Guild Hall Update 3.05 KEYBLADES - Prices on keyblades have dropped! - Lionheart: 4,000 > 3,000 - Circle of Life: 4,000 > 3,000 - Sweetstack: 4,000 > 3,000 - Dual Disc: 3,000 > 2,500 - All For One: 3,200 > 2,500 - Counterpoint: 3,000 > 2,700 - Knockout Punch: 3,500 > 2,500 - Divine Rose: 3,500 > 2,500 - Rumbling Rose: 3,500 > 2,500 - Spellbinder: 3,500 > 3,000 - Destiny's Embrace: 3,500 > 3,000 - Llama Head: 4,500 > 3,000 - Divewing: 3,000 > 2,500 - Treasure Trove: 2,250 > 2,000 - Twitterpated: 3,000 > 2,500 ABILITIES - New Combo System! > Combo Abilities are replaced with Combo levels. Using AP to equip, they are now cheaper to equip, but increase in AP cost the more you equip. > The more combo levels that are equipped, the less of a successful chance you'll have of landing all your hits (This can be reduced with Luck based abilities) ACCESSORIES - Player Pin from the reaper's game now has stats! JOBS - Blacksmith Job now available! - Black Mage now gains 1 MP every 3 turns instead of 2. - Ninja's "Dual Wield" changed to "Deadly Poison"
The man Torrin spoke to stood up from his small sitting spot and dusted his hands on his pants. "Only a quick minute or two. I was just sitting here and.. plop! In you came!" He felt the spot where he heard Torrin punch, feeling the smooth surface. "And you ended up punching a wall. Afraid that's not the best method amigo. This place has some bad juju and it's messin' up everything." He stepped closer to Torrin before stepping onto a small puddle of blood. "Oh man... that's not good," he said, looking down. He took off one of his shoes and began to wipe the blood on the well. "I really liked these shoes." He put the shoe back on his foot before looking to Torrin. "Anywho, I'm Enzo." he said offering his hand, while the other remained in his pocket. "You a prisoner of war or man of unfortunate circumstance?" Enzo slouched and kept his tone with Torrin very casual. He sensed a little something different from the man in front of him, but couldn't make it out. Nevertheless, he kept things light in what would otherwise be seen as a doomed situation.
"Someone's in an investigative mood," Joshua smirked. "But if I have to catch you up on every little detail. you'd waste more time than needed. My name's Joshua. And if I had to appoint myself a job title, I guess you could say I'm the composer of this place. The overseer and benefactor of Shibuya." He looked around at the arena and walked about casually, doing his best not to step or trip on anything. "My duties here aren't too difficult. The Game master's I select do most of the heavy lifting, but as you can see... not all of them act of your best interest." He looked to the place where Charlie vanished. "But as composer, I remain unbiased to the needs and wants of those who come here. Shibuya is nothing more than a gateway that give those trapped in the realm of darkness the opportunity to return to the realm of light. Your morality plays no factor in the matter. What was it that Charlie said.... 'Survival of the fittest?' Thankfully it didn't get as out of hand as anticipated." Small crumbling pebbling fell on Joshua's shoulder as he dusted them off. "Now... not to be rude, but a new game is going to start soon and I have the fun duty of clearing the board. Your destination back to the realm of light has been decided. Feel free to take a black coat on your way out," he smiled as he began to walk out of the arena. "You made it this far, right? A little further won't kill you. Just don't quit too easily. Give up on yourself, and you give up on the world..."
Aux tried swimming against the current, but felt himself being separated further apart. "Kaida!" he yelled, feeling himself be pulled down. With his mouth open, he let out a large breath, watching the air escaping his lungs into the water, feeling himself sinking further and further. he spiraled closer to Steel, looking down to find that he was being dragged into some sort of odd sink hole in the ocean. The rift seemed almost mystical as the inside of it looked like a completely different ocean. He closed his eyes as he braced for impact... Inside the ocean, three rifts were opened as if pulling all the keybladers down into the ocean. These three rifts in the ocean brought our heroes into new worlds... In Arendelle, Beuce was sucked into the first rift, Faust and Ignis were sucked into the second rift, and AJ was sucked into the third rift. In Native Grounds, Luna was sucked into the first first and Kel was sucked into the third rift. In Ohana Island; Aux and Steel were sucked into the first rift, Ananta was sucked into the second rift, and Stratos and Kaida were sucked into the third rift.
With new revelations brought to light, the group was still intact somehow. Melus, Koa, Finlay, Vallus, Aeira, Dastgir, Rydia were left in the arena, all other combatants fleein or sent to the void. "So... we won, aye? I mean... That boulder headed giant is gone and so's the girly, but we won, yeah?" Finlay asked, taking a small cause to contemplate it. "FINLAY WINS!" he cheered, falling to his knees.. "FINLAY ALWAYS WINS!!!!" "Off to the void would be my guess," a young voice claimed, answering Dastgir. "The realm beyond. Hard to know if you'll ever see them again. I suppose only time will tell..." With the battle won and the dome in ruins, Joshua emerged from the entry way. "Tsk tsk tsk, this place got messy fast." He turned to the rest of the remaining combatants. Meanwhile, Shiro turned to Arctus and brought Karina to address the two of them. "WELL, IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE SOME DECISIONS. WHO TO APPOINT AS A NEW LEADER, WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR AURAS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; REUNITING WITH YOUR ALLIES." He looked to both of them before addressing them to ensure they remembered this last instruction. "MEET YOUR ALLIES AT THE CITY OF HEROES; OLYMPUS COLISEUM. I WILL TRY AND FIND YOU THERE WHEN I'VE REPAID MY DEBT HERE..." Joshua was still explaining the conditions of their victory, presenting them with their next objective. "Nevertheless, you did your tasks, and as a result, ready to move on to. He opened up a small device that opened up a hologram and placed it in the middle of the arena. "Your two keyblader friends are off to destiny islands, but for you select few, I've decided that a new departure destination. A large fortress of a mansion appeared on the projection. "This is Manson Manor. Your vessel back to the realm of light lies inside here." -------------------------------------------------------- [VOLUME 1] - CHAPTER XI - SAVING GRACE Lynn arrived in front of Karina and Arctus, eager to know what the new dilemma was. "So... what's the verdict?"
Name: Enzo Belmont Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: HERE Keyblade: HERE Homeworld: Orphic Coast Master: [Leave blank.] Personality: Though often with a sunny disposition, Enzo can be seen as an enigmatic man of sorts. He has a very relaxed demeanor about him, not caring much for anything. He isn't as vocal about talking about himself.
"Actions are being taken to track him down. Rest assured, he will be tracked down," Elsa replied, regarding the Duke. "I'm just afraid that the longer I'm without her... the more cold my heart will become again. I just can't believe Mortimer used me like that. I was a fool..." The captain of the ship saluted his queen as he approached her. "We're ready to take off my queen. "Thank you." She turned tot he rest of the party. "You'd best be off if you want to find your friends." Olaf hugged each party member around their leg as they boarded. "Goodbye blonde boy. Goodbye redhead. Goodbye Faust. Goodbye taller Faust." He stood next to Queen Elsa as he waved goodbye with the Queen. As all the party members boarded, the ship left the port. The winter was clear and the skies were clear the skies were clear to venture off to find the rest of their friends. Far out into see, the ship was met with stormy weather, harsh rains and more. The captain attempted to warn the keybladers on board, but the four of them were knocked into the sea before much could be done. They were only on a small ship and they didn't have a big enough crew to deal with harsh and heavy winds. -------------------------------------------------------- Aux found the speedboat along the dock and threw the keys up in the air before grabbing them in his hand again. "Like, I said. I FOUND a boat." Back at Old man Kukhkini's store, a mustached man picked up a small pouch of munny and looked around before opening the pouch. "What kinda currency is this?" Back on the speedboat, Aux hopped in looking at the vehicle. "Well we didn't have anything like this back where I'm from.. but there's a wheel and a pedal. Can't be that hard." The rest of the party climbed in the boat. "Now let's see... just turn the key and press the-" the boat instantly jerked forward. "Sorry..." Doing so again, the boat continued to tug itself forward, Aux struggling to work the controls. "Wait... Wait..." After a few more rigid attempts, a smooth ride finally set sail across the ocean. It would've been at least, if not for the giant storm that began to brew. The boat didn't make it far before large waves began to push the boat back and forth, making it hard to steer in the weather. Dark clouds ad harsh lightning made its way into view. "Damn... we should head back. Try again when the storm clears." A large bump shifted the boat, causing the engine to stop. The boat slowed down as it spun around before making a stop. "That wasn't me," Aux said, looking over the boat. He tried to start up the boat again, only for the engine to stall. The waves grew, tossing the boat again along with everyone in it, waves crashing down over everyone.The boat was bumped roughly a few more times before everyone was tossed overboard. ------------------------------------------------------- The ship left the island behind, Pocahontas' people waving to her as the ship left. The group began a shanty as they broke into merry song, every member of the ship's crew pulling their weight to make sure they were sailing without any trouble. This did not last long. By the time the song was over, a wicked storm begun. Thunderstorms, harsh rains, all the bad stuff. The Englishmen pushed each other as they were trying to make sure everything on the ship was secure. The winds grew harsher as Pocahontas and a few other men helped Smith get below deck before the weather grew worse. With the other three keybladers still on deck, the boat was rammed by something large causing Luna and Kel to be knocked overboard.
I spent the munny you requested, but youll have to check your crown spending. HP increase from level 50-99 is 15 crowns each. And Magic is 30 crowns after the Stat reaches 50
Aux appeared randomly from out of the scene, holding keys to a speed boat. "Okay, I found a boat. Who knows how to drive?" Ohana Island World Completion Bonus: Ananta completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Aux completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Kaida completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Steel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Stratos completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Ananta leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Aux leveled up! (45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50) Gained +2 AP, All stats raised! Kaida leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Steel leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Stratos leveled up! (45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50) Gained +2 AP, All stats raised! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Any friend of smith is a friend of mine," one of the Englishmen said. Pocahontas watched as Smith was being catered to on a stretcher. You must choose your own path," her father replied to her. Pocahontas looked to Smith as she boarded the boat. "My people still need me... but I owe much to you John Smith. I'll come with you to England... so long as I can return when I kow you are well." Smith smiled as he held his side. "Hey, I'm feeling better already... You know I would've stayed here if you said no." "The other men said you'd die if you stayed here." Smith chuckled. "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." He held her hand as he stayed by her side. "And I have the feeling there's a lot more to get to know..." Native Grounds World Completion Bonus: Aislinn completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Kel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Luna completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Aislinn leveled up! (45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50) Gained +2 AP, All stats raised! Kel leveled up! (45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50) Gained +2 AP, All stats raised! Luna leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arendelle World Completion Bonus: AJ completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Faust completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Ignis completed 100% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP Beuce completed 80% of the missions. Gained 10,000 EXP AJ leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Beuce leveled up! (45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Faust leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP Ignis leveled up! (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49) Gained +2 AP
August Attendance Rewards The following players are awarded 62 Crowns + Skill command + Keyblade Aislinn AJ Aux Faust Ignis Kaida Kel Faust Steel Stratos The following players are awarded 48 Crowns + Skill command Luna The following players are awarded 10 Crowns Beuce September 2018 This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!
Elsa looked to the four of them. "I'll supply you with whatever you need..." One trip down the mountain later, the group found themselves in Arendelle, where the people seemed to be overjoyed. Elsa was the only one displeased and heartbroken with the loss of her sister. Olaf traveled alongside her, holding her hand for comfort. A small snow flurry hovered above Olaf's head, keeping him from melting. She led the group to the harbor where she showed the group on of Arendelle's trade ships she offered to them on their journey. "This is the fastest trade ship we have... And while I have to keep my kingdom protected... I offer you some help to find my sister." She summoned the ice golem they defeated earlier with her ice magic and spoke to it. "Please go with them... and find Anna." The snow golem nodded as it boarded the ship. RECEIVED MARSHMALLOW SUMMON "Is there anything else you need on your journey?"
After Mortimer reformed, he grunted, blurting out; "Ahh, forget it! You shmucks ain't worth the effort. Hasta la bye bye suckers!" Mortimer sunk into the icy floor as he vanished from the room, taking all blotches of his ink with them. Elsa sunk to the floor as she felt the winter storm start up again around the room. She took a few deep breaths to calm down before standing back up again. The snowstorm silenced as the turned to the rest of the party. "Please... help me get my sister back..."
"I get on a lotta lady's minds toots. It's part of my, hehe, natural charm," Mortimer gave a small wink to Ignis before AJ managed to cast his barriers. "Oh relax boy-o, I ain't here to-" before he could finish his sentence, Ignis' keyblade got stuck in mortimer's globby chest. "Ooh, it tickles.. he he.." Faust's thunder spell also stuck him, the magic not seeming to affect him much. "Ah ah ah... those little magic tricks ain't gonna work on this mouse!"Mortimer slowly pulled Ignis' keyblde out of his chest. "If I knew you wanted to get rough sweet heart, I'd have asked you to dinner first." Mortimer made an unsettling growl as he flirted with her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Central Haven had one of the greatest barriers... Why it was so surprising that No Heart managed to claim it the way he did." He looked out towards the ocean and came across a thought. "Maybe it's because dimensional barriers have been broken," Aux stated. I think that's how people are able to travel to worlds from the water now... It's like all the worlds have been opened up again. I on't think we would've been able to get here otherwise."
"YoU shoUld Give anNA back," Mortimer mocked. "Who the heck you think you're talking to?!" "Anna's gonna serve our purposes quite nice like pal. And ain't nobody gonna stop us!" Elsa shot a blizzard spell at Mortimer only for him to create an ink shield and block it. "Not so fast Queenie..." "You used me!" "I use a lotta women, take a numbah!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aux stood over Kaida and tussled her hair with his hand. "You're not alone," he replied. Stratos, Steel, Ananta went up by 2 friendship levels Kaida went up by 3 friendship levels. Aux focused back on Ananta's question regarding transportation "Maybe we could try and rebuild one of the ships... I think Gantu's ship is still-" Before he could finish, the ship exploded in the water, causing water to rain down onto the ocean. "Of course we could always just get another boat... The others traveled to worlds by sea anyways. Seems only right we do the same.
"If you're worried about leaving, I can take you back to Arendelle. There are plenty of ships down in the harbor for you to use. You're more than welcome to use one," Elsa said. "I hope your reunion is as eventful as the one for me and my sister... Isn't that right Anna?" Elsa turned around to find Anna was gone. "Anna?" Olaf looked around wondering what happened to her. "I didn't know you guys could turn invisible!" "They can't..." a nasalling voice spoke as he made himself known. "But uhh... She definately ain't here no more..." "Mortimer... what's going on?" Elsa asked. "What happened to Anna." "I had to take a princess and she was the easier target. I guess you can see I was just using you so you could give her the title." Shadow Mortimer turned to the rest of the party. "Hiyah pal... REMEMBER ME?!" He asked angrily to Beuce. He looked to Ignis, AJ and Faust. "Looks like you got more little twerps involved. More da merrier I guess..."
Mizu's pupils shifted as she noticed herself slowly fading from the void disc. 'It happened again,' Mizu thought to herself. As a member of the order, she was a poor excuse of a leader. She was powerful, but she didn't have the rational decision making needed to keep up with everything. She was still just a child. And now more than ever, she was terrified. Charlie sighed at Dastgir's challenge. "I don't understand what keeps you going. If it were up to me, I wouldn't pass any of you..." The more he talked, the closer the flying void disc was getting to him. "You're using Ice against a rock user. You're only asking to make this harder on yourself. You're better off facing one of the weaker ones, but noooo, you go after the BIG FISH! Well, here's something that even the weakest of you will be able to comprehend... I AM UNBEATABLE! I AM UNBREAKABLE! I AM-" Before he could finish his final statemet, he felt something hit his head like a pebble. "What the....' the voic disc slowly began consuming him as a purple veil caused him. His eyes widened with confusion. "The hell is this... X-RAY!!!" He yelled out. "Dammit," Alex hufed under his breath. "I am so screwed!" He quickly aimed his keyblade at charlie and fired a small electrical spell at Charlie. "It's gonna blow! So get bent or blow up!" he shouted to Luther, Echo and Melus, before disappearing through a dark corridor. Vanitas was still in Ventus' grasp as he was trying to escape. "Let go you loser!" "Following directive," Ventus replied. Vanitas struggled before he managed to phase out and strike Ventus in the head, damaging the chip that Zulu had placed there. Echo's eyes went dark as he fell to the ground. Vanitas throwing Ventus over his shoulder, scoffed. "I'll fiugure out what to do about you later," he said, disappearing through a dark corridor as well. The spell stuck to the fading behemoth of a man as the spell grew brighter and louder. As if it was a bomb about to go off. The high pitched sound grew louder as electricity surged all around Charlie. "THIS IS NOT OVER!" Charlie barked. "YOU THINK THIS WILL STOP ME, BUT YOU'RE WRONG! I won't rest until every last one of you is dead! You hear me?!" The intensity of Alex's spell grew louder. Mizu watched, as half her body was already gone. 'I can't let them die... Not like this...' She held her sole arm up and summoned a smaller version of Sprinkles the ice golem to wrap itself around Charlie to take most of the damage. 'Let me do this... this one thing before I go,' she said before closing her eyes and fading into the void. Sprinkles kept Charlie from moving as the large man yelled at the top of his lungs in rage. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The explosion went off and Sprinkles took all the damage, causing snow and hail to fall all around the stadium. The reaper's game was over.
Guild Hall Update 3.04 KEYBLADES - Ferris gear ability changed. Now allows the user to use aerial combos on a grounded enemy. - Divine Rose now increases physical commads by 100% when below 25% HP - Rumbling Rose ability changes. Now increases magical commands by 100% when below 25% HP - Knockout Punch ability changed. Now has the chance to paralyze the opponent. - Stroke of Midnight cost increased. SUMMONS - Marahute now grants immunity from being knocked out for 3 cycles. - Baymax's healthcare heals 50 HP instead of 30. - New Mushu passive buff! - New Marahute passive buff! - New Sparky passive buff! - Fairy Godmother Rework! Costs 8 MP. New Bibbidy-Bobbidy-Boo ability! SKILL COMMANDS - Aerial Slam now costs 2 Slots - Fire Strike offers 50% Burn chance - Fist Bump offers 20% Burn chance - Poison Edge offers 60% Poison chance (Instead of 40%) - Powerline now costs 2 slots - Vorpal Blitz offers 40% chance to freeze. - Fox Taser offers 10-40% chance of Paralyzing depending on HP. Damage now increases based off lower HP. - Ice Barrage offers 20% chance to Freeze. - Thunder Bell offers 30% chance to Paralyze. - Reluctancy now has a 10 Turn cooldown - Magnify now has a 9 Turn cooldown - Weather commands will now only last 3 cycles MAGIC - Cure spells offer CG based on half of what you healed - Aero spells offer CG based on half of what the spell protected - Aero spell damage 10 HP to the enemy for every MP remaining from the user. JOBS - Ranger: Rapidfire ability scales regular combos with magic damage LIMITS - Warrior Plus now allows 5 hits to combos instead of 3. - Hunter Mist now offers 75% evasion for 2 cycles instead of 50% evasion for 3 cycles - Guardian Wall scales off user's defense. - Mystic Veil now offer a magical command increase instead of extra CG. - Group Limits now longer cost AP to equip. - Trinity Limit multiplier decreased to 7 instead of 10.
Elsa hugged her sister and turned to the party, passing Olaf in the process. Anna watching with a smile on her face. "Thank you all so much... Please take this as a token of our gratitude. For helping to restore the kingdom... And reunite me with my sister, she smiled. THE PARTY RECEIVED THE DIAMOND DUST KEYBLADE THE PARTY LEARNED ICE BARRAGE Faust's keyblade began to glow as a keyhole revealed itself at the edge of the ice castle's entrance....
"Well, I'm done with being sad," Aux said, standing from his rock after Ananta's statement. "It's true that our memories of him are going to deteriorate, but he's done enough to keep him in our memories for as long as we can." He took out one of the SOS rings that Hikaru made for the group during the mark of mastery exam. "Hikaru made these right? Even if you can't remember his name, a small piece of him is always with you." He turned his head to Kaida and walked towards her, extending his hand. "You and Hikaru were like family to me... And if there's one thing I gained from this world; it's that I'm never going to leave you behind again...." He paused for a moment, recalling the last bit of that Ohana motto. "Or forget..." He quickly peaked at the name on Kaida's arm. "Hikaru." He turned to face the rest of them to try and let something else known. "And because I'm the reason he's gone, I plan to make sure his journey wasn't for nothing, Which means like it or not, I'm not going anywhere." He turned back to Kaida to see if he would take his hand and replied sincerely. "He's still here..."
MISSION COMPLETE! With interceptor down, Shadow aimed to try and fend off their attacks on his own. The battle increasing in intensity, Elsa's snowstorm raged stronger. AJ and Ignis charged ahead with combos, pushing him back while Beuce and Faust supported them with electric opposition. With the ninja weakened, Elsa fired one last ice spell against Shadow, causing the man to hit one of the ice castle's wall. His body remained unresponsive until a puff of a smoke caused him to disappear. It was a clone! Desperately trying to find the real one, Shadow jumped down from the ceiling, preparing to strike Elsa threw the heart with a stealthy thrust of his sword. Anna being able to see this, quickly reacted. "No!" she cried out, jumping in front of her sister. Shadow saw his target being guarded and quickly held back his blade as he landed. "Move." "No!" Anna cried. Elsa quickly spun around to see her sister guarding her. "Anna-" "You're my sister. And even if you stay here forever, that's not going to change." "You were going to sacrifice yourself... for me?" Elsa asked, her snowstorm slowly dying down. "Well yeah... I love you Elsa," she smiled. The snow around them began to disperse as the weather outside began to shift back to normal. Sun, shining through the ice castle. Shadow put his blade back in it's sheath. "It seems love thawed the queen's heart. Guess my work is done here." His dog; interceptor came to and nuzzled his owner's leg. "Looks like I won't have to shed blood after all. Pity, was looking forward to that nice pay raise." "But who ordered you to do this?" "Customer-client confidentiality." "I'll pay double," Elsa insisted. "Duke of Weaselton," Shadow snitched. "Ahh damn... really need to remember to get the money first. Let's go buddy, this job's a bust." "You can't just try and kill my sister and then walk away!" Anna yelled. "Yeah, wasn't planning on walking princess." His dog stayed closed to his side as the pair of them vanished in a puff of smoke. "So... yay?!" Olaf said, unsure if it was a happy ending.