It isn't easy for me to ask for help. I'm prideful as sin, and I usually dislike asking for help. But I'm in a corner. My parents have told me if I don't have $1000 in my bank account by June, they'll kick me out of my house. I have a job, so it's easy to come by money. The issue is, my job is mediocre and minimum wage, and it has to be split between school expenses, lunch for work almost every day, bus passes to get to work on days I don't have a car because my parents need it, and paying my phone bill. I'm still in school, so a better job isn't much of an option currently. I can't really afford to live in a place that demands rent, so I've come to you all to ask for help. I've set up a GoFundme for this. The money will go towards school and all my necessities, and with any luck, I'll be on my own next fall. I'll be living on campus. If you could please donate or spread this on tumblr, it would mean so much to me. This site is wonderful, and full of wonderful people. I've seen us band together to make changes happen. Not necessarily in the world, but on here, and that means something. Direct Link: Tumblr post link (so we don't have like sixty of them circulating): Thank you so so much for anything you all do to help me. It means a lot.
No you're wrong Scarlet Witch marries me (jk) I think Vision looks pretty damn cool. Certainly fitting for the movie imo
Can we not turn this into a thread where people hate that others are different? 4Chan exists for a reason
On the subject of Dysphoria I experience it a lot because I never feel like I'm attractive as a girl to anyone and I feel like no one will understand what it is.
Absolutely loving this.
The people who are voting for Goku and other anime asswipes are the reason why Sakurai hates the fans in some ways. They don't appreciate his work and think they can do a better job. The man overworks himself for smash and people just whine and complain then try to do stupid things like put Sora, Goku, Naruto, Luffy, assist trophies, and Hatsune Miku (I **** you not I got attacked by some fans because I explained why she couldn't be in). Seriously. My picks are Daisy and Cia. Daisy is a good Mario character and Cia is a different Zelda female than Zelda or Sheik. Impa was another choice but would she be that different from sheik in all reality?
Sora will never be in Smash. I get that people like him but if too many impossible votes are spammed I'm sure they'll revoke this privilege.
Video Game or not, he didn't originate it one. Everyone, let's get a few things straight: Goku will never be in Smash Luffy will never be in Smash Hatsune Miku will never be in Smash Third Party Characters have a slim chance of being in this Smash Sora will likely never be in Smash Cloud will never be in Smash The end
Can I just say we shouldn't reserve characters with every post we make in the OOC thread? I know I mass reserve but that's because most Sentai teams have to be a package, but I still think that besides teams like those, reserves should be limited to six or less and be posted less frequently. It takes fun out of discovering new things if new things are reserved literally every other post.
Why vote for a pasty boy with a key when you can vote for Cia?
Has to be a video game character, animehead. No Goku or Luffy for the weebs.
Word of warning: I'm pretty sure I got cheated out of my reward because of how bad the servers are with everyone logging on all at once. My reward says it's been redeemed yet it hasn't, and people are saying Nintendo Support isn't doing anything. I'm gonna give them a call later see if I can get my thing, but my hopes aren't high. If I were you all, I'd wait.
@61 is best Naruto writer
What How When
Found a rather creepy/interesting story. If you want the explanation when you're done reading it, let me know~
Well first of all you have to realize, sweeties, Riku's Keyblade is sharp. It's got more sword-like properties than the others. I'm gonna guess these dorks just have the ability to use magic when they're synchronized with their Keyblade and the magic allows them to cut stuff down.
If Amy Poehler is in this, I can tell its gonna be funny. She's hilarious. It looks very cute as well.
~Cafe~ View attachment 41610 Amy looked out the window as she washed dishes, seeing Gabutyra stomp by. "Oh goodness.. is that a Zyudenryu?" She carefully stacked her dishes, rushing out the door and calling out to Hayley that she would be right back. She ran after the T-Rex, making sure it didn't do too much damage. Before long, it became evident he needed to be stopped. Amy looked around, then ducked into the nearest alleyway. She unholstered her Gaburevolver and took out her Zyudenchi, preforming the same feat Daigo had done earlier at the school. Once she was all morphed and ready as Kyoryu Pink, she ran after Gabutyra once more. ~Tommy's Office~ View attachment 41622 View attachment 41615 View attachment 41611 View attachment 41609 "Whoa! That's a big toy!" Tori exclaimed upon seeing Gabutyra run past the window. "It looks like a Zord! We should follow it!" Dustin said, clearly eager. He turned to Shane and Tommy for confirmation. "That we are... Sorry Tommy, but we gotta do this. Let's go" Shane said to the others, who nodded. Gai blocked the door, "I'm coming too! I gotta see this! There'll be more Rangers there, plus I'm-" He pasued and did his pose, "Gokai-!" "We get it!" Shane interrupted, "Let's go." He moved Gai, opened the door, and headed off, his team and Gai following. Once they got outside, they ducked behind an alleyway. "Ninja Storm!" said the Ninja Trio. "Gokai Change!" Gai said, inserting his key into his cellular and wildly pressing the morph button. "Ranger Form!" the Ninjas finished, morphing and being ready for battle. ~1st and Main Street~ View attachment 41614 View attachment 41612 View attachment 41613 Upon arriving, she spotted two more Kyoryugers, seemingly arguing. Amy stomped up and got in between them, looking atthe red one with an angry glare behind her helmet. "What happened?" she said assertively. Kyoryu Red looked back down at her. "Well..." /Nintendo High: Minutes Before\ "Oi, calm down Gabutyra! Just calm down! We're not in any real danger! I got these guys just fine! Calm down!" Kyoryu Red pleaded with the dinosaur, who obviously wasn't listening. He turned to look at everyone else, who had seemed to scatter and not be around. "Oh man..." he said, turning to see Gabutyra escaping. "Waaaaaaiiiiiit!" Kyoryu Red called out, frantically sprinting after the T-Rex. "Gabutyraaaaaa!" Spoiler: Enter View attachment 41620 View attachment 41621 As Gabutyra rampaged, the two Shinkengers alongside Decade saw it run past them. "That's a T-Rex!" Genta said, pointing out the obvious. "Yes Genta, I believe so." Kaoru said, "But for now, we focus on Mako. It's being followed by who I assume is its partner." She pointed to Kyoryu Red, waving his arms frantically and screaming out 'Gabutyra!' everywhere. "Now come, Genta." Kaoru turned and ran off. "...Some days I don't get this job at all..." Genta followed her. ~The Present~ View attachment 41614 View attachment 41612 View attachment 41613 "Wow, you are so irresponsible." Kyoryu Pink said to Kyoryu Red, "We have to stop him!" She pulled out a Zyudenchi. "Brave in!" She threw it, "Let's go, Dricera!" she summoned a large mechanical triceratops. "Brave in!" Blue followed suit, summoning a blue stegosaurus. "Come on, Stegotchi!" Spoiler: Enter View attachment 41623 View attachment 41618 View attachment 41619 View attachment 41617 "Hey!" Called out Dustin, "Is this your doing?" Kyoryu Pink pointed to Kyoryu Red, "His. But listen, we need to get the people out of these buildings while the Zyudenryu subdue Gabutyra!" Gai looked at the Ninja Rangers, "Go help them! I'll help subdue Gabutyra!" He pulled out his morpher and a red ranger key, putting it in the morpher, "Gojyu Drill, let's go!" he pressed the buttin, summoning a large drill tank, before placing a different key in his morpher. "Gojyu Rex mode!" The drill tank transformed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex, with Gai climbing in and attacking Gabutyra. "Okay, let's go!" Shane said, running off with the Kyoryugers and his team. ~Minutes Later~ Gojyu Rex grabbed Gabutyra as Stegotchi and Dricera slammed into him, knocking him over. "Finally!" Gai said, before Gabutyra stood again. "Uh-oh..." Gabutyra did stand, but he popped out his Zyudenchi, which Kyoryu Red caught coming out of the bulding. "It's empty!" Kyoryu Red said, before Gabutyra merely laid down and closed his eyes. Kyoryu Red slammed his hand into his helmet, "Don't tell me... you just wanted to play!?" Gabutyra nodded curtly before dozing off. No wonder he made sure to only run in the streets. Kyoryu Red sat down, everyone staring at him. "All that fuss for nothing..." Dustin said. "At least the people are safe!" Tori said. "Yeah..." Shane agreed. He stepped forward and looked at the Kyoryugers. "I'm Shane. These two are Dustin and Tori. We're the Ninja Storm Rangers." "Just call me Blue. My identity is going to be kept secret for a bit." Kyoryu Blue said to them. Kyoryu Pink ejected her Zyudenchi and demorphed. "I'm Amy." Kyoryu Red stood up and did the same. "Daigo Kiryu! But everywhere I go, people call me King." "Gai Ikari!" Gai said, jumping out of Gojyu Rex. "But also Gooookaiiii... Silver! Let's get along!" The rest nodded as Gabutyra got up and the Zyudenryu followed. Gai pressed some buttons and sent the Goju Rex back to its resting place as the Gojyu Drill.
Is it possible to choose though? She looks great with them both *sweats*