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  1. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: I'd like to thank cherry for reminding me about getting back... Unfortunately I can't see her everyday anymore so...

    Ross aimlessly walked around the apartment, feeling so angry that he fell for Kyra's trick. She had left him, flown off back to wherever, and has not even left a trace.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Sep 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. GenesisRebirth
    During the quick time Kyra left to find her item, Ross quickly replaced the water with water-like whisky, and then waited for her to come back.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: Nah, not all of them... Lets share Death... I take half, you take half... How does that sound?

    Ross then smiled mildly, and then whispered weakly, ''Why would I want to do weird things to you?''
    As Kyra left to get herself a drink, he got out whisky, and drank some for himself, right before hiding it under her pillow.

    Hopefully I'll make her drunk soon... I can't last too long without a little something else... He thought anxiously, his sex drive rising to a soaring limit.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: Cherry I will definately make you all mine 8D

    Ross sighed, continuing to pretend he feels pain, and then through his false whimpers, he quietly said, ''Ky, Can I stay here until the pain subsides a little?''
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: *Stuns Cherry* Meh, she won't be doing much xD

    Ross pretended to whimper a little more, waiting for Kyra to get ice for him.
    This is going out much better than I expected... She doesn't suspect me at all... He thought happily, still clutching onto his foot.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: -_- You provoked my little play toy... I shall get revenge deathy... Just you wait... Yer hyper self...

    Ross ''accidentally'' fell onto the bed, and then pretending his foot was in pain, he then faked a moan, saying, ''Ky, ahh ow... My foot... Ow...''
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: o_o Did you just vampire bite my toy?!?! *Goes near cherry* I'll give you a kinky vampy bite now ^^

    ''Ky...'' A tear then dropped from his cheek, and then hugged her. ''Thanks, but I don't think you'd be able to help... But you can do something for me...''
    [Plan = Get Kyra into bed with him...]
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. GenesisRebirth
    ''Um... Nothing... Yeah... Nothing...'' He lied quietly, remembering the huge mistake he had made earlier, sending his whereabouts to Kira...
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. GenesisRebirth
    He gave a cold stare at Kyra, and then placed his hand over his head as he calmed down.

    ''Sorry. I just get really pissed off when you just act like that... I just wanted to see you after all... Give the computer a rest... Can I at least spend one hour with you?'' He said quietly yet cautiously, making sure she doesn't hint what he wants next...
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: Revenge is sweet cherry, remember that...

    Ross peeped his head out of the bed, then got out of the bed, towering over Kyra whilst she typed, and then yelled, ''This is what you do after our first date? Ignore me? Care for the computer more than me? Kyra dammit, what did I do wrong this time?''
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: Lets just say me and cherry are really good friends... I tell her whats on my mind and she just listens... I talk about perverted things and she changes the subject o_o

    Lets start kira activity!! :rockdover:

    Ross saw a dim light come out from a bedroom not too far away in Kyra's room, and being dressed indecently (wearing only boxers- Its a hot day), he crept quietly into her room, ducked onto the ground and went under her bed.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: I'm back! :rockdover:

    Ross knocked Kyra's hotel door, and waited for her to answer. When she didn't answer, he went downstairs, got a 'replacement' key (he said he lost his 'keys') and went back to her door. He then opened the door quietly.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. GenesisRebirth
    I vote for...


    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: her mom fell over a manga book cherry left on the i've got to go to sleep. gdnite!
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: i'm on the psp ftw <3 cherry
    calld me and is grounded lol!
    bic: Ross then softly said, in awe, "Kyra, do you drink? wow!"
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: You've given me an idea Deathsite :)
    Ross sat down and waited for the waiter to go up to them and ask for what food they would like.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. GenesisRebirth
    Ross smiled at Kyra, and then stood up.

    ''Yeah, I'm ready... Took your time though... Actually... You're early..'' Ross laughed playfully at how she said she would be late, and she ends up 20 minutes early.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: ^^ You're close, but not close enough! xD Don't kill my cherry!!! :yelling:

    Ross sat down at the steps of the hotel, waiting for Kyra to show up.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: The second one... I'm practicing... Err... My drawing skillz... Demitryx how did you know?! :rockdover:

    Ross flipped open his phone, and then sighed disappointingly.
    Well, least she didn't cancel it or told me she's seeing another guy... He thought spontaneously, going back up the stairs.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. GenesisRebirth
    ooc: o_o I'm tired...

    Ross went down the hotel stairs, realising that its only an hour left before the date begins...
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home