Ross then placed a facepalm over his head, and trying to play it nice, he then sent another message, saying, ''I understand what you are saying Kira, And I will comply... By sending you the whereabouts of where I am currently situated in... Like I said in Sakura TV, we are both alike in the way that we both share the same dream of creating the perfect world, one cleansed of sin... but your judgements as of far has been reasonably inaffective, just like those countries that use the death penalty, but crime rates do not deter. Together, you and I can find a way of getting to the root of all these problems... Poverty, Social Gaps, Inequality of any kind, Famine and disease are examples as such...As you can see, Kira, I am merely asking you if I can lend you a hand in taking down the injustice... We both share the same dreams, and do not want to see it go to waste now do we?'' He then went on the e-mail, and sent off his whereabouts, still anonymising his ip, then he began to worry. Did I just put both Kyra and myself in danger? Oh sh*t... Hopefully she can forgive me... He said softly, slamming his fist against the hotel wall.
Hahelrsdg gdrhdf 4
Can I take Xaldin from 1b? xD
Ross turned on the tv, and waited. ''Two more hours until the date!'' He excitingly yelled, then resisting the porn. ''Must... Resist... For... Toady...'' He moaned, glancing away from his playboy magazines scattered on the floor.
ooc: No proper video this time, not arsed enough xD <== Cherry damn you!! 8D The message said, ''Kira, if you can hear me, this is 13 again. For the last time, I implore that we should share the death-note together... Think of all the wonderful things we can make the world become... You are using the death note for only half a purpose. We need to clean the earth of sinners... If you decline, when I find another death-note, I will attack the ones dear and close to you...''
Everyone knows that the book is better than the film!!
Ahh yes, welcome and have uber fun here, and follow rules... I know it is tempting to break, but just follow them xD
ooc: next post will probably have the message... Ross happily went back to the hotel, and changed his clothes to something a bit more ''classy.'' He then sent the message off to Sakura TV, anonymising his ip address.
Ross stood up, and then cheerily said, ''Right! 8PM it is! Bye!''
Ross could not believe what he just heard, and then he smiled at Kyra. ''Kyra is that really you? You seem... too kind to me today? What happened?'' He said, smiling nervously, in case she would get a spanner or some sort of weapon to hit him with.
Ross then looked at her, and then went down on one knee. ''I'm sorry, the only reason I've been acting like a pervert is because I seem to not think of other ways to tell a girl I like her... Urgh...'' He said, placing his hand over his head, and then murmured sadly, ''Well, you have a day to tell me how you feel...'' He then stroked Kyra's cheek, but he failed to get up, tumbling over. He then saw her pants, not on purpose.
Ross turned bright red, and then held onto her shoulder, trying to ebb away his nervousness. He's not usually this nervous when he says this to other girls. ''I... Think... I...erm...I think I really like you...maybe that's not enough... I love you...yeah... that seems more right...I love you.'' Ross nervously murmured, closing his eyes and waiting for the next round of Kyra beats.
Ross then sighed as he rubbed his cheek. ''Kyra... At uni you were always so calm, so eccentric and kind, and the way you get angry got me all excited... Well... Here goes...''
''Don't talk to me at the moment.'' Ross said angrily, pinning her against himself, and then he kissed her.
Ross clutched onto her hips and hugged her tightly. He wanted to at least feel her like the other night, but he's scared that she's going to chop off his man-hood, his pride. He then sighed angrily and then tried to sit down, still holding onto Kyra.
''Kyra? What the hell are you wearing? Is that like, office clothes? You're turning me on... Come here a sec... I just want to say something to you...'' Ross said teasingly, but cautiously.
ooc: thanks for the tip >;[ Meh money! Ross checked his pockets, only to find it empty. He went mad, patrolling about the roads, looking for the guy he had bumped into earlier. He instead found Kyra sitting near a house, laughing away, and walked towards her.
ooc: You better watch it cherry... You'll never know what will happen next >;]] ''Hello,'' an old man answered, sounding rather poorly, ''Is that you, Ross?'' Ross hesitated, remembering about his father beating him unconscious, and then turned off the phone. He got out of the booth, looking really upset and angry.
Ross wondered what was up with the guy he bumped into earlier, and taking a stroll around the road, he found a phone booth, calling for home.
ooc: Hehe, I'm back... Got kicked off too many times Dx ''Whoa, you ok dude?'' Ross said, feeling startled from bumping into guy. Then he looked to the side, and then said, ''Its ok. Hang on, before you leave, if you see a professional looking girl with ginger hair and blue eyes, tell her I'm sorry.''