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  1. LoneWolf
  2. LoneWolf
  3. LoneWolf
  4. LoneWolf
  5. LoneWolf
  6. LoneWolf
  7. LoneWolf
  8. LoneWolf
  9. LoneWolf
  10. LoneWolf
    I was in it, did you see me, I was the VERY hot hooker ^^.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Nov 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. LoneWolf
  12. LoneWolf
  13. LoneWolf
  14. LoneWolf
  15. LoneWolf
    Chapter 7

    Kazumeta shouldered his ridiculously large, black blade and with menacing red eyes, looked at his right hand man, Trajetis, irritably. Trajetis was a short stout man. He was stocky and pudgy, and at the same time, managed to become the Twelfth Guard's number Eleven. Trajetis never really liked heavy armor like Kazumeta did, so he wore studded leather clothing with a vicous morning star dangling from his waist and a small buckler attached to his left arm. He was bald, so his cold head was turning red from the biting cold. His ugly face had many battle scars slapped on it over the previous years of combat he had been in.

    Kazumeta growled over the whistling wind, "Look, I want him alive, does it make sense to have number Twelve serve when he's dead? No..." Kazumeta had lost neraly all of his men due to Ten's wrath. Him, Trajetis, and a handful of followers were the survivors of the Twelfth Guard. They continued to devise the end of Ten, and Fort Centris to rid them of their current problems and frustrations.

    Ten had given the children a task, a simple three blow maneuver which was quick and decisive in a sticky situation. Annabelle and Seabastian struggled to grasp this technique while Darius outperformed them both in the course of the day. Ten was very impressed with Darius which struck his interest. He knew when the time came, Darius will slay Kazumeta. Ten though back to his previous combat feats. He had slain nearly all the leaders od the Twelfth Guard in his rage for the loss of his wife and daughter. Ten never used was an elite soldier, he had once been an average father with a child he had helped conceive. Now they were gone, but, he knew Darius would finish his task for Ten's own sake, for Darius' sake, and for the sake of the world.

    Annabelle began whining, "this sword sucks, can I get a better one Master? Please?" Annabelle wanted something easier to handle, something she could twirl rather than swing. Ten simply crossed his arms, shook his head, and smiled slighlty. Annabelle sighed an annoying breath and went back to trying to get the three blow technique mastered.

    Darius then asked Ten, "Do you think they'll ever get it?" Darius was next tosure of an answer.

    Master Ten simply shrugged, "All I can say is, we have a lot of work that needs to be done." Darius sheathed his sword and leaned against the metal wall of Centris. Ten looked over at Darius, "You nkow your two friends, Randal and Samantha? Well, I can see into your reality Darius, I can tell you what goes on while you are away." Darius looked up at him, grinned a little, and thanked him.

    Annabelle and Seabastian finally accomplished the three blow move and with enthusiastic cheers, Ten dismissed them back to their sleeping quarters. Things will be slow at first, but better late than never, Ten thought to himself while standing alone in the courtyard.

    Later that evening, Darius, Seabastian, and Annabelle were gathered in their room and discussed about normal teen issues. Seabastian was the first to talk, "Do you guys think this is all a dream, I mean, we learned how to use a sword, nobody sword fights normally in real life do they? Not from what I know that is."

    Annabelle agreed, "I know, it's weird. Somehow, this feels too real. I couldn't make this up in my head even if I wanted to. Maybe an author is writing our destiny even as we speak." They all looked around the room nervously.

    Darius then said after a few moments of silence, "This is real you two. We can't leave unless we figure out what weneed to do here and by judging that Ten ishaving us learn how to use a sword, it must involve killing a bad guy or two." Annabelle and Seabastian nodded their heads and accepted Darius' logical answer.

    Annabelle sat on her bed, "We all need to be friends, not that we're stuck in this whole thing, but because it's probably what we need for ourselves." Woman wisecracking was a term Seabastian put in his head after she had said that.

    Night soon came around and the three became tired quickly from swinging swords most of the day. They each layed on their beds and sleep soon knocked out Seabastian and Annabelle. Before Darius was taken by sleep, he imagined himself in a big steel room with a four-armed man standing in front of him with four wicked blades in each hand. Darius held a dark sword with angel wings on the hilt and strangely, the image was quite real, too real for just something to be pushed aside and forgotten. Darius would record that in his mental notebok for later use. Sleep then took him over as well.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Nov 6, 2009 in forum: Archives
  16. LoneWolf
  17. LoneWolf
  18. LoneWolf
  19. LoneWolf
  20. LoneWolf
    Profile Post

    Yeah...So boring =/

    Yeah...So boring =/
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for Vladimir Makarov, Nov 6, 2009