You´re completely richt, labeling is part of our daily life, you just have to know HOW to label, it´s incorrect to say that someone is gay cause you´re mad at him but if you say he´s gay and he and you know he is it´s alright ause it´s reality. the thing is you cant hurt people feelings by labeling them, that´s when it´s wrong.
Actually I think it depends in a lot of things, like the label, and the person you label, not everyone has problems with labels some people even like it, but then again it depends on the label no one likes being called gay or ****** or emo and stuff, but for instance nicknames are labels and some of them are OK, like my friends call me Charly.
MMMhhh I prefer Sora, I dont know why I just do I think physicly I think he´s cooler, but i prefer Roxa´s personality.
thnks to all te info was really good and i´ll go to try it out now x).
I need help, I´ve been trying to finish the misions in Twilight town to achieve 100% in jiminy´s journal, but there are some misions there that i can´t finish... they are Poster Duty, Junk Sweep.. can any one help me?
Well as said before thnks to all for your comments, and it´s true this page is pretty adicting xD.
But, isn´t Terra the DUDE that looks a bit like Leon?
Twilight too, I know when to be bad but i also know when to be good.
No I heard about different6 bosses and stuff and I wanted to who were they and stuff, but any info is good xD.
Ok I have a theory about this xD, it´s more of an explenation... Don´t you think theres is at least a 1% chance that Ven is a nobody?, I mean looking at what we comented before, that Ven is part of Roxas, well maybe Ven is like Sora´s father nobody....just an idea xD
Cool now that you tell me this I´m more exited on recieving the game xD
If you see it that way it could be true but personally i don´t think so xd
I could ask the guy that made mine, he´s a good friend of mine and he´s a member, i could ask him
You´ve brought up a pretty good theory ^^, but i don´t undestand the last part xD.
But still it doesn´t meen he couldn´t have a realationship, he has also proven to be important during the game, but as you adi before that is my theory and it could be right just like yours, or both of them could be wrong :-O... xD
thnks that is what i wanted to know.
The disc might be dirty, that explain why your PS2 doesn´t read, and maybe your PS3 does cause the PS3 has much more power than the PS2 in the dir might not affect the game.
That´s true but in orther for that to happen he needs to lose his heart, wich didn´t happen to Ven xD, the poor guy got frozen xD.
I doubt it cause BbS takes place 10 years before KH1, so we know that Sora existed and that he was 4 years old, and by that time other worlds already existed, such as Destiny Islands and the same world where Terra, Ven and Aqua fought Master Xenahort.
You make a good point and it´s a good theory, but I really doubt Terra somehow mixed Sora´s and Ven´s heart, because if he did that he would have to kill Ven or turn him into a heartless, because if you look well in the video when Ven is in Aquas hands, after he got frozen Ven´s eyes move, and look at aqua, wich tells us that he didn´t die. So I think Terra couldn´t mix their hearts cauze in orther to do that he would have to somehow take Ven´s heart, and by doing that he would turn him into a heartless, and i doubt that he would do that to him.