Search Results

  1. Mysty
    Trailer looked pretty. I'm excite. Still wish we knew a bit more? Battle Frontier infor? Customization? I alrady know its going to be Steven as the champion, corocoro said it would be ruby and sapphires story, so sorry to say we don't get Emeralds much better story.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Mysty
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Mysty for Makaze, Jun 8, 2014
  3. Mysty
    Can I just say the remodels for May and Brendan are just beyond sexy. Like, this is beyond gorgeous. Also... Mega Sceptile has just earned its place as a permanent member on my team. Lighting Rod, HA, come at be OU tier. Sucks about the ice 4x weakness though. Anyway, I've been fangirling for the past hour about this all.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 7, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  4. Mysty
  5. Mysty
    The cake is a lie
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mysty
    So I know some people might not know so just to say it. Ike was confirmed a little while ago.

    Also, I really want DeMille in the next smash bros. Who is he? Look up the game Tomato Adventure
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Mysty
    Oh, if this poll was still open I would've voted for Hyperdimension Neptunia. Oh well.
    Post by: Mysty, May 31, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  8. Mysty
    I prefer to watch things in sub if I don't own it, then I prfer the dub version, only if its decent however.

    anime's that I prefer dub however is simple and clean.

    Dragon Ball Z - for obvious reasons
    Yu Yu Hakusho - I just think they did a fantastic job with the voice acting and the voices actually match unlike their sub counter parts.

    Post by: Mysty, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mysty
  10. Mysty
  11. Mysty
  12. Mysty
  13. Mysty
    Ananta - ★★★★★★★★
    Base - ★★★★
    Beuce - ★★
    Cat - ★★★★★
    D'daear - ★
    Etrius - ★★★
    Glen - ★★
    Karina - ★★★★★★★
    Kross - ★★★★★
    Krowley - ★
    Luna - ★
    Steel - ★★★
    Post by: Mysty, May 29, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  14. Mysty
    Love it. Accepted. You don't have to limit yourself so much by the way. There only needs to be one limit meaning either A. the weight doesn't really affect him, or B. He doesn't deteriorate from vibration. You can still have both, just want to say you don't have to.
    Post by: Mysty, May 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mysty
    Currently working on a Fairy Tail turn base RP with a system much like that of Kingdom Hearts SOS. There won't be classes but there will be stats that a player must sacrifice and give up before joining to determine growth. Basic stats will be used such as Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, and Strength and as would be obvious, HP and MP.

    Some issues come to mind with this that I am working out. The major issue is the selection of magic. I want there to be free reign on magic which means more freedom of course, but with that kind of freedom comes the ability to god mod with OP spells for bosses. I am either going to let the player tell me the magic and what they remotely want and then I can try to balance it out, but this method may prove taxing. Another method is to abandon some freedom by choosing classes that I still need to develop.

    The RP will take place in the future, far enough to where characters from the manga/ anime are dead now. There will be missions on the commission board that players can make teams and go to with important plot devices working their ways into them as well as in between phases.

    RP is going to be called Fairy Tail: War on Nirvana
    Post by: Mysty, May 28, 2014 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  16. Mysty



    The white haired girl sighed in relief. The block head saw that this was going nowhere after all. She equipped the Balistasword and ran over to the two. "Alright, while I treat this idiot for his wounds, Charloette, if you have any wounds please let me know now." Emi reached for her pocket to reveal a small pocket knife.

    "What are you going to do?" Kai questioned her still unaware of her ability to heal injuries. He also grew concerned that she held out a knife.

    Emi nicked her wrist and drew blood. "You're not the brightest for jumping off the wall. You're lucky you can turn off your reflexes or you'd have felt both of your legs being broken." She rose his pants from the ankle and threw her knife into each leg, only to end with her inserting some of her own blood. The treatment would be quick and effective. Within no time at all, his bones should have been healed and the knife wounds fully sewn together by new muscle and skin.

    Kai's expression was that of shock. This girl could heal mostly anything it seemed. That means if he shot someone by accident, she could surely heal them right? If they were enemies, he would be in some serious trouble. "Oh." was all he could say about this current situation.


    Feo came falling from the sky slowly as he adjusted the molecules in him to let it be a smooth landing. He landed next to two people, a man and woman. He didn't really care who they were nor did he really take any notice. The body left over was filled with arrows. Enough time had pass since the bodies death to indicate the ability to split again. It was going to be another painful experience once again.

    He began to scream his skin stretched out allowing for the birth of another. Once the process finished, he nodded at the other self he just cloned. "Meet the pigs at the blue tile. Oh, remember, flee if you know who shows up. It would be bad to be exposed after all."

    "I know I know. We are one in the same after all. There kind makes me puke anyway. What are you going to do?"

    "If you didn't already know. We share a consciousness after all. I'll end up either killing innocent bystanders or gathering intel on the king. We are here after all for Him."

    "Right. Well, I'm off." The Feo copy flew away to meet the humans at the blue tile his previous self had once talked about.
    Post by: Mysty, May 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mysty

    Spirox War


    The beast's reaction to Damnation was to be expected. It clearly would involve an inception to its mind to allow for better control. However, time was his enemy right now, and the dawn of death was among him. The sun's rays could be seen from the distance, creating an evil aura of light in the horizon. As Damnation leaped off of Colossian whenever he attempted to crush him, he began to speed off towards the Underground Hideout...

    No... That was a bad idea actually. Right now he has a lot of people pissed off about the situation at hand right now. It was best for him to remain hidden in the darkness beyond people's reach. He headed towards a manhole that was conveniently open for him to go within. Once within the sewer line, he journeyed further into the abyss of darkness fecal matter. The stench was atrocious, but not horrid enough to become incapacitated. Once he found a nice remote location, he folded his arms and slumped into a ball like shape.

    Once before making his journey into the realm of dreams, he grabbed a phone that was adequate for someone that had claws because otherwise he would crush it. He typed in the number for the girl named Pele. Doku clearly had now become an irritation and would no longer be aloud within the mafia. In fact, she'd now become a number one target alongside Valinton.

    "Pele, Valinton and Doku are now traitors. You and Zylen are now my two mafia heads. I'm going into hding for a while." He text to her and then drifted into a deep sleep to recover his injuries and stamina.


    Celsius heard the alarm clock and shuffled in bed. It took her a few minutes to get herself up and hit the button. Her eyes drooped and some saliva was still on her chin, seeping from her mouth. "Ugh, morning already..." She sighed. The girl didn't really like mornings too much and had a very tough time waking up. She stripped down and went to take a shower, only to freeze the water that came into contact with her skin. She shed it off and aloud the steam to melt it. It was more difficult to take showers when your an ice queen.

    Once that was finished, she put on her normal attire and grabbed some extra cash. She headed out into the spirox district with hope that today was going to be golden. The question was, what to do? She would just wonder around until something popped up to do.


    She had finally reached the city. She released Alpha and Beta from the storage cube who began to follow her intently. "Alright you two, only attack if I'm attacked. Otherwise, stay by my side." She ordered to the two robots who clearly obeyed. The people in town stared at her with curiosity. It wasn't everyday they saw a cyborg with robots floating around her. Zeta simply ignored this.

    She entered the shop she usually went to for parts. "Maurice, I need oil and other rare metals. I have the usual to trade." She grabbed some gold and silver from the storage cube and placed them on the table. The advantages to having a mine of her own. It was only a shame it was dry of what she needed. The man gave her what she needed and she stored in away.

    "Thank you. I shall return when needed." She now would explore the town to see if there were any other goods she could find useful within the lab. It was a vast city and she only visited every few months after all.
    Post by: Mysty, May 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Mysty
  19. Mysty

    Shiroe > kirito > tsukasa

    Not enough love for Log Horizon, goodness.
    Post by: Mysty, May 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mysty



    Kai continued to fire into the fret of zombies which seemed like an infinite number. Every time they knocked one down, it just seemed like two more came back out. Was this a waste of spears to continue lunging them into horde? "Emi, we don't seem to be getting anywhere with this onslaught. We should probably fall back.

    She rushed back over with a few more spears to fire from the Balista. "You're probably right, but that blockhead over there is kind of hard to convince..." She breathed in and tried to yell back at him, "HEY, BLOCKHEAD! GET OVER HERE AND LET ME HEAL YOU! WE'RE OUTNUMBERED!"

    "You like to yell a lot."

    "I wouldn't have to yell a lot if my friends weren't such idiots."


    -Feo Copy 1: Human District-

    As Feo was being stabbed, the only thing on his face was a large sadistic smile. The pain was good. All of it felt so refreshing. He continued to laugh at Hunter's rage. Little did he know he would only be back to haunt him once more.

    -Feo Copy 2: Lustor District-

    "Not magic, but powers of divine. It was never meant to be found by those of the living." He explained. However no matter his cause, Orpheus saw through his chaos and desired death unto him. Once the number finished, a feeling of divergence appeared once more. A feeling meaning his other half had now been swiped away. Within an instnat, he began to scream as skin was being pulled away from his face and body, his clothes somehow doing the same because anime is just that weird. Within the few moments, another body was born.

    "Look like I need a shield."
    "I'd be right."
    "Good thing I like the pain!" His face moved toward Orpheus as he said that, a dark shadow covering his eyes with the smile of masochism. The two Feo's breathed in and held their breath, beginning their ascension. With the barrage of arrows coming, Feo blocked with his other body to prevent any damage. If one survived, the cycle could continue. "See you later suckers! Have fun with the human rebellion. Their new toys should prove quite fun!"
    Post by: Mysty, May 22, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home