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  1. Mysty
    I knew what I did and I knew what would be the result. I personally found the 2nd half of SAO better then the first. But I apparently am politically incorrect with everyone in the spam zone. I have come to accept this.
    Post by: Mysty, May 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mysty
    SAO > .hack

    Post by: Mysty, May 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mysty
    So I just found one of the best things ever. I'd probably post the article in here but its really long so I'll just provide the link.

    Thread by: Mysty, May 22, 2014, 70 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mysty
    Eon was seriously grooving like mad. Dodging the attacks 3 times in a row? That was some serious dance skills he got going on or it was just the luckiest thing ever, enough luck to make him be accused of being a hunter. Nonetheless, he was still untouched and the break time continued on.
    Post by: Mysty, May 21, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Mysty



    -Human District: Feo Copy 1-
    Feo rose up with his head facing the ground beneath him. His arms swayed left and right as the poison began to take effect. The only thing he could do was smile and then laugh in a demonic manner. He looked up at them, his eyes budged out. A stream of blood had come out of his mouth from the impact of the punch. "You humans are more like pigs then anything. What kind of hunter pins down his prey and leaves them? You aren't a hunter, you're a coward."

    "Maybe I should just kill myself to show you how its done. I don't mind, after all, I'm not alone. Come at me little piglet, or do you not have the balls." He purposely began to ridicule Hunter. One reason was this body was no longer usable, the second, it was just too much fun to watch the human scurry in anger like a headless ant. All humans are fools after all.

    -Lustor District: Feo Copy 2-
    He gave a sigh. "He looked over to Sven and then gave a laugh. "You think I would help those pigs? I don't kill just Lustors... I kill anything with freedom of will. You call me one of your own... but in truth you know nothing. There are demons in this world... and you're looking at one." He lifted himself up to one of the homes and stood on top.

    He watched as Orpheus counted down, his expression unchanged, almost as if he was asking for the challenge. "By the way, Orpheus, that secret entrance, well I'm afraid that it only exists for those who know where it is. Besides, the pathway between is crawling with Spiritia. Oh that's right... None of you know what those are... Hahaha."


    "That's just like her... always out for justice. It takes a truly heartfelt person to find the good in everyone they meet. Let's join her yes?" Emi held out her hand towards Kai, the invitation almost seeming mandatory.

    "Y-Yeah... sure." He took her hand as she lead the way to where Jedediah and Charolette were. Once there, Kai examined the battlefield which was just as Chieftain stated, zombies were everywhere. In the middle however there were two individuals fighting like mad. "Who is he?"

    Emi had the looked of dissatisfaction written all over her face as she saw who the man was. "That... would be Jedediah... please don't look to him as a role model..." Emi admired his courage, but sometimes he had too much and it was completely idiotic. The man also had this weird notion that he was of divine essence, as if a gift from the heavens was given to him.

    "Why is that?" Kai asked curiously as he was left in ah as the two continued to bask away at the undead. "He seems to be a really good fighter."

    "He's self righteous and a bit of a moron. No doubt I'm going to have to heal him later after all of this. The idiot should know that he couldn't do it alone. Not even the four of us combined could take out an army this big. I'd lose stamina after just 5 minutes. You could probably do some damage though."

    "No not really. I only get 8 shots a day. I've already used up 4 of them. Sorry."

    "Do you have good aim?"

    "What, why?"

    Emi rached for her back and grabbed the sword, unfolding it into a balista crossbow. "Well, we're going to help them out as much as we can!" Emi ran over to a box that was conveniently filled with large arrows. "I knew these would come in handy." She ran back with several arrows, placed one in the crossbow and let Kai fire. Before that though, she yelled out, "HEY, CHARLOETTE, MORON, WE GOT YOUR BACK!"

    He didn't question it at all and began to aim at the zombies, firing at them while Emi continued to reload it for him. One zombie down, 3 impaled together, a few more decapitated, it was doing work.
    Post by: Mysty, May 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mysty
    Eon continued to use break time since he was hit. The effect would last until then after all. Now with Base's hit, HP hault should have started and as such, they could make some more preparations for the final attacks.
    Post by: Mysty, May 19, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Mysty



    -Human District: Feo Copy 1-
    Feo smiled at the reaction he received from Hunter. Just what he expected from a human swine. Of course, next was a bit of a problem. Before he could pull back an arrow cam shooting into his shoulder. "Damn!" He cursed out before taking the tackle from Hunter.

    "Damn... you really are heavy. You must eat like a pig to way this much." He retorted back. He tried to nudge out of his grip but couldn't manage to get out. The disadvantage of being light. He had the muscle to punch and make it hurt, but his being pressed on by someone so heavy was just not expected. He probably could've gotten out if he really really wanted to, but this entire operation was meant to end this way anyway.

    "Alright, alright, you win. In the middle of the district in the square, there is a a blue tile that can be lifted and let you go into the Lustor district whenever you want."

    -Lustor District: Feo Copy 2-
    Feo looked over to Orpheus and sighed. "You have some really disobedient soldiers ya know? Here I am being a nice guy and helping you out a little. All I asked was to kill a little bit and have some fun. Such a pain. I may be able to help you a little with getting them. My other self should have told some humans exactly where a secret entrance is. Of course, I'd only be willing to tell you if your bit*es would lighten up a bit."
    Post by: Mysty, May 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
    I see the ability more as having the muscles within him to be more dense allowing for twice the norm for lifting and strength. Either way, accepted.

    Today is Saturday (for me at least since we have an Aus with us). As such, tonight I will be updating the grid.
    Post by: Mysty, May 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Mysty



    -Human District: Feo Copy 1-
    With simple ease, Feo could dodge Beuce's attack. He really wasn't the brightest of people clearly. Attacking someone who has the high ground and can levitate with a physical hand-to-hand attack never really works well for the attacker. "Humans, lustors, doesn't matter who, you're all morons. Now, seeing as one of you is brave enough to fight me and retort, I am glad to finally make some more life suffer. Squeal for me, you arrogant sow!"

    He released the air and took another breath in allowing for his levitation to regain completely. Being light now gave him an advantage with speed, as such, being the demon he was, he wouldn't play by the rules of chivalry. His first tactic was a clean cut sucker punch into Hunter's stomach. "Am I too fast for you, swine? Maybe you should stop pigging out."

    -Lustor District: Feo Copy 2-
    Now this was interesting. The general himself showing mercy by killing his own. This made Feo laugh. "I quite like you. Originally I was going to just play around with you but I think I'll give you a free one. Know that kid that escaped? Yeah, saw the whole thing from up above." His finger pointed to the sky while his eyes remained focused on the necromancer. "Some girl was with him. A lustor by the looks of it. The two are most definitely in the human district now." And they could get out soon too, that is once the other him decided to talk about the way in and out. The chaos he could stir, it just brought shivers down his spine.


    The feeling of relief began to envelope Emi. She swore that Chief was going to scold her for this one. He seemed angry but he didn't do any form of punishment... which was unlike him in her thoughts. He seemed more inspired after seeing Kai do his ability. He seemed to know more then he let on but wouldn't tell anyone. He was just such a mystery. It was hard to comprehend why everyone was so obedient with him. It was in the past now at least.

    She turned over to Kai and smiled. "Looks like you're in, kid. By the way, this or Loette. She's one of the few people here that is actually really kind to our kind." She tried to introduce the two, just so the boy could have more comfort around others within the HQ.

    However, before this Kai was deep in thought about what was going on. He was confused about it all, but this made sense since he was only 10 and couldn't comprehend much. He wanted to apologize to the woman for his outburst, but before he could, the two left only to be followed by a girl with purple hair that they all seemed to ignore incredibly.

    The sound of Emi's voice jolted him back into his sense as she introduced her to the human girl. "Oh, um. Hello ma'am. I'm Kai... It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand to be more proper.
    Post by: Mysty, May 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Mysty
    Accepting what could be one of the most broken primary powers.
    Post by: Mysty, May 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Mysty



    -Human District: Feo Copy 1-
    The boy sat on top of the wall watching at the undead began to swarm around. "How wonderful, starving the humans to death, but that makes for so little blood splatter, I want physical wounds. I know, we'll play a game with some of them!" He leaped down from the wall, inhaling at the right moment to stop his momentum from causing him to splatter over the ground himself. Lucky for him, he happened to be right next to a lovely couple known as Gwen and Hunter.

    "Now now love birds. You both seem like the types to hate being trapped. What if I told you there is a secret underground route that connects the districts?" He gave a dark grin as he looked at them both. "I might be willing to tell you if you can beat me in a fight. 2 on 1 is fair seeing as you are just simple little human pigs."

    -Lustor District: Feo Copy 2-
    "The plan was for me to go to the human district and myself to go to the lustor district. Lets stir up trouble!" Feo was now by Orpheus, Sven, and company. There were more lustors around as well that were weak and unimportant. He grabbed his claws and began to slash at the innocence, trying to drive the more important characters attention. "That's right, scream for me. Don't worry though, I will let you live, just to hear your agony and terror. Hahaha!"
    Post by: Mysty, May 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Mysty
    Eon needed a break from all this incoming damaging, and the others need some healing. As such, Eon used Break Time.
    Post by: Mysty, May 16, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Mysty



    Emi gave an awkward smile towards Charloette. The girl had a lot of energy that was for sure. A light chuckle came with the smile, her eyes shut trying to avoid the embarrassment. "You sure are in a good mood today Loette." She stated towards the girls reaction. "Thanks for the offer, let's go find hi-"

    The conversation between this Hunter and Gwen began to throw Kai into frustration. How could they talk about such things so casually? The people they killed might have been different then them, but was that really a reason to go out and kill them, for joy? These two might have been humans, but to any normal person, they could be seen as demons. His innocence showed in that he believed all life should be treated with respect. This was a reason he hated Orpheus beyond all others.

    Kai glared at them both and aimed his middle finger at the ground between them, taking a shot and creating a loud gunshot, however people didn't know the sound so it was more like a burst of lighting to them. "How can you both sit there and say such things! You go around and kill people because they are different? You're no better then the lustors themselves! All life is precious and should be treated like such!"

    (Banner is coming I promise, just using this for the mean time)

    "You are exactly right kid." A large man standing 7 feet tall had entered the room. His dark exterior intimidated the other participants within the bar. "All life is equal and that is why this organisation was made, to preserve peace among man and lustor. However, if someone is attacked, they have the right to defend themselves. Do not forget that rights aren't easy to fight for." His attention then moved to Emi. "Emi, I know you brought him here, Why?"
    Emi jumped up in shock from the man calling her out. "Chieftain! I, well... he was locked up in one of the cells at the castle. I thought a little kid lustor being trapped was stranger so I freed him. He has a good heart!"

    "Be that as it may, you have created a large taxation among the district. As we speak, General Orpheus has sent his army of the undead to blockade this district. We will only have enough supplies for a few days... Even less for lustors that survive on blood. Mordecai wanted this boy for some reason. Now, we are going to have to retaliate in the upcoming days, however, it is important to wait it out for a bit. Project F.A. is almost complete after all."

    "I'm sorry... I didn't plan that one ahead very well at all. At least I know what Mordecai is planning at least! He plans to enslave the human race for their plasma. How he plans on doing it I don't know, but the blockade may be the first step."

    "He's growing bolder..." Arnald mumbled to himself. He looked over at Kai once more. "I see you have a unique ability. Do it one more time for me, this time however, remove your sleeve."

    Kai blinked and did as he was told. The sleeve was pulled back and veins were popping out. They were the air pumps that aloud him to shoot the blood bullets. His other hand pointed towards the ground, his middle finger extended, and he shot once more. Now he only had 4 more shots for the day. "There."

    The man began to look at the bullet left over from the shot. "I see, quite the design. This will definitely work. I appreciate this. Welcome to H.F. kid." He rose back up after examining it more and turned to Hunter and Gwen. "I ask you both refrain from anymore bloodshed for a little while. I don't wish for the lustors in the district to rebel against us in this time of crisis. I am going to be heading out now. Thanks to this child, I have a better understanding of what I am trying to achieve." He waved off and headed back out.

    The HQ remained silent...

    Side note: It is now impossible to go in and out of the human district, for now
    Post by: Mysty, May 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty
    Okay, that's much better. As he is now, its Accepted.[DOUBLEPOST=1400235930][/DOUBLEPOST]Username: Myst
    Character Name: Feo
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Feo
    Bio: A lustor who saw no joy in happiness. The only joy he received was from the displeasure of others. The people who tried to become friends with him... killed. His parents that loved him so much... killed. Those that could laugh... killed. Blood had been spilled onto his hands. Some who heard his name knew what he was, a demon. Not a lustor, not a human, but a being who only wished for the extinction of all life for his simple laughter. Now, a war is coming and he only wishes to make it move along quicker. He decides to aid each side to make the upcoming battle even more bloody then it would be originally.
    Primary Power*: Mitosis - The ability to split one's self into multiple projections. At this current time he can only split himself into 2 beings
    Inherited Power*: Reverse Triple-Alpha- The ability to convert Carbon molecules into Helium molecules at will allowing Flight to be achieved.
    -limit: Cannot breathe during Reverse Triple-Alpha.
    Weapon: Claws
    Starting Location: Both the Human and Lustor districts.
    Other: Can hold his breath for about two minutes.
    Theme: Theme
    Post by: Mysty, May 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty
    Multiple issues here:

    Primary Power - I'm all good for him having the ability to excrete gas and solidify it, however being able to force it to explode through sheet will power and mind control is a big no. Controlling the explosion's direction is a no too. It exploding is okay because there are some materials that do explode from extreme sudden pressure, but it would have to be manually achieved by either punching it or throwing it.

    Secondary Power - The kind of recovery is fine but the time isn't. Minutes no, hour/hours yes.

    -limit - not sure if you want to change it according to the above information or not.[DOUBLEPOST=1400192592][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Human it is! If you need help with powers, please ask me for assistance, I'm always willing.
    Post by: Mysty, May 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty



    Gwen's words had struck a nerve. Emi hated being called short. It was true, but it was the fact because of her height that she was treated like a child. She was almost of age and she wanted to be treated like one of the adults already. She had enough annoyance with her own family looking down on her, literally.

    "I'm not that short, wench!" She yelled back at her. She loved everyone in the HFHQ, but some of them new how to tick her off. "That's Gwen by the way, don't pay her any mind if she starts getting angry at you." The girl completely ignored the other things Gwen said. She didn't really care because after all, if someone is in need and is willing to fight for freedom, they should join and aid them in the upcoming war.

    The boy walked over and nodded at Gwen. "An interesting mixture you have, here.." Kai gave himself a light cut to bleed out some. He poured the drop into the mixture. "My blood apparently is toxic. It should help you kill whatever it is quicker and less painfully." He was trying to mingle. He figured this was going to end up being his new home now so why not try and get along.

    "You got guts, kid. I guess I'll just try to dig some dirt on where Chief is." Emi walked over to the bar and sat down. "Rabbit please." She tossed out a coin in exchange for a cup filled with dark red blood. Rabbit blood to be precise. It was a human district, but the HQ was lucky enough to get the blood for the game that some of the humans hunted. She drank from the glass and looked over to anyone else who was there now. "Any of you guys seen Chief, I gotta talk to him about the new kid."
    Post by: Mysty, May 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty
    Her primary power seems too magical. The limit also doesn't par with either primary or inherited power. As it is, not approved until edited.
    Post by: Mysty, May 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty
    Post by: Mysty, May 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mysty

    Spirox War

    "I know what I said." Damnation yelled back to Zylen. "The big lug here though was a lot easier to reach then I originally anticipated." He continued to hold on as the large beast tried to shake him off. It was almost humerus that he couldn't reach he or Zylen. All that muscle just proved to be a downfall. Now what do you do when I dog decides to struggle, you give them a light punishment and command them to stop, then pamper them with some attention and a reward of good effort.

    The positive of his mutation was Damnation had become incredibly light which made him very quick. He moved over to the pile of corpses and grabbed several of them, only to end up back on Colossian's shoulder. "If you be a good boy, I'll give you your food back." His voice rose in pitch. Damnation was seriously treating this mutant like an animal.

    "Zylen, I seem to have control of the situation. While I am taking care of Col over here, stand guard at the Market. I have a feeling there is going to be an infiltration. That confused man was most likely a mere distraction. Oh, and congratulations on your promotion." Damnation ordered. Zylen had just replaced Valinton. Zylen was a loyal minion after all.
    Post by: Mysty, May 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mysty


    Within the Castle, guards had come to notify the king of the resent escape. "Resistance from my own brethren? Humans really will be the end of us. Tell Orpheus to search the entire city, however, be sure to thoroughly guard the human district. It's time we take a much more drastic approach. We'll starve them until they surrender to us." And with that, Mordecai sent off the guard to tell Orpheus the order.



    "Well, welcome to H.F.H.Q." The small girl joyful stated as she walked unto the room alongside Kai. "A few of us are lustors but most of the people here are human. They believe we can coexist and as such, we fight for the future."

    "R-right. I think it would be good if we all could join forces too... its just the king has other plans and from what I've heard, he is strong and has one of the more powerful lustor's backing him up." He sighed, losing confidence in the future that was ahead. At least for now, they had a chance at least. With him gone, the King was sure to grow irritated.

    "Mind if I ask you why you were locked away by the way?" Her face had been forced into his without any concern for personal boundaries. That was just like Emi, a little lack of common sense and personal space. She didn't know any better. She was raised to be proper but decided against it once she left home. This was who she way and no one was going to change her.

    "Well, my parents spoke out against the kings ideals and as such they were killed, he locked me away calling me an insipid poison on all life."

    "He killed your folks!? I didn't think he would kill his own kind but knowing the scumbag he is, I guess it only makes sense. Sorry to hear that, Kai. We're family here though and we'll make sure you're taken care of. None of us think you're a poison, okay?" She patted his head and gave him a light smile.

    Kai looked at her. They were the same height so it wasn't much of an issue. The girl was really really short after all. He honestly thought she was around his age, but he didn't know the truth that she was actually 16. "So where is the leader? Don't I have to be accepted?"

    "Hmm. Good question. Usually Chieftain is around checking up on stuff. He must be down workin' on his super secret project or somethin'." She looked over to the other people within the HQ. "HEY, ANYONE SEEN CHIEFTAIN!?" She yelled aloud to get their attention.
    Post by: Mysty, May 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home