Ok last night I got really sick.My body was hurting,everytime I would swallow it would hurt my throat.And now today I didn't go to school because I'm sick.But today I feel worse.My body still hurts,I woke up with a fever and a headache and still everytime I swallow,my throat hurts.And I'm guessing I'm getting the flu.Which I hope not because I've gotten it before and it was hell for me.So does anybody know what's wrong with me?Or if anybody can guess what I might be getting?
This is a painting I have been working on since....uhhhhh....forever.I think I started it in the beginning last year I don't remember. http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r77/vma_92/HPIM0863.jpg CnC please. P.S. There are a lot of smudges.Sorry for that.The darn brush was too big.And so I kept on looking for an even smaller ones but all of them were too big.Anyways CnC please.
Story Its been a year and a half since Organization XIII wanted Kingdom Hearts.Sora,Riku and Kairi began to feel as if they were finally having a break.And were hoping it would last.But they end up getting a letter from the king saying heartless are respawning and appearing in mainly Twilight Town and Hollow Bastion.The other worlds are fine and the people that live in those worlds can handle the heartless.So now Sora and the gang have to find out what is causing the heartless to appear all over again.But once they start finding clues on why the heartless are reappearing, nobodies are starting to appear as well.And a man is after Kairi and another princess.So now the gang have to save the worlds again. Start You can create your own character or have a character from the game.The RPG will start once somebody has Sora,Riku, and Kairi. Rules * No god modding * No Yaoi/Yuri *Hugging and kissing is fine but nothing else *No killing someone else's character without permission * Please * when ever cussing.But please try not to cuss *No text talk *Please use the form when making a character *The post must be related to the storyline.No spam *BE ACTIVE.Don't just post a character then never come back OC Form Name: Gender: Powers: Weapon: Personality: What he/she look like: Bio: How they met Sora and the others: Anything else: Played by: Taken Characters Sora-Tularim Riku-Tularim Kairi-VaKh87 Mickey-The_King Donald-Soranspartanti Goofy-Soranspartanti Leon-axel ftw Yuffie- Aerith- Cid- Merlin- Sephiroth-The_King Melificent-axel ftw Pete-The_King Cloud- OC's Name:Kaori Gender:Female Good/bad:Good Powers:Can control the stars and moon Weapon:Gunblade Personality:She is very smart.She is very secretive about her past.She is strong physically and mentally.She is very brave.She is headstrong and has a strong heart.She is very trustworthy.And she cares deaply for her friends. What he/she look like:She has brown hair side bangs to the right.Shoulder length hair,wavy and straight.She has light blue eyes.She wears a skirt,a brown turtle neck no sleeves shirt.Wears a jacket over it no sleeves.Wears boots. Bio:She became an orphan at the age of 5.She then was kidnaped by Organization XIII.They tried to turn her evil but she refused.She then escaped their grasp at the age of 7.She taught herself to fight the age of 8.She became a skilled fighter at the age of13.For her 4th birthday her mother gave her a necklace that contains a star in it.That is her most prized possession.Her parents kept the secret that she is a princess and found out when she was 14. How they met Sora and the others: She ran into Sora in Travese Town when heartless were chasing her.She then helped Sora,Donald and Goofy throughout their journey but never traveled with them.She has known Leon,Yuffie,Cid,Merlin and Aerith since birth.Her parents knew them so that's how Kaori met them.She always thought as Leon as her second father.She always thought as the others as her family.Her parents knew the king so that's how she met them.Her father knew him better than anyone.She met the king when she was 2. Anything else: Her necklace has enormous powers.It can heal the holder and give great power to it's holder.Only one with a strong heart and will can control its power. Played by: VaKh87 Name:Minuxus Gender:Girl Powers:Can summon up waves Weapons: Oathkeeper and Way to the Dawn Keyblades Personality: Cheery, but will stick up for her friends, anytime, anywhere. What she looks like: Long slver hair, wears a blue dress and brown boots. Bio: Her town was swalloed by darkness, and she was the only one who got out alive. She now hate the darkness. How she met Sora: She later went to Destiny Islands and met Sora, Riku and Kairi. She eventualy became good friends with Riku. Anything else: None. Played by: K.H.Nut13 Name: Talisxe Gender: Male Powers: Wind, Darkness Weapon: One small dirk, one short sword Personality: Serious, hates humor but can deal with it, blunt and straightfoward when speaking to someone. What he/she look like: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn261/Last_of_the_Organization/-anime-guy-1.jpg Bio: Was an apprentice nobody in training under Xemnas, after the destruction of Castle Oblivion and about half of the Organization, he was choosen to become one of the next in line to join, until Sora finished off the rest. How they met Sora and the others: Has yet to encounter. Anything else: Played by: Last of the Organization? Name: Gilxous Gender: Male Powers: Nature, Darkness Weapon: Two handed sword Personality: Inbetween talkative and quiet, says what he has on a matter and makes his opinion known, however is not forceful. What he/she look like: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn261/Last_of_the_Organization/Renji.jpg Bio: Gilxous had come in contact with Talisxe not long after becoming a nobody himself. Talisxe opened him up to the Organization and told him the history behind it. Marluxia sharing in a similiar power as Gilxous became his role model from Talisxe's stories despite the fact of never having the ability to meet him. How they met Sora and the others: Has not encountered yet. Anything else: None. Played by: Last of the Organization. Name: Jaaku Gender: Male Powers: Darkness and earth Weapon: Two swords that he has hiden in his sleeves Personality: Mean,evil and careless. What he/she look like: A black robe with long sleeves,blacks eyes and short black hair. Bio: When Organization XIII fell,he knew it would have to be him that will control Kingdom Hearts and have full darkness.When he found out that by himself he can't open Kingdom Hearts, he thought of ways to open it.He then found out that Kairi was a princess and he would use her to open Kingdom Hearts and finally have to complete power of darkness.He then found out that Kairi alone would not be able to open Kingdom Hearts,he needed another princess.That's where he found out Kaori was a princess.Two would be able to open Kingdom Hearts.Now he's after Kairi and Kaori. How they met Sora and the others: He really hasn't met them yet,he just knows about them and watches them through a cauldren he has in his castle. Anything else: None Played by: VaKh87 Name: Ryan Gender: Male Powers: Light Magic Weapon: Iron Chocobo (Keyblade) Personality: Calm and laid back normally, but can become enraged in a heartbeat. He is very sarcastic at times, but always seems to have good intentions. When he makes a friend, he will defend them with his life if need be. Appearence: Red hair, wears a black version of Mickey's outfit, like the King himself did when he served under Yen Sid. He is fairly tall for his age, around 5'10. Bio: "Huh? ...Where am I? Why does my head hurt? Wait...WHO am I?" These were the questions a 12 year old Ryan asked himself when he awoke in Disney Castle, with no memory of where he was or who he was. There was only two things he did remember: the words "Ryan", and "Keyblade". "Ryan...that must be my name. And...Keyblade...is that this strange weapon in my hand?" He was entirely confused, when King Mickey came before him. "Golly, you're finally awake! I bet you're confused, huh?" His Majesty asked. "Yes..." Ryan responded. "Welp, I'll explain!" Mickey spoke to him the next few days on and off about where he was, who he was, and why he was there. "So...this 'Yen Sid' sent me to train under you..." "Yep! You're the youngest Chosen of the Keyblade, so I'm gonna help ya!" That was the begining of Ryan's new life...he couldn't care less about his old one. How he knows others: Didn't I tell you? King Mickey took him on as an apprentice. He taught Ryan Keyblade skills and Light Magic. If Ryan proves himself, he may even become the next king of Disney Castle... Other: Ryan's weakness is his past. If anyone tries to make him remember something, it'll cause him great pain. Played by: The_King name: heero age: 15 gender: male powers: darkness,fire weapon:http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l135/The_Dark_Slave/Worriors/blood_sword.jpg personality: quiet,strong,hardly speaks,no sense of humor,is always focused appearence: with organzation cloak bio: his world was destroyed by the heartless and he lost his heart and became a heartless and a nobody.before his world was completely destroyed his heartless and nobody fought to see was the strongest,the nobody won and destroyed the heartless.even though he has no emtions he hates the heartless for destroying himself and his world. how they met sora and the others: haven't met them yet. anything else: he is curently on the world holloween town killing heartless. Note-If you do not see your character in here,it doesn't mean I didn't except you.Sometimes it doesn't always allow me to edit.Also my limit for your chose of KH characters will be up to 5.
Not that many people go on the departure lobby so I'll give the link here: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=47755 I just wanted to let you all know that's all.
Well I know I haven't been here too long but I'm going to be leaving for a little bit.Well I'm not going to be logging in as much because I have a D in geometry and I can't afford to fail that class.I need to start doing my homework and keep my head interested in that class.I have met a few people here and I'm happy that I've made friends.A few thank yous: DestinyStar:Even though I've barely met you, I still thought of you as a friend.Continue your story and I'll read it when ever I log on.I'll miss you.I give you and only you permission to use my character in your RP.When ever I log on I'll try and post something in your RP.I'll miss you. Kairi234:My number one fan.You love my story and wishes it will never end but sadly it will lol.You are a great friend and I'll work on my stories while I'm gone.I'll miss you too. ~Sasumi~:You just started on a new story with my character in it and I hope your story goes well.When ever I have time to log on I'll read it.You too want my story to be eternal but that will be hard trying to keep it going for a long time. anwita01:The lover of my metal dented bat.You have been a good friend and I thank you for that.I'll talk to you when ever I log on.Keep an eye on Saint for me lol.I'll miss you. Mexony:You always made me laugh and you loved my stories.I will try and post them when ever I have time.I loved your story "Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth" keep it up. Thalassa_Shells:Every post you put up will always make me laugh.You are hilarious and I will miss you.I do hope to come back read your funny posts lol.I'm gonna miss you. UnSaintly Saint:The person that wanted to tap me lol.I am going to miss you.You gave me advice and well I really didn't use it but I appreciated the advice. Random Angel:You are a nice person and I am going to miss you.We barely met and I do think of you as a friend.I'll miss you. Demitryx:I know we don't know each other very well but I think as we talk more we'll become friends.You are a nice person and I'm going to miss you.I'll try and log on as much as I can but I won't be on for a long time because I need to keep my head into geometry. Dmaster:Keep that Writer's Family active.I'll try and come back when my grade goes up.I know I just met you but you are becoming a friend. Soranspartanti:I was just getting to know and I'll still miss you.The story we were planning on writing together can still be on.I am going to log in and out but not as often as before. Roxma:I doubt you'll be able to read this but you are the sweetest person I've met here.And I'll miss you.You are not like other guys and I'm glad I met someone like you.In my life you are the second sweetest guy I've ever met.I'll miss you. Well I hope I didn't miss anybody.I'll try and log on when ever I can.I'll miss you all.
The day has come for you to finally see the picture of my metal dented bat.... http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r77/vma_92/03-28-08_1510.jpg You can't really see the dented parts.But it is dented in several places.
Ok my brother is a memeber of the website IGN.Then there was a thread about pokemon.My brother opened it and there was a link.And guess what the link lead to....a website about people that believe pokemon are real!!When I walked into my brother's room,just to bug him,I saw the website.But I didn't read the top.Then my brother told me to read the top of the website.I didn't even finish reading it.When I read a little part of believe I stopped reading.I justed wanted to know who else thinks this is just stupid.Oh if there are people here that DO believe this,which I hope not,I didn't mean to offend anybody.
Yeah this has got to be the one that will be really funny.But keep it PG-13 please. Well yes lets play this game.
Yesterday and today we were learning about like circles and like the center and some definitions.So while my teacher was explaining and everything he abriviated center to ctr.And when I saw that I'm like "Oh my god,ctr is taking over my geometry class."I wanted to like laugh but if I didn't because then people would think I'm weird.Haha
Ok I'm sure several of you know my current story I'm writing,My own story but you included.I know its been a while since the next part but its because of school and what not.I'll just go head and explain the story I will be writing soon: The story I will be writing about is basically like the story of Sora.But its going to have different characters.Its pretty much after Kingdom Heart II, a year later.Its about a group of three friends that are living a ordinary life.The names of the characters are Alex a 16 year old boy that is very adventurous and goes to a private school.Kaori a 16 year old girl that is very kind and generous and goes to a private school.And last but not least Chris a 17 year old teenager that is very popular at the private school he goes to with his two friends.Kaori and Chris end up dating a year ago.But their relationship didn't interfear with their friendship with Alex.Eventually Alex begins to have feeling for Kaori but doesn't tell her.During all of this Alex is having dreams about Sora.Like the adventures of Sora(pretty much the way Roxas did in the second game).Alex tells Kaori and Chris but they don't believe him.Eventually secrets begin to come out.Alex and Chris find out something about Kaori they never knew. The rest will go on once I write the story.I just hope it doesn't take me too long.Well I hope the brief explaination caught your intresets.
I'm taking my CAHSEE tomorrow(in other words High School Exit Exam)and its for the whole day...*runs around in circles crying* But I have to take it in order to get my diploma...
Is the game avaliable here in the US?Also is it in english?I really want to play this game. Sorry if I even bothered anybody with these stupid questions I just really want to know:o
I'm trying to make my very first AMV but, this is a stupid question, but where do I get the clips?I know from this website but how do I drag it into the timeline?I'm just really stuck.
Ok for everybody that had this idea before me I give them all the credit.I do have a story already The thread is I just felt like making this(I couldn't of a title)and I just added like my own character I made up.But now I have decided to make a story of Kingdom Hears but you guys can create your own character and I will add them into the story.Just fill out this: Name: Gender: Good/bad: Powers: Weapon: Personality: What he/she look like: Their story: Anything else: First one to fill this out I will start on the story. Thank you :) Chapter 1-The Beginning As Sora, Donald, and Goofy awoke from their containers, Donald looked around. "Where are we?" asked Donald. "Hm.....I don't know." said Goofy. As the three looked around, Jiminy Cricket jumped out of Sora's pocket. "Where are we?" asked Jiminy. "That's what we're trying to find out." said Sora. "Maybe we should go outside." suggested Jiminy. Sora, Donald, and Goofy nodded and headed outside. When the gang we're outside they noticed they were in the middle of a forest. And that they were in a abandon building. "How are we going to get out of this forest?" said Donald in a sad voice. As Sora looked around he saw a figure from far. The figure was walking towards the group. As the figure got closer to the group, Sora noticed it was a girl. She has tan skin, dark brown hair in a pony-tail, she has a bandage on her cheek, she is wearing grey baggy pants, a black sweater, and is wearing pyramid shaped bracelets. "Who is she?" thought Sora to himself. "Hey you." said the girl. She looked at Sora, Donald, and Goofy. She examined the three. When she was done examining them, she looked at Sora with an evil grin. “What are your names?” asked the girl. Sora, Donald, and Goofy stayed quiet, wondering who she was. “Hey, I said what are your names?” the girl asked again. But this time she seemed a bit annoyed having to repeat herself. “Oh, uh sorry, that’s Sora, he’s Donald, I’m Goofy and he’s Jiminy.” replied Goofy. The group was wondering why she kept on examining Sora. And Donald kept tapping his foot wondering why she had a pen in her mouth. “Hey why do you have a pen in your mouth?” finally asked Donald. “Why you so short?” she answered back to Donald but this time with an atittude. She finally took one last look at Sora and said. “So you’re the keyblade wielder Sora.” “How’d you know my name?” asked Sora. “Yeah and what’s your name?” asked Donald. “The names Mexony.” she replied. “Uh Sora I don’t think she means well.” said Goofy. “Yeah I think you’re right.” replied Sora. Sora, Donald, and Goofy got ready to fight just in case she were to attack. Then Mexony began to laugh. “Don’t bother trying to fight me because you won’t win.” said Mexony. “Hold it!” a young girl behind Mexony said. Mexony turned around and saw it was a young girl with short brown hair, with midnight blue eyes and is wearing skater clothes. As Mexony saw who it was she jumped onto a branch then to another branch and in second Mexony disappeared into the forest. “Are you three ok?” the girl asked the group. “Uh yeah thanks.” responded Sora. “No problem. My name is Rinn. What are your names?” said the girl. “I’m Sora.” “Donald.” “Goofy.” “Jiminy Cricket at your serves.” “So where you four heading?” asked Rinn. “Actually we just came out of the abandon building so we don’t know.” said Sora. “Well ok follow me, I’ll take you out of the forest.” replied Rinn. As Sora, Donald, and Goofy followed Rinn, not that far from them Mexony was spying on them. As she spied on them a man come up to Mexony. “I see you’re spying on them.” said the man. “What do you want Eneroc?” asked Mexony. “What I can’t come by to say hi?” said Eneroc. “Did you find her nobody?” asked Mexony. “Yeah.” replied Eneroc. “And boy was she tough to find.” Chapter 2-Mysterious Girl As the group walked through the forest, Donald and Goofy couldn't help but feel that they were being watched. Sora was right beside Rinn. "So Rinn where you taking us?" asked Sora. "There's a city right outside of the forest." replied Rinn. "Really." said Sora. "Yup. And that's where I live. I have a hideout there so you guys can stay there when ever you want." said Rinn. As the group continued to walk through the forest, Goofy noticed a young girl behind a bush. She has very dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and pale tan skin. "Uh Sora." said Goofy. But when Goofy turned to call Sora and turned back around, the girl was gone. "Hmm.....I wonder who that girl was." thought Goofy to himself. "Goofy, catch up!" yelled out Donald. As Goofy ran towards the others, the girl was looking down from a tree. She was looking down at Sora. Chapter 3-A New Enemy The group finally arrived at Rinn's hideout. When they arrived, Goofy was still thinking about that girl he saw. "Welcome to my hideout." said Rinn."Make yourselves at home." "Goofy you ok?" asked Sora. "Sorry Sora, its just that while we were walking through the forest, I saw a girl." said Goofy. "Really, what did she look like?" asked Sora. "Well she had very dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and pale tan skin." replied Goofy. "Did she need help? Like was she in trouble or something?" asked Sora. "Well no. But when I called you and turned back around she was gone." said Goofy. "Maybe you were seeing things." suggested Donald. As the three continued to talk, Rinn came in. "Hey you guys wanna go walk around the city?" asked Rinn. "Sure." responded Sora. The group headed out the door. While they were out, they got ice cream, something to eat and got to know Rinn. While they were out, Donald noticed a man leaning against a wall. He has grey hair, white skin, he is wearing a black coat, and is wearing an earring. "Sora look." said Donald pointing. "Who is he?" asked Sora. "I've never seen him around. Maybe he's new." said Rinn."Hey lets go say hi." Rinn went running to the mysterious man. So Sora, Donald, and Goofy followed her. "Hi, I'm Rinn. And these are my friends Sora, Donald, and Goofy." said Rinn. The man lifted his head and looked at Rinn for a few seconds, then lowered his head again. "What's your name?" asked Rinn."Are you new? Because if you are I can show you around if you want." suggested Rinn. "Leave now or else." the man threaten still with his head facing down. "Come on I'll give you a tour of the city." Rinn kept in suggesting. "Rinn kept on bothering the man. Finally he stood up straight looking at Rinn with a serious face. "I warned you now you will suffer the consequences." threaten the man. He then took out a card that had the color red and the word fire. "Is that your weapon?" asked Rinn,"Because if it is.....wow, what a threat." Rinn began to laugh. Then Sora began to noticed that the man wasn't joking. "Um Rinn....." said Sora. "Not now Sora." replied Rinn laughing. Finally the man through the card at Donald. And as soon as it hit the ground it became fire. Donald jumped onto Goofy. Donald was lucky enough to have dodge it. Rinn stopped laughing. "Um I was kidding. You know a joke." said Rinn scared. He took out another card that had the same thing. This time he took out 5 cards that were fire. The cards became fire in his hands and through them at the group. Before it hit the group a mysterious girl came out of nowhere and threw water at the flaming cards. The group opened their eyes and Goofy recognized her. "Sora that's the girl I saw in the forest." said Goofy. The man didn't want to waste his time so he turned around and walked away. The girl stayed there for a few seconds. "Thank you." said Sora."Who are-" Before Sora can finish, she left running. "Hey wait!" yelled out Sora. But she didn't stop. The group just stayed at that spot for a few seconds and left to the hideout. Chapter 4-Sora's New Crush Rinn, Donald, and Goofy were inside the hideout while Sora was outside in front of the hideout. He was looking out at the sea. He was wondering who that girl was. "Why did she save us and then just leave?" Sora thought to himself. As he thought, he heard a young girl scream for help. "Who was that?" thought Sora. Sora ran into the forest where the scream came from. Sora looked around to see if he can see someone in distress. "Someone help!!" yelled out a young girl being chased by heartless. When the heartless saw Sora coming with his keyblade, they disappeared. The girl was on her knees, exhausted from running and fighting. "Are you ok?" asked Sora. He grabbed her arm helping the girl up. "Yes." replied the girl."Thank you." She lifted up her head and Sora couldn't believe his eyes. "I'm Aliza." the girl introduced herself. "I'm....I'm uh." Sora couldn't talk because he thought Aliza was very pretty. "Are you ok?" asked Aliza. "Uh....yeah. I'm....Sora." responded Sora."Why were those heartless chasing you?" "Those are the heartless?" asked Aliza. "Yeah. You've heard of them?" said Sora. "Yes. I've heard rumors at my home city." responded Aliza. Sora took Aliza to the hideout so that they can be more comfortable talking. Chapter 5-Enemies Unite Sora had taken Aliza to the hideout. "So again why were those heartless chasing you?" asked Sora. "Well I was just walking through the forest trying to find my way out until I saw the heartless. When I heard about the heartless, they described them. They also say they take innocent people's hearts. I didn't believe it at first but when I saw a poor man get his heart taken out of his body, I couldn't believe my eyes. Anyways when I was in the forest and saw the heartless, I was frozen, I couldn't move. Then when they saw me and began to run towards me I took out my sword and began to fight." Aliza continued,"I probably fought up to 16 heartless or more. They kept on coming back and I was exhausted of fighting. So I just began to run. They obviously wanted my heart so I tried running faster to out run them but I couldn't. Then that's when you came Sora. And I thank you." "No problem." said Sora nodding and smiling. "I'm sorry but I haven't been properly introduced to your friends Sora, I'm Aliza." said Aliza. "Oh sorry she's Rinn, he's Donald, and I'm Goofy." replied Goofy. "Well it was nice to meet you all but I have to get going." said Aliza. Sora was surprised to hear Aliza say she was leaving now. And of course Sora didn't want her to leave. "Wh-what but you just got here. At least stay with us for a few days." said Sora in a hurry."Please." Aliza crossed her arms thinking if she should stay. Then after a few seconds she put her arms to the side smiled and said,"Ok." Sora smiled back and was happy she was staying. Donald and Goofy were looking at Sora with a strange face. But Sora was too busy looking at Aliza, he didn't notice. While the group of 5 were at the hideout talking and relaxing, far away from them they were being watched by Mexony, Eneroc, a young girl, and Ionez. They were able to spy on Sora and his friends with a special cauldron. "So how are we going to beat these guys?" asked Eneroc. "I'm thinking." replied Mexony. "Are you thinking Ionez?" asked Eneroc. Ionez stayed quiet not responding. Eneroc just looked at him waiting for a response. Then he turned to Mexony. "Mexony." said Eneroc. "AH!! Darn it!! Eneroc thank you very much, I had a plan on the tip of my tongue and now I lost it!!" yelled Mexony. "Why do you need a plan if all you can do is take full charge." said a feminine voice. "Who are you?" asked Mexony. "The names Karina." replied the woman.'What are your names?" "I'm Mexony, he's Eneroc, and that's Ionez." replied Mexony. "And that girl?" asked Karina. "She's Crix, but don't worry about her. How'd you find your way here?" replied Mexony. "That kid Sora really isn't a big deal, I mean he is some what of a threat but if you pay close attention he lets his guard down a lot." said Karina."You just have to time yourselves. Also," Before Karina continued she snapped her fingers and in the cauldron a young girl standing in front of two graves holding flowers. "Who is that?" asked Eneroc. "Her name is Roxanne. I've been watching her lately and I've seen her fight." said Karina. "So." said Eneroc. "Are you saying she's a skilled fighter?" asked Mexony. "Exactly. But she is more than skilled." said Karina. "What are you saying?" asked Ionez. "Well when she was 8 she taught herself to fight. And by the age of 13 she was already a skilled fighter." said Karina."I aready know she will eventually run into Sora. And she will help him so you three or should I say four, will need help." There was an awkward silence. Eneroc and Ionez looked at Mexony. Knowing she is the leader of the group. They were waiting for her to answer. "But hey if you don't need my help that's ok. But I do know her weakness." said Karina. "What is it?" asked Mexony. Karina snapped her fingers again and a necklace appeared in the cauldron. "That necklace is her weakness." Karina continued,"That necklace was given to her by her mother when she was 4. Also that necklace contains an actual star." "What star?" asked Eneroc. "The north star." replied Karina."If you threaten to break the necklace she will surrender." "Ok. You will help us defeat Sora and his friends." said Mexony. "Oh no...." whispered Crix to herself. Chapter 6-New Allies The next morning Sora woke up early. He went outside to get some fresh ocean air. As he went outside he saw Aliza at the shore. He was surprised to see Aliza up early so he walked over to her. “Aliza.” said Sora. Aliza turned around to see Sora. “Sora.” said Aliza. “Are you ok?” asked Sora. “Yeah why do you ask?” replied Aliza. “You seem a little sad.” said Sora. “I’m just a little home sick that’s all.” said Aliza. “I miss my home town.” “Really, what’s the name of your home?” asked Sora. “Hollow Bastion.” replied Aliza. “Hollow Bastion!” said Sora surprised. “Yeah. You’ve been there?” asked Aliza. “Yeah, I actually have a few friends there.” replied Sora. As Sora and Aliza continued to talk, Donald, Goofy, and Rinn woke up and went outside to get some fresh air. As they began to feel they were relaxing they heard a big bang coming from the city. “What was that?” asked Rinn. “I don’t know but we better go check it out.” said Sora. As the group headed to where the bang came from they saw a group of 4. Sora didn’t know who two of them were but he recognized Mexony and Ionez. “Hey guys look its Sora.” said Eneroc. “How do you know my name?” asked Sora. Sora and the others took out their weapons to prepare themselves to fight. Karina couldn’t wait any longer, she went running towards Sora. She took out her sword and swung it at Sora. Sora was lucky enough to have blocked it with his keyblade but the blow was so powerful, Sora dropped to his knees. “Sora!” yelled Donald. “Sora are you ok?!” asked Goofy. “Y-yeah.” responded Sora in pain. Ionez took out 5 cards of fire and through them at Rinn and Aliza. Aliza was quick enough to throw water and protect Rinn and her. Rinn, Aliza, Donald, and Goofy began to fight but quickly got exhausted. Mexony, Eneroc, Ionez and Karina were too strong. Rinn, Aliza, Donald, and Goofy dropped to the floor near Sora. Then Ionez took out 10 cards. 5 of lightning and 5 of fire. He through them at the exhausted group. Sora held out his hand holding the keyblade. Then before the cards hit Sora all of a sudden these two girls came out of nowhere. One of them through water at the cards of fire the other girl used her sword to block the lightning bolts and sent it back, hitting Mexony, Eneroc, Ionez and Karina. Karina smiled when she saw who it was. “What did I tell you. She finally ran into Sora.” said Karina to her partners. “Hey you’re the girl that saved us last time.” said Sora. “Can you handle them by yourself?” asked the girl that saved Sora. The other girl nodded and went running towards the enemies.She first went towards Karina. Karina took out her sword and their weapons were locked. Eneroc was going to attack the girl from behind but she avoided the attack. Instead of hitting the mysterious girl, he hit Karina. “Can you watch what you’re attacking!” yelled Karina. “I’m sorry! She’s just so fast!” explained Eneroc. The mysterious girl dodged every attack they through at her. While the girl fought, Sora and the others just stared at her amazed. Mexony finally got annoyed of her dodging every attack so she created a sandstorm around the girl so she couldn’t see. Then Eneroc, Ionez, and Karina went into the sandstorm to defeat the girl. But a minute or two passed and all they saw was Eneroc and Ionez crash into a wall. Then the group heard two swords clash together. Then Mexony cleared the sandstorm and all they saw was Karina get kicked and was sent to where Mexony was. It was unbelievable that they were defeated. Mexony created another sandstorm around them and when it cleared they were gone. The mysterious girl was relieved it was all over. “Are all of you ok?” she asked. “Yeah thanks.” responded Aliza. “Who are you two?” asked Sora. “Please forgive me, I’m Eden.” one of the girls said. “And you?” asked Sora. “Roxanne.” the girl responded. “I better get going.” “What? You just saved us and you’re leaving. At least stay with us for a day or two.” said Aliza. Roxanne stayed quiet for a couple seconds. Then she finally said, “Ok.” Chapter 7-Sora Lost?! Sora, Donald, Goofy, Rinn, and Aliza took Eden and Roxanne to the hideout. “Eden how come last time, you saved us but then ran away?” asked Goofy. “Oh I’m sorry about that. I was just watching over you guys from a distance.” said Eden. “But how come now you didn’t run away?” asked Donald. “Because now you guys are going to need help beating your new enemies.” explained Roxanne. “New......enemies?” said Rinn. “Yeah. Those guys you fought earlier, they are your new enemies.” continued Roxanne. “Their boss’ name is Jaaku. They teamed up to destroy you Sora. Their boss also teamed up with some eight tailed wolf.” “Wait how do you know all this and how old are you?” asked Aliza. “I’m 15 and trust me I know a lot of things.” responded Roxanne with a friendly smile. “Ok first, I hope we’re not bothering you with all these questions. Second, where did you learned to fight?” asked Rinn. “I taught myself to fight at the age of 8. Then by the age of 13 I was already a skilled fighter.” responded Roxanne. The group stayed quiet, starring at Roxanne. “What?” said Roxanne confused. “Alright in order for me to believe that lets have a match.” suggested Sora. “Are you serious.” said Roxanne. “Sora don’t. Didn’t you see what she did to those guys.” said Aliza. Rinn came up to Sora and smacked him on his head. “Ow. What was that for?” asked Sora. “For being an idiot. If you fight Roxanne she’ll kill you.” said Rinn. “I’m not a murderer.” said Roxanne. “Oh. Well you’ll lose.” Rinn corrected herself. “Sora can do it.” said Goofy. “Yeah, Roxanne will be the one that will lose.” encouraged Donald. “Thanks guys. So what do you say?” asked Sora. Roxanne was smiling at the thought then she said, “Ok.” Sora and Roxanne stood on opposite sides. Sora seemed too serious and anxious. While Roxanne was calm with her gunblade in one hand. Aliza raised her arm and said, “This match will only be one round. The rules are to fight fair and obviously no killing. Anyways let the match begin.” When Aliza lowered her arm, Sora went running towards Roxanne. When he tried to hit her, she dodged the attack. “Rule #1, never be too anxious to fight an opponent. If you are too anxious and you attack first, you will lose your guard and lose.” Roxanne hit Sora on his back and he fell to the ground. “Rule #2, if your opponent attacks you, and swings their weapon horizontally, duck. If they swing it vertically move to your left or right. There, they will lose their guard and you can attack.” Sora got back up and tried to attack Roxanne but she continued to dodge every attack. Sora then lost his guard again and hit him and he landed in the water. “Rule #3, if magic is their weapon then use your own magic or weapon. Obviously if they use fire use water. If they use ice use fire.” “What if they use like lightning?” asked Rinn. “Then use your weapon to block it.” responded Roxanne. Sora kept on trying to attack Roxanne but she kept on dodging. Sora then got exhausted and couldn’t keep his guard up. Then Roxanne began to attack all out. Then one last kick, Sora fell in the water and lost. “I.....lost.” said Sora exhausted. Sora was still laying in the water then Roxanne came up to him and reached her arm out to help Sora get up. Chapter 8-The Day Before the Big Battle While Sora and his friends were preparing for their battle, Mexony, Ionez, Karina, and Eneroc got to their hideout. Two girls were standing near the cauldron talking. One of the girls was Crix. The other was Aqua. “Well would you look at that. I thought you guys had it covered?” asked Aqua. “Well.....we did but that girl Roxanne showed up.” explained Eneroc. “The boss was here. And boy was he mad.” said Crix. “Mexony!!!” yelled a voice coming from a dark portal. A man came out of the portal. Right behind him was a eight tailed wolf called Afria. The man that came out of the dark portal was their boss Jaaku. “Mexony, you told me you had everything planned!! If you did, then why is Sora and his friends still alive?!” asked Jaaku in a strong voice. “I’m sorry sir.” said Mexony with her head down. “Tomorrow for sure those idiots are going to come her. And when they do, you and your group will kill them!” said Jaaku. “Yes sir.” responded Mexony. Jaaku turned back around and disappeared into a dark portal. “Aw, daddy’s little girl is a slave to her own father.” said Afria in a pitty voice. “Your own father doesn’t love you.” “Shut up.” said Mexony. “Why because you know it’s the truth.” continued Afria. “Just admit it.” “I said to shut up you stupid dog!” yelled Mexony. Afria just laughed at Mexony and then she left smiling and laughing. Chapter 9-The Battle Begins Parts 1-9 Sora and the others began to prepare themselves for the biggest fight of their lives. “Everybody ready?” asked Sora. The group nodded.”it might take us up to 4 or 5 hours to get to their layer. And when we get there, we don’t know what to expect so be prepared and keep your guard up.” explained Roxanne. The nodded and headed out the door. As they went through the mountain pas that heads to the enemy’s layer, Sora began to notice Roxanne was serious throughout the whole journey. While everybody was talking, she was quiet. Sora didn’t ask her anything. In just 4 hours, the gang finally arrived at their destination. Strange enough, it turns out their layer is an abandon castle. “How come every bad guy chooses an abandon castle as their hideout?” asked Sora. “Maybe its all the space and privacy.” said Donald. Sora looked at Roxanne again. She was still serious. “Roxanne are you ok?” asked Sora. Roxanne didn’t bother turning to Sora. She didn’t even respond. She then began to walk towards the abandon castle. Part 2 When the group entered the castle, they saw that the castle was still in good shape. Eden, Aliza, and Rinn noticed a portrait on a wall. The portrait had three people. “Who are they?” asked Rinn. “They could be the owners of this castle.” said Eden. “Well the adults could be the king and queen and the little girl could be their daughter.” said Aliza. While they wondered who the people in the portrait were, Sora, Donald and Goofy were looking around the castle. Roxanne was looking at the symbol that was on a small statue. Sora walked up to the girls that were looking at the portrait. “What are you girls looking at?” asked Sora. “Look at this. It’s a portrait of the owners of this castle.” said Eden. “You know if you keep on looking at the little girl, she’ll look like someone we know.” said Aliza. “You’re right.” said Rinn. “But who?” wondered Sora. “Wait I got it! The little girl looks like Roxanne!” said Eden. “Wait if that is Roxanne then......Roxanne is a princess!” said Sora surprised. The group turned to Roxanne. She was still at the small statue. Before they could say anything to her, Eneroc, Mexony, and Ionez showed up. “Sure does bring back memories huh?” said Eneroc to Roxanne. Mexony created a sandstorm around Roxanne so she couldn’t see. Then Eneroc and Ionez ran into the sandstorm to grab something Roxanne was holding. Sora and the others went running towards Roxanne to help her but two girls got in their way. The group didn’t recognized who they were. “Move!” said Sora. The two girls just looked at each other smiling. While Roxanne was fighting in the middle of a sandstorm. She kicked Eneroc and he went flying towards Mexony. He fell on Mexony and so the sandstorm cleared. Roxanne and Ionez were fighting. “Sora.” said Rinn. “What?” said Sora. “That girl is my nobody, Crix.” said Rinn. “What?!” said Sora surprised. Crix and the other girl began to fight with Sora and the others. Crix and Rinn were fighting each other. Out of nowhere Karina came and began to attack Roxanne. “Roxanne!” yelled Sora. Eneroc came up to Roxanne and took the necklace Roxanne was wearing. “I got it!” said Eneroc. Roxanne ran after them. She then turned her sword into a gun and began shooting at Eneroc. But before she knew it they were gone. “Roxanne relax its just a necklace.” said Sora. “No its not just a necklace. My mother gave me that when I was 4. That is my most treasured possession.” explained Roxanne. “So.” said Sora. “That necklace has special powers and contains the north star. If that necklace is in the wrong hand only chaos will happen.” said Roxanne. “Whoa.” said Sora. “Yeah whoa. I have to get that back.” said Roxanne. “Where are your parents?” asked Rinn. “Jaaku.....Jaaku killed them. That’s why I’m after him, to avenge my parent’s death.” said Roxanne. Part 3 After Roxanne told the group what would happen if her necklace was in the wrong hands, Sora began to think. Roxanne was determined to get her necklace back. “You know we’ll stop them from using the necklace for their own use but its only a necklace. So I don’t know what the big deal is except for chaos.” said Sora. Roxanne raised her head and just looked at Sora. While the others were surprised to hear Sora say that. “Sora, how can you say that?! If that necklace means so much to Roxanne, then we are going to get it back.” said Aliza. “But...” said Sora. “Sora no! Her parents are gone and all she has to remember them is her necklace.” said Aliza. When Donald looked around, he didn’t see Roxanne. But then he saw Roxanne running over the bridge that led into the garden. “Sora!” said Donald. The group turned around and saw Roxanne. “Roxanne wait!” yelled Eden. Roxanne was running towards the tower where Jaaku was waiting. “I’ll get that necklace back. Even if it takes my life.” thought Roxanne to herself. Part 4 The group did not understand why Roxanne was acting this way. Rinn was so mad at Sora, she went up to him and hit him on the head really hard. “Ow! What was that for!” demanded Sora. “For being a complete and total IDIOT!!” yelled Rinn. “How can you say such a thing! Obviously you don’t know how she feels! She’s alone, with nobody to turn to. And then you go and say something IDIOTIC!!” Sora just looked at her confused. While the others agreed with what Rinn said. Sora looks at the others with a sad face. “I’m going to go HELP Roxanne.......unlike you.” said Rinn in a strong tone. Rinn went off running to help her friend in need. Eden, Aliza, Donald and Goofy just looked at Sora with sad faces. Aliza turned to the others and said, “Lets go.” in a soft voice. Sora just stood in the same spot thinking of what he had said. He then walked right behind the group looking down. Meanwhile Rinn was looking for Roxanne, and Sora, Aliza, Eden, Donald, and Goofy were walking, Roxanne was almost to the tower. She looked at the tower for a couple seconds and then was about to continue walking until she heard a voice. “Looking for something?” asked the voice. Roxanne looked around wondering where that voice came from. Then from behind Roxanne a young girl took out a keyblade and attacked Roxanne. But Roxanne quickly took out her gunblade and blocked the attack. “A-aren’t you Rinn’s nobody?” asked Roxanne. “Bingo.” the girl said. “Then Crix backed away. “But I’m sure she hasn’t told you my name. I’m Crix at your service.” said Crix a bit sarcastically. “I’m not going to deal with you. I’m going to let Rinn take care of you. I have something more important to do.” said Roxanne walking away. “Wait.” said Crix. Roxanne stopped and turned around looking at Crix with a serious face. “Watch your back when fighting Jaaku. He’s pretty tough.” said Crix. Roxanne just starred at Crix for a few seconds and turned around and continued her way to Jaaku’s tower. Part 5 As Rinn continued her way to help her friend, she ran into Crix. When Rinn saw Crix, she quickly took out her keyblade. “Crix, where’s Roxanne!” demanded Rinn. “Geez it has to be like that.” said Crix “I said where’s Roxanne!” demanded Rinn again. Crix signed and said, “She’s heading towards Jaaku’s tower.” Crix turned and pointed to the tower. “Jaaku is waiting at the top.” Rinn was looking at where Crix was pointing. Then Rinn began to think if Roxanne can be able to handle Jaaku by herself. Then Crix began to disappear. Crix returned into Rinn’s body. And so Rinn continued her way to help Roxanne. Meanwhile, Jaaku was at the top of the tower with Aqua, Eneroc, and Afira. “Can I go and kill them now?” asked Eneroc anxious. “Shut up!” said Jaaku annoyed. While Jaaku was thinking of a plan to defeat Sora and his friends, Karina walked in. “Where’s Ionez?” asked Eneroc. “He left. He said he didn’t want anything to do with Jaaku.” replied Karina. “We’re going to have to destroy Jaaku ourselves then.” said Eneroc. As Eneroc and Karina continued to think of a plan to over power Jaaku, Jaaku himself was thinking of something. “Afira.” said Jaaku. “Yes.” said Afira. “Go kill Karina and Eneroc. Kill them how ever you want.” said Jaaku. “My pleasure.” said Afira smiling. Afira went running towards Karina and Eneroc. Before they knew it, they were being killed. Aqua couldn’t bear the sight. But she couldn’t turn away. In a matter of minutes, Eneroc and Karina were dead. Jaaku just grinned. “Aqua.” said Jaaku. “Y-yes sir.” replied Aqua scared. “You want to find your brother don’t you?” asked Jaaku. “Yes, of course I do.” replied Aqua. “Then don’t betray me. If you do, you will end up just like those two.” said Jaaku pointing at the motionless bodies of Karina and Eneroc. Afira walked up to Aqua growling. “Now Afira, I want you to go kill Sora and his friends.” said Jaaku. Afira just smiled and went on her way to do her dirty work. Part 6 Sora, Aliza, Eden, Donald, and Goofy stopped to get some rest. Aliza looked at Jaaku’s tower for a small moment. She then turned back around. “I’m going to go on ahead.” said Aliza. “Rinn and Roxanne might need help.” Eden, Donald, and Goofy nodded in agreement. But Sora was looking down at the ground. Aliza walked up to Sora. “Aliza, do you.....hate me?” asked Sora to Aliza in a serious voice. “No. Why would I hate you?” responded Aliza. “Of what I said to Roxanne.” said Sora. Aliza signed and said, “I know you haven’t said you’re sorry, but I know you are sorry. You don’t have to say it. You can stay here with Eden, Donald, and Goofy for 5 more minutes but I’m going to go on ahead.” Aliza kissed Sora on the cheek and left on her way to help her friends. Eden, Donald, and Goofy stayed with Sora. Meanwhile, back to Roxanne, she has finally arrived at the front step to go through the doors of Jaaku’s tower. When Roxanne was about to take one step to go through the doors of Jaaku’s tower, a strange explosion came from inside. The doors bursted open and Roxanne jumped back taking out her gunblade. When the fog cleared, Roxanne saw Mexony. Mexony had a sword in one hand. And in the other hand she had an object that was giving her powers. Could it be Roxanne’s necklace? “Ready to fight my father?” asked Mexony. Roxanne just stood there in a position to fight. “Hm, we you’ll have to get through me.” said Mexony in a serious voice. Then Mexony and Roxanne ran towards each other. Then their two swords clashed together. Roxanne moved her gunblade and kicked Mexony. But Mexony blocked it with her sword. Their battle continued. Mexony used the object she had with her against Roxanne. She created a giant fire ball and sent it towards Roxanne. Roxanne dodged the attack but she was getting tired quickly. “How did she get stronger from the last fight?” thought Roxanne confused. But Roxanne just continued fighting either way. Eventually Roxanne began to notice something about Mexony. Roxanne began to notice that Mexony had something in her hand and that was distracting Mexony. So Roxanne thought of a plan. “What’s the matter Roxanne? Can’t handle my power.” said Mexony. “Don’t worry, it’ll end soon!” Mexony ran towards Roxanne. And Roxanne quickly changed her sword into a gun. She began shooting at Mexony. Mexony stopped to dodged the bullets. Then that’s when Roxanne took the advantage of attacking Mexony. Roxanne quickly kicked Mexony. Then Mexony landed on the floor on her back. Roxanne turned her gun back to a sword and pointed the tip of the blade to Mexony’s neck. “This is enough!” yelled Roxanne. Mexony just looked at her. “I will spare your life. But if you interfere with me again, I will kill you.” said Roxanne in a serious voice. Roxanne then took her gunblade away from Mexony’s neck. Roxanne then began to walkaway. Mexony got up from the floor. “Roxanne, wait.” said Mexony. Roxanne stopped and turned to face Mexony. “Kill my father.” said Mexony in a serious tone. Roxanne just looked at Mexony. She then nodded. Roxanne then turned back around and ran inside Jaaku’s tower. Mexony then walked away heading wherever she may go. Meanwhile, Sora, Eden, Donald, and Goofy finished their break and continued their way towards the tower. And they finally caught up with Rinn. “Rinn!” yelled Eden. “Sora, Eden, Donald, Goofy.” said Rinn. “We finally caught up with you.” said Donald. Rinn looked at Sora, then crossed her arms. “I’m still mad at you Sora.” said Rinn mad. Sora just looked at Rinn. Then something came to his mind. He looked around and didn’t see Aliza. “Wh-where’s Aliza?” asked Sora. “I thought she was with you.” responded Rinn confused. “She told us she was going to catch up with you and Roxanne.” said Eden. The group was confused. Where’s Aliza? Could it be Afira got to Aliza before she could get Sora and the others? Part 7 The group just stood there, wondering where Aliza could have gone. “Do you think...they could have kidnaped her?” said Goofy worried. “Boy I hope not...” said Rinn. Eden looked at Sora. He was looking at the ground as if it was his fault. “Its my fault.” said Sora in a low voice. “What?” said Donald. “Its my fault! I should have never let her go on ahead!” said Sora. “No its not! Its not your fault Sora!” said Eden. “Yes it is!” yelled Sora. “Look, its best if we go and find Aliza instead of just standing here!” continued Rinn. “Lets just hope Aliza is still alive! Now lets go and save her!” The group nodded and went on their way to help Aliza. Meanwhile, Aqua and Jaaku were still at the top of the tower a waiting for Roxanne’s arrival. Then Afira walks in. “So did you take care of Sora?” asked Jaaku. Aqua quickly turned around to hear weather Sora is alive or dead. “No. But I did something a bit better.” said Afira. Jaaku was confused and didn’t understand what Afira said. Aqua in the other hand, knew Sora was still alive. “I kidnaped Sora’s little girlfriend, Aliza. There he will come running and will want to save her.” said Afira. “Then that’ll be when we will have the chance to kill him.” said Jaaku smiling. “Good job Afira.” Aqua then turned back around not facing Afira. “Sora, please be careful.” thought Aqua. Meanwhile, Mexony was just walking, heading wherever she may go. She then heard a voice and raised her head. “Get her!” said the voice. Before Mexony knew it, she was being tackled by Donald, Goofy, and Rinn. “Let me go!” demanded Mexony. “Where’s Aliza?” said Sora. “Who?” asked Mexony. “Aliza! Where is she?” asked Sora again. “Oh, your girlfriend. I don’t know! Now let me go!” said Mexony. “Liar!” yelled Sora. “Sora, think she’s telling the truth.” said Eden. “Of course I’m telling the truth! I even told Roxanne to kill my father!” said Mexony. “The group was surprised to hear that. Then Rinn, Donald, and Goofy let go of Mexony. “Look, I don’t know where Aliza is at. But I do know Roxanne is already in the tower or possibly at the top.” said Mexony. “Its best you guys go on your way right now if you want to help Roxanne.” The group nodded and began to walk. Sora stopped and turned around. “You’re not going to help?” asked Sora to Mexony. “I don’t want anything to do with my father.” replied Mexony. “Help Roxanne kill my father.” Mexony then began to walkaway. “Oh Sora, here.” said Mexony throwing an object to Sora. “What is this?” asked Sora. “Roxanne’s necklace. Give it to her.” said Mexony walking away. Sora nodded and ran towards the others. Meanwhile, Roxanne has finally reached the top of Jaaku’s tower. She had her gunblade in hand ready to face Jaaku. Part 8 Jaaku knew Roxanne was there. He began to laugh. “I knew you’d come.” said Jaaku laughing. Roxanne didn’t respond. She just held her gunblade tightly in her hand. “Don’t be a fool like your father.”said Jaaku. “My father wasn’t a fool. He stood up to you to defend something he loved. Then you just go and kill him.” said Roxanne. “You made me suffer throughout my life and now you are going to pay.” Jaaku just laughed at Roxanne. Roxanne couldn’t take it anymore, she went running towards Jaaku. She jumped up in the air and was going to attack Jaaku. But Jaaku swung his arm and sent Roxanne flying. She dropped her gunblade near Aqua. “Stupid child, you actually think you can beat me?” said Jaaku walking slowly over to Roxanne. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Rinn and Eden were inside the tower, on their way to the top. “We’ll never make it on time.” said Rinn panting. “Yes we will.” said Sora panting as well. Sora looked up. He knew Roxanne needed help but he also had to look for Aliza first. The group was too tired from running, they couldn’t go any further. “I have an idea.” said Eden. “Why don’t we split up. Sora you go look for Aliza and the rest of us will continue our way to the top.” “Ok.” said Sora. Eden, Rinn, Donald, and Goofy began to run up the stairs leading to the top. Sora looked at them go, he then opened a door leading to a big room. He went inside and the door closed. He looked around. He then saw someone familiar up ahead. Sora squinted his eyes. “Aliza?” he said. Sora then smiled. “Aliza!” Sora went running up to Aliza. She had her head facing down. “Aliza you’re ok!” said happily putting his hands on her shoulders. He then noticed something was wrong with her. “Aliza, Aliza are you ok?” he asked. Aliza then raised her head. Her eyes were red. Something was wrong with her. “Must...kill....Sora.” said Aliza in an angry voice. “What?” said Sora confused. Aliza took out her sword and attacked Sora. “Aliza what are you doing?!”asked Sora while dodging the attacks. Sora didn’t want to take out his keyblade and hurt Aliza. All he could do is dodge her attacks. “Aliza its me Sora! Your friend!” But she did not stop. She continued to attack Sora. Sora finally got frustrated, he took out his keyblade, and swung his keyblade hitting Aliza’s sword. Her sword fell out of her hand and landed behind Sora. Sora put his keyblade away and ran up to Aliza and began to shack her to snap out of it. “Aliza, Aliza snap out of it! Its me Sora!” Then Aliza’s eyes then began to turn blue again. “S-Sora....” “Yeah! Its me!” But then her eyes became red again. Sora didn’t know what to do to save her. Then he thought of an idea. “I hope Aliza doesn’t hate me for this.” Sora leaned in and kissed Aliza. Her eyes then turned back to blue. Sora then stopped and looked at Aliza to see if it worked. “Sora.....did you just....” “Yeah. I had to save you some way.” Aliza smiled at Sora. And he smiled back. “We gotta head to the top of this tower. Roxanne is there and she needs us.”said Sora. Aliza nodded and they exited the room, on their way to help Roxanne. Part 9 Jaaku was walking towards Roxanne. Roxanne was laying on the floor, trying to get up. Jaaku took out his sword. Jaaku was going to kill Roxanne until Aqua got in the way. “No, Jaaku don’t kill her!” yelled Aqua standing in front of Jaaku. “Stay out of this!” shouted Jaaku. Jaaku smacked Aqua. Aqua fell and she was unconscious. Jaaku then turned his attention back to Roxanne. He saw she wasn’t there anymore. Jaaku turns around and see’s that Roxanne is running towards her gunblade. Jaaku quickly grabs her leg before she can be able to get her weapon. Jaaku threw Roxanne back to the spot she was in last time. Meanwhile, Aliza and Sora were running up the stairs heading to the top of Jaaku’s tower. After a while Aliza and Sora caught up with Rinn, Eden, Donald and Goofy. “Hey you guys!” called Sora. “Sora!” said Donald. “Aliza!” said Goofy. “You guys are ok.” said Eden. “Yeah. We’re ok.” said Aliza. “Ok, now’s no time for reunions. We gotta help Roxanne.” said Sora continuing his way towards the top. The group nodded and followed Sora. Meanwhile, Jaaku was running over to Roxanne. Roxanne quickly got up and went running towards jaaku. She jumped up and went over Jaaku, heading over to grab her gunblade. Roxanne grabbed her gunblade and was standing in a fighting position, facing Jaaku. “Don’t be a fool to fight me.” said Jaaku. Roxanne and Jaaku went running towards each other. Their weapons clashed. Jaaku began to walk, sending Roxanne to go over the edge. She then turned her head back, facing Jaaku. All Jaaku was doing was laughing. “You’ll now be reunited with your parents.” said Jaaku grinning. Right before Jaaku can push Roxanne over the edge, Sora and the others come in. “Roxanne!” shouted Sora. Jaaku turns his attention to Sora. That’s when Roxanne pushes Jaaku away and jumps over him, landing away from him. “Roxanne, are you ok?” asked Eden. “Yeah I’m fine.” responded Roxanne. Sora wanted to help Roxanne but then he remembered something. He looked at his hand and saw Roxanne’s necklace. Sora then pulled back him arm. “Roxanne, catch!” shouted Sora. Sora then threw Roxanne’s necklace. Roxanne turned her head and saw her necklace. She then caught the necklace and looked at it in her hand. Roxanne closed her hand into a fist and looked at Jaaku. She put the necklace in her pocket and turned to face Jaaku. “Come one Roxanne, you can beat him!” yelled Donald. “Yeah! You can do it!” yelled Rinn. Roxanne stood tall. Jaaku and Roxanne then ran towards each other. A strange glow was coming from Roxanne. As they got closer, the glow became stronger. Finally, Jaaku’s and Roxanne’s weapons clashed. But the glow coming from Roxanne was too strong that Sora and the others couldn’t see. When it was clear enough to see, the group saw Jaaku and Roxanne on opposite sides. They had their arms pulled back. Roxanne then stood up straight. She turned her head to the right. Jaaku then dropped his sword and he fell to the ground. Sora and the others were surprised. “She.....did it.” said Rinn. Jaaku’s body began to fade away. Sora and the others walked up to Roxanne. “Way to go Roxanne.” said Rinn. “Yeah.” said Donald nodding his head. “Thanks you guys.” said Roxanne smiling. Goofy turned around and saw Aqua waking up. “Sora look.” said Goofy pointing to Aqua. Sora walked over to Aqua. He kneeled down and helped Aqua get up. “Are you ok?” asked Sora. “Y-yeah.” responded Aqua. Aqua looked around and saw Jaaku’s body fading away. “No!” yelled Aqua. She went running over to where Jaaku’s body was. His body had completely faded away. Aqua got on her knees. “He was going to help me find my brother.” said Aqua, with tears in her eyes. Sora looked at the others. He then looked back at Aqua. “I’ll help you.” said Sora reaching out his hand. “I’ll help you find your brother.” Aqua looked up at Sora. She saw he had his hand out. She then looked down. Aqua looked up at Sora and accepted his help. “Ok, so what now?” asked Rinn. “I don’t know.” said Eden. “Well, Donald, Goofy and I are going to help Aqua. What about you four?” said Sora. “Well I guess we’re just going to go on our separate ways.” said Eden. As the group talked, Afira was closely behind them. She then jumped at the group. Aqua quickly used her power to stop Afira in mid-air. Then Aqua’s spell book appeared in front of her. “What are you doing?” asked Goofy. “I’m looking for a strong enough spell to finally get rid of Afira.” replied Aqua. “Ah-ha!” Aqua finally found a strong enough spell. She looked at Sora for a moment. “What?” asked Sora confused. “Take out your keyblade and I’ll enchant it.” responded Aqua. Sora nodded his head and took out the keyblade. He held the keyblade in front of him. Aqua then began to chant a word repeatedly. She finally said it one last time and the keyblade glowed. The group ran to a different spot. Then Afira began to move. She turned around and went after the group. “Sora, quickly slam the keyblade on the ground!” shouted Aqua. Sora quickly did what he was told. He slammed his keyblade on the ground, and that very moment, three beams of energy escaped the keyblade and went towards Afira. The beams hit Afira and as the smoke cleared, Afira or her body was no longer there. “We did it!” yelled Sora in joy. The group headed down and were in front of the entrance of Jaaku’s tower. “So you guys are going separate ways, right?” asked Sora. “Yeah. I’m going to go on a little adventure.” said Rinn grinning. “Well I’m taking off. Take care of yourselves. Bye.” “Bye.” said the others at the same time. So Rinn went on her way to go where ever she wants to go. “What about you three?” asked Goofy. “I guess the same thing as Rinn. Or I’ll just head back home.” said Eden shrugging. “I’m going to head back to Hollow Bastion. I miss my home too much.” said Aliza. “Bye everybody.” Aliza turned around and began to walk away. The group waved good-bye. Eden turned around as well and waved bye to the last few friends. “I’m just going to go on. Where ever I may go. Watch yourselves ok.” said Roxanne turning around. The small group smiled and waved good-bye. Roxanne then began to walk away, relieved everything is over. “Ok, lets get going.” said Sora. Donald, Goofy and Aqua nodded and began to walk. Everybody was relieved everything is over. This journey gave them new friends. As the good friends began to go their separate ways, the sun was setting on a day that started terrible but ended in a beautiful sunset.
Ok yeah I'm bored so let see who can win the duumbest joke contest.Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.10 being the dumbest and 1 pretty much means its funny.Other people have to rate it not you, but I'm sure all you get that.Also tell us who told you like your sister your friend but you get. Ok I'm first A friend There are two muffins in a oven and one muffin says "Boy its really hot in here." The other muffin says "AHHH talking muffin!!!" Ok now rate my joke and continue the contest.
Maleficent(dragon) Ariel Sora Kairi Kairi Rikku My very first painting
These are my paintings I have drawings too but there are a lot.Tell me if you like them:)
Hello I'm sorta new to this website and I would love to make new friends. Well I just want to say is that I love to draw and write.Actually I'm writing a story and I have posted some parts to it already.If you want go head and click on this link http://http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=43342 and tell me if you like it or not or just give me some tips.:) Thank you:)
A story I felt like writing This is just something that I just made up as I went along. This is a story about a girl named Roxanne.I'm making her have a connection with Sora,Donald ,Goofy,Riku and Kairi.Oh also Leon,Yuffie,Aerith,Cid,Merlin,King Mickey,and Organization XIII.(I know a lot of people)Also I made Roxas Roxanne's twin brother. Since the day her journey began,since the day she went in search for ones that killed her parents,the ones she loved,she knew that her life will never be the same.Her parents killed when she was five.Witnessing it made the anger within her turn into vengence.It all began that fateful day.Wielder of a gunblade. A few months after Sora and Riku defeat Organization XIII and their leader Xemnas,everything was peaceful in Destiny Islands and every other world.But strange things began to happen. News Reporter: Strange sightings have been seen in Hollow Bastion.Residents have seen strange black creatures with yellow eyes- Leon: Apparently they're back. Yuffie: What are we going to do? Leon: Do what we always do...destroy them. Aerith: Do you think Roxanne knows? Yuffie: Speaking of Roxanne,where is she? Leon: Visiting her parent's grave. Merlin: Poor child.She hardly remembers who her parents are. Cid: She just remembers them being killed. *At the Gravesight* Roxanne: I brought more flowers.I really like these......I wish you were here with me.I miss you so much.Why does that horrible image have to be in my head?I've met new people throughout my journey.I met someone name Sora.He's like a brother for me.Huh....Heartless?Why are they back?It can't be Maleficent or Organization XIII.I better go back to Merlin's. *At Merlin's* Roxanne: Leon,whats going on?Why are there Heartless? Leon: We have to go to Midgar. Roxanne: Why? Merlin: Now now Don't ask why.Just go and get ready. Aerith: Leon you're not going to tell her? Leon: No,if we tell her,she'll tell Sora,Donald,andGoofy and then they'll want to go and destroy this guy. *At Disney Castle* The king had summoned Sora,Riku, and Kairi.They didn't know why but hoping to see their friends again. Riku: So the King said we have a new enemy. Sora: Yeah.That's why we're here at Disney Castle. Kairi: Who do you think it is? Sora: I don't know.But that's why we're here.To find out who this guy is. Riku: Sora,look over there. Sora: Donald!Goofy! Donald and Goofy: Sora! Sora: I've missed you guys! Donald: We missed you too Sora. Sora: Where's Roxanne? Donald and Goofy looked at each other in suprise. Goofy: Gosh Sora we thought she would have came with you. Sora: So she's not here.I really wanted to see her. Seeing Sora sad in the fact that Roxanne wasn't at Disney Castle,Donald wanted to cheer him up. Donald: Don't worry Sora the King will tell us where to go. Sora: Yeah. King Mickey: Thank you for coming Sora,Riku,Kairi. Kairi: Your Majesty why did I have to come? King Mickey: Hm,it's too dangerous for you to stay at the islands by yourself. Riku: Is this guy that dangerous? King Mickey: Yes. Sora: Where's Roxanne? King Mickey: Sora I know that's not you speaking. Roxas: Well,I'm sorry.I need to know Roxanne is safe and know where she is. King Mickey: Roxas,does Midgar ring a bell? Roxas: Yes. Sora: Midgar,what is that? Roxas: That's the city Roxanne and I were raised.And the same city where my parent's castle is. King Mickey: That's right.And Leon took her there with the others that would take care of you and Roxanne when your parents couldn't.Now back to business.This man is after four things,a jewel,Roxanne's necklace,Roxanne,and Roxas.So you must watch each other's backs.And be careful. Donald: But how are we going to protect the jewel Your Majesty? King Mickey: Don't worry I'll be protecting it.Now get going to Midgar in the Gummi Ship.There's enough room for everyone. *At Hollow Bastion* Goofy: So where do you think Roxanne is at? Roxas: Don't know. Leon: Well would you look at that. Sora: Leon! Leon: Nice to see you guys in shape. Sora: What did you expect? Leon: Hm,you look just like... Roxas: Roxanne. Leon: You can't be him,he's dead. Goofy: Roxanne never told you that she found Roxas? Leon: She did but I didn't believe her.But now I see. Roxas: Where is Roxanne? Leon: She's safe,why? Roxas: I need to know where she is. Sora: You see the King told us about this guy- Leon: Great. Sora: What? Leon: I didn't tell Roxanne so she can be safe and wouldn't tell you. Roxas: If she doesn't know then she's in even more danger than she would have been before. Leon: Lets go look for her. I will continue the next part soon.I hope you guys like it so far.:) And please leave a comment telling me if you like it or not:) Here's the second part.I hope you guys like it so far.:) Roxanne: I wonder where Leon is.Hmm....Oh,hello can I help you with something,sir?Excuse me.Sir,are you ok? “We have come for you.†Roxanne: What? Roxanne turns her back for one moment and sees that the man is gone. Roxanne: What was that about? Roxas: Roxanne! Roxanne: Roxas?...Roxas! Roxas: You’re ok! Roxanne: Ummmm...yeah,why wouldn’t I be? Leon: Roxanne we need to talk. Roxanne: What?!Wh-why didn’t you tell me before?! Leon: I didn’t tell you because I wanted to keep you safe. King Mickey: Ok,we don’t have time for this. We need to talk about your new enemy. Sora: No need Your Majesty.Donald,Goofy,probably Roxanne, and I will deal with this guy. Roxas: Hey don’t forget about us. Riku: Yeah Sora, remember you four aren’t alone anymore. Sora: Thanks you guys. King Mickey: Hold on everybody!This man is too dangerous for only you fellas to fight him.He is very strong.Possibly stronger than me. Roxanne: First off,what’s his name? King Mickey: His name is Zalk. Roxanne: Hmmm.... Roxanne paused to think for a moment. Sora: What’s wrong? Goofy: Does that name sound familiar? Roxanne: Some how....it does. The king no longer wanted to keep the secret that he promised their father. King Mickey: Roxas,Roxanne...I didn’t want to tell you but I know you need to know. Roxas and Roxanne didn’t know what the king was talking about so they looked at each other confused. Roxas: What is it? King Mickey: The day both of you were born, your father had to go into battle with Zalk.He had to help me and three soldiers he trusted very well.Zalk was ready to take over Kingdom Hearts and your parents kingdom.Zalk was your father’s mortal enemy.But as soon as Zalk was ready to take over Kingdom Hearts.....something happened.A bright light from far did something to Zalk.He disappeared along with the three soldiers.And your father knew it was the jewel he always carried with.He turned to me and said “If something happens to me I want you to give this to Roxanne at the age you think is perfect.†Roxanne: Wait.....is Zalk the one that killed my parents or Xemnas? Leon and the king looked at each other not knowing what to tell her. Roxanne: Tell me!I need to know! The next part will come soon:) Please leave me a comment saying if you like it or not:)
I'm stuck in mostro the end where you have to defeat heartless in order to escape.Can anybody help me with that part?