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  1. GenesisRebirth
    I took the overdose at Late January, but nothing bad has happened so far... Whats going to happen to me???

    I'm just shaking at the fact that I might have left this too late.

    I need to check the amount of mgs... I took about 8 pills, so it might be well over 200.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, May 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. GenesisRebirth
    I took an overdose of (8) iboprufens and I am scared to death at what will happen next. When I took the overdose, I was seriously depressed as I had found out my brother has cancer (that was about january).

    I am scared that i'm going to die now, especially now I'm getting stomach pains every now and again. I was stupid to have taken the overdose, but is it too late for me to treat it?

    I watched a tv programme the other day and it was dealing with the same issues, and unfortunately the girl died... I haven't talked about this before because I am disgraced by my choice... And people may not see it from my point of view, but when you know that someone you love dearly is going to die, for me I just felt that I let him down as the eldest sister.

    I had always been the screw up anyway in the family throughout my life, but nothing I feel is as bad as what people like my brother are going through.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, May 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. GenesisRebirth
    Is it ok to post here? ( You could Ignore my post until you've finished the other requests!!)


    Username: GenesisRebirth
    Render (image Link) :
    Font: Old Fashioned.
    Scalelines(yes/no): Yes
    What size (default 400x125): 400x125
    Backround color: Light blue/ White
    Text: Java (J in Orange, A in red, V in Violet, A in Magenta)
    Text Placement: Bottom Left hand side.
    Other (any place or person you want in background) : Is it ok if you could do black barcode lines? Could you also add a dark blue splodge on the Top left hand side?


    Render (image link):
    Backround: (image/color/theme): A little heart on the side? Mainly white though
    Font: Anything Creative and Arty.
    Scalelines (yes/no): Yes
    SIZE (100x100 max 90x90 min...100x100 default): Default
    Text: Kyra
    Text placement: Bottom Left Hand Corner
    Other (anything i left out place here): Nope!

    Post by: GenesisRebirth, May 1, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  4. GenesisRebirth
    Exactly what I was thinking lol!
    o_o Centre of the earth would be a bit too toasty LeadCat!

    Hmm, lets think of a place where we all do not need to travel too far away...


    I'm out of Ideas, you?
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jan 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. GenesisRebirth
    Spaces left:


    need at least 4 more to start.

    Just to let the others know that the worlds iss like a mirror image, some things never change and somethings do, where lets say a person who had died in an normal world is still alive in the other, and the what if's in our world happens in the opposite world but not the normal, and no magic in normal and too much in the opposite. Hope you all can understand a bit more!
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jan 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. GenesisRebirth
    Ok, well this is an rpg about a bunch of friends finding a mirror to a parallel world. If you are a girl, in the opposite world, you have a boy, and vice-versa! It only works at a certain time to travel to the other world. In the opposite world, there exists magic, but in the normal world, it hasn't been there for thousands of years. But something is coming, something dark.
    ^-^ If you want, you can give me ideas on what to happen in this rpg!

    Just to let you know that you have to have a minimum of 2 characters.

    Ok, so if you want to join, you have to write down:

    Pic (optional):
    Opposite world:
    Normal World

    E.g here's mine for example:

    Names: Kyra & Kyro
    Ages: 15
    Horoscopes: Leo
    Bio: Kyra: A sickly yet happy girl who would stop at nothing to beat her illness. She unfortunately, has a shortened lifespan, but acts like a normal teen, to hide it from them. She's into making music.
    Kyro: A healthy yet bossy boy who always mocks people. He is troublesome and a bit of a dare devil.He loves to skateboard. Hates School.
    Pic (optional):[​IMG]
    Opposite world:Kyro
    Normal World:Kyra

    Ok, spaces for now that are currently available = 20 (Opposites and Original count as 1)
    Rules are simple:
    No God Modding!
    Have Fun!
    Don't overdo cursing!!

    People currently applied:

    1. Ipeck (Kai + Kairi)
    Thread by: GenesisRebirth, Jan 14, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. GenesisRebirth
    Have a Happy 2008 Everyone!!!:rockdover:
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. GenesisRebirth
    It is generally very possible. I understand Portuguese, English And Spanish Fluently. Its simple really. Just practice unless you have parents that keep talking that language every day at home.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. GenesisRebirth
    Squall then looked gingerly at Cloud rushing towards him with the sword and blew a rasberry fart in Cloud's face unexpectedly.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. GenesisRebirth
    Go on this online khv chat so that you spend less time waiting for the person to reply!

    Try it out at least!

    Its boring without some of you in the chat!
    Thread by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. GenesisRebirth
    ooer Thankies!
    *goes on the irc*
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. GenesisRebirth
    Squall looked nervously at Cloud, and then giving a beady stare, he then hugged Aerith. He was really burying his own grave by the attitude Cloud was in.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. GenesisRebirth
    ^-^ Thanks! Only 3 more people till this rpg begins!
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. GenesisRebirth
    ^-^ yes you can be kh characters too!
    Only 5 more people left before we start!
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. GenesisRebirth
    No. If they do, God knows what might happen. They thought this was a blog one time and didn't mind though...
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. GenesisRebirth
    Wow, Karla, thanks a lot! ^-^ You stayed at skool today... hahaha!
    I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there! I heard that the business enterprise people were coming there and I got scared lol!

    P.s- Don't kill your character off yet! Did you see my pic message yet?^-^

    Lol at least 6 spaces left before it begins!
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. GenesisRebirth


    I know this girl who calls Nigerians 'Apes', and sometimes even make fun of anyone with Asian eyes. I hate her for what she did to some friends of mine too, inc me.
    Like they all say, the racist brain is pea sized compared to the average human brain from any race.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. GenesisRebirth


    I feel ur pain, I feel ur pain. T-T Takes forever doesn't it?
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. GenesisRebirth

    How did they transform into elves? -_-
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. GenesisRebirth
    This RPG will be based on some characters in R/L, whom have been playing an online 3D RPG of KHI & II mixed together. What will happen is that somehow, due to some strange thing happening online, selected people who live in R/L will get stuck into the KH game. The only way out is to survive. If they die in that world, they would be erased from existance, if the maker of the game is feeling good, he'll let you die honorably, if he's in a bad mood, expect a very strange and a horrific death.

    No God Mod lol!

    To sign up, just enter:

    Appearance(picture optional):
    Side you're in:

    Special Guest: Creator Of Game -

    Name: Masako Yojimba
    Age: 41
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Gunz! And freaky scientific weapons!
    Personality:Warped, disturbed man. He loves sweets. He hates other humans. He killed his own child since he thought it was an omen.
    Side he's in: EVIL!

    1. Mika (GenesisRebirth)
    2.Kuro (xXKizunaKeiXx)
    3.Rayne (Ipeck)
    5.Vincent (thelightisgone123)

    Name: Mika
    Age: 15
    Appearance(picture optional):[​IMG]
    Weapon: A weapon which can transform into anything that she has in mind.
    Personality:Very strange. Sometimes happy, sometimes mad.
    Side you're in:Find out soon!
    Thread by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 20, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home