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  1. Mysty
    "Oh goddess of healing, bestow upon me your righteous power and give me eternal life, Cure!"
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 24, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  2. Mysty
    Eon used attack because really there is nothing else to do.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 24, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  3. Mysty
    "Let the god of defense bless my body and give me protection... Aero!"
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 24, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  4. Mysty
    Eon was not paying much attention to the events that had transpired since leaving Beast's Castle. He was to absorbed from his own despair to notice any form of change. He only walked when needed. His attention was completely destroyed, the only thought in his mind was that to get stronger. With these three duck things appearing, one of the solutions was just ahead. A training ground meant for keyblade wielders.

    A look of determination and commitment planted itself across Eon's face as he stared down this path. "I'm going to the training grounds." He spoke aloud, not directing it towards anyone. His voice was calm and deep. He moved over to the duck named Huey, spawning his keyblade to his side.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 23, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Mysty
  6. Mysty
  7. Mysty


    OOC: Will put in banners tomorrow. Aye?

    Emi merely sighed at Jedediah's reaction. The poor fool really believed himself to be of a man of the gods. The Goddess wasn't really one to pick people for divine purposes. The worst of this was that her cover was now blown. There was no point in hiding the truth any longer. Telling them now might be better then not.

    "I guess there is no point in hiding anymore. An angel I am, but I am also a lustor. The same goes for the other side in which we call demons. You would assume Mordecai to be one, but he is not. A demon finds no in a race of dominance. They prefer to make any being of life suffer."

    "There can only be 3 demons and 3 angels in the world at one time. My brethren are spread onto the other two continents. The demons are the same. I do not know who the demon here is, but I'm certain he a power to be feared. I'd be able to recognize him or her if I saw them."

    She paused for a moment, another entering the tunnel. It was rare, but some people knew of the pathway, mostly from blind luck. After all, the only way to get into this place was to either have knowledge of it location or find it without knowing its existence. Seeing Charlotte's reaction to her however was one that needed to be dealt with.

    "Retract your hostility. Recall that the Spiritia react to internal emoti-" She stopped speaking, hearing the voices of others up ahead of them... the sounds of suffering. "Actually, we need to move... Now!" She darted ahead up to Hunter and Gwen's location. She needed to soothe the Spiritia before those two became dead themselves.

    -Feo Copy 1: Spiritia World-

    He merely laughed at the two being beaten to death by the Spiritia. It was an emotion of joy so it was clear the beings around him were more upbeat, even if the reasoning was dark. "You can try to fight them all you like... You cant kill that which has no life. The angrier you get, the more furious they will become."

    -Feo Copy 2: Wherever this alley way is-

    He looked over to him with a careless expression. "I landed here and decided to split. Is that a problem?" He questioned, unsure if this person was threatened or not. He may not have looked to terrifying, but his abilities most certainly did. Feo wasn't entirely in the mood to fight though.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Mysty
  9. Mysty
    @NikkiNoNo @Androssi @Krowley

    Now that these two have joined back, I made the gifs for the boss battles. I'm still working on yours Krowley, as well as Aden's




    Post by: Mysty, Jun 20, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Mysty
    Spending 1 point on Stamina and 2 points on Willpower.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. Mysty
    Rumbling Rose will be the keyblade I shall choose for Eon.

    I will also equip said keyblade

    I shall go and edit his page accordingly.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 18, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  12. Mysty

    All the acceptance. Sorry guys, been busy with things. Parents are leaving for a week so we've been shopping and blah.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mysty
    Updated the OC with your enhancements.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mysty
    Minutes to Midnight and A Thousand Suns were both disappoints to me, even if MtM has my favorite song of all time on it, still was a disappointment as a whole. Living Things gave me faith in them again. I haven't listened to the new album, but being that they are my favorite band, I probably will go out and buy it before listening to it.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: Music
  15. Mysty



    Time had gone by between the group of 4 who had decided it best to try and find a way out of the human district in a safe fashion. Emi had told them of a passageway she knew of for reasons that have yet to be developed. She opened the pathway to the tile and the four went within the tunnels shortly after Hunter and Gwen.

    The white haired girl turned over to Jedediah and Charloette, knowing the two would probably need more basic knowledge on what they were about to encounter.


    "Okay you two, this is important. This pathway isn't just a normal tunnel. There will be a point where the walls around you will change and the world of laws and physics becomes neigh. I'm telling you that we are about to enter the Spiritia World. The inhabitants there are the souls of neither hell nor heaven but those of neutrality. They are very susceptible to emotion and will attack if the person around them is of an aggressive nature. I know neither of you are like that and would much prefer justice. They will enjoy your company and be attracted to you, so I need to ask you to not retaliate offensively. Spirita will take the offensive and mere beings of life cant kill that which is already dead."

    Kai listened into the conversation. His mind began to think of how they would react to a child who seeked out revenge. Emi made it sound as if they only react to a persons true heart. He wasn't one who desired revenge for false reasons, but instead for his parents way to sleep in peace. Curiosity curled within him as he turned back to her. "You know a lot more then the average person, why is that?"

    She saw this coming. Not from Kai however. There was only one way she could answer him, being that she was a creature that could not lie. It wasn't that she didn't want to, she was incapable of it. One had to learn ways around it. "There are demons and angels in this world." She answered to him, not giving him a straight answer.

    He looked confused about the response. What did that even mean he wondered. Angels and demons; was she trying to imply that she was of divinity? There was no way this was true.

    The group continued on until they reached the Spiritia World. The ceiling had vanished into a black abyss above them, the walls had vanished and plains of teal grass spread across from side to side. Luckily, the path between their destinations was still clear. The creatures known as Spiritia were now visable. They were white ball like spirits with pure white eyes that began to hover over to the group, curious about the emotions they felt. They began to play around, circling them, making light happy noises from the positive energy.

    "Emi reached over for one who willingly sat upon her hair and began to try and sleep. "These are Spiritia. Perfectly harmless if you're a good person with the right intentions. I don't know whether they can remember their past life or not however. Try to play with them if you want. They'll love it." She smiled ash she rubbed her hand against the white spiritia's back, its soul cold, yet warm and smooth.


    -Feo Copy 1: Human District - New Acquaintances-

    He looked over to the people beginning to question him. There was no reason to deny what was going on. They didn't seem like the types who would attack out of pure curiosity. He needed to lay low for a little while now that his other was going to enter another world that would drain his energy trying to maintain a calm interior.

    "Yeah, I'm a lustor that can control his molecules, forcing them between carbon and helium. I also have the ability to split into two, like a cell." He reeplied to the man with a lying smile.

    -Feo Copy 2: Spirita World - Hunter and Gwen Attacked-

    Feo had waited for the two to finally come. He had calmed his emotions to make certain the creatures would not attack him. They looked over to him with glares though, knowing what he really was. Seeing the two walking in the distance he smiled and began to speak towards them.

    "Welcome to the Spiritia World, looks like the little balls aren't very happy with you. Guess that makes sense since you are kind of a meat head who likes to fight." As he said that, the Spiritia began to swarm Hunter and Gwen, attacking them at full force, pelting them as if they were rocks.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mysty
    Eon fell to the ground, his arms shaking in fear. Someone had managed to tackle his impenetrable defense... he needed to get bulkier... far more bulkier. He looked up to Aux and breathed heavy, his muscles hurting from head to toe. What kind of madness was the power of darkness? Shouldn't light triumph over dark? His darkness was just like a black hole, not even the power of their light could escape his never ending pool of heartless antics. The only thing Eon could say as he looked away from the others was one word, but that's all he needed to express the emotions of defeat before tears began to poor out his eyes "Damn!"

    This overwhelming power scared the child. Were they going to die here? Were they always set for failure? Was his escape from that hell of a home just to lead up to an ultimate demise. There was hope at the end of the tunnel for the longest time, but it was beyond misleading. Like an insect, once to close, he was zapped down, his wings cut off only to fall to the ground. The ability to fly again had been lost. Eon just wanted to curl up into a ball and cower in fear.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Mysty
    Eon followed along with everyone and did things alongside everyone else because that is what he did and he did them well and then he approached Maurice's house and this is totally a run-on sentence and you should just deal with it.

    At the sight of Aux, he summoned his keyblade. It was him, the one back in the Forest who possessed Rono to fight them. Anger built up within him. He wanted to just charge at him and make him pay for making other's suffer. "First you hurt Rono and now Eclipse. You'll pay!" He yelled, furiously.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 12, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Mysty
    So some news about the NA release came out at E3 for Hearts. It was brief... like 5 seconds brief... but its an important thing. Tales of Hearts R will be subtitled and not given and English Dubbing. I'm fine with this because I frankly like the voices in Hearts sub.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  19. Mysty

    E3 2014

    In response to that, Star Fox WiiU was announced earlier. A trailer for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Write was also shown.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Mysty
    Hidden BF and some other things. If we recall to FR/LG and HG/SS each remake had an additional area to explore that wasn't originally in the game. FR/LG made them into islands so you couldn't see them which was perfectly acceptable. I'm curious to what they will do this time around whether it be to get the other title legendary or get Gen 4/ Gen 5 title legendaries. I'm leaning towards Zekrom and Reshiram more to be honest only because in Gen 4 we got gen 3, but that in itself is not enough info to prove that it will happen. I also like to think we may get lucky and get to face N since supposively he is in Hoenn during the time between BW and BW2.
    Post by: Mysty, Jun 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming