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  1. Shadow
    Dont look at me. More than 5 people WANTED to be stalked.
    Post by: Shadow, May 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shadow
    The stalking is complete. Sorry ~Amber~ I'm just too lazy.

    Original Thread:

    KHV Username – Spitfire
    Real Name – Kyle Tipple
    Age - 19
    Lives in - San Diego, California, USA.
    Has a Relative (Sister?) Named – Jazlynne
    Makes a lot of GFX
    Shoes Brand: Etnies
    Has an “Ultimate X” Poster. (Motocross)
    Smokes “Hooka” *Finger Quotes*
    Loves Having his Balls in a cup. (Taken out of context.)


    I need to try harder next time..
    Thread by: Shadow, May 15, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shadow
    It would ruin it, there is already other console Pokemon games.

    Pokemon is tailor-made for the handheld.
    Post by: Shadow, May 15, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Shadow
    Stuck in the past?

    Anyway, I don't think that they would make another outright Pokemon game already, it has to be one of those 3rd games..
    Post by: Shadow, May 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Shadow
    I know Windows Media player rips music off CD, but thats only in WMA format..

    Anyone know some software that rips it into MP3?

    PM me the software name or link or whatever to avoid advertising please.

    The software doesnt have to be free, I just want the name..
    Thread by: Shadow, May 14, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Shadow
    Paramore rock, not too often do you get a great female voice with amazing music.
    (Or maybe it does happen often..)
    Post by: Shadow, May 13, 2008 in forum: Music
  7. Shadow
    I dont get it, so its going from "Guitar hero" to "Band Hero"?

    Its not cool, the game was meant for guitar only.

    It WOULD be cool if they had like, a difficulty after expert, where you can have a double neck guitar. And you have to buy a special guitar.
    Post by: Shadow, May 13, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. Shadow
    Good Call.

    Next = 17
    Post by: Shadow, May 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Shadow


    I'll still remember you as that Bertuzzi hater.

    C ya.
    Post by: Shadow, May 11, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Shadow
    *Slams hands on table*

    I object to your statement, it clearly contradicts the first posts rules.

    Anyway, no.

    The next poster is 14
    Post by: Shadow, May 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shadow
    Cake = Lie
    Post by: Shadow, May 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shadow
    1/3 Scottish
    1/3 Dutch
    1/3 Canadian.

    Not a big story here.
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shadow
    Steve Moore who?

    For now, I'm only going to stalk Spifire and Amber.
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shadow
    It is decided, Spitfire shall be stalked.

    Maybe I'll do 2 people, if I do, you'll be the second.
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Shadow

    Person: Very stupid Blond girl.
    Way to Kill: Tell her buffalo don't have wings.
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shadow
    Through the Fire and Flames - Dragonforce

    Changed as I was typing...

    Hyper-Insomnia-Para-Condroid - Sum 41
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Shadow
    Easy is not hard.

    I want a challenge..
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shadow

    funny new!

    Sorry, what? Please try and use some sort of proper grammar and punctuation..

    This is the wrong section, I believe the spam zone would be fit for this thread. Or maybe I'm wrong.
    Post by: Shadow, May 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Shadow
    Okay, so I feel like a challenge. Something for me to do, that can take up some of my time.

    I was just thinking about people at school calling me a stalker, and I wanted to see if they were right, so I devised this little challenge for myself.

    So, the challenge is, I'm going to pick from the people that post in this thread, and I will follow them around and stalk them, finding out as much as I can about that person.

    And then, 1 week later, I will post a thread with all the information, and we will see if you're impressed at the amount of things I can find out.

    So, anyone can offer to be the stalked, as long as you meet the requirements.

    - I cant know you that well.
    - You must be comfortable with having information of yourself posted on the internet, because I will be posting information on you in a later thread like I previously stated.

    So, hopefully I didn't take the time to think this up and type this for nothing and someone will be the stalkee.


    Possibly Also Stalking:
    Thread by: Shadow, May 9, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shadow
    So basically you just paste whatever is on your clipboard. (CTRL+V)

    If you want, explain what it means..

    Pinging 9 Players...

    (From My Warcraft 3 Banlist)
    Thread by: Shadow, May 8, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone