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  1. GenesisRebirth
    Squall then realised that he forgot his gunblade, and ran back, darting though Arieth again, giving her the same air salute, before searching for his weapon.

    Yuffie realised that the people in the shop looked familiar. ''Do I know you...?''
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. GenesisRebirth

    ''Well, I'm sort of new here (4 months here I think... ^-^') and I haven't been out here often since not only my dad was on a mission, I sometimes had to be home tutored and even sent to another world for a while, since my brother...'' Kisune answered, seeming a bit down. She instantly changed the subject, saying, ''My dad has told me quite a lot about Sora! So, you're Sora's daughter I think?''

    Yuffie slammed the door of the house and walked towards a shop. She then entered it and peered into the sweet section, got an armful of jumbo cookie packets, and slammed them on the till softly.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. GenesisRebirth
    ''Yup, thats him all right. He's my dad, but I can't get to seem why he's hiding in bushes...'' Kisune replied, with a sweatmark going down her face. Her dad really did it this time.

    Squall/Leon rushed past Arieth and gave her an air salute before running even faster. He did not realise that twigs were stuck in his belt and hair. Yuffie was going to kill him if she found him lurking under those damn bushes again.

    After finishing her collection of cookies, Yuffie opened the cabinets and wardrobes to see if there was anymore left. Before she checked the last wardrobe, she slipped on a wrapper, and fell onto a cushion full of cookie wrappers.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. GenesisRebirth
    With his beady eyes, Squall lept out of the bushes in an embarassed pride, and with a nervous smile, he then introduced himself to Rosa, and then ran home as fast as he could.

    ''Sneaking around again, aren't we,'' Kisune muttered under her breath with her shocked face, and gave a fake, weak laugh before turning to Rosa.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. GenesisRebirth
    Kisune gave a grin and muttered, ''That happened with me quite a lot too!''
    She then looked at the loaf, and then replied, ''Thanks!''and then said ''Do you want some cookies?''
    With that, she revealed a jumbo packet of cookies and began to open it, worried that if her mom sees it, she would hit some strange craze and guzzle it all up.

    She glanced away for a second and saw Orsa running. it gave her a flashback of her brother running away from her, with her prized possession of her phone, and she turned away, saying, ''What is your brother up to?'' She uttered strange way, before finding her dad rustling in a tree nearby.

    Squall peeked his head out of the bush he had been walking in, and when he saw the face of his now confused daughter, he retreated back into the bush and stayed inside in shame.

    ''Err, dad?Get out of there!'' Kisune yelped in embarassment.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. GenesisRebirth
    Kisune laughed and then replied, 'Well, you're eyes gave it away, and I only recognised! How did you get drenched so quickly?Even my brother...' She stopped, and turned away for a second.
    ''My brother used to jump into that oily place quite a lot...''She said, itching her head.

    Squall was walking down to the front of his house, but when he turned the key around the keyhole, he heard a ruffling along the bushes, and went into a bush.

    Yuffie looked out of the window, and when she saw Squall get into a bush, she gave an expression like this 0_o", and continued have a munch overdrive.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. GenesisRebirth
    Kisune looked at Rosa for a little while and then replied, 'Sure, My name's Kisune. Let me think... You're Rosa, right? Nice to meet you.'
    She then shook hands with Rosa, and then looked into the sunset.

    After a few moments, Yuffie realised that Kisune forgot to bring her art pad, but being sneaky, she looked inside, only to see the sunset landscape of the oily river. She took a handful of cookies and continued her munch overdrive.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. GenesisRebirth
    Kisune soon finished her work and decided that she needed some fresh air. Alone. She knew that her mum was only tring to help her, but to be honest, it just made her more morose.

    ''Mum, I'm going to take a walk, and don't you dare think of following me, ok?'' Kisune retorted to her mum as she ran down the stairs to take the garbage out.

    Yuffie then gave off a huge sigh. Kisune still hadn't recovered from what happened, and its really affecting her.

    ''Oh yeah! Kisune, say hi to our neighbours as you're walking by, mkay?'' Yuffie said, chomping on a cookie like as if it were a candy cane.

    ''Ok, mom!'' Kisune replied in a dull tone, before strutting outside, to begin her walk.

    ''And if something is trying to attack you, beat the hell outta them, unless its your dad in the bushes again!'' Yuffie warned, looking at the packages of cookies left.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. GenesisRebirth
    Kisune looked out of her window, and saw Ross hugging his dad. She turned away from the window steadily, so that she would not cry.

    She missed her younger brother taking her phone and mucking up her room, and pulling her hair. He had left such a huge void in her heart since he died.

    Suddenly, she heard a shout from Yuffie, her mother.
    ''Kisune! After you do your work, let me teach you how to fight with my weapon, or play a game with me at least while your dad's at work! You need to get out more often!'' Yuffie exclaimed, puffing her cheeks out, standing behind Kisune's door.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. GenesisRebirth
    I would also like to join!

    name: Kisune

    age: 15

    gender: Female

    parents: Squall and Yuffie


    other: More like her dad in personality, yet has the height of her mum. Somehow during her life, she had begun to withdraw herself from family, and stay in her room, isolated.
    She is bubbly, like her mum, but since the war began, and having her younger brother killed in front of her the last year, she wishes that one day, she'll have her revenge on the murderer.
    Post by: GenesisRebirth, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home