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  1. LoneWolf
  2. LoneWolf
  3. LoneWolf
    Pretty freakin' sweet if you ask me. I'm just more confused as to how Vanitas makes such a large impact on Ven, maybe another "Sora/Riku" pairing?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. LoneWolf
  5. LoneWolf
    Chapter 9

    Kazumeta had his eyes locked on Daemon, "You're supposed to be dead. Why the hell aren't you in your grave?" Kazumeta drew his big claymore and pointed it at Daemon.

    Daemon chuckled and drew his blade in response, "My friend, why so hostile? Is this the kind of reunion I get for being gone so long?" Daemon's skinny white blade was almost invisible in the snowy surroundings, "After all, Darius is finally here, my other half. You could call him my little brother, only that he holds the same blood as I do and thanks to you and Ten, the transferrence of my cells unto an unborn fetus proved successful. Bravo I say!"

    Kazumeta gestured and said, "An experiment shall obey his master." With that being said, Kazumeta charged toward Daemon and they began to fight among the summit of Mount Niss.


    Darius stepped into the Dreamer's sleeping quarters where Annabelle and Seabastian waited. Darius took a seat on his bunk and rubbed his eyes. They all talked for hours on end. Discussing how they were spirited onto Alternate Earth. Darius remained silent, for he had nothing to say. Annabelle and Seabastian didn't seem to notice he was there. Such a cute couple, it's a shame they aren't dating right now, Darius thought to himself. He decided to slip out ofthe room and leave them alone, which he managed to do. Darius shut the door behind him quietly. So far they didn't notice he left, and to Darius' benefit, they probably didn't care. He explored the elaborate hallways of Centris. The building was a housing, military, and political unit. Many facilities like Centris were placed through out the country.
    After walking the empty halls, Darius decided to take a stroll outside. He made his way to the courtyard and perched himself upon a bench. He closed his eyes and began to think. He thought about Randy and Samantha, how they were in the hospital in their comatose state. He remembered prom the year before.
    Samantha and Darius were at the food stand getting food for they had been hungry since they left for prom.

    Kazumeta had his eyes locked on Daemon, "You're supposed to be dead. Why the hell aren't you in your grave?" Kazumeta drew his big claymore and pointed it at Daemon.

    Daemon chuckled and drew his blade in response, "My friend, why so hostile? Is this the kind of reunion I get for being gone so long?" Daemon's skinny white blade was almost invisible in the snowy surroundings, "After all, Darius is finally here, my other half. You could call him my little brother, only that he holds the same blood as I do and thanks to you and Ten, the transferrence of my cells unto a unborn fetus proved successful. Bravo I say!"

    Kazumeta gestured and said, "An experiment shall obey his master." With that being said, Kazumeta charged toward Daemon and they began to fight among the summit of Mount Niss.

    Darius stepped into the Dreamer's sleeping quarters where Annabelle and Seabastian waited. Darius took a seat on his bunk and rubbed his eyes. They all talked for hours on end. Discussing how they were spirited onto Alternate Earth. Darius remained silent, for he had nothing to say. Annabelle and Seabastian didn't seem to notice he was there.
    Such a cute couple, it's a shame they aren't dating right now, Darius thought to himself. He decided to slip out of the room and leave them alone, which he managed to do. Darius shut the door behind him quietly. So far they didn't notice he left, and to Darius' benefit, they probably didn't care. He explored the elaborate hallways of Centris. The building was a housing, military, and political unit. Many facilities like Centris were placed through out the countryside.
    After walking the empty halls, Darius decided to take a stroll outside. He made his way to the courtyard and perched himself upon a bench. He closed his eyes and began to think. He thought about Randy and Samantha, how they were in the hospital in their comatose state. He remembered prom the year before.
    Samantha and Darius were at the food stand getting food for they had been hungry since they left for prom. Darius was laughing and conversing with Sam and having a good time. Randal finally showed up in a very nice suit. He wore a dark blue vest with a fresh, red rose on next to his red tie. He looked brilliant overall with his black dress shoes. Darius felt a bit cheap as he looked as his button up, striped shirt. Appearance never mattered to the three anyways.
    After a few minutes after Randal arrived, the trio went to dance it off under strobe-lights and disco-balls. Smiles and laughter lightened Darius' heavy thoughts and allowed him to enjoy himself again. The three danced until the slow music came on. Darius hadsomething he wanted to give to Samantha. He half ran to his car he had been driving at the time. He poppedthe trunk and brandished a beautiful boquet of white roses. Darius wrote his name to Samantha from Darius. Even though it was a weird way to ask somebody out, it seemed legit enough. Darius began to walk back to the gym where the dancing was being held, he turned into the door, and saw Randal and Samantha locking lips.

    Darius eyes snapped opened as he felt a hand jerk his shoulder. Darius, you alright?" Seabastian looked down at him. He sat up, and without a word, walked back inside. Still lost in his mental daze, nothing seemed real to him. Locked inside his own little world, he walked back up to the room and planted himself in front of the mirror. He looked into the reflection and saw his eyes now had a maroon color to them and his pupils shaped that of a cat's. Staring long and hard, he looked back at his reflection. What was happening to him, he did not know.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 18, 2009 in forum: Archives
  6. LoneWolf
    Nobodies is what Org. 13 is, so Nobodies because they own the Heartless lol.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. LoneWolf
    Home Alone 4... The actors weren't the- most of them anyway-ones that stareed in 1 and 2. The third pushed it, 4 sank into Scrooge's deep black void.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. LoneWolf
    Days! The game actually implemented negative status effects, change of difficulty via level panels, and abilities equipped to your liking. The multiplayer will also never get old.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. LoneWolf
    Both of them suck. Sephiroth will get tired of them and kill them, just to make a KH: Advent Chilren The Sequel... Or something along that line.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. LoneWolf
    Days is definitely the saddest. I felt a tear in my eye honestly xD.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. LoneWolf
    I'd say Roxas because he has pwnage Zero Gear abilities xD.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. LoneWolf
    To hell with quality. A blurry scan won't ruin BBS as a game. Thanks Mike.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. LoneWolf
    Dustflier was so easy. That is all for today.
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Dec 17, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. LoneWolf
    I'm drooling as of now, thanks Mike. :D
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. LoneWolf
    I really like the cover, simple yet exhilarating. Thanks for the info Mike :).
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. LoneWolf
    Chapter 8

    Annabelle awoke early that morning to the scent of wet dog. She sat up and quizically looked around the room warily. Where's theres a wet dog smell, there was sure to be a dog nearby. Darius and Seabastian were still sleeping soundly in their beds. She gave up and flopped down in the armchair that was postioned next to the foot of the bed where Darius slept. The creaky springs of the chair woke Seabastian up.

    He yawned, "Why are you up so early?" He got out of bed and brushed something off his shoulder and Annabelle saw grey strands of hair fall from his shoulder.

    Annabelle shrugged and said, "Bad dream, nothing big." Seabastian lookedat her incredulously and dismissed her reply. Darius was now awake and he sat up on his bed. His hair, for some reason, was neat. Not perfectly neat, but neat for somebody who had been sleeping. He ignored the morning greetings he recieved from the other two and stalkedtoward the bathroom to clean the sweat and dirt from a hard, well, previous day's training.

    Seabastian had put on cleaner clothes after his trek to Centris, after doing so, he said, to Annabelle, "That guy, he's the quiet type isn't he? Well, he really should speak up, he looks like the kind of guy that could snap somebody in two if he got pissed...," Seabastian fantasized Darius literally ripping a small person in half.

    Annabelle replied to Seabastian's comment, "He lost, well, is going to lose his two best friends, I wouldn't say things like that to him," She got up and almost started getting dressed, "Hey! No looking, pervert... I know you already Seabee," she scolded him. He looked at her with a frown and shook his head and wondered if she'd just come up with that or was that what the soldiers called him as he walked in full of mud and drenched. He shrugged and accepted the name and walked out of the room to let her change. Annabelle openedthe door and beckoned him back into the room. Darius had on a new white shirt and dark jeans, and of course, his black hat. He was still steaming from his shower and walked to the window and stared out toward the horizon, the tree line in this case.

    Master Ten stepped into the room several minutes later with his golden sword at his waist, "Ready you three?" Darius nodded and pickd up his longsword and belted it to his waist.

    Annabelle and Seabastian looked at Ten, Annabelle spoke up to him, "Master Ten, can we pick out a weapon we would like to use, I'm not big on a sword."

    He smiled and said, "Of course! Sorry I haven't asked you that before. Follow me then please." He led them to the armory. When Ten pushed the door opem, it was like walking into a lightshow. Different colored metals glinted off each weapon which made it look like Christmas lights. Annabelle and Seabastian eyed each weapon carefully like selecting a fine cuisine off of a five start resturant menu. Seabastian picked up a long, steel katana and examined it. He looked at Master Ten and belted the blade along his back. Annabelle had selected a spear. With it's wooden pole and and its razor-sharp steel tip, she also slung it on her back with the help of leather holsters.

    Ten smiled and clapped his hands together, "Darius, I assume you are happy with your weapon." Darius nodded and the four left the armory and headed to the training yard.


    The summit of Mount Niss was brutal. These conditions did not falter Kazumeta's advance up the mountain though. Someone was caught eavesdropping on the mission briefing Kazumeta and Trajetis issued to the soldiers. Kazumeta was on the hunt for the individual. They were to be tracked down and killed. If the eavesdropper got away, it could ruin the Tweflth Guard's army morale sixfold. This was not to be the outcome in a war with the Provident Army. Kazumeta finally reached the edge of the summit and saw a Man with long brown hair, holding a white sword, standing on a rock looking straight at him.


    Annabelle and Seabastian were much better off withthe weapons they had selected in the armory. Ten was joyful of the improvements Annabelle and Seabastian showed. They had been assigned to spar with each other now. All three of them showed massive progress in the art of combat. It was only a matter of time before they were ready to embark on a journey that would change their lives forever.

    Ten kept drilling them with exercises, defensive and offensive techniques, and sparring sessions. He watched them for the hours that they were training. He remembered the day he arrived at Centris, he had just escaped the evil grasp Kazumeta had on him. His soon-to-be wife died that day while caught in the cross-fire of Kazumeta's fury. Ten promised himself vengence, but he knew the Dreamers would be the ones to carry it out. His part has been played here, all he had to do was pass his knowledge onto them. It seemed like a fair deal to him. It would be a very short time until he would extract his vengence on Kazumeta and the hell he left in his wake.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 5, 2009 in forum: Archives
  17. LoneWolf
    Amazing, Can't wait until this game comes out. Thanks Mike.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Dec 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. LoneWolf
  19. LoneWolf
  20. LoneWolf
    ...there were fields of mustard as far as theeye could see, then your sibling took your...
    Post by: LoneWolf, Nov 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone