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  1. Aura


    As the title says, you will be expecting something of Cinderella. This is actually my first real life kind of thing. No, none of this happened to me but its nothing of fantasy and stuff like that. And yes you'll end up seeing the "ohshi- its almost midnight!" thing. XD I always appreciate criticisms. It may sound like a journal then again it might not. Eh, oh well. XD Also, you might end up seeing some grammar mistakes. I'm using my old computer and the program I'm using to type this was weird. >> I know its short but hopefully the next chapter will be longer. 8D

    Chapter 1

    “Alex, wake up dear. Oh Alex.â€

    The feminine voice continued to call out my name. I immediately knew why; it was 6a.m. and I had to begin my chores. I grabbed one of my pillows and put it over my head, trying to block out the woman’s voice. At first, she called out softly, but I began to hear an irritation in her tone.


    I quickly sat up and looked to the direction where the voice was coming from; a small speaker I had against my wall.

    “Alex, be a dear and make the girls and I breakfast. We’re starving.â€

    I stared at the speaker and groaned. Why can’t they make their own food for once? I sighed, wishing I didn’t have to do this. I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed. There’s no point in arguing about this; I had to do what I was told in this household.

    The woman that owns the house and me is named Susanna Williams. She’s some sort of famous director or something. Although, I wouldn’t say famous since not that many people like her; her daughters are “popular†in my school, or so they think they are. The one that is popular is named Fabiola Torres; I never liked her. She caused me too much trouble when I first met her. Susanna isn’t my legal mother, she’s only my guardian. My real mother passed away during childbirth, and my father died from a car accident when I was seven; Susanna knew my father and decided to take me into her household, but she only took me in to treat me like her slave.

    “Here you go.†I said, handing Susanna her breakfast. I looked around the room, not seeing Britney or Tifany- Susanna’s daughters.

    “The girls left already.†Susanna said with her mouth full.

    She waved her hand at me as if she wanted me to leave already. I mouthed ‘okay’, then turned around, leaving the room.

    “Oh wait, Alex.†Susanna called. “I want you to stay home today. You need to do a few things.â€

    I turned back around and slowly walked over to her. “Um, Susanna, I have to go to school. I have a huge test today that counts for part of my grade.â€

    Susanna groaned, continuing to put food in her mouth, which was quite disgusting. “Okay, fine. Apparently your education is more important than my needs.â€

    I shook my head, turning around and leaving the room. She always treated me this way, whether it was because the house needed to be clean or she just needed someone to be around her. When I would stay home, it would just turn out weird. She’d start crying and ask me questions dealing with her career, and I would just sit there, staring at her.


    I’ve been told by my best friend Abbigail- I call her Abbi for short- that I’m like Cinderella, trapped in a hell hole and waiting for my prince charming to come. When she told me that, I couldn’t help but laugh. Who would want to come and rescue me? I only have one friend out of thousands of students in my school; I doubt I’ll be saved any time soon.
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 21, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Aura
    Marley & Me

    Searched the section, didn't see anything.

    Yes there is a book if some of you didn't know about it. I'm still reading it. I saw the movie before I even finished the book. The book is very good, and so is the movie.

    Is anyone reading the book or has read it already?
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 20, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Literature
  3. Aura
    I took these today. To tell you the truth, I really don't like these. I don't think they're my best work.

    Just noticed the cables that got in the way.Too late. DX

    Thread by: Aura, Jan 19, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Aura
    I now know where I can get the scanner from but who knows when my aunt is home.

    Drew this a few days ago. I drew this while wearing gloves. XD I now know I should start drawing with gloves. XD

    My wrist was kind of hurting due to all of the shading. And her eyes were like that. Straight out of the Bleach manga.

    CnC, please.
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 19, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Aura

    Michael Buble

    Eh, not sure if any of you have heard of him or any of his songs.

    I've heard a couple of his songs but the main one I love is Sway. Its a very good song. He mainly sings ballroom type of songs. Although, I'm really a huge fan. I pretty much only like Sway.

    Has anyone heard of him before?
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 18, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Aura


    My dad told me yesterday he tried putting me in karate when I was little. XD
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 17, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Aura
    I recently got this book. Its quite good. Books like these,basically mystery or thriller books, always catch my attention. Has anyone read or heard of this book?
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 16, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  8. Aura
    lulz, I drew this while wearing gloves. XDD

    Well, I drew this two days ago. I drew this like around 11pm because I was bored. XD

    Anyway, this drawing is from the cover of volume 25 of the Bleach mangas. The cover has Hollow Ichigo but shows more of his face. And I got the idea to cut his face in half instead of cutting part of his eye out. I actually like the way it came out. I showed this to my brother,who also draws but is better than me, and he told me its pretty good. Better than my previous ones. 8DD But I would like to hear your opinions guys.

    Again, I don't have a scanner so sorry if its blurry. ><
    Also, there was some shading on his hair. I tried shading it but I couldn't. So if you see randon streaks of a pencil, that's just me failing at shading. >>

    Thread by: Aura, Jan 15, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Aura


    When I was little, I told my family I wanted to be a teacher when I grow up. I always enjoyed helping people. Whether it was teaching them something or giving them advice. But as I got older, I became interested in other things. My parents always thought that the idea of me being a teacher was good, especially my mom. My dad doesn't really care just as long as we have something we enjoy doing. When I entered Middle School, I became interested in Medicine, Astronomy, and Zoology. When I said I wanted to be a Doctor or an Astronomer to my mom, she was happy knowing if I became one of those, I would make a lot of money. But when I told her I wanted to be a Zoologist- I love animal, that's why I chose that- my mom said, "No! Why do you want to be that? You won't make any money out of it." I didn't care but it still bothered me that she didn't want me to be a Zoologist.

    When I entered High School, I loved to draw. Then came the idea of being an Artist. I told my mom but then came the same question and comment, "No! Why do you want to be that? You won't make any money out of it." I was mad since I love drawing. But finally, in the middle of tenth grade, I started writing. I eventually started to love writing, and I started writing my own stories and all that. I told my mom that I loved writing but I didn't tell her I wanted to become a Writer. But finally one day, I decided to tell her. But then, came the exact same response, "No! Why do you want to be that? You won't make any money out of it." I finally ignored her opinion and continued what I enjoyed to do. Now when I go to college, I'm going to study Literature. Again, I told my mom, she disapproved.

    Then yesterday, I was talking to my brothers and my mom about what my aunt is studying, psychology. Somehow we got into this conversation and I told my mom, "I want to be a writer. I'm going to study Literature when I go to college." Again came the same response, "Why do you want to be that? I don't get it." I didn't care for what my mom thought, just as long as I enjoy what I'm doing. My mom is very ignorant. She doesn't like anything I do. She doesn't like the way I dress, what I read, what I want to become, what I want to study, and the list goes on.

    I'm sorry if I wasted anyone's time. I needed to get this off of my chest even if it was on the internet. You guys can give me advice if you want but I just needed to lift this weight off my shoulders.
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 10, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  10. Aura
    Eh, I haven't drawn in about 5 months. I did this yesterday because I was bored and I felt like drawing. This is straight out of the manga, Bleach. I had a little trouble with the tears and blushing. I was looking at it today and I fixed the tears and all of the shading. And I don't have a scanner so sorry if its blurry.

    Thread by: Aura, Jan 9, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Aura


    I still have an hour left for New Years.I'm bored out of my mind.

    I hate my brothers right now. ._.
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 1, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Aura
    I've been wanting to post two of these for a while now.But I didn't have time.
    I took this one about three weeks ago,I think.It was the week we were going to have a storm for a few days.It wasn't raining when I took this picture,so I got lucky there
    I don't like this so much because the damn cables were in the way.They got in the way,somehow, and so it doesn't look so nice.I took this one the same day as the other one.
    I took this one today.I went to the kitchen and I saw the way the sky looked and I knew I just had to take a picture.If only that stupid tree wasn't in the way.

    Thread by: Aura, Dec 30, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Aura

    Time of Dying

    This is something new I came up with. I thought of this story while I was watching an AMV,yeah. At first I started it out as an RP but I was planning on making into a story later on. I was planning on posting it next month but eh, Crimson told me to start on it 8D Of course the characters from the RP is different from this. Except for my characters.They're all the same.Crimson helped me name one of the characters that is going to appear in the first chapter.So I thanked him for that because if not,I wouldn't have started today D8 So please,comment.Please and thank you 8D

    Time of Dying

    Chapter 1​

    Two girls were on top of a tall building. One was looking through some binoculars; Matsuyo Tanaka. She was kneeling down on the edge of the building looking down at a group of soldiers. The group of soldiers were attempting to take a man inside a truck. One was pulling him away and another was pulling the man’s daughter. She let a deep sigh, of frustration.

    “Yup, there’s another one.†Matsuyo said.

    She raised her head and looked behind her. She grinned and looked through the binoculars again.“Ready?†she asked. Before Matsuyo knew it, she saw her friend, Aria Hokkaido, jump off the building and heading down. Matsuyo stood up and looked down. "Man, you're always the one having fun." she joked.

    Aria had her body straight as she went down. She took out her gunblade and pointed it at the soldiers. The soldiers looked up and saw Aria. They pointed their guns at her. Aria rolled her eyes and took out one of her grenades. Aria threw it at the group of soldiers. They all stood still, attempting the move. Aria landed in the middle and swung her gunblade at all of the guns. She kicked a few soldiers against the wall and shot a few others. Aria looked around, seeing that the soldiers were unconscious. She sheathed her gunblade and looked at the man and his daughter. The little girl went running to her father’s arms. The little girl cried, same as her father.

    “Thank you! Thank you so much!†the father told Aria. He grabbed his daughter’s hand and took off, heading somewhere safe.

    Aria watched them leave. She turned around and looked up, to see Matsuyo jump off the building. Matsuyo landed in front of Aria and smiled. “Nicely done.†she said. She laughed and walked over to each of the soldiers, to make sure they wouldn't get up and try anything. Matsuyo had her hands on her hips and smiled. She walked over to Aria and put her arms down to her side. Aria looked around. She took out her phone and looked at the screen. She put her phone away and started walking away, with Matsuyo following behind. Aria stopped walking and turned her head to look at a different direction. She took a deep breath and jumped onto a rooftop. Matsuyo turned her to look at the direction Aria looked. Matsuyo looked back ahead but didn’t see Aria in front of her. She looked around and finally saw Aria on a rooftop. Matsuyo jumped up onto the rooftop and knelt down, looking over the edge as Aria was doing the same. Aria narrowed her eyes, as she saw soldiers passing by. Matsuyo raised both eyebrows and looked at Aria.

    “I’m guessing your father must have sent more, huh?†she asked.

    Aria stood up straight and turned around. She closed her eyes, ignoring Matsuyo’s question. She opened her eyes and started walking away. Matsuyo looked at Aria as she walked away. She looked back down then stood up and followed Aria.


    Holden ran through the streets trying to get away as fast as possible. He tried his best not to run into anyone. He turned his head to looked behind him. The man was still following him. He looked back ahead and rolled his eyes.“Man, why does every cute girl here has to be either, dating, married or have kids?†Holden said to himself. He raised both eyebrows to see an alley was close. He grinned and ran past a few civilians until he was close to the alley. He turned his head and quickly jumped into the alley. He had his back against the wall and waited to see the guy that was chasing him, pass by. Holden let out a deep sigh and started walking the other direction. He rubbed his head and noticed something was going on outside of the alleyway. His curiosity got to him, and ran out of the alley. He looked around and saw soldiers running all over the place. “What’s going on?†he wondered. Holden took a few steps forward and looked around. Without warning, a small group of soldiers surrounded Holden. He took a few steps back and put his hand on the handle of his sword.

    “Stay where you are!†one of the soldiers ordered. Holden cursed under his breath and didn’t know what to do. This sucks. He thought.

    Chapter 2​

    Holden looked around and grinned. He took his sword off of his back and raised it in front of him. The soldiers pointed their guns at him and were ready to pull the trigger on their guns.

    “Stay where you are!†one of them ordered again.

    Holden was about to charge forward until someone yelled at him. He turned around and saw the man that was chasing him earlier. “Crap!†Holden shouted.

    “Hey I’m not done with you!†the man yelled. He ran towards Holden, pushing the soldiers away. Holden panicked and looked around. He thought on his feet and grabbed one of the soldiers and brought the blade of his sword against his neck. “Don’t come near me! I-I’ll kill him!†he lied. The man gave Holden a confused look. He scratched his head and smirked.

    “Like I care if he dies.†the man said. Holden’s eyes widened. He began to lower his sword and started to laugh. “Oh crap.†he said. Holden pushed the soldier away and started pushing soldiers in front of him to block the man’s way.

    On a near by rooftop, Matsuyo was watching everything, through her binoculars. She started laughing when she saw Holden running all over the place. “Aria, you have to see this. I don’t know what he’s running from but I think he’s running away from that guy. And he’s using the soldiers as his shield.†she said laughing. Aria took the binoculars away from Matsuyo.

    “If soldiers are there then he might end getting recruited.†Aria said in a serious tone. She brought the binoculars up to her eyes. She let out a deep sigh and gave Matsuyo the binoculars. “Come on.â€

    The soldiers got tired of the nonsense that was going on and pointed their guns at Holden and the man. The two boys stopped and raised their hands in the air. “Great...†Holden muttered. Holden closed his eyes when he heard gunfire. He waited for the bullets to hit him but none of them did. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a few soldiers on the ground. Holden looked around and saw someone jump down a rooftop. She landed in front of him and kicked a few soldiers. Holden stared at her in amazement. Not because of her fighting ability but because of something else. He blinked a few times trying to come back from his little daydream. He looked around and didn’t see the man that was after him earlier. Holden scratched his head, figuring he had ran off. He closed his eyes for a moment and grinned. When he opened his eyes, he saw all of the soldiers unconscious.

    “Whoa, that happened fast.†he said.

    Holden raised his head and saw two girls talking amongst themselves. One of them was the girl that appeared in front of him. Holden thought for a moment and smirked. He stood up straight and walked over to the girls. “Excuse me. I believe I get to thank you two for helping me.â€

    Matsuyo tilted her head and laughed. “Helped you? We actually saved you!†she said. Holden looked away and rubbed the back of his head, in embarrassment. Aria was busy looking around. She put her gunblade away and started walking away.

    “Lets go, Matsuyo.†she said.

    Matsuyo quickly turned around. She nodded and turned back to look at Holden. “You can come with us if you want.†she suggested. Matsuyo turned around and followed Aria. Holden crossed his arms and thought for a moment. Alone, with two cute girls. Holden thought. He looked up at the sky as if he was about to sneeze. He quickly lowered his head to look at Aria and Matsuyo walking away. “H-Hey! Wait up!†he called running to them.

    Chapter 3​

    Holden caught up with the two girls. He slowed down his pace and walked beside Matsuyo. Holden rubbed the back of his head and looked around. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at Aria then Matsuyo. Holden looked back at Aria then looked away, not knowing what to say. He smiled and turned to Matsuyo. “Uh, so, who are you girls, anyway?†he asked, trying to break the silence.

    Matsuyo looked at Holden, knowing he was going to ask that. “I’m Matsuyo Tanaka. And that’s,†she said pointing at Aria. “Aria Hokkaido.â€

    Holden nodded, taking everything in. “It’s nice to meet you girls. I’m Holden Gallegos.â€

    Matsuyo smiled and stopped walking when Aria stopped. “Something wrong?†she asked.

    Aria looked around, moving her eyes only. She looked to her right, hearing something in the distance. Aria narrowed her eyes and started walking away, heading the other direction. Matsuyo looked at Holden and started following Aria. Holden raised an eyebrow and watched the two girls leaving. He crossed his arms and turned his head. Holden’s eyes widened when he saw soldiers appear from the corner. Holden turned around and started running, trying to catch up to Matsuyo and Aria.


    In the castle located in the city, the king paced back and forth. He stopped when he heard the doors open. He narrowed his eyes when he saw it was one of his soldiers.

    The soldier walked in front of his king, got on one knee and bowed his head. “Sir, we ran into Aria but she over powered us. My apologizes for not being able to bring her here.â€

    “I don’t care anymore.†the king said. “I want you to inform every soldier. Tell them if they see Aria, to not hesitate and kill her.â€

    The soldier quickly raised his head. “But sir, Aria is your daughter!â€

    “I don’t care!†the king yelled. “She dared to go against me. Now go and tell every soldier in my army.â€

    The soldier looked down. “Yes sir.†He stood up and left the castle.

    Chapter 4​

    The sun was setting, making the sky have a purplish and orange color; also making the city even more brighter and beautiful. Aria and the others were heading to a house that her father doesn’t know about; although its still in the city. Holden had seconds thoughts if he should of followed Aria and Matsuyo, since he doesn’t really know much about them, plus he had just met the two girls. But he still felt like he should stay with them, just in case those soldiers show up again or if anything comes up, involving him. During the time they were walking, Aria was lost in thought, even though she could sort of hear Matsuyo and Holden talking. But eventually, it came to a point where Aria couldn’t hear anything but the things that were going through her mind. After a while, Aria and the others got to the house; Holden noticed the house seemed like any ordinary house. When they went inside, it still looked like an ordinary house. For a normal house to be in a high-tech city, that’s pretty weird. He thought. Holden had questions, a lot of questions. He didn’t know whether to trust in the girls or not to. “Uh, so, who are you girls exactly? I mean, I know I asked you this already†Holden trailed off in thought wondering how to explain what he meant. He looked up at ceiling and snapped his fingers, finally knowing what to ask. “What I meant was, why are you two fighting those soldiers? Do you have something against them or what?â€

    Aria and Matsuyo looked at one other, with a face saying, “Who should tell him, me or you?†Aria turned around, shaking her head and waving her hand, letting Matsuyo do all the talking. Matsuyo frowned and turned to Holden, she didn’t like having to explain everything. “Well, its kind of hard to explain, well actually not really.†Matsuyo shook her head and decided to think for a moment so Holden can understand everything that’s going on. “Okay, well, this city is part of a much bigger kingdom called Baltra. The person that rules this city and the rest of the kingdom is called Hilario Hokkaido. And Aria is his daughter.â€

    “Whoa, wait a minute, she’s a princess?!†Holden asked pointing to Aria and looking at her in shock. He didn’t know for a princess to be fighter, they can still be so pretty.

    “Yes. Hilario was very different when Aria was young. He cared more for the city and for his family. But when Aria was little, her mother became ill and Aria started to notice some change in her father. Aria eventually found out that her father was taking over cities that aren’t in this kingdom, and making this kingdom grow. His personality started to change into a much more evil and heartless.†Matsuyo looked down for a moment, pausing and thinking of something else to say. “And during that time, I met Aria. Her father was the one that destroyed my hometown. But I didn’t know that the moment I met her. When Aria’s mother died, her father was a changed man. He no longer cared for the city or the kingdom. He only cared for himself and making Baltra grow. Aria then told me she had the idea to go against her father and bring him down. At first I thought it was crazy, going against your own father. But when I found out he killed my family and many other innocent people, I knew I wanted to work with Aria.â€

    Holden looked back and forth at Matsuyo and Aria, taking everything in, even though it all seemed too extreme. He crossed his arms, and began to pace back and forth, trying to let everything he was just told sink in. Holden turned to face both girls and put both arms down to his side. “So, what do you girls plan on doing now?â€

    Chapter 5​

    Holden looked at both girls, wondering if they were even going to bother answer his question; there was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. He impatiently tapped his finger on his arm; looking down at the hard wooden floor, waiting for a response.

    “Just let me tell you one thing; leave the city before its too late.†Aria said, turning her head to look out the window. She looked at Holden then at Matsuyo, nodding at her; Aria took a deep breath, and left the house, leaving Matsuyo with Holden.

    “Where is she going?†Holden asked. “Don’t you think you should go with her?â€

    Matsuyo smiled and shook her head. “Don’t worry about her; Aria will be fine. I’ve known her for many years and trust me, Aria can take care of herself.â€


    A woman and her daughter were backed up against a wall, pleading not to be killed. A man, carrying two swords, approached them with an evil smile; another man laid dead behind him. The woman was trying to calm her daughter down, even though she was terrified herself.

    “Do you know where I can find Aria Hokkaido?†the man finally asked.

    The woman looked up at the man; the moment he spoke the name, she immediately knew this was an enemy of Aria’s. “I-I don’t know....nobody knows her location; not even her father.†the woman said.

    “Oh. Well that’s a shame.†The man raised one of his swords above him and smiled. “Then you’re no use to me now.†He swung his sword down; the moment it hit, a small cloud of dust surrounded him; he laughed, figuring they were dead. When the dust began to clear, he saw a sword locked with his; when the dust was completely gone, he saw someone familiar.

    “Seems like you came to me instead, Aria.†the man smirked.

    Chapter 6​

    Aria looked down, seeing she was standing in a small crater made by him; she narrowed her eyes and looked back up, pushing the man’s sword away from her. That blow was powerful. To have created a crater, this guy must have been sent by my father. Then again, I could be wrong. Aria took a few steps to the side, shaking her right arm; the woman and the girl were gone. “Who are you and how do you know my name?†Aria asked.

    The man smiled and bowed. “You can just call me Void, if you’d like. And if I’m correct, aren’t you considered the heroine of this city?â€

    “You could say that.â€

    “Then, that’s how I know who you are. If one is considered a hero or a heroine, then everyone must know who that person is, am I correct?â€

    “I highly doubt you know who I am because of what I do for this city. Plus, I doubt someone would attack an innocent woman and her child just because they didn’t know where I was.†Aria’s eyes widened when she suddenly saw the blade of a sword just inches away from her right eye. She leaned back, barely avoiding the blade from puncturing her eye.

    “You didn’t tell me she was that quick, Void.†said a high pitch feminine voice. A young woman came from behind Void, landing next to him, with her sword back in her hand.

    What the hell? That sword was inches away from my eye, but the odd thing is I didn’t see anybody carrying it when it was in front of me, let alone, I didn’t see it coming. Just who are these people? Aria stood up straight, keeping a tight grip on her gunblade.

    “The girl isn’t fast, she’s slow. If she was fast, she would have sensed you the moment she arrived but she didn’t, did she? She’s only garbage and I don’t see how her father finds her a threat.†Void explained.

    Aria closed her eyes, and let out a quiet sigh, showing a weak smile. “You honestly think that’s it. You may know my name but you don’t know who exactly I am. People think they know me just because they know my name but that’s not true. Only one person knows who exactly I am, and that’s my father, other than that, nobody has a clue. So why don’t you shut up and let’s see if you know me by the end of the day.â€

    Chapter 7​

    For a moment, Void simply stared at Aria, smirking and sheathed one of his swords. “Is that so.†he said, beginning to laugh. Void closed his eyes, putting his hand over his face, continuing to laugh. The young woman that was standing next to him, was smiling and looking up at Void. When she turned her attention back towards Aria, her eyes widened; her silly expression finally became serious.

    “Um, Void.†she said, waving her hand at him.

    “Shut up, Kiyomi†he said, laughing. “Listen, Aria, don’t think too big of yourself. What makes you think you ca-†He cut himself off, when he finally noticed why Kiyomi was trying to catch his attention. His eyes widened, in disbelief; Aria was no longer in front of them. “D-Did she run away...?â€

    “Now you don’t expect me to run away, do you? You assumed that because you’re now afraid. I’m much quicker than you think; if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have my blade against your throat.â€

    Void slowly looked down, in even more disbelief to actually see a blade. He turned his head, looking over his shoulder and getting a glimpse of Aria behind him. Void gritted his teeth, tightening his grip on his sword; he was now furious. “You little son of a...†He grabbed Aria’s sword with his free hand, moving it away from his throat and then swung his sword at Aria but she suddenly disappeared. Void took a step back before turning around, to see Aria where she was before, with her back turned. “Do something Kiyomi! Don’t just stand there!†Void shouted.

    Kiyomi rolled her eyes, charging towards Aria. Aria quickly turned around as soon as she heard footsteps heading towards her; she raised her sword when Kiyomi suddenly disappeared. Aria carefully looked around, not wanting to fall for the same thing that happened last time. She narrowed her eyes when she saw a sword heading towards her head; Aria moved to the side, avoiding the blade, although the blade touch her cheek, giving her a slight graze.

    Kiyomi reappeared once again by Void’s side, frowning. “Void, I don’t think I’ll be able to do this. I think we should just leave.â€

    Void gritted his teeth, turning around. “Fine.†he said, walking away. “This won’t be the last time you see us, Aria.†And with that, both, Kiyomi and Void disappeared.

    Aria sheathed her sword, letting out a deep sigh. “Look who’s running away now.†she muttered to herself. Aria looked around the area, expecting them to come out catching her off guard but they actually left. She shook her head, rolling eyes; Aria turned around but stood in the same spot for a couple of seconds then started heading back to the house.

    Chapter 8​

    “Void, why are we running away? I think we could have taken her on!†Kiyomi’s high pitched voice echoed around the deserted area.

    “Are you stupid or something?! You were the one that told me to run!†Void yelled in rage.

    “You don’t have to yell.â€

    Void groaned, turning around and slamming his fist against the cold, hard cement wall. “That stupid girl thinks she is better than me, well I wasn’t able to show her my true power. And that teleporting or whatever she used…â€

    “It’s called teleporting, Void.†Kiyomi teased.

    “I said shut up!†Void yelled, turning around to face Kiyomi. “You don’t understand, it was…different, different from our teleporting ability. She used something to help her but what?â€

    Kiyomi sat down on an old table that was left outside. She kicked her legs, while staring at Void, watching him think and pace back and forth. “I didn’t sense or see anything different about what she did. It just seemed like any ordinary teleporting ability.â€

    “That’s where you’re wrong, Kiyomi. When we met with her father, he said she has the ability to control gravity. She wasn’t born with two powers, only one.†Void said, crossing his arms and looking down at the pavement. “Her father told us that when she uses her power, it affects anyone within a two mile radius. If we’re going to fight her again, we must find a way to remove her power for a short period of time.â€

    “So you’re saying when we fight her again, we’re going to use something to cancel out her powers, right?†Kiyomi asked.

    “Exactly; it has to last long enough for us kill her.†Void smirked. He suddenly let out a sigh, putting his hand over his face. “But, when we fought her right now, she didn’t use her power.†Void cursed under his breath, turning his back on Kiyomi. “So how are we going to do this?â€

    “Why don’t you let me? I know everything there is to know about Aria.†A deep, rough voice came from just a few feet away from Kiyomi and Void. As soon as he spoke, both Kiyomi and Void turned their attention to the person that just arrived. Void stood up straight, smiling and knowing exactly who this newcomer was and what he could do. Void closed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh.

    “Very well then, we’ll leave it to you. I just hope you don’t fail.†Void said in a calm tone. He turned around and began to walk off, with Kiyomi followed him.

    The man that had approached them, stayed in the area, smiling. “No need to worry. Aria will be dead soon enough.†he said as if Void was still in front of him. The man chuckled and started walking away, heading the opposite direction.

    Chapter 9​

    Shortly after facing Void and Kiyomi, Aria finally arrived at the house. She stood at the door, already knowing the questions that will probably come to her due to the cut she has on her cheek. She wasn’t a child; she has gotten worse injuries and she could take care of herself. She put her hand on the door knob and opened the door. The moment she stepped in, her eyes widened to see a familiar face; an elderly man, sitting at the table with Matsuyo and Holden.

    “You...†Aria said in a shocked tone.

    The elderly man smiled and stood up, facing Aria. “My, is that any way to greet me, Aria?â€

    “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay hidden.†Aria quickly said.

    “Aria, he’s here because he sensed that you used it.†Matsuyo explained.

    “That’s right. And by that graze on your cheek, you must’ve fought someone that was a challenge.†the elderly man said in a calm tone.

    “He wasn’t a challenge, he was just an idiot.†Aria said, closing the door behind her and walking towards the table.

    The man sat back down, and looked at Aria. “You have grown. And by sensing that you were able to use it freely, that must mean you have gotten stronger too.â€

    “Wait!†Holden shouted spreading his arms around the table. “Just who exactly are you?†he asked, addressing the question to the elderly man.

    “His name’s Noritaka. He was the one that created the gunblade and most of the weapons I have.†Aria answered.

    “Gunblade...?†Holden asked.

    Aria took in a deep breath and reached for her gunblade, unsheathing it. She planted it on the hard wooden floor, making it tilt. “This is the gunblade. The name makes it pretty obvious what it is. It’s a sword and a gun.â€

    “How did you make something like that?†Holden asked Noritaka.

    “Remember, this city is high-tech, so I’m able to create things that aren’t known to man yet. Aria asked me for a weapon that is capable to handle anything, and so I created the gunblade for her. I have only created one and that is the one Aria holds with her now.†Noritaka explained. “And you’re aware why I came here today. Aria, you need to be careful when using that power. I’m not the only one that can sense it, your father can too.â€

    “You honestly think I’m afraid of my father. Please...†Aria sheathed her gunblade and then crossed her arms.

    “Aria, you shouldn’t take your father so lightly. You’ve-†Matsuyo cut herself off as she suddenly noticed a change in Aria’s mood. “Aria?â€

    Aria’s eyes were locked at the door. She narrowed her eyes before suddenly running out of the house.

    “Where is she going?†Holden asked standing up.

    “Aria!†Matsuyo called after Aria. Holden looked at Noritaka; he was just sitting there, showing no reaction. Holden groaned and decided to leave the old man alone and chase after the girls.


    Aria finally stopped in an area that seemed as if it was deserted but she knew people were there, they were just hiding but from what? Aria carefully looked around, spotting nothing that could have caused the people in this area to hide.

    “What’s the matter, are you afraid?†Aria’s eyes widened as she felt a sudden chill go down her spin. The voice came from behind her; she could feel the breath as the voice spoke. Aria quickly spun around, reaching for her gunblade, but when she was facing the direction where the voice came from, nobody was there but Matsuyo and Holden. Aria took a deep breath, then relaxed her body and turned around, seeing a man with his back turned, in his hand was a sword longer than his body.

    “So, it seems you sensed me.†he said turning around, his silver hair covering part of his face.

    “Matsuyo.†Aria called. The moment she did, Matsuyo took a couple steps forward. “I want you and Holden to get away from here. It’s not safe.â€

    “What?†Matsuyo shouted.

    “Now, wait just one minute. Aria, we’re not going anywhere. We’re here to help you.†Holden protested.

    “If you value your lives, leave now!†Aria said, looking over her shoulder. Her eyes grew wide as she suddenly saw the man that had approached her and the others, appear right next to her. He slammed his elbow against her, causing her to be sent and crash against a building. The impact caused the building to collapse.

    “Aria!†Matsuyo yelled.

    “I-Is she dead...?†Holden stuttered, staring at the ruins of the building. There was no movement that showed that Aria was still alive. Both Matsuyo and Holden stared, waiting to see if Aria would appear but nothing happened.

    “Aria....†Matsuyo said in a worrisome tone.

    Chapter 10

    Holden and Matsuyo stared at the destroyed building, waiting to see if Aria will appear but nothing happened. Holden clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, turning his attention to the stranger. He walked in front of Matsuyo, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword and spread his arm in front of Matsuyo, wanting to protect her. The man turned his attention towards Holden and Matsuyo, smiling.

    “Now it’s your turn.†he said.

    Holden pressed his lips tightly together and took his sword off his back, staring at the enemy. I might as well try. Aria could be dead for all we know. Holden thought to himself, taking a step forward. He was ready to charge forward but stopped himself to see a familiar face appear behind the stranger. Holden took another step forward, seeming as if he had stumbled forward. “Aria!†he called.

    Aria dropped on one knee, using her gunblade as a cane to keep the rest of her body up. She lowered her head, looking down at the pavement, breathing heavily. She stood up with the support of her weapon. The moment she stood up, facing the enemy, she revealed a serious wound on her right side. Aria stumbled backwards, wincing as her own blood fell to the floor. She put her left hand over the wound and raised her gunblade in front of her, with her other hand. She removed her left hand from the wound and put it on the hilt of her gunblade. Aria inhaled deeply then charged forward the attacker. As soon as she was close enough, she swung her gunblade sideways, locking blades with the man.

    “Who are you...?†Aria asked.

    The man smiled and leaned closer to Aria. “You can call me Dante.†he whispered in Aria’s ear.

    Aria’s eyes grew wide, suddenly feeling something pierce through her stomach. She slowly lowered her head to see blood coming down the blade of a sword and onto the hilt. Aria gritted her teeth and closed her eyes tightly.

    “Aria!†Matsuyo shrieked, unsheathing her sword and charging forward to Aria’s aid.

    “Matsuyo, wait!†Holden called. He cursed under his breath, following Matsuyo.

    Dante rolled his eyes, pushing Aria away and turned around, facing Matsuyo as she ran towards him. As soon as she was close enough, Dante grabbed her by the head and took her feet off the ground. Matsuyo put her hand on Dante’s wrist, attempting to break free from his grasp. He shook his head, pulling his arm back and slamming Matsuyo on the ground. Holden quickly charged forward and swung his sword at Dante but he jumped away and onto a building. Holden knelt down next to Matsuyo, putting one hand under her back.

    “Matsuyo!†he called but she was unconscious. Holden cursed under his breath, noticing a red liquid coming from the back of Matsuyo’s head. He gasped, immediately knowing what it was. “Damn it!â€

    Aria was laying on the floor, a few feet behind Matsuyo and Holden. She placed her arms against the pavement, attempting to get up on her feet. She looked down at her hands seeing they were covered in her own blood. Aria raised her head, to seeing Holden holding onto Matsuyo and blood on the floor by Matsuyo’s head. Aria winced and finally got up on her feet, turning her attention towards Dante who was simply smiling. Holden gently laid Matsuyo on the floor and ran over to Aria.

    “Hey! I know what you’re thinking. Don’t you dare fight him like this. I’ll take him on.†Holden told Aria.

    Dante chuckled and spread his arms in front of him. “Well, I’ve done what I wanted to do. Aria may not to be dead but she will die.†He chuckled once more, turned around and disappeared.

    Holden narrowed his eyes and turned his attention to Aria but she was gone. He turned around to see Aria walking away but soon collapsed. Holden rubbed the back of his head and started walking over to Aria to help her. He stopped walking, feeling something hit his head, hard. Holden dropped to the ground, losing consciousness. Dante stood on a rooftop, sheathing his sword and beginning to walk away.

    “Like I said, Aria will die.†he said then disappeared, leaving Aria for dead.

    Chapter 11

    Aria laid on the floor, lying in a puddle of her own blood. She stared off into the distance, feeling raindrops gently hit her body. Matsuyo and Holden laid a few feet away from Aria, unconscious. Aria winced from her wounds and slowly closed her eyes.


    The sound of footsteps could be heard, as if people were walking by and doing nothing. Holden slowly opened his eyes, seeing he wasn’t lying on the floor but on a couch, in someone’s home. He sat up, watching a few women dressed in white walk past him, ignoring him. He sat on the edge of the couch looking around, seeing if he could spot someone familiar but they were all complete strangers. The moment he stood up, Holden heard the sound of a door opening. He turned his head to where the sound had come from and he finally spotted someone familiar.

    “Hey, old man!†Holden shouted in a sharp tone.

    “My name is Noritaka, boy.â€

    “Yeah, and my name’s Holden.â€

    Noritaka rolled his eyes, giving a clipboard to a woman as she left the room Noritaka had came from. Holden took a deep breath and walked over to Noritaka, continuing to look around.

    “So...this is your home, I’m guessing.†Holden said crossing his arms.

    “That’s correct. I saw everything that happened yesterday and I couldn’t leave any of you for dead, especially Aria.†Noritaka stated.

    “Wait, why is Aria so important? I mean-†Noritaka raised his hand, interrupting Holden.

    “Have you been told everything?†Noritaka asked, lowering his hand. Holden looked towards the wall, trying to remember everything Matsuyo had explained to him. He finally looked back at Noritaka and nodded. “Well, Aria is the only one that can really defeat her father. If others were to fight him, they’d die, quickly.†Noritaka stated.

    Holden nodded his head, understanding everything. But, he still believed Aria shouldn’t fight against her own father.

    “Wait...†Holden said. “What happened to Aria and Matsuyo?â€

    Noritaka turned to the side, showing Holden a room with two beds and in those beds were Aria and Matsuyo. Holden quickly went into the room, looking back and forth at both girls as they slept.

    “Matsuyo is recovering quickly. The head wound wasn’t as serious as I thought it would have been. Noritaka’s voice came from behind Holden.

    “What about Aria?†Holden asked.

    Noritaka closed his eyes, sighing. “If I wasn’t there, she could have died in an hour.†Noritaka opened his eyes and looked towards Holden. “You’ve gotten attached to these girls, haven’t you?†he asked.

    “What?†Holden said turning around to face Noritaka.

    “Nothing. Matsuyo should be up in an hour or so. And Aria should rest for a day so her wounds don’t open up again.†he said turning his attention to Aria.

    Holden turned back towards the girls, looking back and forth from Aria to Matsuyo.

    “Let them rest. You can talk to them later or tomorrow.†Noritaka added.


    Dante walked into the castle, located in the center of the city. The moment he entered, he spotted Hilario Hokkaido, the king of Baltra.

    “What do you want, Dante?†Hilario asked.

    “I have good news for you, Your Majesty.†Dante answered, stopping in front of Hilario.

    Hilario cocked his head, staring at Dante. “What is it?†he asked.

    “Your daughter, Aria, she is dead.â€

    Hilario closed his eyes, grinning. “Are you sure?â€

    “I couldn’t be more sure, Your Majesty.â€

    Hilario opened his eyes, turning towards Dante. “I knew I could count on you. The city will be pleased to hear their ‘heroine’ is dead.â€

    Chapter 12​

    Hours passed as Aria and Matsuyo slept. Holden stayed in the living room, sitting at the table, resting his head. He kept his eyes closed, thinking about the reason why he’s helping Aria and Matsuyo. Maybe…

    Aria slowly opened her eyes as she struggled to sit up. She wrapped one arm around her stomach, closing her eyes tightly, still feeling a slight pain. She took a deep breath, opening her eyes and looking around. “I’m in…†Aria soon saw Matsuyo lying on a bed a few feet away from her. She narrowed her eyes, rolling out of bed and walking over to Matsuyo’s side. “This is my fault.†Aria said.

    Holden opened his eyes and raised his head, turning his attention towards the door of the girls’ room. He raised an eyebrow as he stood up from his chair and slowly walking towards the door. At first, he hesitated to walk into the room but he put his hand on the door knob and opened the door. His eyes grew wide as soon as he saw Aria awake.

    “Aria!†he shouted.

    Aria turned her head, raising her index finger and placing it against her lips, telling Holden to be quiet. She lowered her head and turned around, walking towards her bed. She put her hand on the bed, staring at the white sheets that had spots of blood stains.

    “Aria, you need to rest.†Holden said, walking over to Aria. “Lay down.â€

    Aria closed her eyes, letting out a quiet sigh. She moved away from the bed, walking past Holden. Holden turned around, raising an eyebrow, wondering why Aria was ignoring him. Then again, she usually ignores him either way. Holden rubbed the back of his head, letting a sigh.

    “Aria,†he began. “Rest, now. You need it. You-or us- were attack by some random guy. You need more rest then Matsuyo and myself.â€

    Aria stopped in front of the door, reaching for the door knob. Holden quickly walked over to Aria, immediately knowing what she was planning on doing. He grabbed her by the arm, turned around and took her back to her bed.

    “Let go of me!†Aria demanded.

    “Rest.†Holden said, trying not to raise his voice. He pushed Aria back on to the bed, putting his hands on his hips. “I’m not about to let you leave. You’re injured worse than Matsuyo.â€

    Aria glared at Holden. “Honestly, why do you even care? You just met us.â€

    Holden put his hands on his hips, trying to make himself look intimidating; he doubt it would work for someone like Aria. “The old man isn’t here so…I’m watching you while he’s gone.â€

    “And when he comes back?â€

    “I’ll leave.â€

    “I doubt that.†Aria moved to the side, sitting on the bed, hugging her knees.

    Holden turned around, scratching his head. “Just stay put.â€

    Aria rolled her eyes, turning her head towards the window. She soon saw her clothes on a nearby a chair; they were cleaned, with no blood stains. Noritaka’s assistants… She looked at Holden, seeing he wasn’t paying attention to her. She looked back at her clothes and back at the window. Aria grinned, looking back at Holden. “Leave!â€

    Holden turned around, lowering his hands down to his sides. “What?â€

    “If you’re going to watch me, then you can do that outside the room. I don’t feel comfortable with you in here.â€

    “Wha…†Holden stared at Aria, confused.


    “Okay!†Holden turned around, opening the door and closing it as he headed out.

    Aria watched Holden making sure he was actually going to fall for it. She laughed to herself, leaning back a little as she got off the bed. She walked over to her clothes and got dressed. She quickly tied her boots, looking towards the door, making sure Holden or Noritaka wouldn’t come in. She looked towards her gunblade, grabbing it and putting in the back of her waist. Aria walked towards the window and opened it. She looked over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes, regretting to have brought Matsuyo into all of this. Aria took a deep breath and jumped out the window.

    Chapter 13

    Holden sat on the living room couch, staring up at the ceiling, daydreaming. He had his head leaned back, staring up at a small crack that was in the ceiling. This place looks pretty old. He thought to himself. I wonder how long it’s been here. Holden took a deep breath, lowering his head, hearing someone opening the front door. He raised an eyebrow but soon leaned his head back when he saw it was only Noritaka that was here.

    “You’re back.†Holden said turning his attention back towards the crack in the ceiling..

    Noritaka walked towards the table, putting bags of groceries on the table and began taking out a few things and gave the rest to one of his assistants. Holden turned his attention towards Noritaka then to a few bottles and a small box that he had put on the table. Holden stood up and walked over to them, grabbing one of the bottles.

    “What is this?†he asked.

    “It’s a liquid I tend to use when I need to clean wounds.†Noritaka answered.

    “So, this is for Aria?â€

    Noritaka nodded, taking the bottle away from Holden. “Is she up?â€

    Holden looked around, rubbing the back of his head and letting out a sigh. “Yeah. But, she told me to leave her in the room alone. She didn’t want me there or something.â€

    Noritaka sharply turned his head, staring at Holden. “You idiot…â€

    “What did I do now?!â€

    “How can you trust Aria? She is smarter than you think.†Noritaka quickly ran to the room, opening the door and stopping in the doorway. “She’s not here…â€

    “Huh…would you look at that…†Holden nervously laughed.

    Noritaka glared at Holden, turning around and grabbing a few things not even Holden knew what they were. Holden looked at Matsuyo, seeing she was still sleeping. He lowered his head and quickly ran out of the house, knowing it was his fault that Aria could be bleeding or possibly lying on the floor, dying.


    Aria jumped from building to building. She stared ahead, see the castle where her was father. She narrowed her eyes, hearing the sound of music playing and the murmur of a crowd. Aria smirked, picking up her pace but soon stopped when she saw a few guards below her, watching the direction she had come from.

    “The king said to make sure that none of her friends come through here.†one guard said. “If we spot them, we must immediately kill them.â€

    “Sir!†the rest of the guard said.

    Aria smiled shaking her head, putting her foot on the ledge of the rooftop she was on. She put one hand on her hip and let out a whistle. “Hey!†she called.

    The guards quickly turned around and pointed their guns at Aria. “She’s alive!â€



    Hilario overlooked the crowd of people in front of his castle. He smiled, knowing they were waiting to hear the reason he had called them there. Dante stood just behind Hilario, feeling proud to have “killed†Aria.

    “Your Majesty, they’re waiting.†he said.

    Hilario took a few steps forward raising his arms in the air, getting the crowd’s attention. “People of Pulse. I have…wonderful news for you.â€

    A little girl pushed through the crowd, following a few boys. She stopped right next to a woman; her guardian. She hugged the woman’s leg, staring up at Hilario, wanting to know what was going on.

    “Your heroine, Aria Hokkaido, has been killed.†The moment he spoke those words, the little gasped, tightening her grip on the woman’s leg.

    “She can’t be. Can she? S-She’s our savior, isn’t she, Miss?†the little girl asked.

    The woman looked down at the girl, gently putting her hand on her head. “This always happens. They eventually fall, dear.â€

    The girl narrowed her eyes, feeling tears begin to build. She looked around, hearing a few people talking amongst themselves. Some were happy with the news but others were feeling the same way she was. “Lady Aria, please be alive…†the girl whispered quietly to herself.


    “Why don’t you boys come back and fight me when you’re actually up to my standards, okay?†Aria said, stepping away from the guards as they all laid on the pavement, barely conscious. “I have something bigger to deal with.â€

    She stared off in the distance, keeping her eyes on her destination. She lowered her head, wincing and putting her hand over her wound. She closed her eyes tightly for a brief moment before taking off running towards the castle.


    Holden stopped running, looking up at each rooftop, searching for Aria. He cursed under his breath, taking off running again. Damn it, Aria! Where are you?

    Holden’s eyes grew wide when he suddenly spotted a young woman in the same outfit as Aria. Holden grinned, knowing it was her. He picked up his pace, tackling her once he was close to her. He quickly t pinning her down. “Aria!†he said catching his breath.

    Aria narrowed her eyes, glaring at Holden when she saw it was him that tackled her. “What the hell is your problem?! Get off of me!†she demanded.

    “What’s your problem?†Holden asked. “You’re heavily injured and you take off!â€

    “If I’m not heavily injured then why did you tackle me?â€

    Holden pressed his lips together, trying to find what to say. “I had to catch you some how!â€

    Aria gritted her teeth, closing her eyes tightly, making it seem as if she was going to cry…but she wasn’t.

    “Aria…?†Holden asked, sounding a bit concerned.

    “Holden.†called a voice from behind Holden and Aria.

    Holden looked over his shoulder, seeing it was Noritaka. “H-Hey. I found her.â€

    “What do you think you’re doing?†he asked.

    Holden looked at Aria, who was glaring at him. He looked back at Noritaka, who was also glaring at him.

    “W-Wait! I-It’s not what you think!†Holden stuttered.

    “Then why are you on top of her?†Noritaka’s tone began to sound dark.

    Before Holden can give a reasonable answer, Aria pushed him away. She stood, grabbing her stomach. Holden sat up, looking at Aria. As she stood up, he saw blood dripping from her stomach.

    Aria took a deep breath as she stared at the castle. She stumbled forward, wincing. She was losing blood, fast. Aria tried ignoring the pain and began to walk away as if Noritaka or Holden weren’t there. She suddenly stopped walking, grunting. She simply stood there for a couple of seconds, soon collapsing. Holden quickly stood up running to Aria’s side. He turned her over, holding her in his arms.

    “Don’t worry. She’s fine, for now.†Noritaka said walking over to Holden.

    “What did you do to her?†Holden asked.

    “Don’t worry about it. Pick her up and follow me.†Noritaka turned around, leaving the area.

    Holden raised an eyebrow, confused. But, he knew this was no time for asking questions. Aria was slowly dying. He quickly picked her up and followed Noritaka.
    Thread by: Aura, Dec 29, 2008, 31 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Aura

    I'm bored

    That is all. ><
    Thread by: Aura, Dec 27, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Aura

    Rise Against

    This is something I’ll probably write as a story later next month. But f course the characters are going to be different. I came up with this when I was watching an AMV with the song Disturbia.

    A rebellious princess named Aria. She disapproves of everything her father does. Her father has caused much grief and poverty in their kingdom, but he doesn’t care. Aria’s father has been recruiting civilians to join his army so that they can take over other cities that aren’t in the kingdom. Aria has had enough of what her father has been doing and decided to fight back. Now, she always out in the city where her castle is located in, and protecting the civilians. She hates her father so she doesn’t care if he disapproves of what she’s doing or not. Aria’s father has ordered his soldiers that if they see Aria protecting or anything rebellious towards him, to not hesitate and kill Aria. Aria has two trustworthy friends that has been helping her out. One of them is one of her fathers soldiers, the other is just one of her childhood friends. Now all three of them are working together to destroy everything Aria’s father has caused. Aria is now kind of know as the heroine of the entire kingdom. There are people in the city and kingdom that approve of what Aria is doing, and a few soldiers too. But there are other civilians and soldiers that agree more with Aria’s father.

    Okay, the setting is pretty much a high-tech city. The entire kingdom is called Baltra. But the one city where its going to take place is called Florence. Florence is an actual city, just saying. Since the city is high-tech, that means the technology is pretty advance and such.

    1. No godmodding! Please!
    2. No controlling other’s characters
    3. Keep romance PG-13. Kissing and hugging is fine but nothing else.
    4. Don't kill others characters without their permission.
    5. You can only have up to 4 characters.
    6. Please keep bad language to a minimum. I don’t want this RP flooded with cursing. If you must curse, censor it. I’m okay with hell, damn, crap and any other words that aren’t that bad.
    7. Actually describe what you’re doing. I don’t care if the post comes out long, just describe what your character is doing.
    8. Try your best to use correct spelling please. Meaning no text talk, please. If you have trouble spelling, use Word Perfect or something that will show you how to spell a word correctly.
    9. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance for your character, please use a link.
    10. Put Disturbia somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules.
    11. Most importantly, have fun you guys! 8D

    OC Form

    Username: VaKh87
    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Personality: Aria is a very carefree person. She tries her best to live life to the fullest. But when the situation in the city grew worse, Aria’s personality began to change to a more serious and confident type. She doesn’t really like to show her soft side but she tends to show it to people sometimes, by accident. She doesn't like it when people are too formal with her. Aria doesn't like being called "Princess" or "Your Highness."
    Bio: Aria is the princess of Baltra. And her father is the ruler. When she was a child, her mother became terribly ill. Aria stayed by her mother’s side everyday. But as her mother became worse each day, Aria began to notice a change in her father. She then finally saw that her father was changing the kingdom and taking over other cities that aren’t in Baltra. Aria hated it all. When her mother became ill, Aria started to teach herself how to fight. When her mother passed away, Aria was already a skilled fighter. She then began to hate her father but she thought it was all in her head. But one day when she found out her father had killed the ruler of a city, Aria started to despise her father. Aria then thought of the idea to fight against everything her father has done. Her fighting skills are remarkable. Other armies of other cities have asked her to join them but she refuses, knowing if she leaves, her father will take advantage of that and take complete control. She protects the city along side two of her trustworthy friends.
    Appearance: Light brown hair and blue eyes. The length of her hair is a lot like Kairi’s but a little longer. She has side bangs to the right, which tend to cover her eyes sometimes. She wears a short brown skirt that’s above her knees, brown boots, a brown turtle neck no sleeves shirt, wears a red cape and wears a jacket over it no sleeves. On her left leg, she carries a case for a handgun. The straps go around her waist and her leg.
    Powers: Gravity. When she controls her power, blue energy surrounds her. Aria can even use gravity sometimes as a platform.
    Weapon: Gunblade and a small handgun. She also carries small grenades. When Aria uses them, anyone or anything that is near her will become paralyzed.
    Other: None

    Username: VaKh87
    Name: Matsuyo Tanaka
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Personality: Matsuyo is very optimistic. She always tries to find the bright side of everything. But Matsuyo isn’t quite a smart one. She thinks ahead of things and always ends up getting injured quicker than the others. But her ability of fighting a lot like Aria’s but Aria is still stronger than her.
    Bio: She moved to Florence after her hometown was destroyed. She met Aria shortly after arriving there. Matsuyo witnessed her parents’ murder. When she found out it was Aria’s father fault, she wanted to confront Aria’s father. When Aria told her everything that she was going to rebel against him, Matsuyo knew that would her chance to get revenge on her parents’ death. Now she works together with Aria and another friend to bring Aria's father down.
    Appearance: pics/Ninjas Warriors/ninja-6.jpg
    Powers: None
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: None

    Username: VaKh87
    Name: Hilario Hokkaido
    Gender: Male
    Age: 49
    Personality: At first his personality was very caring. But when his wife became ill, he began to change. His personality started to change into more evil and heartless.
    Bio: The king of Baltra. Lately he’s been recruiting civilians from Florence. He’s been doing so in order for his army to grow and become more powerful. And he’s been taking over small towns or cities in order to make his kingdom grow. But now his own daughter is fighting against him. Since she started rebelling against him, Hilario started hating Aria. But he doesn’t let her get in the way of his plans. He continues to take over towns and cities.
    Appearance: Wear a grey armor and a black cape. Carries a sword on his hip. He has black hair and dark brown eyes.
    Powers: Can control the earth(meaning ground and stuff)
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: None

    Name: Angel Crimson
    Gender: male
    Age: 23
    Personallity: He has a dark personality yet is very times.
    Bio: He's a traveler without much of a past. He's also a descendant of a long line of powerful kings.
    Appearance: I'll be VERY descriptive on my first post. I want to explain...
    Powers: He can cancel out other powers and temporarily stop people from using theirs.
    Weapon: Curved sword
    Other: He always seems to know what to do.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Belius Kuros
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Personality: calm and always wearing a smuge smile
    Bio: He is a high class assassin, he will take any job for the right price or even if he wants to do it. He was born in a town called Disturbia.
    Powers: mastery of illusions
    Weapon: a spear specialy made for him.
    Other: his right eye is the source of his power.

    Name: Ota
    Gender: male
    Age: 25
    Personality: The all around nice guy. He hates to fight, and tries to be the pacifist in all situations unless he needs to resort to using force. He is anything but a coward, but he does whatever he can do assist others. He never tells of his own problems, though he always listens to others problems. He is always formal, being brought up in a family of those who are royal to the king. He can be very simple minded at times to though, usually treating some things as a game
    Bio: His family is that of amongst some of the kings most loyal servants. He himself serves as the kings delivery boy, merely completing tasks and such, though the king knows of his superb fighting abilities, due to certain parts of his past which shall remain unknown. Due to his position, he really has no idea of just what has been going on, and so he does not know of the princess being the enemy, so it is not as if he thinks of her as an enemy. (not that he has ever met her though)
    Powers: This is a very unique power. Unlike most, where it requires excerting force, this one generates within him, giving him extreme reflexes, much greater strength then normal humans, and has increased senses, giving him more animal like abilities. One might even say that it makes him the perfect hunter. This comes as a natural ability, merely making it more of a 'super human ability' then a power, which he was born with due to reasons unknown.
    Weapon: A special gauntlet that he wears which contains a jewel which has special properties, which, whenever used, creates a sonic vibration so strong that it causes anything ( with some exceptions) to stop in its tracks if it comes close to him. This can also be used to send people close by flying (given by the king himself)
    Other: unknown past, but obviously is no normal human. (more will be explained as everything occurs)

    Username: Entity
    "M" or M.E.T.R.O
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Personality: Knight-like, Soldier-like, and Calm, always holding his own in battle.
    Bio: M, a knight of Aria, a man of honor. He believes that there is only one purpose for him, to protect his princess. Or so, his known sister. He found out about this when he checked the Foundries of History in the castle. When he did, he left to find Aria. He wasn't going to, but he needed to see her. When he did, he saw her fighting, a power she held, like his own. When he was like this, he developed the skill of Ice, He was hence forth, known as, M - The Ice Monarch, captain of the Baltra Knights.
    "M" or M.E.T.R.O
    Powers: Ice. When in control, he can give new life to anyone, or rather, on the brink of death, give anyone their spirit back. But the trouble is, he can only do this with water in their system, and only if they are drowned by said water. He can also use this power of ice to create pillars of ice, that can transform from water in the ground into spikes, shards, even a sword of his will.
    Weapon: His blade of ice. (check pic for details of his blade.)
    Other: N/A
    Thread by: Aura, Dec 20, 2008, 268 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Aura

    Never Alone

    The title is from a song I like. I couldn’t think of anything better so I just thought of this XD But then again the song does kind of fit the RP XD


    A young widow Queen must marry before she reaches the age of 20. Married at the age of 16. Lost her husband at the age of 18. Now the laws say that she must marry before her 20th birthday. A young girl by the name Kaori must find true love before her birthday. Kaori has always been a loving and friendly person. She loved her husband so much but a battle he had to go to cost his life. She fears that she may have to give the throne to her mother-in-law. And Kaori believes that her mother-in-law was the one that killed her own son. Kaori has been having doubts about finding a prince before her birthday. Her friends have even some maids don’t want her mother-in-law to take the throne. Some think the former Queen is evil, while others believe she’ll be better than Kaori. The day of Kaori’s 20th birthday, if she hasn’t found someone to be become her king, her mother-in-law will take the throne the same day.


    1. No godmodding. This RP may not seem like it would have godmodding but still, I don’t want it here.
    2. No controlling others characters.
    3. No yaoi/yuri
    4. Keep romance PG-13.Kissing and hugging is pefectly fine but nothing else over that.
    5. Don't kill others characters without their permission.
    6.You can only have up to 4 characters. If you want more, PM me the reason why and I’ll maybe let you have more.
    7. Please keep bad language to a minimum. I don’t want this RP flooded with cursing. If you must curse, censor it.
    8. Actually describe what you are doing in your post. Don’t do this: * went to his house after a hard day* or something like that. Actually describe what you are thinking even the post is long.
    9. Try your best to use correct spelling please.
    10. No text talk. Please! Nothing of, urs, u, y, wat, w/e or anything else like that. This belongs with 7 but still, don’t do it please.
    11. Most of all, have fun! 8D

    OOC Form

    Username: You know what goes here
    Name: You know this too
    Gender: You know this
    Age: You know this as well
    Personality: You don’t have to be very descriptive on this but if you are then that’s fine.
    Bio: You also know this. Try your best to be creative with your character’s bio.
    Appearance: If you don’t use a picture, try your very best to describe how your character looks like. But if you do use a picture, please use a link.
    Powers: If they have powers only. If it’s a maid or a peasant, I doubt they have powers, especially maids. But if you wish for a peasant to have powers, they may.
    Weapon: Again I doubt maids have weapons so yeah.
    Role: Prince/ Peasant/ Maid/ Butler/ Friend of Kaori/ the mother-in-law/ Guards/ Others
    Other: If there’s anything else that doesn’t seem like it belongs in Bio or Personality, put it here.


    Username: VaKh87
    Name: Kaori Hitsugaya
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Personality: She is very shy at first when someone first meets her. She has always been a loving caring person. She thinks more for her kingdom than herself. If there is a threat, she first thinks on the safety of the kingdom.
    Bio: The day she was born, her family was already planning who she would marry when she would reach the age 16. At first she thought marrying someone she didn’t love was pointless. But when she met her husband, she fell in love with him quickly. But she soon lost him after about 3 years of marriage. Now she must find a new husband before her 20th birthday.
    Powers: Healing
    Weapon: She doesn’t carry one with her but when ever she needs to use a weapon, she uses a sword that’s above the chimney in her room.
    Role: Queen
    Other: Wears a necklace that gives her the ability to heal.

    Username: Kekeira
    Name: Kurenai
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Personality: Cheerful, and always caring for loved ones. Doesn't like to see people hurt and always thinks of her people, just like her parents.
    Bio: Kaori and Kurenai were childhood friends. They still send each other letters back and forth. She is the princess of the next country, her parents are still ruling. She is engaged to be married to a prince. (I'll add him in a bit)
    Powers: Earth and Water
    Weapon: just her abilities.
    Role: Childhood friend of Kaori's ^^
    Other: She always wears blue oplas either in her hair, clother, or on her necklace. The opals help her concentrate when using water elements.

    Username: Kekeira
    Name: Haratsu
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Clever and a very cheerful person. He likes to hang out with friends. He's a comical one, always seeing a bright side.
    Bio: His parents are ruling a country far away. He knows about his engagemnet, but he's going to miss his friends, on accoun that he's going to live in Kurenai's country.
    Appearance: Pictures/RedHairGreenEyesAnimeBoy.jpg
    Powers: Fire
    Weapon: any weapon he sees, he can fight well with it.
    Role: Prince
    Other: Isn't in the scene yet...till like..100 posts or somethin...I'll tell u when...^^

    Username: Starkiller
    Name: Holden Stryder
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Personality: Holden has a dark sense of humor but usually shows off his nice side once in awhile. He loves being a jerk when the moment is right and also doesn't really care much about his own life.
    Bio: He was the son of a powerful lord who conquered nearby lands out of greed. Holden hated his father and killed him to relieve the suffering of the ones his father forced under his rule. Their land diminished and all that he has left is a castle and dark memories of the past. He left the land to his younger brother in order to start a new life, not wanting to have anything to do with his father's legacy.
    Appearance: Wears black clothing all of the time(sorry for being lazy on his outfit). Holden has light brown eyes, brown hair, and stands at about 6 feet tall. He has several scars on his body, the most noticable ones are on his arms and a thin gash on his left cheek.
    Powers: Can copy other abilities for a limited amount of time and usually just one power.
    Weapon: A slightly curved sword strapped to his back.
    Role: Other? I dunno...Yeah. Other.
    Other: Holden has been a bit of a traveler since he left his family's land.

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Shen Malitone
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Personality: Shen is a quiet guy but is the kind of guy who will put his own life aside and protect his people or people he cares for
    Bio: Shen is the kind ruler of his kingdom after his parents died. Shen trains with his sword alot and is known for his skills in using swords across many kingdoms
    Powers: Wind
    Weapon: mostly Broadswords but he will use other swords also
    Role: Prince

    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox
    Gender: male
    Age: 20
    Personality: find out
    Bio: trained combat mage. Combat mages have a bad history of being murders
    Powers:general magic
    Weapons: a steel sword with a royal crest on the grey handle. and a black wand straped to his leg
    Role: unknown

    Username: Ventez

    Name: Jake Masters

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Personality: Fun loving, intelligent, strong, easily bored.

    Bio: Jake is the prince of a kingdom hundreds of miles away. To his father, he was a disgrace to the kingdom with no future ahead of himself. So, Jake decided to take a little vacation, away from his father and his soon-to-be kingdom. As for his mother, she was banished long ago for reasons still unknown. Now, Jake wants to leave everything behind him for a little while and have a little fun.

    Appearance: Jake

    Powers: The ability of flight, fire control, and lightning control.

    Weapon: His powers.

    Role: Visiting Prince

    Username: Akua WaterDragonKing
    Name: Jordan Shine.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Personality: Very Protective, Good-Hearted, and Honorable
    Bio: He was Kaori's Husbands Best Friend and also Kaori's. After his Friend died he promised his lost friend, that he make sure nothing will hurt his love as long he alive.
    Appearance: GUYS/dark1.jpg
    Powers: Water and Light
    Weapon: and Swords/Blue.jpg
    Role: Royal Guardian of Kaori
    Other: His Cross gives him unlimited amount of Light Power.

    Username: Xert
    Name: Alphons
    Gender: male
    Age: unknown
    Personality: find out
    Bio: he has been behind most catastrofies in the world he makes deals with people usaly haveing to do with souls
    Appearance: he transforms but his eyes are always stay the same
    Powers: useing ley lines
    Weapon: none
    Role: he's a demon
    Other: none

    Username: SoraOathkeeperUltmaGirl
    Name: Kirby Holland
    Gender: female
    Age: 19
    Personality: Outgoing, fun- loving, strong minded, optimistic, sometimes cynical, smart alec who never hates anyone. She sometimes acts helpless, and is a bit cocky.
    Bio: She grew up in the town of Springswood, and was raised normally, by a middle- class family, and keeps much of her terrifying childhood to herself.
    Powers: She can read minds, and send thoughts and images out to others minds, sometimes accidentally, as well as having great strength.
    Weapon: short blade that usually stays on her left hip and is never used.
    Role: A mysterious, girl from a faraway land.
    Other: She dyes her hair different colors all the time, and enjoys singing to herself, and humming unrecognizable tunes. Some call her Songbird.
    Appearance: VVV

    Username: Xert
    Name: Noxces
    Gender: male
    Age: 30
    Personality: find out
    Bio: he's the Prince of Darkra an ally of the kingdom
    Appearance: blond with blue eyes
    Powers: none
    Weapon: a Raiper
    Role: Prince

    Username: VaKh87
    Name: Kimiko Ikeda
    Gender: Female
    Age: 48
    Personality: She only cares for herself. She doesn’t care about the kingdom Kaori rules in now. She was always a cold-hearted woman. But showed a different personality around her son.
    Bio: Married at the same age as her son. But eventually gave the throne to her son due to the fact he was engaged. She didn’t enjoy Kaori and believe she wouldn’t make her son happy and the kingdom happy. So she planned an assassination for Kaori. But then Kimiko’s son found out about it and was enraged with his mother. Kimiko tried to explain to her son saying it wasn’t her idea and she was trying to stop someone. Her son stormed out of the room. Kimiko was upset with her own son. Kimiko sent him to a battle that was out of the kingdom. He died in that battle. Now there are rumors saying Kimiko caused her own son’s death. But she denies everything.
    Appearance: Wears the usual big dresses as a queen. She wears a small crown indicating she was a former queen. She has short black hair and dark brown eyes.
    Powers: None
    Weapon: None
    Role: Kaori’s mother-in-law
    Other: None
    Thread by: Aura, Dec 12, 2008, 748 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aura


    Today during my Spanish class,I got thirsty.So I asked my teacher if I could go buy water.She says yes and so I go to the vending machine.I buy the water.And when I was heading back to my class,I opened the bottle and drank some water.But when I drank some,it tasted like pool water!! DX I am never buying water from the vending machines ever again.
    Thread by: Aura, Nov 24, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Aura
    A few more photos.I took these a while ago.But the two red roses,I took them today.
    I tried to get up on the roof of my house so that you'd be able to see the skymore than the houses.But I couldn't get on the roof.That's as high as I was able to go.
    This is my pain in the neck,dog named Rex.Yes he is cute but a pain.
    I don't like this one too much.
    I didn't know my mom had pink flowers until I took this photo XD
    Same flower,different angle.
    I really like this one.I don't know why.
    Same rose,different angle.

    Thread by: Aura, Nov 22, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Aura

    This sucks

    I'm stuck in my house due to all of the fires that are going on.I can't go outside because if I do,I'll start to suffocate.Stupid fires and asthma.
    Thread by: Aura, Nov 16, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Aura
    I suck at titles.Anyway,I'm getting into photography XD But I don't plan to make it a career.A few more.Hope you guys like.
    One of my mom's roses.
    That's my grandparent's dog.She wasn't supposed to come out.She wouldn't get out of the way so I just took a shot of her along with the flower.
    Same flower,different angle.
    Again,same flower,different angle.

    CnC please.
    Thread by: Aura, Nov 10, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics