"Gr, fish sticks! We've been caught. This is why I hate flying things." She let Doku down and turned towards the god-damn bat man. Well fine, if the bat wanted a fight, she'd give one to him. Her cheetah mold had changed to that of a tiger, one of the most deadly felid species known currently. She'd morph into something prehistoric like before, but she was uncertain of her abilities stability for such a transformation. "C'mere little bat. This kitty wants to sick her claws into something." "Denied. He is a skillful assassin. He shall not fail." But if he did, Damnation had another set task for him to do. If he failed both, clearly there would be a debt to be paid. Bat's hate daylight, forcing him to withstand it for a set amount of time would work. He turned around and began to walk out. "Follow me if you like, I'm simply going out to kill something." He stopped and spoke to Ethel, not looking at her. Once the words finished, he headed outside into the black abyss of night.
I've been at it again. Also changed the title so I can just use one thread for my traditional art. Today I dre Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia, Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia, and Cheria Barnes from Tales og Graces all wearing Rita's attire. The other two can get her costume in the games and I thought it'd be cute to put them together in a happy setting. The original hand drawn picture. It looked so dead when I was done and I didn't really like it... but I'm glad I didn't change anything now that the final product is done. This is the final product and damn am I happy about how it came out. Only issue I hav is the hair... I'm still learning shading so its been a struggle.
9:00 P.M. - DAY 1 - 40 hours remain Mist jumped back as she heard the girl say they were dangerous. Another gasp came from when one managed to hurt the girl with green hair. Truth be told, she was terrified. All she wanted was to curl into a ball and imagine they'd all be gone. That would make them go away right? Deep inside she knew that not to be true. Her claws shined against her face, a determined look came across her face. "Must.. fight..." She muttered. She stood and sliced at one of the Blue Rhapsody. It exploded into a purple and black dust cloud, a heart leaving it into the sky above. Her eyes glittered as she saw the heart fly away. It was beautiful, more than night sky that had appeared. A voice from a distance snapped her out of the gaze. A man had been sitting along the beach earlier and now was in a full firefight. "Um... Um... Hello." She yelled back nervously. She was afraid that she may have known him before, but her mind was just so clouded right now. The little information she had was simply her name. At least Dawn was being kind and helping her little by little. A sudden urge came forth, she cast a ball of ice, which seemed only to make the creature stronger it seemed. "Don't use cold powers. They absorb it." Mist yelled out to the others. Maybe they all had the same power and didn't know this yet. She just didn't know.
I guess that could make Luffy broken, but whenever I go online, I never really see him played. I see Goku played more than anything. I did Luffy's...
However, as of now, I no longer wish to touch the game for a while. Apparently, I saved the data that had nothing on a friends PS3 and did a...
I'm not sure what you were saying, the battle system is amazing in my opinion. I mean sure, the inviolability frames might be a tad screwy but I...