Maybe the wolf... is Maui?" she asked curiously. "He is a shapeshifter after all. Maybe we should see what he wants," Moana suggested. She followed the wolf pulling Kel along, hoping they would see what the wolf wanted. It wasn't that far of a walk along the sand covered island that they ran into Kaida, Stratos, AJ and a large hulking shirtless man in a grass skirt. Maui turned as he heard the footprints, sighing at the sight of more arrivals. "Great... more teenagers! Lotta use you turned out to be," Maui grunted, before tossing his uneaten fruit scrap at the wolf. "This is just perfect! First contact with humans in a millennium, and you mortals act like you don't even know who Maui is. And after everything, I've done for you mortals?!" he yelled, before sitting on one of his tally covered rocks. Moana took this all in before stepping forward. "Wait a minute... YOU'RE Maui?" Maui nodded. Clearing her throat she began to speak in acommanding tone. "Maui, shapeshifter... demigod of the wind and sea. I am Moana of-" "Finally, somebody gets it!" Maui cheered. "But it's actually 'Maui, shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to all.' I interrupted, from the top, hero to all. Go. A little agitated, Moana tried to continue. "I am Moana of-" "And don't sweat the small stuff. Ca you believe these guys didn't even know who I am?! I know, not every day you get a chance to meet your hero, but-" Before he could continue, Moana pulled down on his ear so he would finally listen to her. "You are not my hero.!And I'm not here so you can receive praise. I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti and you will board my boat, sail across the sea, and put it back! Maui lifted his head up, dragging Moana's toes along the sand as she barely hung on before letting go. "Yeah... It almost sounds like you don't like me, which is impossible because I got stuck here for a thousand years, trying to get the heart as a gift for you mortals so you could have the power to create life itself. Yeah. So what I believe you were trying to say is thank you. Moana: Thank you? Maui: You're welcome," Maui smiled. "Wait... you said you had a boat?..." "Yeah, how do you think I-" Before she could even finish, Maui raced off "Enjoy the island guys! Maui OUT!" Maui said racing passed them to get to the boat. Moana immediately took chase after him. "Hey wait! You have to restore the heart!" she yelled chasing after him. For his large size he was surprisingly fast and had already gotten on the raft, sailing away from the group. "Enjoy the overgrown pile of pebbles!" he yelled back. Moana quickly turned to the keybladers. "Quick! Where's your boat? We have to catch him!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"It's wonderful to meet you Luna," Ariel smiled. "And all of you..." she said to the rest of them. "Even if you are from another ocean. And if that's the case, you're gonna have to learn some tricks to help keep you up to pace in these waters... It'll really help in the long run for those who need some... extra practice," She said looking as Aux struggled a bit. Aux glared as he grunted quietly under his breath. PARTY LEARNED "DOLPHIN KICK" "That should help you guys out alot! You look like you're getting better already!" Flounder cheered. "Ariel! Where in Neptune's name have you been!" A small crab with a thick Jamaican accent came swimming up to the girl. "You're father has been looking for you high and low! It's one thing to miss my musical show, but to disappear without his approval! What were you thinking?! Probably off looking at the Surface world, weren't you missy!" The crab swam with his tiny legs with his claws on his hips. "Aww, lay off Sebastian. We were just showing these new merfolk how to adjust to our waters," Flounder replied. "And you brought in outsiders?! King Triton will not like this one bit..." Sebastian sighed. "Oh come on Sebastian, they aren't that bad," Ariel said reassuringly. "And I still don't know why he's so apposed to humans they aren't that bad! Why... I saved one the other day and he-" Sebastian covered his ears with his claws. "La la la, I'm not listening! So long as I have plausible deniability with your teenage escapades, you're father won't roast me with that trident of his!" Ariel turned to the party. "Why don't you come meet my father? I'm sure he can help you adjust to this place better than I ever could." "King Triton is the ruler of the seas! He has no time for your petty tours!" Sebastian replied. "But should they wish to let the king know they are here, than I will oblige it! But no funny business! And no more human talk!" "Great! Follow me, everyone!" she smiled, leading the way. Aux groaned as he looked to the others. "If this Ariel is the one from the list of princesses, we have to keep an eye on her don't we?" He sighed. "Well this should be fun." MISSION START!
Enzo nodded. "Aww, that's alright buddy. You take all the rest you need for your emotional state," he smiled, patting him on the shoulder. He felt the stone that Torrin was trying to move and knocked it a few times with his knuckle, to get a feel for it. He then proceeded to fold his fingers together before stretching his arms and palms outward, preparing to do some menial work. "Okay, here we go..." He leaned back, hearing that Torrin was still in pain and attempted to pull the stone as hard as he could. "It\s not... pulling... out," he grunted. He stopped pulling before trying a different tactic .He instead decided to push it and felt it push a little more. "Oh hey, it's a push-y, not a pull-y..." He turned to Torrin and said it louder so he could hear. "Hey Torrin! It's a push-y, not a pull-y!" He looked back to the stone and began to push it forward, watching as the stone was being pushed further nd further from it's slot. It was like watching a jenga block being tensely removed. Inch by inch the stone moved, until it finally fell through onto the other side. A small faint glow began to surround Torrin and himself. "Oooh, tingles," Enzo smirked. He rubbed his fingers togther before stepping back a bit. His eyebrows lowered as he created a powerful gust of wind from his hand, breaking down all the stones in front of him. Each clock tumbling down after the other. "Weeeeeeeeell," he began in a singing little tune. "Now the wall is down, and it's thanks to me, So we both can walk away." He stopped his little song to walk back to Torrin, taking one of his arms and putting over his shouler, to support him. He used his hand and waved it over his wound, sparking a cure spell to slowly heal him. "So we'll find your friends and you'll tell them all, Of how Enzo saved the day!"
Clenching his fist, Aux caught the hat that slowly floated towards him. There was a lot he could say to Karina right now. A lot he wanted to say to reply to her harsh words towards his actions and so called inadequacies. Looking down at the hat in his hand, a quick flash of a memory popped into his head. A friend with blue hair was looking at a store window with him, excited about something. He could remember much about the boy. His hair covered his eyes in his memory, as if he was unrecognizable. Not owning the hat at the time, the hat he would eventually own was sitting in the window. Coming back to present day, Aux took a deep breath. He wanted to be better, but he always felt as if something was keeping him on edge. Looking back up to the girl that threw the hat at him, another quick flash showed her getting her keyblade back, being teary eyed and vulnerable. Karina was still dealing with things as well. He didn't need to bring up things that could better be left unsaid. When she asked if he was happy now that he got his hat back, Aux simply chose to ignore her for now and turn his head to the yellow fish. He looked over to Flounder, who had hid behind Ariel. "Sorry. This just means a lot." He put the hat over his head again as he swam back a bit. "Uhh... it's okay I guess," Flounder said, still unsure of what to make of the newcomers. "Not the best way of going about it. But I cherish my treasures from the land as well," Ariel smiled. "I think we started off on the wrong fin. I'm Ariel, and this is Flounder. Where are you all from?"
With the release of more kh3 trailers, I thought I would open a thread for people to toy with the frames of the glorious upcoming HD games. Clearly I have made the best of what was given...
I only just noticed that there are 13 characters on the cover as well....
"Well whot a co-inky-dink!" Finlay exclaimed. "Koa over her has himself a lass that he's engaged to as well," he said, thrusting his arm atop the small man's shoulder. "We just fought a fearsome battle with her not to long ago. Finlay helped slay many things, no big deal- But the fact the two of you have lovers yah can't reach is truly a shame," he said. "Wish I had me a betrothed... She'd be a strong lass with long locks and a nice meaty-" Before he could finish his description, Lynn arrived onto the scene. "Well, I guess I have to deal with the lot of you," she said, approaching them. "Pretty sure none of you remember me so that will at least smooth things over. Where is your entry point to light?" "Manson Manor," Finlay barked. "Hey wait a sec... aren't you the lass who fled the labratory fight? Yer with the WITCH! KILL IT!" He said, drawing his axes. "Will you stop that!" she yelled. "I've defected from that place alright!" she said, chopping Finlay's head. "I only stayed to keep my twin sister safe. But now she's gone, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure Nequa pays..."Her eyes widened, recalling where Finlay says their entry point to light was. "Wait... Manson Manor...." "Aye... Why, y'know the place?" Lynn shook her head. "This is bad... Why the hell would this stupid game send you to HIS home." "Whose home?" Lyn sighed. "Oliver Manson... None of you have met him yet, but he's strong. Very strong... He's one of the strongest members of Nequa's Red Society. Even Charlie didn't want to fight him... And everyone here is still set on going there?"
MISSION COMPLETE! AJ leveled (50) All stats increased! Kaida leveled (50) All stats increased! The girl sighed. "Great... How am I going to return the heart now..." She shooke her head trying to stay optimistic about it. "Sorry, that's not your burden to bare. My name is Moana. It's nice to meet you Kel." As they spoke, a white wolf came rushing to them and sat down in front of them. The girl looked down at the wolf, squinting her eyes. "Wait a minute... Maui is a shapeshifter. Are... are you Maui?" she asked hesitantly. On the other side of the island, Maui chewed loudly as he arched his eyebrow. "Not really the best intro, but I'll give you a pass kid." He tried to look behind them, curious if anyone else had washed on shore. "So exactly how many of you guys ended up washing up on here, and how many of them have a boat beacause, AGAIN- would really like to get off this rock." ----------------------------------------------------------------
So something, I noticed... Spoiler Compared to the previous titles, this boxart shows everyone facing the same direction. Nice to see everyone is finally on the same page for once.
Enzo actually thought to himself briefly about what life would be like imprisoned inside this concrete prison. Most of them involved buddy style shenanigans with Torrin creating stories and living an entire lifetime until they both died of old age. As entertaining as the images of their finger waving mischief would be, he couldn't see himself doing it for more than a couple of months at most. "I suppose you're right... we'd run out of theatrical material before the end of the season..." He folded his arms and gave a quick run through of his inspection when he first arrived. "Trust me friend, I've scoured this place top to bottom. I know every inch, sound, and smell this prison has." He put on hand on his side and placed his other hand on the wall. "I know this place better then the back of my- oh hey, that's new..." He fetlt the wall a bit more and noticed a major difference compared to the rest of the surrounding wall. "I never had to lean against this wall so I didn't notice but... this wall is different." He etched his nails and fingers across the wall for closer inspection. "It's not as dirty or cracked..." He gave the wall a quick sniff from afar. "And it doesn't smell as bad either... It's like it's newer..." He turned back to Torrin for confirmation. "Is that considered advantageous?"
Commander Rourke wasn't sure what to make of everything. One gave attitude, one gave surprising optimism, and one gave magic tricks. A bunch he wasn't sure should be associated with such a treacherous expedition. Rourke turned to the man next to Caster and asked him; "Son, remove your helmet for the nice lady." The soldier took off his helmet to reveal a rather attractive soldier with flowing brown hair. "That's private Loire," Rourke barked at Ignis. "And if you aren't going to assist in this, I won't have you meddling about. For all I know, you can be foreign spies," Vinny's eyes dart back and forth as he lets out an inconspicuous cough. "Yeah, those foreigners are bad news, eh guys?" "Oh you know what I mean!" Rourke barked. He pointed at Castur, Loire and a few others, whose faces remained blocked by their masks. "You five, detain the outsiders," he commanded. "Hey commander! Much as I appreciate the orders, I have a name y'know!" The soldier took off his helmet to reveal a flowing length of brown hair. "And I came down here to get the scoop on this place. Now I gotta play soldier too?" "Cry me a river Loire, we're short staffed! From here on in, everyone pulls double duty. Everyone drives, everyone works," he said walking past Loire. Looks like all our chances for survival... rest with you, Mr. Thatch. You and that little book." Milo looked down at the Shepard's journal he was holding, before looking at everyone else. "Oh well, no use in crying over killed milk," Loire sighed. "OK, people. Saddle up. I want this convoy moving five minutes ago. Moliere, you're on point. No, Vinny, Audrey's taking the oiler. You know the rules. I want you 50 yards... behind that truck at all times." A couple of masked soldiers cuffed Faust, as Castur and another man were assigned to apprehend Ignis. Loire begrudingly went to go apprehend Ananta. "Oh uhh... really sorry to have to do this to you ma'am," Loire said nervously as he put the cuffs on her. "I didn't want to arrest some one who looks so t-tubular, I mean beautifur- I mean..." he sighed, giving up on trying to compliment her. "I'm Laguna.... and I'm sorry, but orders are orders..." Everyone was moving their convoys along as the crew was ready to move on ahead. MISSION COMPLETE Ananta leveled! (50) All stats increased Castur leveled! (50) All stats increased Faust leveled! (50) All stats increased Ignis leveled! (50) All stats increased MISSION START ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yeah... I'm a real force to be reckoned with right now," sarcastically replied as he lifted his fin to show her how they were all basically fish now. As she said this, Luna was accidentally bumped into by a teenage mermaid, knocking her down slowly through the water. with flowing red hair. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz when I'm in a rush... Are you okay?" she said offering to help her off the ocean floor. "Hey Ariel, check out this neat bag I found!" A small, pudgy yellow fish came swimming up behind Ariel, holding Aux's hat in his fins. "Maybe a human dropped it!" He stopped talking excitedly as he looked at all the keyblade wielders in front of them. "Uhh... what's wrong with them? They're swimming all... funny and stuff." "Flounder, be nice!" Ariel scolded. "You'll have to forgive him. I'm sure you and you're friends are very nice-" "GIVE ME BACK MY HAT YOU PINEAPPLE!" Aux said, charging after Flounder. "AAAHH!!" Flounder yelped before swimming away. Aux was having difficulty keeping up as the harder he kicked, the slower he was getting. MISSION COMPLETE Steel leveled! (50) All stats increased!
Enzo's eyes lit up a bit after Torrin mentioned Orphic Coast. "Orphic Coast huh? Man, I gotta wonder what that's like," He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs, planting his elbows on his knees and his hands along his cheeks. He sat like a child interested in a teacher's story. "Tell me more about your hometown Mr. Torrin," he smiled, interested in hearing how some one like Torrin would view the world he grew up in. "I mean it's not like we're going anywhere anyways. Might as well reminisce until something good comes along. I got some karma stored up that should be cashing in soon," he said, flashing a thumbs up. Enzo seemed to be dodging questions on his own past, taking an interest on this new stranger he wished to learn about.
"Well lad, Im glad you asked..." Finlay said, pushing his heavy hand on Dastgir's shoulder. "Mah name is FINLAY of the LOGANACH clan. Lord and Chief of the village of Drankar! Slayer of the Mythrilbeast! Commander of the Dragon Guard! Conqueror of the Eastern Isles, and their women- And before you ask, It was consensual. Savior of the Jorgen seas! Son of Angus the Invincible and Thor's champion of Thunder! I am Finlay Loganach! THE DYNAMIC VIKING!" He struck a muscular pose for added effect. "So what they call you and what have you accomplished?" he asked casually. He quickly looked to Melus in shock. "And you! Where the bonnie blazes have you been!"
"Yeah it's me," Aux sighed, trying to push his legs upward. "I've lost my legs, my clothes and my hat... Guess you could say I'm... uneasy." All in all, he was at least a bit relieved to see a familiar face. "I don't know where everyone else went. We got swept away in a storm on the ocean. Judging by how you're here somehow I guess the same thing happened with your group," he managed to flounder himself upward trying to keep his tail in a fluid motion. "At least your safe. The ocean's a big place- who know's where they are now..." As he said this, he saw another merman swimming up to them, saying their names. "Friend of yours?" he asked Luna, no recognizing him. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Claiming 50 crowns for reaching 135 Achievement points.
Enzo shook his hand firmly before putting it back into his pockets. "Man, you ask a lot of questions for a guy who got jailed. But fair is fair. I ended up imprisoned just as every other man does... By singing a song." As Enzo described his story, the scene he would describe painted a picture of him strolling along the world of Prydain with a walking stick. He sung a little happy song as he walked along Prydain's country grounds. He used a walking stick to travel so that he could navigate under the muddy terrain. He sang a song in a fun little tune as he walked along carefree. "Well the world is dark, and the birds are loud, and the wolves they hunger blood. And the earth is soft, so I use this stick, Trying to avoid the mud" The longer he walked, he heard some hardy and raspy laughter coming from the entryway of the castle nearby. The men laughing had deep, ruffian voices, but Enzo was just happy to hear people. "Well it's good to hear a happy change with some laughter in the mix," As Enzo began a light jog towards the voices, he felt a crunch under hit boots. Choosing not to stop to look what he stepped on, He continued walking as if it didn't happen. "And though I just stepped on some bones, I'll pretend that it was sticks." The men were talking with each other having one tell the other the end to his story. "And that's when I cut his head clean off!- HAHAHAHA!" The other man laughed along with him hardily as they enjoyed the killing. "And then I killed his wife!" The two laughed harder in time for Enzo to show up, not fully hearing their entire story. He just showed up in front of the two of them. Their eyes were closed from laughing so hard as Enzo began to laugh loudly along with them as if he had just heard it. "HAHAHHA, oh man, that is just CLASSIC. HA HA, whooo!!!" He cleared a tear from his eye. "Oh, you're gonna have to tell me that one from the beginning, he he..." he began to clap his hands,applauding their humour. As he laughed a little more he opened his eyes to find that the scary rugged men had stopped laughing. Enzo's clapping and laughing began to slow down as well. "Ha Ha... ha ha... he... he...." Until he stopped altogether. He could feel the intense stare from the men in front of them. So he did what he always did to beak a tense situation. "Weeeeeeell the laughter's stopped, and I don't know why, And I think that-" The story cut off as Enzo finished telling his story in the prison. "And I guess they didn't think that was all that fun, so I got put in here. Didn't even let me keep my stick," he sighed. "As far as getting out of here goes, I'm at a loss. Only way I can think of getting out is up. Even me on your shoulders, I don't think I can climb my way out of here." He put his hand on Torrin's shoulder. "But it means a lot that you care that I get out friend," he smiled. "Before I tell you where I'm from... where are you from?" he asked skeptically.
"Uhh, YEAH! Who doesn't know about the SOS? You guys sure took you're time." The large man took one of AJ's fruits and began munching it loudly in front of them. I mean a thousand years and all, but you couldn't even bring a boat?! You're the SOS. Sailors Of the Sea! That means you're supposed to have something TO SAIL!" He replied in distraught. "I mean, I'm not just some regular mortal or anything. I AM MAUI! Shapeshifter! A demi-god of the wind and sea! Hero of man!" He quickly looked to Kaida. "Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. And women. Man AND women, both... all... Ah, you know, Maui is a hero to all." On another side of the island, a brown skinned girl with long black hair was shipwrecked nearby Kel yelling at the water. "Umm... What?! I said help me. And wrecking my boat?! Not helping!" She kicked at the ocean's water, only for the water to mystically move out of the ay and cause the girl to fall backward. She quickl stood up and yelled at the ocean more. "Fish pee in you... ALL DAY!" She dusted off the excess sand off her dress as she stood and saw Kel. She quickly propped herself up and grabbed her oar. "Are you... Maui? I thought you'd be taller for a demigod." -------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm not asking her, I'm asking you!" the man said, cocking his pistol. "I don't have to expend men and firepower on unknown civillians. You're wasting time and who knows how much oxygen we have down here!" "Whoa whoa whoa, uhh commander. M-maybe they could help?" thatch tried to suggest. "Yeah, I mean who knows. Maybe they more useful than Milo," Audrey commented. "Yeah exactly, maybe she's more useful than M-mil....oh..." Thatch replied, realizing it was about him. Rourke looked at them and waved an arm, causing all the men to lower their weapons. "If you came here through a storm, how'd you get down here without a vessel?"
The Commander raised an eyebrow as he pointed his pistol at her. "Are you being smart with me missy? People just don't pop up from the water thousands of leagues under the sea!" The man called Thatch adjusted his glasses and looked at her. "Maybe she's an Atlantean?" Sweet was already quickly performing one test after the other. "I dunno, do Atlantean's have the same heart beat rates as us? Cause if so, I think they're fine at least." Guns pointed to the white haired men and red haired woman popping out of the water. "Eh... if someone told me this was an open invitation, I would've invited my sister," Vinny said, tossing his unlit dynamite back into his bag. "Where are they coming from anyway?" Audrey asked. "Women are appearing out of the water you fool! Who cares how it is done!" Moliere chuckled. "Everyone just... pipe down a sec," the Commander said looking to the people. "My name is Commander Rourke. I'm the front man of this here exhibition." "We're trying to find Atla-" Thatch began before Rourke put his hand over the man's mouth. "But you still haven't told us anything about yourselves. Who are you and where you came from? We already know little miss green hair's story over there." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Kaida and AJ discussed, large hulking tanned man with long silky black hair came whistling along their side of the island. He wore nothing but a leaf skirt and a shark toothe necklace as he was carrying a small stone, heading towards a rock with hundreds of tally marks on it. "Well today's forcast calls for; what else? Blue skies and nothing but sun." He seemed to be talking to himself, not even acknowledging the others. "Which would be great and all if I had a boat to sail with, but no. Today is just day 365, 142 on my hellish nightmare of being stranded on this island." He made his tally for the day and then walked off, passing the two on his way out. "Hey kids," he waved, before moping back. Before he walked further, he did quick double take and immeditately ran up to them. "Whoa whoa whoa, mortals are here... Then that means you have a boat!" He picked both of them up by their heads and looked around for any sign of transport. "Wait a minute, where is it?... He looked at their heads that fit in his large hands. "And what's up with the hair? You relate or something? I mean who has blonde hair unless..." He dropped them down to the ground again before cheering. "Unless you're part of the SOS! Oh thank you gods! Finally! I've been stuck on this rock for a thousand years with nothing but a wolf I can't eat. But here you are! In the flesh. Ready to get me outta here... So go on... make with the magic transport kiddos!"
Aux awoke in a foggy daze, as if his head had just hit a rock. Rubbing the back of his head he slowly pushed himself off the sandy ocean floor and blinked a few times. He felt the mushy sand under his hand as he grabbed a clump and lifted it up, watching the sand dissolve from the water surrounding him. He quickly realized he was still underwater and put a hand over his mouth. Looking up, he saw he was still pretty deep in the ocean. He tried to push himself up with his legs but struggled to part his legs and push upward. Instead he just slid further back, his body drifting a short distance. He looked down to find that his legs had been replaced with a fish tail. His hands moved away from his mouth to blurt out in confusion. "What the-" He quickly covered his mouth to conserve his oxygen, but slowly unclasped his mouth to realize that he could breathe.He slowly turned his head down and tried to push lift his tail up and down. "Well... at least I have hands this time," he said recalling the difficulty it was just to walk as a lion. He looked at his body and found that he was shirtless once again. He was just thankful Ananta wasn't here to make him uncomfortable about it. "Well at least parrot girl's not around..." And with that sentence, he quickly spun his head around to try and find his allies. "Kaida! Stratos! Steel!..." There was no sign of any of them. He sighed before falling onto his back. "Great," he ran his fingers through his hair, and noticed his hat was missing. He immediately sat up in frustration. "THE HAT TOO?!" He yelled upwards causing all the fish to swim away. "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!"
In the deepest parts of the ocean, a small crew of roughly a couple dozen explorers were standing solemnly over a lit candle being set out to see. A man that appeared to be the commander of the crew took off his military hat and spoke a few words. It seemed that they had recently lost several soldiers. "Seven hours ago, we started this expedition... with 200 of the finest men and women I've ever known. We're all that's left. I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands. But we've been up this particular creek before... and we've always come through, paddle or no paddle. I see no reason to change that policy now..." Several of the crew members bowed their heads in respect for their fallen comrades. A short man wearing a fur coat and aviator's cap jumped up and pointed to the water. "Sacre bleu! The beast! She returns!" "Calm yourself Moliere!" The Commander spoke. "Men, grab arms and prepare yourselves." "Could be survivors!" a large dark skinned man said, grabbing a med kit. "Or maybe that lobster máquina has hungry babies..." a young female engineer added, grabbing a wrench to arm herself. An Italian man with a thick black moustache grabbed a stick a dynamite and prepared to light it just in case. "If machines had babies.. I could make a lotta money selling little radios... Tiny ones. sellin' em to kids." "Sweet! Audrey! Vinny! Quit yapping and guard the supplies." he said, looking at the water. "Thatch! What does the journal say." A bespectacled man in a bowtie flipped through an ancient text he was holding. "I-I-I don't know, after the Leviathan, We're just supposed to follow the trail- The book doesn't say anything about more than one guardian. " A few men picked up their rifles and aimed at the water, waiting for whatever was underwater to surface.Ananta had come to the surface, causing flashlights to shine in her direction. "It's a... woman?" the Commander askeed. "Well don't just stand there. Pull her outta there!" The men did as they were instructed and helped Ananta onto the land mass they were standing on. "She doesn't look like one of ours. Where did you come from miss?" The Commander asked. --------------------------------------------------