wow, five. I wouldn't have the patience for that.
I'm good, just relaxing at home lol.
So, what's up?
I'm fine, you?
Can I have some money? :D
Generally amusing. >.>
Cloud owns, simple as that.
Ah...that game brings back memories lol, soo? How are you?
Thanks :D lol.
Nothing much here, how about you?
hihihi...hi lol
...Wow, LOLOLOLOL!! XD. Children these days...
Spam for the hell of it.
Play hard mode with... Stats are less than 45, no libra, no buying potions or ethers, and no equipment at all. Good luck xD.
That's good :)
I'm great, how about you?
That was Runescape lol, you were way high of a level to finish it
Crisis Core, Dissidia, Star Ocean 1 and 2, Need for Speed, hell, there's so many good games for the PSP, but sadly they get boring pretty quick =/.
Sorry to hear that, zombies have a way of hitting pretty hard.
You got cash? I accept it up front only.