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  1. Aura
    I took these three today.Tell me what you guys think.
    Three days after rain.I've always loved the way the clouds looked after a good rain and when the sun is setting.
    It was getting dark so sorry if the lighting it bad.And since it was getting dark I could really see,so also sorry if its blurry.
    Again it was getting dark so sorry if the lighting is bad.And same goes if its blurry.

    CnC please.
    Thread by: Aura, Nov 4, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Aura


    I can only protect you,
    while holding a sword.
    I feel as if,
    no matter how close you are,
    I can never embrace you.
    But what if,
    I couldn't save you?
    What if,
    I lost you?

    This is something that came to the top of my head.So I'm sorry if it isn't so good and sorry it's short too.I tried to think of ways to make it longer but couldn't think of anything.This is actually something that is going to go into my story Whisper.That's why it has the same title as my story.My brother told me it sounds more like lyrics to a song than a poem.Eh,whatever.Tell me what you guys think.
    Thread by: Aura, Oct 25, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Aura
    These two were taken yesterday.I was bored so I just grabbed my dad's camera and took these two pictures.
    I see a dead flower in this photo.It's in the back.I didn't even see it until now.Oh well.

    Thread by: Aura, Oct 24, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Aura


    Well I don't know how many of you knew about somebody that I liked.I posted my little problem in the Help With Life thread.I'll just start from the beginning.

    Last year in August and September,I met a boy(I'll give him the name Kenny for this).And in November and December I met a different boy(I'll give him the name Ricky for this).When I met Kenny,I thought I liked him.But it was all in my head,I guess.He became my partner for Geometry last year.Our teacher made us sit really close.It was kind of uncomfortable.And okay whatever I got to know Kenny and all that.But as we got a little closer he began to touch me.He would try to put his hand on my leg and I wouldn't let him.Then we stopped being partners,we sat in different sides of the room.We stopped talking after that.And after all of this,I began to notice he would sometimes look at me.Like stare at me.I would ignore it and what not.

    Then in November I changed my 2nd and 4th period.It was for a different reason.I wanted to have these classes.And in my 4th period,that's where I met Ricky.You know we talked and became really good friends.He would always make me laugh and everything.Then I began to fall for him.And in the middle of the mester I found out that Ricky and Kenny are friends.They hang out together.But it didn't matter to me.But then Ricky started hugging me and being very sweet to me.And whenever Ricky would hug me in front of Kenny,I noticed Kenny would just glare at the both of us.And I'm just guessing that maybe Kenny likes me.But I really don't know.

    And so yeah.I like Ricky and I think Kenny may like me.But Ricky has a girlfriend so yeah.And a friend has told me I should go out with Kenny.Too many things.
    Thread by: Aura, Oct 24, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  5. Aura
    I have taken many photos but I've only liked very few.These three are my favorites and they were taken with my dad's camera.
    This was one of my baby birds.It's an adult now.This photo was taken like when it just came out of the nest in the cage.
    Same bird just a little closer.Taken the same day as the other one.
    I love this picture.These are two of my chihuahuas.(left)Her name was Lolita.But she died last year.She was the type of dog that only trusted me.She didn't let anybody else pet her or get near her but me.(Right)His name is Rocky.He's still alive but he's getting old.

    Thread by: Aura, Oct 22, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Aura


    Well, I'm going to be leaving the forums for a while.I don't know how long though.First off,its nothing personal.I don't have any problems right now or anything like that.I just feel that I need to go for a while.But I'm starting my Junior year in less than two weeks.And I really need to concentrate this year.Last year something was distracting me,but I have no idea what it was.I don't have MSN or anything like that.I only have a myspace and a YouTube channel.I log onto YouTube like everyday,so if you want to contact me,then leave me a comment or send me a message.The link to my YouTube channel is on my page.On myspace I only have two people that are from here,and you know who you are.So the both of you can talk to me there.I'll only log on to update on my story.And the updates of chapters is pretty slow,so I'm not going to be logging on frequently.I'll miss you all.
    Thread by: Aura, Aug 19, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  7. Aura


    My parents found an iphone near the gas station XD it was on the floor.
    Thread by: Aura, Aug 17, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Aura

    Oh dear

    Just a couple minutes ago there was an earthquake.I was in my room when it happened.It was pretty strong for me to be able to feel it where I live.
    Thread by: Aura, Jul 29, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Aura
    I suck at titles.Anyways,this is a very old painting I did in 2005.It took me a year to do I believe.I worked really hard on this.I took a picture of it because I don't have a scanner.I see it kind of blury,I don't know about you guys.But sorry if its kind of blury.

    Thread by: Aura, Jul 22, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Aura

    Okay this is a new story that I have been planning for a few months now.I really wasn't going to post it yet but I decided I would.I'm so far on chapter two and I was going to post until I reach chapter five.But yeah like I said,I decided to post it now.Posting the chapters might take time because yeah I've been getting lazy but in a month I'm starting my Junior Year and I want to concentrate this year.Well anyways,here it is,my new story.Please tell me what you think.And if any,give me tips on how it can come out better.Mostly likely I'm going to change the title.The current one was the best I can come up with.And if you think you have a better title go head and say.I would appreciate it.

    [Rated PG-14 due to language and possibly violence]


    Hi, my names Kentaro Matsumoto. I'm a regular 15 year old high school student. Nothing out of the ordinary about me. Like other most 15 year old guys, I worry about girls, video games and other things but that’s not important. My father works at a clinic. He actually owns it ever since my grandfather passed away. I have two twin younger sisters. Amaya is the oldest. She was born 5 minutes before Miyuki. Our mother passed away when they were 7. They can’t remember much of her but a lot of time before they go to bed, I tell them stories about our mother every once in a while. Well anyways, lately I’ve been having these dreams. It’s quiet weird. It’s about some kid that had to go on a journey to save his world. I don’t quite remember the kid’s name but I think he was about my age. He also wielded a katana. And of what I remember, he would go around slaying these weird creatures. Day by day, these dreams have been getting interesting.​

    Chapter 1​

    Kentaro was in his room, asleep. Minutes passed and his alarm clock rang. Kentaro quickly sat up and rubbed the back of his head.
    “Oh man. Another dream.†sighed Kentaro.
    He got out of bed and got dressed into his school uniform. Once Kentaro got things together for school, he headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
    “Good Morning Kentaro.†greeted Miyuki.
    “Hey, morning Miyuki.†said Kentaro, sitting down at the table.
    “Morning Kentaro.†said Amaya, eating her breakfast.
    “Kentaro you better hurry up and eat, before you’re late for school.†said Miyuki.
    “And before Dad comes and tries to ‘train’ you again.†said Amaya.
    Kentaro finished his breakfast and left the house.
    “See you guys later!†he shouted from outside.
    Once Kentaro got to school, he went to his class and met up with his friends.
    “Hey Kentaro, good morning.â€
    “Hey Rai. How’s it going?†said Kentaro.
    “Good Morning Kentaro!†waved a young girl named Roxanne.
    “Hey Kentaro.†greeted Roxanne’s best friend, Aria.
    Roxanne and Aria were with another friend of Kentaro named Enzo. As the group talked, the class’s teacher, Mrs. Yamazaki, came into the classroom.
    “Alright class take your seats.†said Mrs. Yamazaki. “We have a lot to cover today.â€
    As Mrs. Yamazaki began the class, a young girl was coming down the hall. She hesitantly entered into the classroom.
    “I’m sorry I’m late.†she said.
    “It’s ok. Just don’t make a habit out of it. Oh wait you’re the new student. Am I correct?†asked Mrs. Yamazaki.
    “Yes.†responded the girl.
    “What was your name again?†asked Mrs. Yamazaki.
    “Kaori Hitsugaya.†she responded.
    “Alright Kaori, you’re on the role. Go head and take that empty seat right next to Kentaro.†said Mrs. Yamazaki, motioning in the direction toward Kentaro.
    Kaori nodded and took her seat. Mrs. Yamazaki continued the class.

    An hour later the bell rang for lunch. Kaori was getting out of her seat to go to lunch, until Roxanne stopped her.
    “Kaori, where are you going?†asked Roxanne.
    “Um, to go eat lunch.†responded Kaori.
    “Why don’t you eat with us?†suggested Roxanne.
    “Uh, ok sure.†said Kaori.
    “Great!†said Roxanne happily. “Oh by the way, my name’s Roxanne.â€
    “And I’m Aria.†greeted Aria.
    Roxanne, Kaori, and Aria left their classroom and went outside. Kentaro, Rai, and Enzo were outside as well. They were going up to two other friends of their’s until Roxanne called them.
    “Kentaro, Rai, Enzo, over here!†called Roxanne.
    “Hello ladies.†said Enzo.
    “Hey, have you guys met Kaori?†asked Roxanne.
    “Actually no. I’m Enzo. He’s Rai.†said Enzo.
    “Hey.†said Rai.
    “And that’s Kentaro.†said Enzo. “By the way, don’t feel offended if Kentaro gives you bad attitude. He does that to everybody.â€
    Kentaro walked up to Enzo and hit him on the head.
    “Hey, no I don’t. Hey, nice to meet you. Welcome to Alendale High.†he told Kaori.
    “O-oh thank you.†said Kaori.
    Kentaro turned around and went with his other friends. Rai and Enzo followed him. Kaori was a little puzzled by the way Kentaro acted.
    “It’s ok Kaori. Kentaro is always like that.†assured Aria.
    “But there can be times where he’s sweet and caring.†included Roxanne.
    Roxanne and Aria turned around and continued their lunch. Kaori looked at Kentaro for a while. She then turned around and followed Roxanne and Aria.

    School hours passed and the bell finally rang. Roxanne, Aria, and Kaori said bye and headed home. Kentaro, Rai, and Enzo did the same. As Kaori was on her way home, she was passing a group of men. As she passed by them, the group of men began to look at her. Kaori was feeling uncomfortable but she tried her best to ignore them.
    “Hey, where are you going, beautiful?†one of the men asked.
    Kaori began to walk faster. But then the group of men began to follow her. Kaori turned around while walking, she began to get terrified. When she looked back forward, two men were standing in her way. Kaori stopped walking. She faced all of the men. All of a sudden two of the men grabbed Kaori.
    “Oh please! I beg of you, please don’t!†pleaded Kaori.
    “Now, now, beautiful, it won’t take long.†said one of the men.
    As he got closer to Kaori, someone came running, jumped up, and kicked the man, sending him away from Kaori.
    “Now, how can four guys take advantage of an innocent 15 year old?†asked the boy that saved Kaori.
    “K-Kentaro....†said Kaori.
    “Who the hell are you?†asked one of the men.
    “No, the real question is, who the hell do you guys think who you are to try and take advantage of a young girl?†asked Kentaro.
    The two men that were holding Kaori, let her go and began to fight with Kentaro. Kaori dropped on the pavement and looked up at Kentaro. Kentaro kicked one man against a wall. And elbowed the other in the face. The last one was behind Kentaro. The man took a knife that was in his jacket. Kaori saw him take out the knife. She got up and jumped on the man’s back.
    “No!†shouted Kaori.
    Kentaro quickly turned around when he heard Kaori. The man pushed Kaori off his back. She landed on the pavement. Kentaro punched the man in the face then kicked him, sending him to where the first guy Kentaro kicked, was. Kentaro looked at all four men to make sure they were either unconscious or couldn’t get up. He walked up to Kaori and held out his hand to help her up. Kaori had her hand over her head for a moment. She then looked up at Kentaro’s hand then at him.
    “Are you ok?†asked Kentaro.
    “Yes.†said Kaori, grabbing Kentaro’s hand to get up. “And thank you, so much.â€
    “No problem. I wasn’t going to let them take advantage of you.†said Kentaro grabbing his bag and Kaori’s bag as well.
    “Do you want me to walk you home?†asked Kentaro.
    “O-oh, sure. Thank you.†responded Kaori.
    “I really don’t want ou to be alone. They might end up getting up and try something again.†said Kentaro, putting his hands into his pockets.

    After a while Kentaro and Kaori finally arrived at Kaori’s house.
    “Thank you Kentaro. For walking me home and for saving me today.†said Kaori.
    “Again, no problem.†said Kentaro.
    Kentaro turned around and began to leave Kaori’s front door.
    Thank you, Kentaro. thought Kaori.
    Kaori turned around and went inside her house.
    Thread by: Aura, Jul 17, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Aura
    Well this is a new drawing I did a few weeks ago.She took me a couple of days to draw but I was able to finish her.Not sure how many of you saw my other drawing of a guy named Kentaro Matsumoto.Like I said in that thread,this girl is also from the same story that Kentaro is from.Her name is Kaori Hitsugaya.

    She wasn't meant to look up but I left it like that because I thought it looked better than what I first thought. lol I had a little trouble with her crest necklace but I was able to get it.Its not perfect but better than any other way it first came out.

    I would appreciate CnC,please.
    Thread by: Aura, Jul 16, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Aura

    A New World

    It has been 2 years since the chaos of Organization XIII. Sora, Riku and Kairi have been able to relax. Two years ago they received a letter from the king assuring them that they can now relax. But one night Sora receives a strange message, when he was home alone, from the king.

    Sora, forgive me for bothering you but something very important has just happened. It very important that once you receive this message that you immediately come to my castle with Riku and Kairi. A new world has appeared by the name Baltra. There you will find two girls and their father. The two girls names are Kaori and Jessie. Kaori is the oldest. Those two girls have something that nobody can have. Once you, Riku and Kairi arrive to my castle I will explain more.

    Sora, Riku and Kairi now must protect these two girls before a man by the name Jaaku gets them. Kaori contains a necklace that contains extremely strong powers that only one with a strong heart and will can control. It also can sense when something powerful is coming.When it senses something it glows. And it can heal it’s holder. Jessie contains a jewel that also has extreme powers. The jewel can grant any wish of the person that holds it. It can also heal it’s holder as well. Jaaku is now after these two girls and Sora, Riku and Kairi must protect them. And at the same time heartless and nobodies are appearing in that world. And all of them are after Kaori and Jessie.

    The RP will start once we have Sora, Riku,Jessie and The King. If you choose Jessie please make an OC form please. I will only allow you to have up to 5 characters, including the OC if you make one.

    • No god modding
    • No Yaoi/Yuri
    • Hugging and kissing is fine but nothing else
    • No killing someone else's character without permission
    • Please use * when ever cussing.But please try not to cuss too much
    • No text talk
    • Please use the form when making a character
    • The post must be related to the storyline.No spam
    • BE ACTIVE.Don't just post a character then never come back

    OC Form
    How they met Sora and the others:
    Anything else:
    Played by:

    Sora-Rising Storm
    Donald-Rising Storm
    Goofy-Rising Storm
    Jessie- Random Angel
    Evan(Kaori’s and Jessie’s father)-VaKh87
    King Mickey-VaKh87
    Jaaku- VaKh87

    Name: Kaori
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Weapon: She tends to carry a gunblade around her waist
    Personality: Sweet, caring, always thinking of others before herself. She is very tustworthy. Nothing can stop her when she starts something. She is very courageous. She has a very high self-esteem. Is very strong physical, and mentally. She has a very strong heart.
    Bio: She has lived in Baltra her whole life with her sister and her father. Her mother passed away when she was 7 years old.
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn’t met them yet
    Anything else: contains a necklace that contains extremely strong powers that only one with a strong heart and will can control. It also can sense when something powerful is coming.When it senses something,it glows. And it can heal it’s holder.
    Played by:VaKh87

    Name: Alaric
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Powers: Some basic magic
    Weapon: A keyblade that bares a strange resemblance to Terra's keyblade
    Personality: Cool minded yet stubborn, he can be a bit of a jerk at times and even come off as selfish, but deep down he's actually nice...
    Appearance: Wears a white cloak most of the time with its hood up, underneath he dresses all in black. Brown eyes, black hair that usually gets in his face and goes almost shoulder length, about 6 feet tall.
    Bio: He had to leave his home world when it was destroyed by heartless. He knows he's the only survivor due to the fact he left before it was destroyed. He was a mercenary before he left his world to search for a new purpose when he got tired of killing. He's been busy working with a technician who fixes gummi ships...
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't met them.
    Anything else: Alaric always seems to know what's going on and sometimes what others are thinking. He usually dismisses it as common sense.
    Played by: Arch

    Name: Kia

    Gender: Female

    Age: 6 (appears to be 17)

    Powers: Amorphous/shapeshifting body
    Weapon: None

    Personality: Usually upbeat and cheery. Often acts like a cat when real happy


    Bio:Kia Neox is a genuine Chimera and the physical manifestation of Kai Chronaius and Sorela Xeno's demonic powers in a clash.. Hailing from a planet known as Terra, Kia generally lives her easygoing life in the suburbs of the Eastern contienent known as Spara. At her time of creation, she is taken into the care of Kai temporarily before living with Kyra, a cat demon and Kai's best friend, and finally, with Keizye, a doppelganger whose base form resembles Kai's. A surprise attack from a zealous cult traps her in her purest form: sentient slime. It isn't long till Kia is founded by a teacher named Seto XIII, who educates her on the extent of her true origins, nature and powers and eventually assumes an entirely new form with a new personality. After having fused with 5 other similar beings she had become something well above the average Chimera.

    Name: Jessie
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Weapon: Doesn't really has one at the moment
    Personality: Kind and thoughtful but can be a bit bubbly at time but she is very smart and strong.
    Appearance: Amine/Teens/mizugi81.jpg
    Bio: Lived with her father and sister while her mother died when she was six
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't
    Anything else: jewel can grant any wish of the person that holds it. It can also heal it’s holder as well.
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Terri
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Powers: Darkness, mimicing, and tranformation
    Weapon: Anything she is able to mimic
    Personality: Dark but hyper at rare times
    Bio: She got a bad case of amnesia and became vunerable to either side but the darkness got to her frist...
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't
    Anything else: N/A
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Ty
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Powers: Darkness and muilaption(sp I think)
    Weapon: Anything that is sharp, knifes mostly
    Personality: Very twisted like and he LOVES to mess with people
    Appearance: Amine/Males/anime233.jpg
    Bio: Mostly unknown. Brother betrayed his family and left them. Two years later his family were killed. Now he wants the powers of the sisters
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't
    Anything else: True intentions are unknown
    Played by: Random Angel

    Name: Alice
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Powers: White magic and a mixture of other things.
    Weapon: Bow and arrows.
    Personality: Very kind and is loyal, but if you do something to hurt her she try to keep her distance for awhile.
    Appearance: Long red hair, green eyes. About 5 foot 7 inches. Wears a purple shirt and black pants.
    Bio: Lived with both of her parents until they got a divorce, at the time she was 13, until recently she lived with her mom.
    How they met Sora and the others: Has not met them.
    Anything else: Bleh.
    Played by: Spunk Ransom

    Name: Sace Yevv
    Gender: boy
    Age: 17
    Weapon: blade infused with water powers
    Personality: a bit short tempered, but kind at heart. Would do anything to help his friends, but he's usually acting on instinct, also curious.
    Bio: One of the people living in baltra, trying to get ahold of the younger sisters necklace, thought it would be better to help them, so maybe she would lend it to him. Needs to use it to help Kimar, and to help the people of his village.
    How they met Sora and the others: still hasn't.
    Anything else: Has a pet called Kimar, a little wolf demon that would grow into a large one, but was halted in its growth and turned back into a baby, stopping its powers.
    Played by: None other then the great Soranspartanti!

    Name: Kon
    Gender: girl
    Age: looks 35
    Powers: ice
    Weapon: bow and arrows, and secretly a knife.
    Personality: cold, intelligent, calm, headstrong, usually teases people, knowing
    Appearance: Black hair in a ponytail, tied by small chains, white robe with intricate designs, most of them looking like stick-devils. Wears sandals. Pretty, eyes are blue.
    Bio: Joined Jaaku to gain help to get the necklace.
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't.
    Anything else: Gets around quickly by icicles.
    Played by: Soranspartanti!

    Name: Banji
    Gender: boy
    Age: 13
    Powers: earth
    Weapon: chain and sickle, kunai
    Personality: lifeless
    Appearance: Hair is short, and brown, has a short ponytail sticking out of back. Eyes are green.
    Bio:Created by Kon, He is the eyes and ears, and servant of her.
    How they met Sora and the others: hasn't
    Anything else: nothing....
    Played by:Soranspartanti

    Name: Sigma
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    Powers: Teleportation and absorption
    Weapon: A large sword similar to the buster sword
    Personality: Cold, uncaring, everything needed to make a bad guy. Smart and quick to act.
    Appearance: Long white hair reaching to about half his back, yellow eyes, he's about 6 foot 3 inches tall, wears a pair of dark gray jeans, black shoes, and a white shirt.
    Bio: He's another survivor from Alaric's world and has been tracking him. He wants to use to steal his keyblade and use it for his own desires. He also seems to know something Alaric doesn't about his past...
    How they met Sora and the others: Hasn't
    Anything else: Hates just about everyone and wants to kill anyone unworthy of their powers.
    Played by: Arch

    Powers:Water and Light(And can turn into a WaterDragon because he is one)
    Weapons:WaterDragonKing Blade and Door To Light Blade (D.T.L. Blade)
    Personality:Calm and happy most of the time but gets mad easily
    Appearance: (on Card but has on a Royal Blue coat on)
    Bio:He was born in a place where dragons rule.His brother killed his parents and mostly destroied the world.But Akua destroyed him in the end Akua killed him and they was a explosion.He than was thrown into a dark portal.
    How they met Sora and the others:He appears in from of them threw the dark portal
    Played by Akua WaterDragonKing.
    Thread by: Aura, Jul 7, 2008, 898 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Aura
    I drew this on Saturday I think it was.I have been writing a story since 2 days ago.But I have been planning and thinking about it since a month ago.This drawing is the main character of the story.His name is Kentaro Matsumoto.I had to look at a lot of different anime guys to try and get the hair the way I wanted it to look and also the face.I had trouble with the mouth.But yeah I decided to leave like that.

    I would like CnC please.
    Thread by: Aura, Jul 2, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Aura


    Both of my brothers are out and I'm alone with my parents.Ever since both of my brothers left,I have been in my older brother's(The oldest.He's 21)room,using the computer,watching Bleach episodes on this one website,listening to itunes and started drawing like at 7:30.And it is 10:25 pm.Wow I had no life today.I even ate in his room. *sigh* *looks for something else to do*
    Thread by: Aura, Jun 29, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Aura
    Well lately I've been in a good mood that I have been drawing.I would really like some CnC for these two drawings.I'm sorry if you can't see the pictures so well.I don't have a scanner so I took a picture of them.I'll give my own opinion of my drawings but I would like CnC from others.

    Well I'm going to have to say that the shading came out a little sloppy.At first when I was finished with it I thought "This the best drawing I've ever done." But now I'm starting to have second thoughts on this drawing.I'm starting to think it's too messy.

    Kairi-Walking this road
    I have to say that I impressed myself with this drawing.When I did this one I was in a really good mood.So maybe that's why it came out nice and isn't messy.The poem in the bottom came from a picture I found on the internet with Sora,Riku and Kairi.And the drawing is from that picture.I do like the way I left her hair.Now I'm saying this drawing came out as one of the best drawings I've done so far.

    So please CnC.
    Thread by: Aura, Jun 24, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Aura
    My grandpa forgot my birthday was today.He thought is was going to be tomorrow.That's never happened to me before.I'm mad now lol
    Thread by: Aura, Jun 3, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Aura
    Can someone make me a sig that has the character Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and that one guy from Final Fantasy Versus XIII.I don't know his name but he's the main character.I don't really care about the color just don't make it too dark or too bright.I would like it to say:

    Shining city. Beautiful nights. Living in a fairytale seems to be the same person's answer. What about reality? Can't handle the truth?

    Rep will be given to whoever makes it for me.Be as creative as possible.Please and thank you.
    Thread by: Aura, May 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  18. Aura

    A bet..

    Like on Tuesday or Wednesday two of my friends made a bet that one of them would not last one week without insults or being mean.That means you can't say bad words and thing like that.You have to be an angel seriously.And one of them put me into that bet so now I'm currently in a bet thanks you my friend.And if you say something mean or say a bad word you have to pay us 25 cents.Yeah I know its childish but its works.I got $1 today because both of my friends were being mean haha.So I had three buck in my pocket at school today haha So I think I'm winning so far.
    Thread by: Aura, May 24, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Aura


    Seriously what the hell is wrong with the weather here where I live.Last week it was blazing hot.Like it was in the 90's and 100's.Now today its like 68 degrees,raining,hail was falling like just right now, and there's thunder.I now despise the weather here.
    Thread by: Aura, May 22, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Aura
    It's been 2 months since the chao with Organization XIII.Sora,Riku and Kairi have been able to relax for these 2 months.Until they get a letter from the king saying they are going to have to protect a princess that must marry a prince at the age of 16.The letter also says that the princess refuses to marry the prince.They live in a different part of Hollow Bastion.But they call that city or kingdom Radient Garden.The prince's father is an enemy of the princess' father.The prince's father is a king in a different kingdom far away fron Radient Garden.They have benn going through war since their children have been born.So now they decided to have their children get married to forget about this warthey have been having since their children have been born.So now Sora and the gang must convince the princess to marry the prince.But then somehow they the king finds out Kairi is a princess and once lived in Hollow Bastion.So now they want her to marry as well but with who?

    You can create your own character or have a character from the game.The RPG will start once somebody has Sora, and Riku.Also I will allow you to have up to 5 KH characters and 2 OC's.The prince's name is Rai.

    * No god modding
    * No Yaoi/Yuri
    *Hugging and kissing is fine but nothing else
    *No killing someone else's character without permission
    * Please use * when ever cussing.But please try not to cuss
    *No text talk
    *Please use the form when making a character
    *The post must be related to the storyline.No spam
    *BE ACTIVE.Don't just post a character then never come back

    OC Form
    What he/she look like:
    How they met Sora and the others:
    Anything else:
    Played by:

    Prince Rai-Tularim
    King Mickey-
    King Enzo(Aria's father)-VaKh87
    King Evan(Rai's father)-

    Name: Aria
    Gender: Female
    Powers: can control the earth
    Weapon: A sword
    Personality: She very sweet.But can be stubborn.She's smart.She has a brave heart.A strong heart and will.
    What he/she look like:
    Bio:She's a princess that must marry Prince Rai.But she refuses to marry him(her bio really isn't needed)
    How they met Sora and the others:She has yet to encounter.But she has heard of them from the king.
    Played by:VaKh87

    Name: Raxtion
    Gender: Male
    Powers: Electricity
    Weapon: Spirit Sword
    Personality: he is a kind fellow, who is always on task
    Bio: Raxtion has been hired by the princess to stop the jorney by killing the prince... and his detirmination is going to lead him right to Sora
    How they met Sora and the others: They haven't met yet...

    Name: Xert
    Gender: Male
    Powers: Uses portal. and has massive amounts of spells
    Weapon: he grabs one from portals (there always differnt)
    Personality: clam, wise, and is easy to dislike
    What he/she look like: Black and white organization robe. keeps his hood up
    Bio: Has taken control of the world that never was and rebuilt the damaged part and got rid of the castle. He has a plan to do some thing
    How they met Sora and the others: he hasn't yet
    Anything else: his plans are sometimes dibateable but he's working tords a larger goal
    Played by: Xert

    Name: Seth
    Gender: boy
    Powers: darkness, almost
    Weapon: sword, kunai, knives, chakram, axe, claymore
    Personality: cold, emotionless, thinker, depressing, wall flower, sad, mad, strategist
    What he/she look like: You've seen my other descriptions, haven't you, Vakh?
    Bio: Opposes the idea of marriage, is one of the prisoners of the hollow bastion kingdom.
    How they met Sora and the others: didn't, heard of them
    Anything else: An excellent fighter.
    Played by: Soranspartanti

    Name: Rai
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Sword and Offensive Magic.
    Personality: Quiet,Calm,Strong.

    Name: Zelkon
    Gender: male
    Powers: magic
    Weapon: Blue Keyblade
    Personality: laid back, hard worker, friendly
    Bio: Zelkon's job is to protect the princess
    How they met Sora and the others: didn't yet
    Played by:Fireflame
    Thread by: Aura, May 20, 2008, 442 replies, in forum: Retirement Home