about you come back with me to the human district. I'm currently living there and helping protect my friends over there. I'm sure H.H. will gladly take you in." "Okay."
Aight, need to make one other character for now. Also, updated the Main Post. Going to be writing the OP now. Username: Myst Character Name: Kai Jusei Age: 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Kai Bio: He was born in the lustor community but has seen the wrong that they have don. He has sided with humans after Mordecai killed his parents for speaking out against the kingdom. He is currently locked away in the castle awaiting execution. Primary Power*: Bloodshot - His finger tips are made of solid blood. They are connected to his lungs which store air pressure for when he needs to shoot them like bullets. Inherited Power*: Venom - His blood -limit - he only has 8 shots a day, one for each finger. Weapon: None. Starting Location: Castle Mordecai Other: Theme: Theme Accepted oh wonderful beucetiful person
You can try... but every time I spawn now, Zombie Pigman's slaughter me in an instant.
I have a lil bit of a problem. I currently am in the Nether and if I die, my spawn location is in said nether. This would normally be okay... if the nether portal was close to me, which it is not. In fact, I haven't been able to find it at all. So if maybe I could get TP'd out of said hell and back to the main world and get my spawn glitch fixed, I would be very thankful.
[/Spoiler] All accepted. MoK using the electric idea I, Wigglez, and Beuce were talkin about. Thumbs up.[/spoiler]
K... point proven, albeit it is just a darker tone and has a few more lines on its back. I'm not sure that's enough of a change to call in Mega... Before I forget... There is one thing about Ruby and Sapphire remakes that makes me even more pumped now that I remember. POKEMON CONTESTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!