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  1. Aura
    Yeah. I feel as if I need to get his off my chest before I end up releasing my anger on my family or possibly anybody else.

    So, today I had already felt like crap since the beginning since I'm a little sick right now. When I entered high school I had met quite a few people. I met someone I'm really close to now but, that has changed. My respect for her has gone down. I've known her for almost 4 years. Long time. For her, I'll give her the nickname Jenny. But, I've known someone else for possibly more than 10 years. I'm close to her as well. And for her, I'll give her the nickname Kelly. For the both of them, my respect has gone way down. During lunch, we were being our usual selves. But, another friend's boyfriend comes up to us and well, Jenny, Kelly and my friend's boyfriend were talking about something I have no idea what it was. Until, I started hearing, "We have a lighter. We can go by the basketball courts. Nobody will see us." I began to get suspicious and so I asked Jenny what was going on. She wouldn't tell me. Then, this other kid that was with my friend's boyfriend said, "We have 20 minutes left. We'll have enough time." I raised an eyebrow and looked at everyone that was talking to them. I shrugged and just leaned against the lockers. I figured it could just be something between them so I didn't really care. Until I heard another friend ask, "You guys have a pipe?" I immediately knew what it was. And this is our little conversation as they started walking towards the basketball courts.

    Me: What the hell! Are you stupid or something? Why are you going to do this? I don't want to be around a bunch of potheads.(Sorry if that even offended anybody. I was just pissed off, okay?)

    Jenny: You don't have to do it.

    Me: Who the **** said I wanted to do it? Dude, I'm ****ing allergic to this kind of ****. It can kill me.

    Jenny: Then I don't know. Don't be around us then.

    Me: What the ****? You guys didn't bother telling me this.

    Obviously, I was pissed off. And, it's not like I would've done it if they told me. Like I had told Jenny, I'm highly allergic to ANY kind of smoke. My eyes get watery, my nose gets stuffy, I start sneezing uncontrollably and my eyes turn red. And, if it's strong enough, it can suffocate me and kill me due to my asthma.

    I'm guessing they've been planning this for quite some time now since a different friend told me they were talking about it in first period. Turns out, they didn't do it because the guy that had the lighter had left. And, they were going to try again on Monday. When they were walking towards me(I was far away from them with another friend), I quickly said I wasn't going to be with them on Monday. I'm going to be with someone else. I was pissed. Jenny kept on asking if I was mad, I said "Of course." Then the bell just rang we headed to our classes. I was thinking about it while I was using the computer in my class and I knew that they had given into peer pressure. Even if it's supposed to be a one time thing, they can easily get addicted to it.

    They texted me in my Chemistry class asking me if I was still mad. I said yes and they told me they weren't going to do it on Monday so I don't have to go with my other friend. I told them I don't care if they're going to do it or not, I'm still not going to be with them on Monday. They told me I'm ****ed up for doing that but I don't care. I just told them to leave me alone. I haven't talked to them since. It really did bother me since they were closest friends and I didn't think they'd even try to do it at school. When I had got home from school, I felt as if I just wanted to punch something and release my anger on whatever I could. I ended up talking about it to a friend from here(won't really say who unless he wants me too. >> Or, if he says it himself.) and well, I felt way better. I still think about it when ever I stare off into space and start thinking about practically everything. Honestly, if they come up to me on Monday, I'll just practically call them ******s and possibly stop hanging out them. Depends how pissed off I get. >>;

    Like I said, I just wanted to post this to get off my chest even though I kind of already did earlier. You can give me advice if you want but, I've already made my decision to be with a different friend on Monday. Sorry if I wasted anybody's time. But for those that actually read this, thank you.
    Thread by: Aura, Jun 6, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. Aura
    Yes. Pretty long. Hope you can manage. XD I've actually put quite a lot of thought into this. I was planning on posting it in the RP Extended area but knowing me, I'd end up posting short posts. >>;

    My inspiration was an Bleach video. I was constantly watching it until I finally thought of a good enough story. XDX

    No one’s ever alone. Each and everyone of us has a guardian angel. A Hero. Everyone relies on others to protect them from danger. There are a number of group of people who have watched over a large city known as Manor. These groups of people have saved and risked their own lives to protect others’. Although they may be considered Heroes, they have been in trouble themselves. Some have been killed by those that do not agree or believe everything that these people are doing is wrong or isn’t necessary. Because of this random slaughter, there are a low number of them left. But, there’s also another fault to the fall of these people. There are some that use their power for good but there are others that use their power for evil. Those that use their power for evil, they lose their hearts and become Skulls. Skulls are those that were once known as Heroes. Due to their greed, hatred, or ignorant thoughts and sins, they lose control of their own free will and are controlled by their own petty thoughts. Because of this, there are only about two to three groups left.

    There’s another problem, even those that are good, they have been turned into Skulls by a force called Dream Catchers. Dream Catchers have the power to enter people’s thoughts and dreams. Thus, they are able to turn these people into Skulls by using their power to enter their deepest thoughts. But, Dream Catchers has also discovered that normal humans can save the Heroes. It is believed that there are some humans that are “pure” and are able to use their feelings to return those that have been transformed into Skulls, back into Heroes. It can’t be said who and who can’t turn the Skulls back to themselves but it is certain that Dream Catchers wants to destroy the Heroes completely to take over Manor and the rest of the world.

    These people were born with special abilities. Their abilities aren’t like any other elements like fire, water, ice, wind etc. Their powers were unique and weren’t quite known to Man. Some have said that their powers are too dangerous for human beings to even be near them. There are some that contain their powers but there are others that can’t contain them causing them to lose control and become Skulls. Heroes have been in hiding for a long period of time. But when they are needed, they show themselves and protect those that need protection. Some Heroes go around Manor like any ordinary human but people recognize them and they’re given “special” treatment. There are other Heroes that remain in their homes, waiting until nightfall so they can go around freely without interruption.

    Dream Catchers(Creative, aren’t I?)
    When the Heroes first appeared, Dream Catchers wasn’t created or formed. But as the Heroes continued to fight and protect Manor, Dream Catchers was soon formed. As the title of the group says, they have the ability to enter people’s dreams and thoughts, for the attempt to find the deepest thoughts and sins. Some Dream Catchers remain hidden, covered in a hood and robe, not wanting to be seen. But others roam around Manor like any ordinary human being which makes it easier for them to find the Heroes. It is said that those that are part of Dream Catchers were given the power to enter dreams and thoughts. Those that are part of this group were once humans.

    Skulls are those that were once Heroes. But due to their ignorant thoughts and sins, they became Skulls and now have lost complete control from their free will. But there are some Skulls that became what they are because of Dream Catchers. They roam around the city, looking for something to eat. And by something to eat, it’s the humans and Heroes. Since they have lost control, they no longer know what’s friend or foe. There are some Skulls that are like vampires, they only come out at night. And, there are others that only come out in the daylight. But, there are those that roam around during the day and during the evening, making it very dangerous for people to go out at during the day and at night. There have been VERY few Skulls who have suddenly fought back with themselves, not wanting to kill anyone. But, by fighting back, they are quickly found and killed by Dream Catchers. Skulls, as the name says, have a white skull or mask covering their face. Not all masks are the same. Some look as if they were demons from hell.. They have an odd shaped tattoo or marking on their chest. Some of them have long hair but others have short hair. Skulls have thin hands and sharp claws. Since Skulls are like demons, they are taller than the average human being. Some stand up to 7'0". Their main abilities are super strength and speed. Since Skulls were once Heroes, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to defeat a Skulls. Either the Skulls defeat you and eat you or you runaway, which is close to impossible due to their speed.

    1. Yes, this RP is one of those you can easily god-mod or powerplay. Do any of these, with no warning, I will kick you out. Period.
    2. Stay active! If you’re going to post a character, then remain in the RP. But if things begin to come up in school, life, etc. just leave me a VM or PM so I know you didn’t randomly leave. If you need a recap, just ask and we’ll be happy to give you one.
    3. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13! Romance, anything over PG-13, take it to PM. Violence, language, etc. keep it all PG-13.
    4. No controlling others’ characters.
    5. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. Four characters MAX. If you already have four characters and one of them dies, I won’t count it against you.
    7. Don’t do *this* when it comes to action. Stuff will happen if you do.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, please use a link.. If not, try your best to be descriptive.
    9. Don’t post too many pages when I’m gone. I tend to be in a bad mood, plus, I’m in school most of the day and I usually can’t get on at night.
    10. Make this your own RP, you will die.
    11. Be random, you will die.
    12. You may NOT be a Skull. Meaning no filling out an OC’s form with the group of Skulls. Skulls are free willed, meaning they can’t be controlled. But, if you decide to make your character encounter one, you may control it but only temporarily.
    13. No constant one-liners. I understand writer’s block but I don’t want to see it post after post.
    14. If you haven’t figured it out by now, no, this RP is not noob friendly.
    15. I want the preview post LONG.
    16. If you have any questions, you may leave me a VM or PM.
    17. Post “Memories” somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules. If I don’t see this, I won’t accept you until I do see it.
    18. If I add anymore rules, I will let you guys know.

    OC Form
    Group: (Heroes, Dream Catchers or Human)
    Side: (Good, bad, none, in between)
    Power(s): (Only for the Heroes. Dream Catchers already have their own power.)
    Other abilities: (Fighting, etc.)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Aura
    Name: Lightning
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Group: Heroes
    Side: Good
    Personality: She keeps to herself, not wanting to let people in. It’s a bit rare when she shows her feelings for others. Lightning if brave, can be very pensive at times and can be quite serious. When she does show her feelings, she’s very caring and sweet.
    Bio: When Lightning turned five, her powers first appeared. Her mother wanted to keep her but her father wanted to abandon her, believing Lightning wasn’t human. As she got older, her father became an alcoholic and would beat her mother when ever he was drunk. Because of the domestic violence, Lightning lost her mother when she was 10. When her mother died, that was when her father decided to beat her as well. Lightning got tired of the abuse and decided to run away, changing her name to Lightning. She never tells anyone her real name, feeling as if her name got out, it could be possible that Dream Catchers could go after her father.
    Power(s): Can paralyze anyone with a single touch.
    Other abilities: Fighting
    Weapon: Sword and whip.
    Other: She constantly wears gloves due to her ability to paralyze people with contact.

    Username: Aura
    Name: Sarah Lewis
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Group: Heroes
    Side: Good
    Personality: She is a lot like Lightning. Although, it’s easier for her to let people into her life. She feels as if everyone can change at one point in their lives. But, her seriousness is what her and Lightning have more in common.
    Bio: Sarah’s power first appeared when she was only 10, when she “accidentally” entered her sister’s dream. She didn’t understand her power at first but thought it could come in handy. She was soon abandoned by her family. After being abandoned, Sarah began to hate her past and her life. At the age of 15, she met Lightning and decided to work along side her. When the Dream Catchers appeared, they wanted to bring her into the group. She refused and so now she’s usually chased by them. Since her fighting abilities isn’t all that great, Lightning tells her to stay hidden.
    Appearance: Characters/5blarge5d5banimepaper5ddy8.jpg
    Power(s): Entering people’s dreams.
    Other abilities: N/A
    Weapon: Sword and a pistol.
    Other: She kind of thinks of Lightning as a older sister.

    Username: Aura
    Name: Void
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Group: Dream Catchers
    Side: Bad
    Personality: His mind can be very twisted sometimes.
    Bio: When the Heroes first appeared, Void had always hated them. He believed they were not humans and they deserved to be killed. When he found about the group, Dream Catchers, he ran away from home and joined them. He soon changed his name so his family wouldn’t be able to find him. He’s constantly looking over Manor, searching for anyone that’s part of Heroes. As he got older, he discovered he was just like one of the Heroes, he had his own special power. He hides that power, only using the one he was given when he joined Dream Catchers.
    Power(s): Entering people’s dreams and duplication.
    Other abilities: Fighting.
    Weapon: Sword.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Fernis
    Age: 26
    Gender: male
    Group: Heroes
    Side: in between
    Personality: Calm but always thinking sometimes making him over think.
    Bio: As a child he would be prone to different temperatures, turning ice cold from a large breeze or being incredible over heated by a beach. As he aged this status got worse. At the age of 17 he was outside in the middle of a snowy winter when he began to freeze up, his skin turned a icey white and his hair a frost blue, his voice became harsh and he was litterly giving off frost from his skin. This was the start of it all.
    Power(s): Forced to change his physical forms based on enviromental status such as if he was in a warm enviroment his skin would become tanned and his hair would become flames to which allowing him the manipulation of that element. This ability seems strong but in the wrong place against the wrong foe it could be fatal. He can only be effected by natural enviroments or things such as plants, snow, etc.
    Other abilities: Jujitsu, sleuthing.
    Weapon: none.
    Other: memories
    Preview Post: Leon walked down the street under a trench coat. His hair was peeking out the back of his hat that matched his coat. It was like a not yellow Dick Tracy walking around. Not far from him a robbery was taking place at a small time shop. As soon as he walked around the corner the robbers began to get away. Noticing the crime he chased them on foot running fast enough to keep the car in sight until his hat flew off and his 'effect' took place as he moved along. Being in a city with no nature wasn't easy but due to the pollen from a flower shop he was effected by it and mutated into a flower-human. His skin was green and his hair was like multicoloured petals and his hands like thorns and vines. In this form he was able to use his thorns to cut and his limbs stretch like tree vines, he was even able to spread a pollen that could have different effects depending on circumstances. Using his vine like arms he stretched and latched onto the car and reeled himself in to stop the car with force. He did so by scaring the driver from sight of his flowery form. He was a hero but his power took its toll.

    Username: Dr. Roxas
    Name: Gin
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Group: Heroes
    Side: In Between
    Personality: Usually quiet, likes to keep to himself. He's protective when he needs to be, and cares for those he's with.
    Bio: When Gin was born, he was happy. He had a nice family, nice siblings, and a good life. He played with his friends and took care of his younger brother and sister. By the time he was 10, his parents were killed, and he never found the culprits. For the next 6 years, Gin took the place of his parents and took care of his brother and sister. One day, while caring for his sick sister, he noticed a strange marking on his left arm. In seeing this marking, he became frightened of what he was. He tried to keep his time with his siblings scarce, afraid of what he might do. Eventually, he found his powers of being a Hero, and accidentally killed his sister, not knowing how to use his power. His brother, witnessing the killing, ran away, leaving Gin alone...
    Power(s): The ability to use any part of his body as a weapon (including growing bones, skin, hair, etc. and shaping it into anything)
    Other abilities: Fighting, cooking, drawing.
    Weapon: Pistol
    Other: Memories
    Preview Post: Gin glanced into the sky, noticing the sun being right overhead. Noon, being about the time for lunch, was not exactly what Gin would call his favorite time of day. The sun was beating down, everyone in Manor looking for something to eat, while Gin felt no hunger, and almost no emotion. He looked down at his drawing, finding all of it's faults and eventually deciding it was no good. He crumpled up the paper and threw it into the trash can. He let out a bored, quiet sigh and went back to his thoughts.

    Username: DeathKingApocalypse080808
    Group: (Heroes, Dream Catchers or Human) Heroes
    Side: (Good, bad, none, in between) none
    Personality: serious
    Bio: likes to kill peoples
    Appearance: anime boy/Akatsuki_Member/Anime Boys/Bishi_003.jpg?o=7
    Power(s): (Only for the Heroes. Dream Catchers already have their own power.)very very fast (mach 1)
    Other abilities: (Fighting, etc.)good woth swords
    Weapon:2 six foot long bladed swords with 1 foot hilts
    Other: memories, happy now
    Preview Post:Jacob walks down the street during the night. Someone looks out their window and jumps. "Get inside hurry" they yell as they open the door. Jacob smiles and runs behind them in a half of a half of a second, and says, "Why don't you join me outside". He stabbs the person and throws them into the street. He goes into the house and kills his wife and chirldren and throws them into the street too. He then steals all of their walueable objects and burns their house to the ground. He start to walk down the street again.

    Username: RED
    Name: Holden White
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Group: Heroes
    Side: Good
    Personality: Quick to act, curious, somewhat caring, can be a real "smart" guy.
    Bio: He's been abusing-using his powers ever since he could remember. "White", what he usually uses to introduce himself as, has a habit of stalking people...mainly because he knows humans have the habit of getting in trouble. He lies constantly about his past, making up different stories everytime he mentions it.
    Appearance: Wears a white hoody, black pants, has pitch black hair, nearly yellow eyes. He's tall. *Gets lazy*
    Power: Kinetic energy(Gambit xD)
    Other abilities: Anything I can do. *cough*the"knowledge"*cough*
    Weapon: Sword
    Other: Aura, I'm going to make you submit. Memories. 8D
    Preview post: Holden placed his hands on the smooth yellow hood of the car in front of him, admiring the piece of work. It was a classic car...he didn't know exactly what kind was since he wasn't really a "car" person. Although he did know that the only reason the car wasn't starting up anymore was because of the dusty old battery inside. It had no power. Blah...not as if anyone's using it. This thing was abandoned! Well...maybe someone just parked it here but I'm just going to take this thing away... He popped the hood open and flexed his fingers before placing his hands on what he assumed was the battery. Then...R€D forgot what to put after this since he isn't in that great of a mood.

    Username: Sassy the One Hit Wonder
    Name: Annaly Black
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Group: Heroes
    Side: Neutral
    Personality: Cheeky, Shy and very self-concious.
    Bio: Annaly leads a very simple life. She is continually travelling around the kingdom searching for her lost memories that were stolen from her in a battle long ago. She tends to keep to herself but when she is put in a situation of having to be in a team with people she will talk. For some reason, although she doesn't remember why, she has quiet a bit of sympathy towards certain humans. She has been on the verge of being turned into a skull on several occasions but has somehow managed to stay stable and continue on with her job of protecting people. All Annaly can remember at the moment from her lost memories was that a human once saved her from being a Skull.
    Appearance: Shoulder-length purple-brown slightly curled hair, olive-toned skin and crystal-blue eyes. Wears a tank-top with a a pair of black full-length jeans and a open trenchcoat. Is a bit on the short side. Also has a long scar that runs from just above to line of her jaw and curves all the way around her neck and down her right arm.
    Power(s): Telepathic, telekinesis.
    Other abilities: Speed (running, reflexes), healing and an expert at long-ranged weapons like bows.
    Weapon: Bow and arrows and a double-bladed sword (Like Zidane's on FF9)
    Other: Memories. Yes, I made a FF reference for my weapon.
    Preview Post: Crap. Annaly cursed in her thoughts. She dashed along the outskirts of the city, she was trying to lose her persuer, who was a Skull. As she ran she started feeling confused, how was she being able to keep her distance? These things were meant to be bloody fast. She bit down on her lip and put more effort into her sprint. Without even realising, Annaly tripped over a loose rock and fell on the ground. She let out a gasp in shock and tried to get up on her feet but found her left leg paralyzed. Sounds of petty thoughts and gurgly growling caught Annaly's attention. She couldn't run away anymore, her persuer had caught up with her. The Skull stopped in front of her, as if it were waiting for her to make the first move. Annaly stayed still and closed her eyes, waiting for her life to be ended yet again only this time it was death that was taking her life.​
    Thread by: Aura, May 10, 2009, 139 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Aura
    This is what happens when I'm bored and not in a good mood. Another RP. I know this is like an overused plot. Blah. Title=random. Yay...
    I know the story is a little short. Sorry. ><

    In the world, there have been people that are kept as a secret from the rest of society. It is believe that these people could possibly cause chaos throughout the world. But, this is not true. Not every one of them is evil. Some believe with the power they have, they could possibly change the world and make it a better place for humans and non-humans alike. But since others thought differently, they decided to isolate these “special gifted” people. These people are kept in a school called Allendale Academy. Some are Witches, Warlocks, Vampires, and many others that only have special powers they were born with. But, there are normal humans that go to this school. Their parents had powers and were believe that their children would have powers as well. They just need to be awakened somehow. Some humans enjoy the school but others hate it and wish to escape it. There are even others who aren’t humans that want to be treated like any ordinary person.

    1. No god-modding or power playing! Do any of these and I will bite your head off.
    2. Stay ACTIVE! If you’re not going to be active, don’t bother posting a character. But, if you join and things begin to come up, please do post something here or leave me a VM so I know you won’t be active.
    3. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language etc. Romance, anything beyond PG-13 take it to PM. Language, censor it if you must swear.
    4. No controlling others’ characters.
    5. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll only allow you to have up to 4 characters. If you already have the max number and one of your characters dies, you may go head and make another character.
    7. Don’t you dare do *this*. I swear to God, I will be pissed since I haven’t been in a good mood for the past week.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive.
    9. Don’t post too many pages when I’m gone. I’m in school and I’m kind of stressed with…stuff. >>;
    10. Make this your own RP, I will shoot you and hunt you down. B|
    11. Do not be random. It makes me mad every time.
    12. If you’re wondering, yes I wasn’t in a good mood when I typed this.
    13. No constant one-liners. Look at number 10 to find out what I’ll do to you if I see it post after post. I understand writer’s block because I get that a lot but, like I said, not post after post after post.
    14. And yes, I know this is an overused plot.
    15. Another thing, only I can disobey my rules since I am the one came up with this RP.
    16. I would like the preview post LONG.
    17. Put your ‘Gravity’ somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules.
    18. If you have any question regarding the RP, just PM me or leave me a VM.
    19. Witches, Warlocks, etc. have their own spells and stuff like that. But if they’re not a witch etc. then they have powers. But if they’re human, they have absolutely no powers. Only a weapon but that’s optional.
    20. If I add anymore rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    ~.:OC Form:.~
    Race: (Witch, Warlock, etc.)
    Power: (If they’re not a witch or warlock and so on, then put a power here. If they’re human, they have NO powers. *points to rule 19*)
    Weapon: (Optional)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Aura
    Name: Violet Martinez
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Race: Witch
    Personality: Violet is very outgoing. She feels like the way everyone is being kept is a terrible idea and that if it’s possible that everyone should rebel. But, she knows if they were to do that, it would only cause more problems.
    Bio: Her mother was a witch and her father was a human. Her mother didn’t want to put her in Allendale Academy but her father believed it would have been a better place for her. She has been hating her father ever since he left her at Allendale. Although she is outgoing, she doesn’t have many friends. Her teachers find it a little odd and yet, so does she. She keeps a book close at hand which she uses for her spells.
    Appearance: sprites unicorns ect ect/a33my2gc.jpg
    Power: N/A
    Weapon: Wand
    Other: N/A

    Username: Aura
    Name: Rebecca Watson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Personality: Rebecca is very shy. She is a bit the opposite of Violet but she feels the same why she does. She believes they should let everyone in Allendale Academy live like any ordinary person. Rebecca is very caring, and sweet.
    Bio: Both of Rebecca’s parents had special powers. Her mother had the ability to control wind and fire and her father had the ability to make illusions. She was first confused to have been able to gain powers but Rebecca is a regular human being. She is usually forced to take classes or lessons that will help her “release” her powers. She knows that she doesn’t have powers and tells the teachers it’s pointless to try but she is still put in these classes.
    Power: N/A
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Me B|
    Name: "Grey"
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Race: "Angel"
    Personality: Has a dark sense of humor, tries making crude jokes but he knows when to quit...sometimes, he can act almost suicidal but he almost always knows what he's doing. Helps others when the need arises.
    Bio: He entered the school reluctantly with several scars from lost fights with his brother, his only family member. He knows he has a great deal of power but he lacks something inside himself to fully use them. Even his powers can have a personality and can randomly turn themselves against him. Grey doesn't tell anyone his real name. Even in the school he was enrolled as his allias. He's busy trying to think of his purpose but he comes off as a slacker and a jerk.
    Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, about six feet tall, wears a white hoody, dark blue jeans, black and white shoes, and usually wears gloves to hide the scars on his hands.
    Powers: Fire(he can't throw fire though XD), flight, slight telekenesis(sp), and can dampen other's abilities.
    Weapon: Friendship! XD Kidding. Love. B| mainly. << >>
    Other: A little based of my story. *Advertizes "Angels Don't Like Heroes"*
    Preview Post: *Then Grey killed everyone* ZOMGWTFBBQ? TAKE THT N00BZ!!1!!! =)
    Kidding. Uh...<-< *Defies you since I used my phone to post this and I revived this*

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Black
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Race: vampire
    Personality: crude, old fashioned and blood thirsty
    Bio: His parents where vampires making him a born vampire. His blood drinking needs are taken care of with cartons of blood much like milk cartons at the school.
    Appearance: guy vampire/MewmewRikku/Anime Boys/guy127.jpg
    Power: Typical vampire stuff, not Twilight style and not the weak to silver type. Think Angel and Buffy.
    Weapon: none.
    Other: Gravity?
    Preview Post: Leon stayed indoors at dinner mostly because if he stepped outside, into the sunlight he would probably make a nice little mess from disintergrating. Keeping to himself so he wouldn't make a mistake to his weakness he strayed into the cafeteria where he was able to purchase cartoned blood so he wouldn't feed on the other students. As a vampire he had to sustain his life with at least a pint of blood a day other wise he would go wild until he eventually starved to death and turned to dust like if he was hit by the sun.

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Seth Walker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Race: Warlock
    Personality: Seth is a calm and quiet sort of guy. He sometimes acts lazy
    Bio: Both of Seth's parents were not to sure about sending Seth to the Academy but they soon realized it would be best for Seth to go to the Academy despite the fact that he never really wanted to go in the fist place. Seth is a pretty quiet guy who usually is by himself. Despite being a warlock he never really finds interest in using spells. He only uses them when he has too
    Appearance: anime boys/natsumebythetree.jpg
    Power: None
    Weapon: A sword
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Seth was in his room sitting on his bed. In his hands was a sword that was in its sheath. Seth pulled out the sword from its sheath and started to examine it. "Excellent quality" Seth said as he continued to look at it for a while. He soon put the sword back into its sheath and sighed and layed down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling "I really don't know why they sent me here even though they were not that sure in the fist place. The teachers are getting me annoyed too with all their talk about how I should start using spells more often" Seth mumbled to himself as he sat back up and looked back at the sword once more by taking it out of its sheath

    Name:Riyu(rie you)
    Race: part wolf
    Personality: a quiet kid that usualy reads and does c average but if you get him mad you get a feeling that you are wanted dead and he will talk but he rarely talks to poeple and usualy answeres a question asked and will stick up for people
    Bio:his parents died at birth and he was a normal kid until one day a group of people took him to the school
    Appearance: when he isnt mad he has short brown hair and yellow wolf shaped eyes. and is about 5'5 but when he taps his part wolf power his brown hair grows frizyish and his eyes turn reddis and his nails are sharper and longer while his fangs are usualy a bit longer
    Power: to tap into his inner wolf
    Weapon: (he keeps a bow and arrow set in his room and a dual weild sword under his bed
    Other:nothing much oh yea "gravity" teehee
    Preview Post: as Riyu was walking through the forest he was using the trees to balance him and as he got to a medow the moon shone slowly backed away he fely something say STOP and he stopped and he could hear a growling sound in his head and felt his fingers get longer and noticed his nails were sharper and bit longer and he noticed his hair was unusualy messy and that his vidsion was almost perfect andhe could smell the school a mile away and then the finial thing he noticed was his urge for blood and the fac that his canine tooth was a bit longer abd sharper

    Race: part wolf
    Personality: the rash type not afgraid to speak her mind or hit somebody
    Bio: she has a younger brother named riyu who she is always beating on and like ehr brother she is part wolf but more " mature" gravity
    Appearance:tall 5'7 long red hair to her back and green eyes she dosent have the wolf eyes less she changess. wolf app: greyish reddish hair red wolf eyes and her nails and fangs get longer
    Power: wolf
    Weapon: her self
    Other:not much
    Preview Post:as Ariel sat down she saw riyu chewing on a pencil making some slobbery noise she sighed and threw her math book at him hitting him in the back of the head making a really loud "THUD" causing riyu to faceplant the desk cursing silently

    Name: Blake Narkityle
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Electric Demon
    Personality: Blake is a joker at best who tends to make enemies quicker than friends. With this personality he is classified as a Grade A+ Smartass, an achievement he's quite proud of.
    Bio: Blake was forced into the school by his father who wanted him to stop his lifestyle of skating and scamming his way through life after his mother died.
    Power: Control Electricity
    Weapon: Bladed skateboard and a custom made all-red .45 Pistol with electrically charged bullets
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Blake sat in his first hour class bored beyond comprehension. All he could think about was leaving, skateboarding, and doing all the things he does best like scamming people and goofing off. He looked at the teacher finally starting to pay a little attention. But something was wrong the more Blake payed attention the more he noticed. There was something wrong with this room...this smell, it didn't smell like old books and cheap floor wax, no it smelled like bleach and glass cleaner. This wasn't his first hour class at all. Oh no the worst had happened....he fell asleep in the Janitor's closet.
    Thread by: Aura, Apr 19, 2009, 467 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Aura
    Okay, first off, I don't plan to continue this. This is just something I wrote because I've been stressed with...stuff. >>; Don't feel like talking about. Well yeah, haven't been in a good mood for the past two days so I'm trying to write to release my stress on paper.

    This is more like a little story that is being told to someone else by someone else. In other words, second person story. Whatever. Did this in less than an hour. So yeah, you might see grammar mistakes and stuff like that. If you do, tell me and I'll probably fix it. Some sentences might seem a little awkward because I couldn't really find how to put it. I was distracted by...stuff. << And I know it's short. It was meant to be like that.
    Anyway, tell me what you think and enjoy.

    Tangled in Yesterday’s Memories​

    There once was a city that went by the name Pulse. Many years ago Pulse was a high tech, rich city. People always had money and there was hardly any crime. But, when a group of terrorists attacked Pulse, people lost their jobs, their homes, and the crime rate sky rocketed; it literally became hell. Eventually, the terrorists’ leader took over Pulse, making everyone in the city his slaves. People were homeless and many lost their lives. If anyone dared to raise their voice against the new ruler, they would be immediately killed.

    But, there was a little girl that lived during this time, believing there will be someone that would save them all. Every night she prayed, asking God to send down an angel or just a human being with the strength to rescue her and everyone else. But as days and nights passed, the little girl began to lose hope. Then one day, her older brother stood up against the ruler.

    “Enough is enough! You will die by my hands!” he yelled taking a guard’s sword.

    The little girl’s brother charged towards the ruler as he simply sat in his throne, watching the boy come closer and closer. The girl watched from a distance, fearing something was going to happen to her dear brother. The ruler chuckled, snapping his fingers ordering a group of guards to arrest and kill the boy. Before he could react, the guards had their weapons pierced through the boy’s stomach. The little girl watched in horror as her brother died in front of her. His motionless body collapsed as the guards simply walked away, wiping the boy’s blood off their weapons. Tears ran down the girl’s face as she was pushed away, being told to leave.

    That same night, the little girl asked God to kill her so she can be with her brother. Years passed and the girl lived through slavery and poverty. Even though she now lived on her own, she helped those in need. With this girl’s strength and faith, she has been able to live through a terrible time.
    Thread by: Aura, Apr 14, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Aura


    Should I clean my room tomorrow? B|

    Yes or no?
    Thread by: Aura, Apr 12, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Aura
    Last May, we had gotten a puppy. We weren't really sure what breed he was but as he started to grow, I started noticing he had the face of a Pitbull and his brother(he belongs to my grandparents.) has the face of a Labrador.

    That's not the point though. As our dog started growing, he became more and more destructive. He torn my mom's roses, destroyed three bowls of water. We bought a new one but now he's playing with that one. He's dug so many holes as well.

    We've bought him toys but that still doesn't stop him. I'm thinking that it might be because he's on heat and because he's still a puppy. But what he does has been going WAY too far. I've told my parents that maybe if we call to neuter him, he might calm down. But they keep "forgetting" to call.

    I also told my parents that if we were to take him out for a walk, all that energy he has, will begin to lower. But, if we were to take him out for a walk, I'd be the one taking him and that dog is VERY strong.

    I honestly don't know what to do anymore. My parents are willing to give him away if he were to continue like this. And I can't let them since we're already pretty attached to him and he's attached to us.

    Does anyone have like tips or something that I can use so my dog can be less destructive?
    Thread by: Aura, Mar 22, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  7. Aura


    I need your help. I need a perfectly good reason to convince my mom not to take me to the salon on Saturday to cut my hair.

    Go! B|
    Thread by: Aura, Mar 18, 2009, 69 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Aura


    I've had my hand in a brace for about 2 hours, and it's already bothering me. D:

    I'm typing with one hand. D8<
    Thread by: Aura, Mar 12, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Aura
    Well, about three weeks ago, my left hand started shaking uncontrollably. This happened while I was eating lunch. I figured I was cold so I finished my lunch and took a shower. But when I finished taking a shower, my hand was still slightly shaking. Again, I figured it was because I was cold. It passed and I told my mom when she came home from work.

    Then last week, again, I was eating lunch but this time, my hand was literally shaking at a point I couldn't relax it and make it stop. I was going to call my brother but it started to calm down. I told my mom again when she came home and she told me she was going to make an appointment with my doctor. She called the next day and my mom told me that the doctor said it could be possible that I've been writing a lot and I have. So she said she wants to me to stop writing to really see if it's because of that. I'm left handed so yeah, I haven't really written for quite a few days and I'm going back to school on Tuesday. Today, I was eating lunch, again, and I'm started to think that my hand can't hold something for a long period of time. I seriously don't want to think that it could be possible that I have Parkenson's or possibly Arthritis at the age of 16 but that's the only thing that's in my mind when my hand starts shaking.

    I want to make an appointment with my doctor already since I have a feeling that my hand will be shaking when I'm in school. So yeah, I don't even know what I'm asking from a Kingdom Hearts forum. I guess, does anybody really know what could be wrong with me? ._.
    Thread by: Aura, Mar 2, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  10. Aura
    Title, random. ._.
    This RP is like the Falling Inside the Black RP. I just edited quite a lot of things. Crimson/Foofy helped me name a lot of stuff so credit goes to him. XD
    Also, I got kind of lazy with the ranking and stuff. >>
    Another thing, I know this is a lot like Crisis Core. >> Just saying. XD

    It is a law that once a child turns 18, they must join a special military unit called HERO; it didn’t matter what gender the person was, it was mandatory. There have been rumors saying that these people are injected with some sort of liquid that gives them powers. Once the chemical is injected, the powers they receive are unknown until they actually begin their duties. There are some that have only one power but there are others that have up to four. There have been some that have escaped from being recruited but there are others that joined because they felt they needed to, they couldn’t get away in time or just for some completely different reason. It has been said that once someone is part of HERO, there is no way of returning to your previous life.
    “You now exist to serve us. You can never go back, and see the people you left behind. Once you joined, it will be as if you never existed until now.”
    There are some that approve of what HERO is doing but there are others that try to escape and prevent from other citizens to suffer the same way they did. Although, many in the past have been discovered of what they had planned and they were immediately killed. It is said that the truth behind HERO must never get out.

    Okay, well, its basically just taking place in a high-tech city called Derkar. So pretty much the weaponry, transportation, buildings(XD), and many other things are high-tech.

    (I’m going to be very strict with these so don’t complain. And if I add any more rules, I‘ll tell you so you guys can know.)
    1. No godmodding/powerplaying! If you do any of these, I will give you only one warning. If you continue, I will kick you out of the RP.
    2. Stay active! Don’t post a character and never come back. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one. But try to be as active so we don’t have to constantly give recaps.
    3. No controlling others’ characters.
    4. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language, etc. If you must curse, censor it.
    5. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll allow you to have up to 3 characters max.
    7. Actually describe what you’re doing. Don’t do *this* when it comes to showing action. B|
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, then use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive with their appearance.
    9. Don’t post too many pages when I’m gone. I’m starting school soon and I’m going to be gone for most of the day.
    10. Don’t you dare make this as your own RP! D< If you do, I swear I will snap at you. B|
    11. Don’t be random. D8< I don’t want to see your character is in one place then next thing you know you’re somewhere else. B|
    12. If your character is part of HERO, they MUST start out at a low rank, then they could work their way up.
    13. No constant one-liners. It’s okay if it’s one or two every now and then but not post after post after post. I get writer’s block quickly when I see one-liners.
    14. Put ‘Pressure’ somewhere in your first post and post your first post in Dark Red so I know you read the rules. If I don’t see this in that first post, I won’t except you until you do.

    ~Rankings and Color of Uniform~
    (Note: If your character doesn’t start out in HERO but joins later on, they first join as PRIVATE. Just saying. >>)

    SUPERIOR- Color of uniform, navy blue and gold.
    SUPERIOR are in charge of HERO. They are always the first ones to be notified of the city or any of the missions. They are the ones that decide how to approach a mission and on how to watch over the city.

    CAPTAIN- Color of uniform, gray.
    CAPTAIN are the ones that report to SUPERIOR to so they know how a mission went. It is very rare when those in CAPTAIN need to go to a mission.

    LIEUTENANT- Color of uniform, white.
    LIEUTENANT must go with lower rankings to a mission so they can report it to CAPTAIN and CAPTAIN can report it to SUPERIOR. A few go with SOLDIER and others go with WARRIOR.

    SOLDIER- Color of uniform, black.
    SOLDIER watches over the city and only receive missions that are in the city.

    WARRIOR- Color of uniform, red.
    WARRIOR are in charge of the missions outside of the city. It is their job to protect the city from any attacks that are planned outside.

    GRUNT- Color of uniform, green.
    GRUNT are those that are between paper work and missions. When they do receive a mission, it’s mainly in the city.

    PRIVATE- Color of uniform, brown.
    PRIVATE are those that just joined HERO. They are usually the ones that have to deal with paper work and it’s very rare when one of them are sent to a mission. And when someone new joins, SUPERIOR and CAPTAIN are the only ones to be notified.

    ~OC Form~

    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.)
    Part of HERO: (Just put yes or no)
    Preview Post:

    Username: Violet
    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: CAPTAIN
    Personality: She is very outgoing and caring. She can sometimes take the duty of being part of HERO seriously.
    Bio: When she was a child, she thought that HERO was incredible and so she wanted to join. But when she turned 18 and found out everything, she regretted it all and wished she could escape. She takes the ranking CAPTAIN seriously even though she no longer likes being part of HERO. She likes being in charge of some of the people below her but doesn't let it get to her head.
    Power(s): Fire and wind.
    Weapon(s): A sword and revolver.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Violet
    Name: Rebecca Watson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Part of HERO: No
    Ranking: N/A
    Personality: Very kind and caring. She doesn’t enjoy violence. She is very shy at first when someone first meets her. She has always been a loving caring person.
    Bio: The day she turned 18, her twin brother and her attempted to hid themselves but they were caught. Her brother told her to run and he would stall the soldiers so she would get away. Instead, she hid somewhere and witnessed her brother be killed. Her parents abandoned her and her brother, when they were 7. She now lives on her own and always thought the people that joined HERO were murderers. That they had no heart and didn’t care what would happen to many other citizens.
    Power(s): N/A
    Weapon(s): N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Ember
    Name: Fallon Kelleher
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: Warrior
    Personality: Rough around the edges but is kind to people she likes. She has limited appreciation for authority.
    Bio: When she was 16, her parents “volunteered” her for HERO, hoping that she would learn discipline. Little did they know the extent of what they had gotten her in to. She hasn’t seen or heard from them since then.
    Appearance: girls with black hair/Saki19.jpg (overused picture FTW)
    Power(s): Shapeshifting
    Weapon(s): Dagger
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post:
    Fallon walked over to the window, stretching her arms. She opened the window all the way. She felt her body shrink and feathers grow out from her skin and clothes. She spread her sparrow wings and soared out into the city air.

    Username: <-<
    Name: Advent Aeterna
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: LIEUTENANT
    Personality: Always makes a comment on something. At times he can seem like a perfectionist but when he gets comfortable, he's laid back and a little cocky.
    Bio: Joined HERO out of his own free will. The only reason why he never regretted it was because he always loved fighting. He advanced through the ranks at an amazing rate but refused any promotions once he became a LIEUTENANT because he knew higher ranks rarely saw action...and he acted a little immature at times.
    Power: Extreme physical abilities and teleporation.
    Weapon: Gen II/Samurai_Sword.jpg
    Other: Let's just say he's good at what he does. >->
    Preview Post: Advent took in a deep breath, wiping off the dirt on his uniform. Stupid SOLDIERs. They can't do anything right. He thought to himself, having basically stopped an armed robbery by himself. I'm practically their mentor! I don't like teaching... He sighed and shook his head slowly, glancing over at the ones he was assigned to. "You idiots better have been paying attention." He growled, having already lost his patience.

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Kyoko Hikaru
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: GRUNT
    Personality: Smart, friendly, loves to fight, funny, sneaky, fun to be around
    Bio: When Hikaru turned 18, HERO took her from her family. She tried to escape a couple of times but failed. Then, she finally decided it was no use. She stopped trying to escape and got use to it. She worked her way past PRIVATE and is now a GRUNT.
    Except without armor thing on shoulder
    Power: Wind and Speed
    Weapon: In Apperance
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post: Kyoko quietly got up off the bench and closed her book. She walked over towards her room and layed on her bed. "So tired..." She said. She puffed up her pillow and realxed, taking long sighs. She smiled then fell asleep.

    Username: demon's nightmare
    Name: Revelin Sabina
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Part of HERO: no
    Ranking: n/a
    Personality: defensive, quiet, keeps to himself
    Bio: As a child he was told the worst things about HERO. He grew up hating it. After his parents were killed for resisting he went into hiding.
    Appearance: Revelin Sabina
    Power(s): n/a
    Weapon(s): n/a
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post:
    Revelin walked down the dark empty street. The wind blew past him. He stopped, taking a moment to look at the sky. The stars shimmered in the sky. He breathed a heavy sigh and continued his walk. He thought about where to go, but it didn't matter. He smirked to himself at the thought of what the day would bring.

    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox Darkra
    Gender: Male
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.) 22
    Part of HERO: (Just put yes or no) yes
    Ranking: Private
    Personality: find out
    Bio: He was inlisted at 18 was kept in training for some reason no one could realy explain to him. He has been stuck as a private because he gets almost no assignments
    Appearance: Short black hair and gray eyes. He wears the Privet uniform.
    Power(s): Telekinies
    Weapon(s): Guns and an old left over combat sword he found in a store room
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post: Nox scaned the area with the scope. The sun was barning down makeing everything bright and hot. Sweat rolled down his cheek. Then he saw his target. The target was walking slowly. He had no idea what was about to happen. Nox squeezed the trigger slowly, "Say good night Jack."
    The sniper rifle went off.

    Name: Blade
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: Soldier
    Personality: He is an unemotional guy that just tries to finish the mission
    Bio: His past is really unknown about him since he doesn't really communicate with others. All he does is complete the missions he is assigned to. He prefers to work alone
    Appearance: Used In Roleplays/carnage_sword-1-1.jpg
    Power(s): Energy manipulation
    Weapon(s): Broadswords
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post: Blade stood in front of what seemed to be a bandit that layed on the ground with anger in his eyes. "I will never give up I will rather die then come with you" the bandit yelled. Blade simply took out one of the swords on his back and raised it into the air and swung it downwards straight at the bandit

    Name:Miyuki Koyama
    Age: 19
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: Soldier
    Personality:Nice, Kind,courageous,and Confident though can get easily depressed
    Bio:Never really knew her parents. She grew up in an orphange though she didn't fit in with the girls at the orphange they though she acted more like a boy than a girl always fighting.She usually sang to forget the insults.As she grew up she started using guns for defence when someone tried to hurt her or something but quit using guns after she accidentely shot her friend. There is another side of her that she doesn't show. She likes to speak in a different langauge so that way no one can understand what she's really saying
    Appearance: Girls/2008-02-17-89380.jpg
    Power(s): The songs she sings have effects on people or the area around her.
    Weapon(s):Ookami Blade
    Preview Post: Miyuki was walking looking at the ground she had a worried look on her face. She looked up and sighed "Nothing's the same these days" she said to herself. She looked at her hand "Why did I even try" she said with a sigh. "Nagasu,Kokoro,Ukiyo" she said in a faint voice.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Raine Halgis
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: grunt
    Personality: perfect manners but bad attitude and seems to have a complex honour code.
    Bio: After being injected he quickly made his way to being a grunt with combat skills and manners. He takes his missions seriously but knows what he must do at forks in his way of life.
    Appearance: guys/9f467dab.jpg
    Power(s): the ability to see or hear into the future by a few seconds but weakens him if used most of the time (hopefully gets stronger as the rp progresses)
    Weapon(s): a scythe that can launch it's blade like a boomerang with certain adjustments.
    Other: Pressure
    Preview Post: Raine stepped out of the half closed down building, his clothes dyed red from the blood as it was also on the edge of his blade. He lent his scythe on his shoulder as he slowly dawldled towards his backup. "Your late", he said as he stood infront of them with a cocky smile, "The target is already down".

    Username: Naruto Uzumaki
    Name: Valerie Evans
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17 (turning 18)
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: Grunt
    Personality: Cheeky, can be scatterbrained sometimes, is loyal to the friends she makes and can be very lazy.
    Bio: Valerie led a normal life, as normal it could get anyway. She never did much in her life apart from her passion for art and music. Despite her lazy attitude towards work she gets the job done asap.
    Weapon(s): Duo Pistols
    Other: Pressure
    Soz for the crappy preview post D:
    Preview Post: Valerie sat in her room sulking, her 18th birthday was drawing closer and closer as the days flew past. She didn't want to join HERO but she knew she had to as it was necessary. "I don't want to join..." she huffed. She slid off her bed and went to her closet to get changed.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Raizen Lore
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    Part of HERO: no
    Ranking: n/a
    Personality: Tough guy with a nice side to innocent people (majorly anti-HERO)
    Bio: After escaping from HERO he eventually formed an anti-HERO alliance but it was no more than 20 people. After two years the whole of his group was killed except for Raizen himself who was absent at the time.
    Power(s): incredible strength
    Weapon(s): Large sword (weapon in picture basically)
    Other: n/a
    Preview Post: Do I have to do this again?

    Username: Catfish
    Name: Abby Miller
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: Private
    Personality: can be timid, but is a genreally nice person once she's used to her surroundings
    Bio: She's been raised by her divorced parents, one who is against hero and one who is for, they were fighting over custody because one parent wanted to run her away
    Appearance: light brown, mid length hair. blue eyes and about 5,5.
    Power(s): none yet
    Weapon(s): none yer
    Other: never been in a battle
    Preview Post: Abby was thrown around asthe truck moved turned corners. She didn't want to go, but was dragged out of her room and thrown into a truck for attempting to break the law. Now she was in the back of a military truck, edging oh so much closer to the life she didn't eant to lead.

    Name:Robert Clark
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: Private
    Personality: Quite, he dosen't talk much since he became part of HERO
    Bio: He was rectruited into HERO against his will, he has tried to escape twice, both times he has failed. In his last attempt he had a reaction to the liquid that gave him his powers, causing him to go crazy and his skin got burnt away, so he has to were a full body suit. He has to wear a brain inhibitur to keep him in saine and to stop him from escaping.
    Appearance: His body suit:
    Before he got burnt:
    His Uniform before he got burnt:
    Power(s): He can see through walls.
    Weapon(s): He keeps a standard machine gun, two pistols and a samurai sword.
    Other: No one has seen a bit of his flesh after he got burnt, he is always alone when he is out of uniform.
    Prievew Post: Robbie looked around the building, all his targets had been killed. "Sir, I have eliminated the targets, further orders" he asked over his radio. "Find the laptop they had and bring it back with you" his commander eplied over the radio, he used his eye sight to search the building, he couldn't find it.

    Username: demon's nightmare
    Name: Reiko Tiernay
    Gender: female
    Age: 19
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: GRUNT
    Personality: Well mannered and respectful.
    Bio: Like anyone else she was 'volunteered' for HERO. She didn't mind too much though, to her it was just part of life and growing up.
    Appearance: Reiko Tiernay
    Power(s): gravity manipulation
    Other: I don't need another preview post, right? >_>;

    Username: Naruto Uzumaki
    Name: Annaly Rightford
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: SOLDIER
    Personality: Cold-hearted, only opens up to people who have been through what she has been through.
    Bio: Annaly had a rough childhood, her parents had abused her all through her life until the day she turned 18. Then she moved out of home and joined HERO. She has barely talked to anyone through out the time that she has been in HERO but she knows what needs to be done and completes her missions without question.
    Power(s): Super speed and the ability to have some control over ice (lol pun).
    Weapon(s): Pistols and a double-sided sword.
    Other: its alright for her to be in SOLDIER right?

    Name: Emma
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: CAPTAIN
    Personality: easy going, she loves to help others. She hates fighting.
    Bio: She was able to escape being recruited into HERO, she lived a normal life until she heard that her childhood friend had been recruited into HERO. She joined to keep him company. But her vast knowledge got her promoted to Captain straight away and was put in charge of reaserch. Her friend got killed on a mission and Robbie had been with him on the mission. Shortley afterwards she started to find a way to heal Robbie's skin and make him sane again.
    Power(s): Is able to understand how anything works by looking at it.
    Weapon(s): Stun Pistol, tear gas grenades
    Other: She is Robbie's one friend in all of Hero.

    Username: Ghost
    Name: Blaine
    Gender: Male
    Age: 35
    Part of HERO: Yes
    Ranking: SUPERIOR
    Personality: Calm, has a sense of humor, could be described as a "nice" guy, virtuous.
    Bio: Not too much is known about his backstory. He keeps it to himself. The only thing people know about him are his flawless records since he joined HERO. He's always looking out for others and has been a mentor at times towards Advent since he joined.
    Appearance: <-< I'm too lazy plus nobody will remember.
    Power: Telekenisis(sp), super strength, and fire! xD
    Weapon: A gauntlet. ><
    Other: Stuffs will happen. :3

    Username: Super Doodle Fish aka Catfish
    Name: Charlaine Sheilds
    Gender: female
    Age: 19
    Part of HERO: yes
    Ranking: WARRIOR
    Personality: cheeky, likes to stir trouble
    Bio: was against hero at first, but when she begun missions, she began to love it, mainly the bum kicking part
    Appearance: sword/hikari_miyako/Immy/tipasword.jpg?o=40
    Power: fire (creates fire and extinguishes it)
    Weapon: sword
    Other: spaghetti waffles
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 27, 2009, 501 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Aura
    Eh. Took three of these today and the other three yesterday. I really don't like these, not that much. XD
    The first one, I noticed that flower that's growing in the back after I took it. Notice, you don't see it anymore in the other two. >>

    CnC, please.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 27, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Aura
    I'm sure there have been at least a few people that have heard of this movie.


    It's a very good movie. I'm actually watching it right now. Even if you're not Salvadorian, I recommend that you should watch it.

    It will most likely make you cry. XD

    Is there anyone that has heard of this movie? And for those of you that have heard of it and seen it, what did you think of the movie?

    Thread by: Aura, Feb 22, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Aura

    Broken Glass

    Meh, title is very random. Came up with it when I was half asleep. XD Plus, I felt like I've heard of it before. >>
    Story kind of came from the top of my head. But I still actually put some thought into it not like all my other RPs. XDD

    It has been a thousand years since Sora and the others defeated Organization XIII. The worlds have been in peace during that time, until now. It has been discovered that there are now eight new Princesses of Hearts and since then, there are people that are searching for them. But there’s something different about these girls. These girls were not only chosen for their pure hearts but also because they each have a special symbol from their personality; Courage, Love, Light, Wisdom, Sincerity, Faith, Reliability, and Friendship. The people that are searching for the eight girls believe that if these girls remain alive, they will interfere with their own plan to destroy Kingdom Hearts and take over every world. But they have also discovered that there are other keyblade bearers. Now, they are after both the Keyblade bearers and the Princesses of Hearts. Many of the Keyblade bearers have known of the Princesses of Hearts and the people that are after them, but very few of them have taken action. But, since it has been many years since Organization XIII appeared and were destroyed, the keyblades aren’t exactly able to use most of their magic. Some of them are even useless.


    Basically, everything will be happening in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. You may travel to other worlds, though.

    1. No God-modding/Powerplaying.
    2. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language, etc. If you must swear, censor it.
    3. Stay active! If you won’t be active in this RP then don’t bother joining.
    4. No controlling others’ characters.
    5. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. 4 OC’s max.
    7. If you’re going to use a picture for your character’s appearance, use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive with their appearance. Same goes with their weapon.
    8. Be ORIGINAL! I don’t want to see a character is somehow related to Sora or the others.
    9. No constant one-liners! Seriously, every time I see someone type out only one line, I’m left with writer’s block for a really long time, so no constant one-liners! D8<
    10. Have fun!
    11. Put ‘Paralyze’ somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules.
    12. If I add anymore rules, I will let you guys know.

    Princesses of Hearts info
    (Note: Some of them aren’t all that important but I would like quite a few of them in the RP. We won’t need all. Those that are taken will have ‘TAKEN’ right next to them. If you need one of these explained, just send me a PM or a visitor message.)

    Light- TAKEN
    Wisdom- TAKEN
    Faith- TAKEN
    Reliability- TAKEN

    OC Form
    Weapon: (Keyblade or something else.)
    Side: (Good, bad, or neither.)
    Symbol: (This is only for the Princesses of Hearts. If you choose to be a Princess of Heart, you put Courage, Love, etc, here. If not, just put N/A.)
    Preview Post: (I actually want people that can type more than 4 lines.)

    Username: Violet
    Name: Abbigail “Abbie” Ortiz
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Appearance: Ignore the thing on her forehead.
    Personality: Abbigail is too much of a care-free person. She acts before thinking. Abbie is very energetic and because of her energy, she sometimes gets in trouble in town but hides it from the others. Although she may be a bit of a troublemaker, she still has a pure heart.
    Bio: Abbie used to live in Twilight Town but when she was told about the situation, she had to move to Radiant Garden. She didn’t like the idea of having to move but she figured it was for her own safety. Her parents died when she was at a very young age. She’s used to having to take care of herself and was able to make a living. She feels as if she is the “leader” out of the girls since the others aren’t really built or have the ability to fight.
    Weapon: A katana
    Power: N/A
    Side: Good
    Symbol: Courage
    Other: N/A

    Username: Violet
    Name: Jessica “Jessie” Walker
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Ignore the wings on her head.
    Personality: Jessica was always very shy when meeting new people but she never let it get in the way when she would want to help people. She has a very kind heart and doesn’t like what has been happening. She has always hated violence.
    Bio: Jessie has always lived in Radiant Garden. When she was 10, her parents abandoned her, leaving her to die. But she was able to live on her own even though she lived in the streets. When she got older, she managed to get a job and work to get a house of her own and be able to feed herself. She has so far met no keyblade bearers but hope that they can help her and the others.
    Weapon: N/A
    Power: N/A
    Side: Good
    Symbol: Light
    Other: N/A

    Username: Crimson
    Name: Aiden Grey
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Appearance: guy/a.jpg I keep using the same one. XD
    Personality: Sarcastic, quick to act, gets narrow sighted, lies a lot, and can sometimes be nice.
    Bio: Aiden's parents vanished in a war long ago on his home world, leaving him with his older brother to look out for him. When he came of age, his brother left Aiden to search for their parents, vanishing as well. Aiden, being angry with his family vanishing because of a war that someone else started, left his home world and traveled to several others. He figured that fighting wars, or attempting to take a side was pointless and only lead to a stupid death. He's taken the role of being a bit of an adventurer, traveler, sometimes "playing hero", and at times he's a thief. He constantly lies about some of his adventures and over exaggerates even though he's obviously lived through more than several people ever do in a lifetime.
    Weapon: Keyblade(he rarely uses it) and a sword strapped to his back that splits into two.
    Keblade picture:
    Swords: Just imagine two. @-@
    Power: Time
    Side: None
    Other: Paralyzer
    Preview Post: Aiden stared down at the floor, thinking. "Something's missing." He mumbled, taking a deep breath. He snapped his fingers. "I know!...Never mind." He said, not noticing that the wall behind him was gone.

    Username: Cherry
    Name: Meiko Moon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Personality:She can find the good in almost anyone, no matter how sour they may be on the outside. She's outgoing, creative and kind of rebellious.
    Bio:Her dad went out as a soldier to war when she was very little, and never came back. Her mom on the other hand, was transferred to Destiny islands until the war was over. Unfortunately, Meiko hid herself in the ship and was forgotton, thus ended up somewhere in Traverse Town, where she ended up liviing for the next 10 years.
    Weapon: (Keyblade or something else.)
    Power: Sound
    Side: Good
    Symbol: Reliability
    Other: Paralyze
    Preview Post: Meiko had just got herself ready for dinner, however she felt that it was useless. Living with room-mates wasn't easy, especially when they're so... uptight and cranky like hell.

    Username: The road to Darkness
    Name: Brad kantus
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: warrior/Tjerry28/warrior_dark.jpg?o=10
    Personality: he is quiet and isnt quick to trust people. he wont be talked down to and answers threats with a fight.
    Bio: He lived his life rejected. he has a deep hatred for most people, and trusts few people. he tried to kill everyone who stood up to anyone. He has always practiced the art of fighting and parkour. he also likes to toy with people. he doesnt know why he has keyblades, yet when he kills a keyblader he will take their keychain for rememberance of the fight.
    Weapon: Rapture of souls Last Judgement
    Power: Darkness, nothingness, Madness (shapeshifting etc.)
    Side: find out
    Other: Dont taze me bro it, might paralyze me! >.>
    Preview Post: Brad walked towards the downed keyblader. "it looks like you never were as powerful as you thought... were you?" he walked over and picked up his keyblade. "you may have not been the best fighter, but you still had the honor to fight to the death... respectable" he ripped the keychain from the keyblade. "may we meet again in the next life" he finished. he walked away with an almost happy look on his face, and looked down at his hand and at the keychain. and put it in his robe.

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Karmia Amazuki
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Personality: She is very smart and complicated to understand. She is very quiet, calm, friendly, and cautious.
    Bio: Her father died when she was 7 by getting runover by a truck as he crossed the street. She had to tie her shoes and didn't follow him. Her mom died when she was 12. She caught a very serious disease that had no cure. She died afterwards. When she was 14, she left her hometown and went to live in the wild.
    Weapon: A sword that has Rose Blade engraved in it.
    Power: Wind
    Side: Good
    Symbol: Wisdom
    Other: Paralyze
    Preview Post: Karmia was sitting on the bench, observing her book that she was about to read. "Interesting..." She said, just finishing the summarization of the book on the back of it. "Sounds good..." Karmia said, starting to read, deep in thought about the book.

    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Rei Nokoshen
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Personality: Kind hearted, very gentle when she's not fighting. She can also be outgoing as well.
    Bio: Rei grew up with her family all of her life and worked with them in their family potion shop. So basically, she had a pretty content life... mostly. There are some secrets that she has, but she will not share them with others unless she truely trusts them.
    Weapon: Staff
    Power: N/A
    Side: Good
    Symbol: Faith
    Other: Paralyze
    Preview Post: Rei nodded her head to the customer and watched them walk off. Her smile was still there, but she felt like she wanted to portray another emotion for once. She sighed out quietly and pulled out a cloth to whipe the counters once again. Spic and span was her family's motto... Rei sighed and rested an elbow on the counter. Her mind was starting to drift off into thought again. Day dreaming was always her problem...

    Username: The road to Darkness
    Name: Braxen
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: same as Brad but black face always covered by hood. and black skin
    Personality: Cruel and emptionless. he is out to destroy Brad, He feels that he is more than a silhouette of him.
    Bio: He is a simple being. An embodiement of Brad's evil inside him. He wants to destoy him. He was created when Brad got his keyblades about 2 years ago.
    Weapon: same as Brad. Rapture of souls and Last Judgement (pic on Brads OC form)
    Power: Darkness. shapeshifting
    Side: Bad

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Bane
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Appearance: White skin, tall, brown eyes, black hair, black cloack, usually with hood on.
    Personality: Hateful. During battel he will sometimes let his rage control him. He likes to make others doubt each other. He takes pride in the name "Heartless." Sometimes let's others do the work for him and waits in the shadows until it's time to do what he wants. Though sometimes he will come out in the open.
    Bio: He used to be a warrior of the Keyblade for the light. He had a woman, too. The woman grew tired of him leaving to go on adventres and told him she wanted a husnband that could provide for a family. She said he was the bane of her existence. As the darkness in his Heart grew, the Darkness of his Keyblade grew. Controled by his rage he killed his family and too-be wife. When the rage eventually left him, he was so sorrow-stricken over his actions he unlcoked his Heart to the Darkness with his Keyblade. Bane was born of the Darkness and Heart and Xaben of the littel light that was left and the body.
    Weapon: (Keyblade or something else.) Wields a black Keyblade except for the red stripes running down it. The Keychain is the Heartless symbol. The Keyblade is called Heart's Bane.
    Power: Darkness, enhanced physichal strength and speed.
    Side: (Good, bad, or neither.) Bad
    Symbol: (This is only for the Princesses of Hearts. If you choose to be a Princess of Heart, you put Courae, Love, etc, here. If not, just put N/A.) N/A
    Preview Post: Bane stood surveying the Darkness. The Darkness called to him like nature called to thers and he answerd. Not with his arms, but with his Heart. He opend his Heart to it.

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Xaben
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Appearance: White skin, tall, brown eyes, white hair, white cloack, usually with hood off.
    Personality: Calm. During battel he will sometimes let his rage control him. He likes to make others doubt each other. He takes shame in the name "Nobody." Likes to do his work for himself but will wait if he has to.
    Bio: He used to be a warrior of the Keyblade for the light. He had a woman, too. The woman grew tired of him leaving to go on adventres and told him she wanted a husnband that could provide for a family. She said he was the bane of her existence. As the darkness in his Heart grew, the Darkness of his Keyblade grew. Controled by his rage he killed his family and too-be wife. When the rage eventually left him, he was so sorrow-stricken over his actions he unlcoked his Heart to the Darkness with his Keyblade. Bane was born of the Darkness and Heart and Xaben of the littel light that was left and the body.
    Weapon: (Keyblade or something else.) Wields a white Keyblade except for the black stripes running down it. The Keychain is the Nobody symbol. The Keyblade is called Bane's Heart.
    Power: Light, enhanced physichal strength and speed
    Side: (Good, bad, or neither.) Nether
    Symbol: (This is only for the Princesses of Hearts. If you choose to be a Princess of Heart, you put Courae, Love, etc, here. If not, just put N/A.) N/A
    Preview Post: Xaben stood silently praying. He had prayed, but had it done him any good? "Did it do any good the last time?" Xaben thought in his head.

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Mortalitas
    Gender: Male
    Age: 45
    Appearance: White skin, tall, brown eyes, white hair, black cloack, usually with hood on. At times his eyes will seem black.
    Personality: Hateful/Calm. Depends on the time.
    Bio: Little seems to be known about his past. Some think he was a warrior of light and he did Sin Harvest in to much of a dark area and become one of the dark, or he is just a embodiment of the darkness and sorrow of those that unlock their Heart to the darkness with their Keyblades. *Temporary block right here*
    Weapon: (Keyblade or something else.) Usually a Cane. Made of black wood and just a straight cane in pretty good condition. While he barely does this, he could remove the bottom and it would be revevealed that it has a concealed sword in it. Though does not prefer one-on-one combat.
    Power: Darkness, Fire, Sin Harvest (While barely ever used, if something really bad has happend over the area he will start to glow with Darkness and absorb the Darkness their and gains strength determend by the amount of darkness he absorbed. Memories (Has to have been in contact with the person and the person has to be willing). Summoning Shadow Heartless (One or two at a time and while one exist he can not use any of his other powers but he can automatically destroy them)
    Side: (Good, bad, or neither.) Bad
    Symbol: (This is only for the Princesses of Hearts. If you choose to be a Princess of Heart, you put Courae, Love, etc, here. If not, just put N/A.) N/A
    Preview Post: Mortalitas stood surveying the carnage. The area reaked with endless sin and regret without love or want for remorse... Just what he needed to get him going in the morning. He was getting old, and with all this good in the universe it always did his "Heart" proud to see the Universe had not forgot the classic darkness.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 19, 2009, 81 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Aura


    Lately I have been giving some thought into leaving the site just because, well I need space right now. Technically it's nothing personal, I just feel like I need to leave. I was planning on leaving when school started but I gave it some thought and decided to leave earlier. It's not like my social life increased, I'm very anti-social. Either way, I'm leaving, that's the point of this thread. I'll probably pop in every now and then but I won't be here everyday. I'll be on MSN but once school starts, I probably won't be on MSN for a long time. If I can, I'll only post when I need to update my stories. But if school is too hectic, then I won't bother updating. Only like two people on here have me on myspace but one left and the other like disappeared or something. Only one person has my number and you know who you are. Writer's Family, I'll miss you guys. MSN Family, I'll miss you guys too. I'll most likely come back around the time of my birthday, or maybe earlier, I don't know yet.

    But for now, good-bye.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 15, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  15. Aura
    I haven't really been able to take any new photos due to the weather here. It's been raining and I think it will continue to rain for another week or so. But today I was able to take a few photos of the sky after a pretty hard fall of rain earlier. The candles, not favorite but I took them about a week or two ago. After looking at all of these photos, I didn't like them. >> Stupid cables. I would have gotten on the roof but everything was wet and I could have slipped and hit my head. DX

    CnC, please.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 13, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Aura


    This is what boredom does to me. DX The title of the RP is kind of random, so yeah. >>
    By the way, I typed it out kind of quick, so sorry if some of it doesn't make sense. >>;
    P.S. I'm sorry the story is so short. I have writer's block. DX

    It has been one hundred years since Sora and the others defeated Organization XIII. There are new keyblade bearers and a new Princess of Heart. Although, nobody really knows who this Princess of Heart is. She has kept it as a secret from everyone so that everyone can be at peace. But, there are a few that know who it is and have sought out to kill her. The Princess of Heart knows of this but hasn’t told anyone. The situations have gotten worse and worse and she now feels as if she should tell someone, but who? There is a very few number of keyblade bearers that know who the Princess of Heart is but have not yet confronted her. There is an evil force that the keyblade bearers must now face and destroy.

    Everything will be happening in Hollow Bastion/ Radiant Garden. You may leave the world but mostly all the fighting and all that will happen in Hollow Bastion.

    1. No god-modding/powerplaying! If you do any of these, I will give you only one warning. If you continue, I will kick you out of the RP.
    2. Stay active! Don’t post a character and never come back. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one. But post as much as possible so we don’t have to constantly give recaps.
    3. No controlling others’ characters.
    4. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language, etc. If you must curse, censor it.
    5. No killing other characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll allow you to have up to 3 characters max.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, then use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive with their appearance.
    9. Be ORIGINAL! Don’t say your character is somehow related to Sora or the others.
    10. No constant one-liners. Seriously, every time someone types out only one line, I'm left with writer's block for who knows how long, so no constant one-liners. D8<
    11. Put ‘Violet sucks when it comes to naming things. >>’ somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules.
    12. Have fun!
    13. If I add any other rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    .:OC Form:.
    Weapon(s): (Keyblade or something else.)

    Username: Violet
    Name: Kaori Nakamura
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Personality: Kaori was always outgoing. But when she found out she was a Princess of Heart, her personality changed to a more secretive and confident type. From time to time she can be a bit stubborn but overall, she’s a very nice person.
    Bio: Kaori had always lived a calm relaxing life. When she found out she was a Princess of Heart, she felt as if she was different from everyone else, even though she really wasn’t. When ever she goes out, she tends to wear a hood, covering her eyes, knowing that others know she is a Princess of Heart. She hides her face so that who ever is “targeting” her, won’t really see that it’s her.
    Power(s): N/A
    Weapon(s): N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Crimson
    Name: Grey
    Gender: Man
    Age: 23
    Personality: Strong sense of justice and always tries to do the right thing. He's a little naive.
    Bio: He doesn't know anything. He woke up next to a broken pod in the castle. He's working now as a bit of a "delivery boy".
    Appearance: *will explain in first post*
    Powers: Time and fire.
    Weapon: Keyblade *will get pic*
    Other: *insert rule 11 here*

    Name:Haru Francis
    Personality: Haru is a mysterious child since he dosen't really open up too people, But he has a short temper for a quiet person.
    Bio: Haru was working as a temporary junk helper, just to get extra munny for the train to get back home but all of a sudden.. everything just got fuzzy and he appeared in a different town.
    Appearance: Boys Harem/anime-5.jpg
    Weapon(s): Keyblade
    Other:Violet sucks when it comes to naming things. >>’

    Username: AndrewTemari101

    Name: Shaun Yamikaru

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Personality: Shaun's life has always been a misfortune for him. On the inside, he really is a sad boy but he acts like he is the worry-free kind of guy on the outside. Shaun is also a very smart person but can he blunt and a mysterious person from time to time. Before the 'misfortune' happened, even though Shaun was 4-6 years old he got most of the girls.

    Bio: (As in the Personality), Shaun's life has been a misfortune. Shaun's father died when he was 7 because him and his father were walking down the street then some evil people (I don't know who) killed his father. Next, Shaun's mother got very ill with a serious disease that had no cure when Shaun was 12. She died afterwards. Shaun has seeked revenge ever since.

    Apperance: Shaun has short, dirty-blonde hair and lake, blue eyes. He always wears a red T-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black sneakers with white laces. He sometimes wears a black hoody. Shaun is medium in size and has an adorable face.

    Power(s): Wind

    Weapon(s): Shaun has a long, skinny sword which is how he uses the power of wind but his sword is very special. It can adapt to the weather or where he is. EX: In a desert= Sandstorm Ex= Near the ocean= Water tornado

    Other: Shaun loves Temari and hates it when he can't help a friend in need.

    Username: The road to Darkness
    Name: Brad Kantus
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Personality: he is a fighter and has been searching for his girlfriend ever since the organization kidnapped her
    Bio: he lives his life in the moment and doesnt think of possible repercussions of his actions
    Power(s): darkness
    Weapon(s): Rapture of souls Last Judgement
    Other: violet sucks at coming up with names *not really >.>*

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Guy (yes, that is a name)
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Personality: Very careful, prefers not to fight, always careful not to make any misteps, and prefers to play with those whom he is fighting. Much more of a mental fighter then a physical fighter
    Bio: A man who is shrouded in mystery. Seen numerous times before with a younger girl, but now is not often seen in radiant garden. He tends to be found wandering around town in a hood, not really showing his face, asking around about information of the person whom is believed to be the new princess of heart
    Power(s): The power of sound (he basicly has the power to control airpressure, sound waves, ect. I suppose its similure to those sound guys from the naruto series, though I'll try and keep it original)
    Other: Violet sucks like britney spears swallows. sry, but I have to say that every time someone says that someone sucks :P
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 9, 2009, 98 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Aura
    Yay! Another fanfic! Although I hope I don't just give up on this one. Eh, I hope you guys like it. I appreciate comments and criticism. I suck when it comes to titles so this story has no title. XD

    I'm sorry if there are mistakes. If there are, do point them out so I can fix them. Please and thank you. 8DD

    Somehow, I find it easier to write stories in first person than it is in third. I don't know, my own opinion. XD Also, since this is first person, it may or may not sound like a journal. Either way, I hope you guys like it. Enjoy.

    Chapter One
    ~.:Unexpected Dream:.~

    “I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately…like, is any of this for real…or not?â€
    “You are the one who will open the door.â€
    “You do not yet know what lies beyond the door.â€
    “What was that place? So bizarre…â€
    “If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one?â€
    “I’ve come to see the door to this world.â€
    “This world has been connected.â€
    “Tied to the darkness…soon to be completely eclipsed.â€
    “There is so very much to learn.â€
    “You understand so little.â€
    “One who knows nothing can understand nothing.â€
    “The door has opened…â€

    I slowly opened my eyes, waking up from my dream. I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, wondering about the dream I just had. I don’t understand; that dream was so weird. I finally sat up, rubbing my head. It felt as if I had just hit my head really hard against something. I winced before turning my attention to look at the window. I heard the sound of water hitting my window.

    “Oh great…†I muttered. I rolled out of bed, quickly stepping towards my window. The moment I looked out, I could see a dark, cloudy sky and rain, a lot of rain. Why today of all days. I had to walk to and from school, I’m definitely going to get wet. I sighed before looking towards my clock. My eyes widened to see I was already for my first class. I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I ran towards my closest, getting dressed into my school uniform. “I can’t believe Kyle didn’t wake me up.†Kyle was my older brother. We’re only two years apart, yet he acts like a child.

    I ran downstairs as fast as I could. I first ran to the kitchen, grabbing a piece of bread from the toaster. Kyle was at the table eating, at his own pace. He was lucky, he didn’t have to worry about being late like me; his class started later than mine. “I’ll see you later!†I shouted leaving the house. I quickly ate the piece of bread as I ran to school. I hate when this happens to me. If I continue to be late, I’ll get detention for sure.


    Ten minutes later, and I finally arrived at school or to my class instead. I slammed the doors open, trying to catch my breath. “I-I’m…†I was really out of breath. “I’m sorry…I’m late…†I finally got the words out of my mouth, but now, I just had to get air into my lungs. I took in a deep breath and finally walked over to my seat. I could hear some of my classmates laughing or giggling. I rolled my eyes, knowing the ones that were laughing were the “popular†kids. God, I hated. I put my bag on my table and sat down, staring at the front of the class. I relaxed my shoulders, hugged my bad and buried my face in my bag. Somehow I felt like I didn’t want to be seen right now. That dream was still going through my mind.


    “Sam, why were you late?†During lunch, one of my close friends, Rebecca, had to ask me that damn question. I mean, they asked me that question every time I’m late but today was because of the dream I had. If I were to tell them of the dream, I doubt they’ll believe me and they’ll probably start laughing.

    “Oh, uh, you know, my alarm…clock…didn’t go off…at the…right time…?†I said that as if it was a question instead of an excuse. I stared at my friends as they stared at me, like they were ready to burst out laughing. I weakly grinned and shrugged my shoulders.

    Rebecca let out a sigh and put her hands on her hips. “Seriously Sam, you need to start coming to school on time.†she told.

    “I know, I know.†I said. I blame it on Kyle. He knows what time I’m supposed to be at school, but yet, he doesn’t wake me up if I’m not up at the time I’m supposed to be. “Damn you Kyle…†I muttered quietly.

    “What was that?†Rebecca asked me.

    “Huh? Oh nothing!†I quickly said. I looked at Rebecca and I started to chuckled. I didn’t see what was funny but I felt like I needed to laugh. The both of us turned our heads when we heard the school bell ring. It was time for our next class.

    “Let’s go.†Rebecca said, walking away. I slowly nodded my head and began to follow her. As I followed Rebecca, I stared up at the sky. It was no longer raining, but it was still cloudy. I blinked several times as I suddenly felt a drop of water hit my cheek. Great… it was starting to rain again. Why did I even mention it? I lowered my head, and started running before it would start to rain even harder.


    I was lucky enough to have gotten home before it started to rain again. “I’m home!†I yelled, closing the door behind me. I dropped my bag by the door before heading to the living room. I looked around but my brother wasn’t there. I went into the kitchen and he wasn’t there either. “He probably stayed at school or went straight to work.†My dad was out of town and he wasn’t coming home until tomorrow. I smiled knowing I had the house to myself. Although, I was tired from all that running I did today. I went up to my room, and closed the door. I was really exhausted. I wasn’t even picking up my feet to walk, I simply dragged them. I fell back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. My eyes began to get heavy. I tried to stay awake but I couldn’t. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

    Chapter Two
    ~.:History of the Past:.~

    “But it all ends here. There can’t be two keyblade masters.â€
    “O purest of hearts! Reveal to me the Keyhole!â€
    “The darkness may destroy my body, but it can’t touch my heart.â€
    “But I’m not gonna betray Sora, either, cause he’s become one of my best buddies after all we’ve been through together!â€
    “All for one and one for all.â€
    “My friends are my power!â€
    “All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The hearts is no different.â€
    “You see, darkness is the hearts’ true essence.â€
    “That’s not true!â€
    “The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I’ve learned that deep down, there’s a light that never goes out!â€
    “Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!â€
    “Kingdom Hearts! Fill me with the power of darkness...â€
    “You’re wrong. I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom light!â€
    “Kairi, remember what you said before. I’m always with you, too. I’ll come back to you. I promise!â€
    “I know you will!â€

    Another one. In my math class, I stared out into space, thinking about that dream I had again. My teacher knew I wasn’t paying attention but she didn’t tell me anything. She was always one of those teachers that say, “If they decided not to pay attention then it’s their future.†Although, they wouldn’t say that exactly, just something like that. I began to feel someone nudging me, but I was too far off in la la land to turn my head to see who it was.

    “Sam, snap out of it. It’s time for lunch.†said a feminine voice.

    I blinked several times, sitting up straight and turning my head to see Rebecca was the one that was nudging me.

    “Come on, let’s go.†she said grabbing her things.

    I looked around the classroom to see nobody here except Rebecca and I. I grabbed all my things and followed Rebecca out the classroom.


    That lunch, Rebecca and I were sitting with a few of our friends. We sat in a circle and we had food in the middle. Kind of odd, if you ask me. I had my own lunch so I wasn’t going to pick at someone else’s food. That’s when one of our friends, Zack, asked us something.

    “Hey, have any of you ever heard of the Keyblade War?†he asked.

    I was putting food in my mouth when I heard his question. Just by the name, it caught my attention. Zack was always known for telling weird stories that weren’t even real but this seemed real to me.

    “Oh please, Zack. Not another one of your stories.†Zack’s cousin, Amanda, said.

    “No, I’m serious. Have any of you heard of it before?†he asked once more.

    “Actually I have. My dad told me about it.†said another friend of ours, Jessica. “It was dated back around the time our parents were our age.â€

    Everyone in the group gasped, except for me.

    “But it all ends here. There can’t be two keyblade masters.â€

    “Key...blade...?†I murmured. I put my hands down on my lap and continued to hear Zack and Jessica talk about the Keyblade War. But as they got further into the story, somehow, everything started blocking out, until I can only hear my heart beating. I stared down at my plate of food, wondering what was wrong with me. Finally, my reaction was to get up and run away. I knew my friends were just watching me run away, wondering what was wrong with me, I just couldn’t explain it.

    I stopped running by the Girl’s Locker Room. I rested my hand against the wall, panting, attempting to catch my breath. I stood up straight, and looked around, noticing nobody was around. Usually, ninth graders would have P.E. right now but nobody was hear. I turned towards the Gym, which was between the Girl’s Locker Room and the Boy’s Locker Room.

    “Maybe, they had to go inside for something.†I told myself.

    I walked towards the entrance of the Gym and pushed the door open but the moment I stepped in, I saw that nobody was inside.

    “Hello!†I called, hoping for an answer. “Is anybody in here?â€

    Nothing. I left the Gym and walked around the P.E. area, wondering if someone will show up. I sighed, figuring nobody will appear, so I left the P.E. area and headed back to the lunch area. I stared down at my feet as I walked back, thinking. I had this feeling that something was going to happen but I wish I knew what it was. And what are the meaning of these dreams I’m having? Before I got to the lunch area, the bell had rang for the next class. I stopped walking, letting out a frustrated sigh. I turned around and headed to my next class. I knew I would run into Rebecca or someone else, but I ignored all of that and thought about this keyblade thing.

    “A keyblade...†I muttered.

    Just what exactly is going on?

    Chapter Three
    ~.:Closer to the Beginning:.~

    I could hear the sound of water dripping into a puddle. I’m in my room, though, so how could water be dripping. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was standing above water and I was in some water plant or something.

    “Where am I?†I said, hearing my voice echo.

    I looked up, seeing very little sunlight was coming into the area. But where I was standing, there was a beam of sun hitting me. I squinted and put my hand above my face, trying to block the light from hitting my eyes. My eyes suddenly widened as I saw a woman floating a few feet away from me. I put my hand down to my side, staring at the woman. I couldn’t see her face but I knew it was a woman.

    “Where is it?†the woman asked.

    I raised an eyebrow, looking around. “Um, what?†I asked, looking back at the woman.

    “Where is the keyblade?!†the woman asked reaching her hand out towards me.

    I gasped, taking a step back, hearing that familiar word. Keyblade. “Um, I don’t know what you’re talking about.â€

    The woman lowered her hand down to her side. I knew she was looking at me straight in the eye but I couldn’t really see to be sure. “Hand over the keyblade!†the woman demanded.

    I took another step back, having the feeling something was going to happen. “I don’t have the keyblade!â€

    The woman cocked her head. “You’re telling the truth. If you weren’t, you would have drawn it out by now.†she said.

    I could hear her begin to take deep breaths as if she was having an asthma attack, but I had a feeling she must be angry. I then noticed bandages or rolls of cloth came from behind her. I took another step back. That feeling I had a few minutes ago, became stronger.

    “You’re just some girl! How did you get here?!†the woman yelled, pulling her right hand back. “Now die!â€

    She swung her right hand towards me, sending those rolls of cloth towards me. I gasped, and tried to move but I couldn’t, I was frozen. Before I knew it, the rolls of cloth were around my body and dragged me under water. I stared up, watching the woman suddenly disappear.

    “What’s going on? How can I breathe under water?â€

    I slowly began to close my eyes, feeling my chest begin to tighten up. I wasn’t drowning, I was being suffocated. Those bandages that were around me were squeezing me, trying to knock the air right out of my lungs.

    I don’t understand, though.

    Who was that woman?

    Why am I having these dreams?

    Is the keyblade going…to-

    BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!!

    I loudly gasped, sitting up and pushing the bed sheets off of me. My alarm clock continued to sound as I looked around to see I was in my room, in my bed…in my house…

    I began to take short deep breaths as I looked around. I moved a few strands of hair away from my face and got off of my bed.

    “Sam, hurry up and get ready for school! You’ll be late again!†my father yelled from downstairs.

    “Okay!†I shouted. “Okay…â€

    I took a deep breath, turning towards my window. “Did...that really...happen...?â€

    Chapter Four
    ~.:And So It Begins:.~​

    That same day, everything felt different. I couldn’t even eat my breakfast in the morning, I simply stared at it. I don’t understand what’s been going on with me. It’s like, I don’t even know myself at all anymore.

    I decided to skip breakfast and head straight towards school. I held onto the straps of my backpack as I stared up at the sky, as if I was waiting for something to happen. I closed my eyes, lowering my head and taking a deep breath.

    I just need sleep. I told myself. “Yeah…that’s all I need…sleep…â€

    I inhaled deeply, opening my eyes as I stood at the entrance gate of the school. The gate was closed for some reason. I put my hands on the bars of the gate, looking around to see nobody was here, yet.

    “Hello!†I called but there was in answer.

    I took a step away from the gate, wondering why nobody was even here. Was school cancelled? I let out a frustrated sigh, turning back to the direction I had come from and started walking away. As soon as I started walking away, I heard the sound of the gate opening. I turned around, seeing it had opened by itself. I looked around to see nobody had opened it. I shrugged figuring I might as well go inside and head to my first class.

    When I got to the main field, I was in complete shock to see absolutely nobody.

    “Hello~!†Again, no answer.

    I dropped my bag on the field and put my hand on my hips. “Maybe...†I trailed off in thought, staring up at the sky.

    What’s wrong with me?

    I snapped back into reality as I suddenly heard someone. When I turned around, there was nobody there, instead, I saw something black in the ground. “What the...†I leaned a little closer, trying to see what that black figure is. To my surprise, the thing moved. “Ah!†I screamed, stumbling backwards.

    It then came out of the ground. It stared at me with it’s yellow eyes. “Wh-Wha...Wh-†I couldn’t find the words to speak. I simply stared and pointed at the black thing. When it moved closer towards me, I quickly got up and started running away. I looked over my shoulder and that thing was following me.

    “What is that thing?!†I yelled, turning my head forward and closing my eyes tightly as I entered the school building.

    The moment I closed my eyes, I tripped over my own feet, falling on my hands and knees. I turned over on my back, seeing the black thing lunge at me.

    “No, no, get away!!†I screamed reaching my right hand in front of me, trying to protect myself. A sudden burst of light cam from my hand, making it unable to see. I closed one eye, as I noticed something began to form around my hand. “Was it that...?â€

    I closed my other eye, turning my head away. Out of curiosity, I opened one eye. I gasped loudly, opening my other eye to see a huge key in my hand. “Wh...That’s...the...Ah, no!†I shut my eyes once more, waiting for the light to disappear. When I couldn’t feel anything in my hand, I opened my eyes, seeing nothing in front of me.

    I took short breaths, staring into the hallway. I can’t believe anything that just happened. I got on my feet and dusted myself off. I took a deep breath and headed back to the main field.

    Chapter Five
    ~.:This Is Where I Stand:.~

    That same day, I had gotten home and ignored my father and brother. I went straight to my room. It felt as if today was all a dream. I locked my door, threw my bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed. I stared up at the ceiling, wondering what’s been going on with me. If I were to tell my family and friends everything, they’ll think I’m crazy and need to go into therapy or something. I closed my eyes, letting out a quiet sigh, falling asleep shortly after.


    I quickly sat up, mumbling something even I didn’t understand. I loudly yawned, turning towards my clock.

    “9:30pm.†I muttered rubbing my right eye.

    I yawned once more before rolling out of bed and heading downstairs. Before I even reached the bottom step I knew something was wrong. The lights were turned off and I couldn’t hear my father and brother talking. I ran around the house, entering every room but I couldn’t find them.

    “Dad? Kyle?†I called as I stood in the middle of the living room.

    And of course, there was no response. I put my hands on my head, closing my eyes tightly. All I could do was scream at the top of my lungs. I felt tears running down my face; I was really going insane.

    I opened my eyes, hearing the crack of thunder. I turned around, looking out the window. I could see the trees blowing and the sky light up. I slowly lowered my hands and broke into a run, heading outside.

    I stood in the middle of the street, staring up at the sky. “Wha...â€

    There was a huge cloud just above the city. “What’s happening...?†I muttered.

    I lowered my head and turned around, seeing those black things again. I turned back around and started running away. I knew I was the one that had to do something but I don’t know what. I closed my eyes tightly, stopping and turning to face the black creatures. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth as I spread my right hand down at my side.

    “Come and get it!†I yelled raising my hands in front of me, causing the giant key to appear in my hand.

    I swung the key sideways, actually hitting a few creatures that lunged towards me. I slightly grinned, feeling as if I was winning. I raised my eyebrows, noticing more of those creatures were appearing. “Oh great...†I quickly turned around and started running away, with the key still in hand.

    After a short while, I had finally lost the creatures and I stopped in front of a small store. “Man...what going on...?†I said in between breaths. I leaned against the wall of the store, with my head leaned back and with my eyes closed. I took a deep breath, opening my eyes and lowering my head to look down at the giant key. I narrowed my eyes, looking back up and getting off the wall. I took a few steps forward, stopping when I heard the crack of thunder. I slowly raised my head, blinking several times when I felt water hit my water.

    I lowered my head, groaning. I raised my head, turning to the right, hearing footsteps coming towards me. An old woman wearing a black cloak was walking towards my direction. She was limping and...wearing a hood.

    “Young girl...†she said reaching her hands towards me.

    I took a step back, thinking that I was the only one here.

    “Don’t be afraid.†she said. “I am here to help you.â€

    The woman cocked her head, staring at the key that was in my hand.

    “The keyblade.†she said looking at me. “It has chosen you.â€


    “Yes!†the woman quickly said as she moved closer towards me until she was just a few inches away. “It has chosen you as it’s master.â€

    “Master?†I said taking a few steps back.

    “Yes! Yes! You are the one that will have to save this world. You are the one that will destroy the heartless.â€

    I felt as if I couldn’t trust this woman. Then again, who would trust someone that suddenly came up to you?



    What’s going on?​

    “Listen to me, girl.†she said with a stern tone. “You must seal the keyhole inorder to save your world.â€

    “Key...hole...?†I asked.

    She nodded quickly. “Yes, yes!â€

    The elderly woman began to look around as she took a few steps back. She raised her head and pointed at something in the sky.

    “That.†she began. “You must destroy that cloud.â€

    “I turned around, squinting my eyes, feeling water hit my face. When I saw the cloud, I turned my attention back at the woman.

    “You expect me to destroy a cloud?†I asked. “How do I do that?â€

    “The keyhole.†she whispered. “Seal the keyhole, a new door opens. A new door opens, a new enemy rises.â€

    I raised an eyebrow, turning back towards the cloud. I tightened my grip on the keyblade, taking a deep breath.

    “Where do I-†When I turned around, the old woman was gone. “Damn it.â€

    I turned the other way and began running towards the direction of the cloud. Wherever it’s closest to, the keyhole should be there, right?

    Chapter Six
    ~.:Let The Race Begin:.~

    Keyhole...Keyblade...Heartless.... Seems like I have way too much in my hands. I quickly ran towards the direction of the cloud. It seemed as though I was heading to my school. Then again, maybe it is at my school. I groaned to myself as I quickly ran pass a few heartless. I looked over my shoulder, noticing they were chasing me.

    “Great...†I muttered.

    Apparently, it won’t be that easy. That woman though, she seemed as though she wanted to help me but...I felt as if I couldn’t trust her. I mean, would you trust someone that randomly came up to you and said you have to save your hometown? I think not! I turned a corner, picking up my pace as I knew the clock was ticking. I knew I had little time left to save my hometown.

    Before I knew it, I was at the front gate of my school. The wind was blowing harder here than anywhere else. I stared up at the cloud, seeing a thunder storm was only in this area. The rain was falling harder than anywhere else. Why here? I pushed the gates open and walked onto the field where I had first encountered a heartless. I stood in the middle, raising my head, staring up at the cloud.

    “Okay, I’m here. What do I do know?!†I shouted spreading my arms at my sides.

    I growled, knowing I wouldn’t get an answer like that. I looked around, seeing no sign or hint of a heartless...or keyhole. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Where can it be?

    As I thought on how the keyhole can reveal itself, I heard the sound of something rumbling. I opened my eyes, raising my head to look up at the cloud. My eyes grew wide seeing the cloud slowly coming down. I looked around and saw heartless form around me. I took short deep breaths, already fearing for my life. “I have to fight these things on my own?!â€

    There were over a dozen heartless. I barely have any strength left; I’m exhausted.

    “Quickly!†shouted a familiar voice. “You must seal the keyhole before it’s too late!â€

    I looked around, spotting the old woman on the school’s rooftop. She was pointing up at the cloud as she stared at me. As I looked up, the rain began to come down even harder. I could hear thunder as well. I gritted my teeth, looking back at the heartless as I stretched my arm to the side, making the keyblade appear in my hand.

    “You don’t have time to kill those heartless! Seal the keyhole before this world collapses!†told woman shouted once more.

    As I had already killed two heartless for lunging at me, I groaned swinging the keyblade, pointing it up at the cloud. A keyhole like shape began to form as the tip of the keyblade lit up. I narrowed my eyes, knowing the heartless were coming towards me. Hurry up... I moved my eyes, looking back and forth from the keyblade to the keyhole. I was getting impatient as the light took forever. “Hurry up!†The moment I yelled, a beam of light shot from the tip of the keyblade into the keyhole. I stared at it as I heard the sound of the click of a lock. The light disappeared, soon followed by the keyhole. I lowered the keyblade down to my side, still staring up at the cloud. It was still there.

    “What the hell!†I yelled in frustration.

    My eyes grew wide as I turned around seeing all of the heartless lunge at me. I fell back, raising the keyblade in front of me so it would protect me. I closed my eyes, waiting for something to hit but nothing did. I opened one eye but soon opened the other eye to see not a single heartless in sight. The keyblade was gone and so was the cloud. I stood up, dusting myself off.

    “Wh...†Before I knew it, I felt my eyelids become heavy, along with my body. Everything suddenly became a blur after that.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 8, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Aura
    Haha, as the title says! XD
    Except, they won't commit suicide and they won't be talking with thy, thou and all that crap. >>
    Also, I have a feeling you guys will have trouble saying a name. Just giving a heads up. >>
    And I'm sorry the story is short. ;_;

    Two feuding families; the Watson’s and the Araujo’s. there has always been some sort of tension between these two families but nobody understood why. Both families have said it is forbidden to have an contact with one another. But there’s a secret. The son of the Watson’s has fallen in love with the daughter of the Araujo’s. They have kept this as a secret from getting out to anyone, but most importantly their parents. There is one problem, the daughter of the Araujo’s is to be wed to the man her parents arranged for her to marry since birth. She refuses to marry him but never says the main reason why. Her parents continue to say she’s going to marry this man whether she wants to or not. So now she is trying to find a way to escape from getting married to someone she doesn’t love.

    (I’ll let you guys know if I add anymore rules.)
    1. Keep romance PG-13. Anything over that, take it to PM.
    2. Stay active. I don’t want you posting a character and never coming back. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give it to you.
    3. Try not to spam.
    4. No god-modding/ power playing.
    5. No constant one-liner.
    6. If you use a picture for the appearance, please use a link.
    7. Post “Crimson is Violet’s master†so I know you read the rules. (He made me put that. >>)

    ~OC Form~
    Role: Father/ Mother Araujo, father/mother Watson, friend, etc.

    Username: Violet
    Name: Kimberly “Kim†Araujo
    Age: 23
    Appearance: pics/1148129348_ing_Pretty.jpg
    Personality: Kimberly was always a caring and kind person. She’s very shy so it’s kind of hard for her to make friends.
    Bio: The day Kimberly was born, her parents planned an arranged marriage. She never liked the idea, so she continues to refuse to marry this man. But soon, she met the son of the Watson’s and fell in love with him. She tends to feel like she should tell her parents that she has fallen in love with someone else but she’s afraid of their reaction if she were to say she fell in love with the son of the Watson’s.
    Role: The daughter of the Araujo's.
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Violet's master!
    Name: Aiden Watson
    Gender: Manly!
    Age: 24
    Appearance: I'll describe in character!
    Personality: Confident, smart, suave(I CAN be something other than badass), and brave.
    Bio: Forbidden to stay away from Kim because of the family feud. He's determined to find a way to work things out, or at least think of something. Not much to him, really.
    Role: Watson's son
    Weapon: Dueling sword
    Other: Short OC ftw.

    Username: Spunk Ransom
    Name: Cale Worthan
    Age: 23
    Personality: Very outgoing and kind. Will do pretty much anything for a friend.
    Bio: Has lived a pretty normal life. She once fell in love but then the one she fell in love with left her. That is why she is determined to help Kim.
    Role: Kim's friend. (If that's alright, I figured you may need a friend to be a messenger or something.)
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: Crimson is Violet’s master (He thinks he owns everyone...)

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Nate
    Age: 21
    Personality: Very strict, always likes to keep things in order, and prefers not to have to deal with problems. If he does though, then he is non-hesitant to deal with them. He is also very straight forward, and doesnt beat around the bush
    Bio: Just after finishing a duel, he is now the Captain of the city guard, upholding the law wherever he must, not allowing any exceptions. Serving as a conductor for violent and non-violent matters of course. He is also famous for his well known skills as a fencer
    Role: Captain of the guard
    Weapon: A fencing sword.
    Other: Violet is acting like Crimsons.....XD

    Username: SoraNRikuNkairi
    Name: Benjamin 'Ben' Araujo
    Age: 23
    Appearance: people/920189_20040511_screen008.jpg
    Personality: Calm and sometime very serious, often cautious.
    Bio: He tries to keep the peace, attempting to stop arguments. He was born a Araujo, cousin to Aiden.
    Role: Cousin.
    Weapon: Longsword
    Other: N/A

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Seth Walker
    Age: 24
    Appearance: and Manga/Dameyo.jpg
    Personality: Seth is a guy that is very kind. He would things for people he might not know so much and would risk his life to help somebody he knows about. He can stay calm in most situations
    Bio: Seth is an adventurer who travels far and wide. Seth decided to travel ever he was 15 because his parents last wish before they died was for him to travel the world and get to know whats out there
    Role: Adventurer
    Weapon: A broadsword (the one in the pic)
    Other: Crimson is Violet’s master

    Name:Mercutian Rey
    Age: 21
    Appearance: happy boy/meggatagger/Anime nekos/animenekoboy1.jpg?o=11
    Personality: Likes to cross dress and is very rebellious. He tends to joke around a lot and never takes things seriously. He's very friendly, but tends to joke around too much. His interests include walking around in a women's short dress at night time and scaring the elderly by accident. He is also over confident and manly despite his fetish to dress like a lady.
    Bio: Grew up with his father, as his mother had died 3 days after his birth. His older brother uses him as a brunt of a joke at times, but his family has always been a jokey bunch. He once tried to shave his eyebrows when he was 16, causing him to walk around for 2 weeks with no eyebrows in public. He didn't care about criticizm, and likes to be how he is.
    Role: Watson's friend. Unemployed slacker.
    Weapon: Katana
    Other: Watch out for him when he's in a bad mood.
    Thread by: Aura, Feb 1, 2009, 37 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Aura
    lol at the title. XD
    Eh, I came up with this when I was bored. Random story that came to mind. >> I guess its kind of like Crisis Core. I don't know. I know its short, I wish I could have come up with more but it was late, so yeah.

    It is a law that once a child turns 18, they must join a special military unit; it didn’t matter what gender the person was, it was mandatory. There has been rumors saying that these people are injected with some sort of liquid that gives them powers. Once the chemical is injected, the powers they receive is unknown until they actually begin their duties. There are some that have only one power but there are others that have up to four. There have been some that have escaped from being recruited but there are others that joined because they felt they needed to, they couldn’t get away in time or just for some completely different reason. There is no specific name for this unit. It has been said that once someone is part of this military unit, there is no way of returning to your previous life.
    “You now exist to serve us. You can never go back, and see the people you left behind. Once you joined, it will be as if you never existed until now.â€
    There are some that approve of what this unit is doing but there are others that try to escape and prevent from other citizens to suffer the same way they did. Although, many in the past have been discovered of what they had planned and they were immediately killed. It is said that the truth behind this military unit must never get out.

    Okay, well, its basically just taking place in a high-tech city. So pretty much the weaponry, transportation, buildings(XD), and many other things are high-tech. Took me a while to come up a name for the city but Crimson helped me. Simple enough, the city is named Derkar.

    (I’m going to be very strict with these so don’t complain. And if I add any more rules, I‘ll tell you so you guys can know.)
    1. No godmodding/powerplaying! If you do any of these, I will give you only one warning. If you continue, I will kick you out of the RP. But if you continue to come back after I kicked you out, then I will get someone from staff to close this RP and that will just ruin everyone’s fun.
    2. Stay active! Don’t post a character and never come back. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one.
    3. No controlling others’ characters.
    4. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Meaning romance, violence, language, etc. If you must curse, censor it. I could care less on damn, crap and any others words that aren’t that bad.
    5. No killing others characters without their permission.
    6. I’ll allow you to have up to 3 characters max.
    7. Actually describe what you’re doing. I don’t care if the post comes out long, just describe what your character(s) is doing.
    8. If you’re going to use a picture for the appearance, then use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive with their appearance.
    9. Put ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ somewhere in your first post, so I know you read the rules. If I don’t see this somewhere in that first post, I won’t except you until you do.

    ~OC Form~
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.)
    Part of the unit: (Just put yes or no)

    Username: Violet
    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Part of the unit: Yes
    Personality: She is very outgoing and caring. She’s the type where she likes to mess with the men that are part of the unit.
    Bio: When she was a child, she thought that the unit was incredible and so she wanted to join. But when she turned 18 and found out everything, she regretted it all and wished she could escape. Although she still does her part, every now and then, she goes out in the city, in disguise, preventing people from becoming recruited.
    Power(s): Gravity and wind.
    Weapon(s): A sword and revolver.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Violet
    Name: Rebecca Watson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Part of the unit: No
    Personality: Very kind and caring. She doesn’t enjoy violence. She is very shy at first when someone first meets her. She has always been a loving caring person.
    Bio: The day she turned 18, her twin brother and her attempted to hid themselves but they were caught. Her brother told her to run and he would stall the soldiers so she would get away. Instead she hid somewhere and witnessed her brother be killed. Her parents abandoned her and her brother, when they were 7. She now lives on her own and always thought the people that joined the unit were murderers. That they had no heart and didn’t care what would happen to many other citizens.
    Power(s): N/A
    Weapon(s): N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Gender: male
    Age: 19
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: crude and hateful
    Bio: After losing his arm at a young age he had a mechanical one replace it. He was injected at a very young age and when he turned 18 he joined the unit of his own judgement and his reasons remained unknown.
    Power(s): Darkness of the elements (using a colourless copy of an element he's been hit by)
    Weapon(s): Katana
    Other: Skillet is a badass band, so badass the song of the same name as this rp is an amv of mine XD

    Username: Silver/Crescent/Entity/Xaren
    Name: Lyon Phelton
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Part of the unit: Yes

    Personality: Dark and mysterious, loves a good fight.
    Bio: Unknown, has been lost in record and his mind. Only thing he knows is, that he works only for the Unit and nothing more, searching for new recruits and making them go against their will.
    Power(s): Ice and Fire.
    Weapon(s): Rapier, complete normal rapier with only one slight point to it, can become any other weapon of its own class.
    Other: 'Skillet Is A Badass Band >8D'

    Username: Cherry
    Name: Mimi Kenzo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Part of the unit: Not Yet
    Personality: Awestruck at almost anything she sees, and is one of the quietest people you'll ever meet. She's usally either listening to music, painting, or even simply reading a book. She's always dreaded her birthdays, and cares more for others than herself generally.
    Bio: A long time ago, Akane lost her memory due to an elevator accident, and although the elevator plummeted 28 floors down, she somehow managed to survive.
    Appearance: girl/lightstone_2008/siezethelight0.jpg?o=105
    Power(s): [Unknown until 18, but with image, you'll know soon.]
    Weapon(s): Two large rods that can either turn into double edged swords, or a large scythe.
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ - Dead right that is =P

    Username: Cherry
    Name: Momo Ryoka
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: For Now, yes.
    Personality: The louder person of the group, always speaks of her mind and thinks of her opinion as the best, albeit the fact she's clumsy. Scared of almost any insect that walks the earth, and listens to all types of music. She is up to date, and seems pretty much hyper most of the time for no reason.
    Bio: Made friends with Mimi from the age of 4, so has pretty much been attached to her. Was made to quit school to join the UNIT.
    Appearance: girl/deadlypoisonrain/37.jpg?o=182
    Power(s): Telekenisis, levitation and the ''Matrix'' Move.
    Weapon(s): Its on her photo, its a bit like what people took to the first world war (Can't remember its name) She also has a bazooka, but much tinier.
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’ - Dead right that is =P

    Username: Twilightblader
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Part of the unit: yes
    Personality: He doesn't really show his emotions and is always calm in most situations
    Bio: Nothing is really know about Blade. All that is know about him is that he has joined the Military ever since he was 18 and nothing more
    Power(s): Energy manipulation
    Weapon(s): the swords in the pic
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D

    Username: Lonely Breeze
    Name: Freesia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: Yes, she merely heals wounded soldiers.
    Personality: Freesia is calm and caring, though a little shy and not optimistic.
    Bio: A few years back, Freesia had her family killed right in front of her, one by one. Since then, she'd been suffering from a trauma which haunts her every night.
    Power(s): Healing and Flight
    Weapon(s): A whip
    Other: Skillet is a badass band >8D

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Name: Bane
    Gender: Male
    Age: (The lowest I’ll accept is 15.): 33
    Part of the unit: (Just put yes or no): Yes
    Personality: Likes to remain a Enigma. He taungths his enemies. Sometimes during a fight he'll let his rage get ahead of him and he'll sometimes not think right because of this. He won't talk unless he feels he has too. Doesen't like to open up to people a lot.
    Bio: His Family was a poor Family that could not hide him from the unit or do anything to save him, so he went and had to join. In order to protect his family from any that were "anti-unit" and wished to hurt the parents of those for work for them, he changed his name to Bane. He is sort of paranoid of other people finding out about his family, so he mostly keeps to himself.
    Appearance: A Man wearing a black cloack. Has Black hair and looks tall for his age. He has white skin, and brown eyes. His face shows no signs of how he feels unless in battel, through which in one of the worst cases it will be a growl. He always keeps his Masamune by his side in a sheath. His Boots are Black because he says it helps it look like their clean.
    Power(s): Flame, flight, and enhanced speed and phyichal abilites.
    Weapon(s): A Masamune
    Other: ‘Skillet is a badass band >8D’

    Username: Crimson
    Name: Holden Grey
    Gender: Male(duh)
    Age: 27
    Personality: YYYYYEEEESS! Oh wait...sorry. >> Always insults and makes rude comments about others. Holden always has something to say. Although he may act immature, he's pretty damn smart...when he wants to show it.
    Bio: He willingly let himself join the unit, mainly because he thought he could make a difference if he had powers. Holden has always been quite gifted with a blade although sometimes he wishes he had other powers like the others. He's constantly making up things on the spot because of his lack...things has become skilled with improvisation with just about anything.
    He's already forgotten about his past in all the excitement and personally...he just doesn't care. Living in the moment is what he cares about...sometimes.
    Appearance: Characters/anime_guy-1.jpg *random link*
    Power: Super badass physical abilities(>8D) and a high resistance to any form of magic.
    Weapon: Something similar to the Buster Sword...*too lazy to say something else*
    Other: I personally don't like Skillet. So no. It's not badass. D8<

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Ken
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Part of the unit: no
    Personality: full of himself, loves to play around. Not very serious all the time, but he has his nice moments to, while at others he may try to act like a charmer
    Bio: A swordsmen (he uses more high tech swords of course. just read) who is known well by the government as Tri-Edge, given his name due to his skills. Known to carry around a hilt which creates a beam like saber in the form of a giant sword, though he still has his own assortment of minor weapons which he uses on the sides (a gun and a few explosives at times). Known as a high risk terrorist, he has been made a threat since it has been made known that he has been able to hold his own against their new soldiers. He has been known to cause most havoc in high populated area's, usually attacking something which may have interested him. As for what lead up to his terrorist actions, is completely unknown
    Power(s): n/a
    Weapon(s): A giant hilt which can create a beam saber. At the top of the saber though is anouther hilt, which he may use to create a second, much skinnier sword. This weapon can be used in many forms and fashions. He also carries a gun and few explosives with him (explosives only used when nescasary)
    Other: Skillet is not a badass band >8D’
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 29, 2009, 54 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Aura

    I just heard about this yesterday. Its a very sad.

    Your thoughts.
    Thread by: Aura, Jan 28, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Current Events