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  1. Krowley

    Enzo had been roaming the grounds most of the night. He had a small bag of snacks in one hand. And the other one digging into the bag and munching on it happily. This place felt a very grande resort compared to the last couple of places he had been. He munched the snacks before hearing an animal's cry overhead. The fluffy dragon he had met yesterday soared away from the castle, Enzo smiling as it soared majestically. He took in a deep inhale and sighed. "Now that is a precious sight... probably..." Enzo wasn't sure what would administer something beautiful on this world. He thought it was a nice enough scene though.

    As he walked along the grounds, he came across Take and Torrin talking to each other. As his acute hearing listened more and more, they were discussing things about reading, Light Chaser and Take's new role. He didn't want to interrupt their conversation too much, but he thought it would at least be polite to say hello. He smiled and wave happily. "Good morning Torrin. Good morning Misterr not a girl Take sir... also known as the handsomest boy- NO... the handsomest MAN." Enzo overcompensated for accidentally thinking he was a girl. "How are you manly men of most manliness doing this morning?" He reached into his snack bag and pulled out a cookie, handing it to Take. "Oh that reminds me... that is for you you my dude," he said passing one to him. Take wasn't quick enough to grab it, so instead Enzo just placed it gently on his shoulder. "I said I'd give you a cookie if I had one, and now I have a box of twenty-four!" He looked into the cookie box quickly. "Well, now it's more like four, but you know what I mean..." He turned to Torrin. "Thanks a lot for welcoming me to your hotel Torrin. It was nice to sleep on a comfy bed." He wrapped his hands around Torrin, for a tight, three second hug, before backing up. "Well, nap more like... I only ended up sleeping in that bed for about twenty minutes. I felt like someone else could've been sleeping there instead, but-" he interrupted himself by eating another cookie. "Do YoU gUYs Want SOmE?" he asked with his mouth full.

    "They just have food laying around anywhere. I found cookies, cheese, potatoes and chicken tendies," he smiled. "This is free right?" he asked Torrin.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    "Right vacant room. Got it," he said, flashing a quick wink and salute as he passed Chrono to enter the castle.
    He strolled along in with no real mind or sight as to what he wanted to do. It had been so long since he had been somewhere to actually sit down and take a breather. He found himself to be more of a vagabond. He couldn't even really recall the last time he called a place home.

    As he continued to stroll and take in the atmosphere of the castle walls around him, he found himself in a warmer, more humid room. It was if someone had made the place warmer from a shower or something. He liked warm places though. He felt his hand along the bed until it stopped along a coat. It was mostly torn, but Enzo considered it a gesture. "Awww, they even left a coat out for me. Man, this place has all the fancy perks!" He put on the coat and laid down on the bed. fluffing the pillows before he put his head on the pillow. He laid down, smiling before looking up at the ceiling. His smile slowly faded into a more neutral smirk. His eyes blinked a few times as his eyes darted along the ceiling. He reached his hand upwards as if trying to grab at something before closing his fist. "Maybe with these guys... I'll get to see the sun rise." He put his hands down and behind his head as he put his sunglasses on his collar and shut his eyes.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    Ariel looked towards Beuce and Karina who had just re-entered. "Oh don't worry about him, he doesn't know about this place. Only Flounder and I know where it is." She hugged the statue. "I wouldn't have brought it back if I knew daddy could find this place." She was lovestruck with the statue. "It looks just like him. It even has his eyes. Why, Eric, run away with you? Oh, this is all so-- so sudden."
    She was being a naive teenage girl, and to Aux, it just made him want to gag.
    "Isn't he just so dreamy?" she asked with glee.
    "Yeah, I'm out," Aux said swimming away, he didn't make it very far until Triton was pushing open the rock they used to get into the grotto.
    "Uhh... Beuce was right, angry sea king is coming..."

    Ariel spun around with a worried look. "Daddy?!" He doesn't know I have any of these things!" She quickly swam around them and pulled a tiny rope that covered all the items on the walls with several of the items being encased in clams and other sea items to hide her treasures. Everything was more or less hidden in preparation for her father accept one thing. The giant statue of the man in the room. He was already here with Sebastian in tow. She couldn't hide it in time.

    He looked at the giant statue of the human and looked on it with disdain. "To think II was coming here to apologize... But after seeing this..." He took a deep sigh, trying not to get riled up again. "I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed."
    "But daddy he was drowning, I had to--"
    "Contact between the human world and the mer world is strictly forbidden. Ariel, you know that. Everyone knows that!"
    "He would have died!"
    "One less human to worry about!"
    The argument was getting very heated as the heads of the SOS turned to see each person arguing with each other.
    "You don't even know him."
    "Know him? I don't have to know him' They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning fish-eaters incapable of any feeling!"
    "Daddy, I love him"
    Aux folded his arms and ran his hand over his eyes in a frustrated manner.
    |Have you lost your senses completely?" Triton barked. "He's a human. You're a mermaid!"
    "I don't care!"
    "So help me, Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it!" He pointed his trident at the statue.
    "Daddy' No! No, please Daddy, stop! Daddy, stop it!"
    He fired his Trident at the statue, breaking it into pieces. The statue exploded with chunks of rock falling to the ground. Ariel cried over the broken pieces. Triton could be seen as he immediately regretted it upon seeing her sadness. "Ariel, I--"
    "Just go away. All of you..." Ariel was heartbroken and wanted to be left in peace.
    Triton escorted the rest of them outside, leaving Ariel by herself, crying.

    As they exited the grotto, Triton sighed. "I don't want to be hard on her. But this is our world." He looked up at the group with more compassion. "And you just don't fit in it. The keyhole is safe and so is my daughter. I can't jeopardize that by having you here... So you have to leave. There is no room in my ocean for you or your keys. Flounder will lead you to the ocean's border." He turned to Sebastian. "I have to keep guard of the kingdom. That sea witch Ursula will be after my trident if I lower my guard."
    "You can count on me your majesty!" Sebastian saluted, slowly sneaking back into the grotto.
    "Triton looked at the group of weilders. Don't let me catch you in my ocean again..." Triton turned and swam off as Flounder sighed with them.
    "Sorry guys... you're gonna have to follow me," he said sadly.

    The party swam off with Flounder.

    As Sebastian snuck back into the grotto, he found that two eels had snuck inside.

    "Poor child. Poor, sweet child. She has a very serious problem. If only there were something we could do," one of them said with a raspy voice.
    "But there is something..." The other replied in a similar tone.
    "Who-- Who are you?" she asked, wiping her tears.
    "Don't be scared. We represent someone who can help you."
    "Someone who can make all your dreams come true. Just imagine-- You and your prince-- Together forever...."
    "I don't understand," Ariel replied.
    "Ursula has great powers..."
    "The sea witch? Why, that's-- I couldn't possibly. No' Get out of here. Leave me alone!"
    "Suit yourself. That was only a suggestion..."
    Ariel picked up a piece of Eric's broken face. "Wait.
    "Yeeeees?" The two eels replied.
    Ariel nodded. "Take me to her."
    Sebastian couldn't watch any longer. "Ariel? Where are you going?! Ariel, what are you doing with this riffraff?"
    "I'm going to see Ursula."
    "Ariel, no! No! She's a demon. She's a monster!"
    "Why don't you go tell my father? You're good at that.
    "But-- But, I--" Sebastian stammered.
    "Come on' This way," one of the eels replied, shooing Sebastian away with his tail.

    Ariel followed the eels away from him.
    "I've gotta get help... but the king can't leave the kingdom..." Sebastian thought to himself. "I've gotta get some help!!"
    Sebastian swam out of the grotto to find help.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley

    Enzo nodded his head as Chrono explained their affilitation and lack of princess status. Everyone had seemed to rush off and do their own activity, having Enzo admire the sounds and smells of the the scenery around them. "So it seems... and this castle place is nice. Smells good, feels good and looks good... probably. I don't have much of an eye for the aesthetic anyhow. Heck, If I'd known having a keyblade would get you all these niceties, I would've shown mine a long time ago." He shook one of his pant legs vigorously, trying to shake something out of it. "Come on you. Shake... SHAKE...." He continued to give his leg a seizure until a keyblade came sliding out. "Ahh there it is!" He picked up the blade by it's hilt and turned to Chrono. "Sometimes I put it on my back, but then it makes my back feel weird, and then there's just having to carry it everywhere... It's just a hassle, y'know?"He carried it in his hand as he approached the man. "I mostly kick the baddies anyways, so it works better in my pants."

    He looked around to see if there was anyone else he was meant to talk to. "Soooo... do I just hand it to the butler man or is it like a VIP pass type deal with this place?"
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    Because this is you Marushi

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Krowley
  7. Krowley

    "Awww, the big birdie's is back," Enzo smiled, pushing his face into the dragon's fluff. "It's so fluffy!" his voice muffled in the Dragon's side. He inhaled deeply while glomping the dragon. "He smells like April showers with a hint of basil-NO!" He took another quick whiff of the dragon. "Rosemary..." He petted the dragon's fluff. "And that is what I will call you Rosemary," he whispered into it's fluff. "And I will sing majestic stories of your greatness..."

    He backed away from the adorable creature looking on to Chrono and Iliana. "So new friends. What do they call you? And do you all have keyblades? And how many of you are princesses?" He fired off each question after each other with haste and intrigue.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley

    "Moana found a couple of shiny objects on the ground and put them on her body. The ocean chose her for a reason and she wanted to prove it by helping anyway she could. She began bagging a clittering drum as she walked around with Kaida. "Wow, the shiny glittering cave. And just like us, it's covered in sparkling treasure. Sparkle ... Sparkle. Sparkle.
    Maui looked onward in disappointment. "You guys aren't selling it!"
    "This is stupid! Why don't why just walk up there and take it?!"
    Whispering to them Maui replied; "You go out there, he will kill you. Just stick to the plan. Oh! When he shows up, keep him distracted. Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about how awesome he is.
    "Well, you two must get along perfectly!" Moana whispered back.
    "Well not since I ripped his leg off," Maui said, hiding a bit.
    "Wait, you did what!?" She turned to Kaida. "So how big do you think this crab is?" she said, looking back at the pile.
    As she said this, the pile rose up, with two giant claws grabbing Moana and Kaida in each claw.
    "Huhuhuhuuu...What have we here?" the crab spoke with a suave New Zealand accent. "A couple of sparkly, shiny -wait a minute..." He shooke both of them in each claw. "Bleh, It's humans! What are you doing down here in the realms of the monst-" He could tell both of them were uncertain which eye to look at, so he stopped mid sentence. "Just pick an eye, babes. I can't- I can't concentrate on what I 'm saying if you keep -Yep, pick one! pick one! You pick left and you pick right!" They were both now centered on one eye. "Now let me just take care of this little eyesore," Tamatoa replied, using his crab legs to kick sand onto AJ. "Whetever that was, there's such a thing as too shiny, babe..." He turned back to Moana and Kaida in each claw.

    "You're a couple of funny looking little things, aren't you? Oooh what's this?" He said, eying Moana's necklace.
    "Don't, it's my grandma's!" She said, hiding it away from him.
    "ItS mY GranDmas," Tamatoa mocked. "I ate my grandma!!! And it took a week because she was absolutely humongous. Why are you here?"
    Seeing that everyone was in position, Moana tried to cause a diversion to kep their attention on them. "Cause you're amazing! And we mortals have heard...the tales about the crab....who became a legend. And I got to know. How you did you get so crab...ulous?"
    "Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are..." he asked menacingly. "I will gladly do so!! In song form!"
    He was prepared to sing, but changed his mind at the last moment.
    "Y'know on second thought... I like to sing on a full stomach. He opened his mouth as he was prepared to eat Kaida.


    Post by: Krowley, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    To the people keeping this thread alive

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 19, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Krowley

    "Well, probably because all that light the girl has," he said looking in Take's direction. He wassn't sure if it was general knowledge or not, but it seemed like the biggest factor. From Enzo's eyes, he felt a bright aura around the smaller one of the group. "Of everybody here, the deep voiced girl and the rainbow girl have the brightest aura's. Maybe he thought they were princesses of heart." He tried to contemplate their names off the top of his head from past conversations. "Talkay amd Aria right?"

    He noticed that Take was still very shaken up by the whole ordeal and tried to sympathize with her. "Man, you look like you could use a cookie. I don't have one, but I'd give you one if I did..." This group certainly had a lot of interesting characters, and Enzo still didn't know where everyone stood on the topic.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley

    These threads again...
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Krowley

    As the paper hit him smack dab in the chest, Enzo removed it and flipped the paper around. He lifted it upside down and looked at the back, before flipping back tot he front again. He was inspecting every part of the paper to see what it meant and what it could be to the rest of the group. He adjusted his glasses, as if reading the page thoroughly. "I see... This paper means a lot obviously. You can tell by the obvious calligraphy and... contents that it holds." The scrap in his hand was upside down, as if he was struggling to find ways to describe it. He passed it to Torrin the way he was reading it. "Torrin, I believe you should do the honor of reading this important document to your friends." He folded his arms. "The importance is obviously too great for me to explain."

    He dropped his arms to wave to everyone. "And while I know this is a trying time for most of you, I felt I should tell you my name is Enzo and I hope we become friends. I have already started work on our best friends song and look forward to sharing it with you upon completion." He patted Torrin on the back, as if giving him the 'go ahead.'
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley

    As the rest of the group took in the scenery, several of the speared warriors surrounded the group.
    "Holy cats! Who are these guys?" Rourke asked in confusion.
    "They gotta be Atlanteans!" Milo said, astounded.
    "Neshigetim ga prindipiniom," one of the female warriors announced. "Nibesim katapu eretope. Nadapsupelepe tome!" the warrior woman repeated herself. "Nadapsupelepe tome!"
    "I think it's talking to you," Mole said, tugging on Milo's shirt.
    [Haltingly speaking Atlantean. "Leb... ay sinick... doc du aren toe. Letsen due penetoe." Milo was trying his best to communicate.
    The woman removed her mask to revealed a tanned woman with blue eyes and long, white hair, blue tattoos on her face and body.
    "Prowitem don gon mockeen glihbinto bay dekek."
    "Kag... wegenay... pree?!"
    "Kagwegenay.... Wegenes pri dos esenen?"
    The two were now exchanging one language after another, understanding each other fine.
    "Ita, sum amice viator."
    "Dices linguam Romae."
    "Parlez-vous francais?"
    "Oui, monsieur!"
    "They speak my language!" Mole cheered. "Pardon, mademoiselle? Ah, voulez-vous..." Mole whispered into the woman's ear, only to get a quick punch to the face.
    "Ooh, I like her," Sweet clapped.
    "Hmm! 'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me," Audrey shrugged.
    "How do they know all these languages?" Audrey asked.
    "Their language must be based on a root dialect. It's just like the Tower of Babel," Milo replied excitedly.
    "Well, maybe English is in there somewhere," Rourke thought aloud. "We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace!"
    "Welcome to the city of Atlantis!" The woman greet. I am princess Kidagakesh, but you may call me Kida."
    "Pleasure's ours princess. May we kindly enter your city?"
    Kida's warrior spoke to her in Atlantean, pointing at the keybladers.
    "What of those prisoners? Why are they shackled?"
    Rourke looked back at them, trying to play it off. "Oh... Well you see, they were unfamiliar to us, and we wanted to detain them, to ensure they weren't a threat. Cuffs stay on. We don't know where they even came from."
    "We could say the very same about you," Kida replied. "If you wish to walk our city freely, then you must allow them to walk free as well."
    With a quick snap of his fingers, Rourke complied, his men uncuffing their shackles.
    "Squad "B," head back to the shaft... and salvage what you can. We'll rendezvous in 24 hours." Most of Rourke's men dispersed, leaving only the keybladers and a small core group.

    Laguna walked on ahead with the others as Milo and Kida stayed with the party.
    Kida's warriors escorted them with her. "You must meet my father, we haven't had visitors to our city in ages. I wish to learn everything about you. Where are you from? What is the surface like now? What are your worlds like?" Kida was bursting with curiosity.


    Aux leveled up! (51) AP increased!
    Beuce leveled up! (50) All stats increased!
    Karina leveled up! (51) AP increased!

    Sebastian swam back to King Triton to report what transpired.
    "That's right your majesty! They just tossed me to the side, completely disobeying your orders!"
    Triton was lost in thought, not paying much attention.
    "Your majesty?..." Sebastian asked.
    "Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry Sebastian, I was just thinking of what those key wielders told me. Do you think I was too hard on her?"
    "Definitely not. Why, if Ariel was my daughter, I'd show her who was boss. None of this flitting to the surface and other such nonsense. No, sir. I'd keep her under tight control!"
    "And how has that worked out? Ariel just rebels, time after time again. I'm just concerned for her safety is all. I should apologize. Take me to where you saw them last Sebastian."
    "Yes your majesty!" Sebastian saluted, leading the way.
    Taking his trident with him, Triton followed his loyal crab. "I'm going to set things right. After all, it's not like she is hiding THAT much behind my back."

    Meanwhile, back with Ariel in her grotto...

    "Welcome to my secret trove of human wonders! But don't tell my dad..."
    Ariel led the group back to her circular grotto of surface world things. Random objects like forks, music boxes and other household items. In the center was a large submerged statue of a human, kneeling with a sword in his hand.
    "These are all things I found on the surface world. She picked up a fork. "This is called a dinglehopper. Humans use it to brush their hair!" she said excitedly.
    Aux nodded trying to be polite. On the inside, he thought she was just crazy. "That's... nice."


    Kel leveled up! (51) AP increased!
    Marx leveled up! (50) All stats increased!
    Stratos leveled up! (51) AP increased!

    Moana was hesitant to jump but closed her eyes and jumped into the hole.
    Maui clapped his hands and did a swan dive after her, shouting; "CHEE HOO!!" after her.
    Everyone that jumped in fell deeper and deeper, before landing into water. The water was almost mystical as it spat them back out into a land of unimaginable darkness. Creatures unlike the heartless were seen with several eyes and legs.

    Behind the group was a cave full of treasures and gold, glistening inside. Maui's hook sat a top it like a prized trophy.
    Maui tied his hair into a bun. "All right, you mortals go inside and distract him with your shiny sword... things, and hold his attention long enough to get my hook." He pointed to a couple keyblades on the pile. "See, crabcakes loves stuff like that so go in there and... 'know... be bait."
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    The battle was moving quickly, Enzo waiting for his stun effect to fade off before moving again. Petty as it was, he didn't like feeling his body in such a state, and refused to move until he felt better. After kicking off the feeling that his legs had been asleep, he looked ahead to the horned king.He made a straight light for the skeletal lord to get in range. He was going to unleash a quick barrage of lightning to help finish him off. Before he did that however, he made a small detour and ran around the youthful one that was keeping him well supplied with MP and protection. "Thanks for the support little girl!" he said hapily, before running back at the Horned King.

    He stopped at an even enough range and let loose three thundaga spells by doing some unfitting finger guns. He then ended it with a roundhouse kick to his arm before running away.

    Enzo cast Triple Thundaga! Enzo attacked!

    Enzo's Info
    MP: 31/70
    FOC: 15/20
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS:Slow (9 Turns) [SPD reduced to 0], Rainbow Glow (1 Turn), Inspiring Presence (1 Turn)
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    He pointed his trident towards Karina without mercy or restraint. "Young lady, you are beyond your limits or trying my patience and I will not hesitate to make an example out of you!" King Triton barked. "You are no longer welcome here and I command you to leave my daughter and this world ALONE!" He turned to his right hand crab. "Sebastian!"
    The crab jumped up in his shell a bit. "Y-yes... your majesty?..."
    "See to it that these trespassers find their way back to the ocean between!"
    Sebastian saluted his king with his crab claw. "At once your majesty!"
    Triton looked to Steel and Beuce. "And trust me, should any creatures dare appear in my kingdom, my kings guard and I will make short work of them. Your efforts are not needed here. Search elsewhere for your journey." The king had calmed down a bit, but was still flustered by the poor reception from the wielders.

    The crab scuttled through the water as he swam to lead them out. "You heard the king, you disrespectful miscreants! Follow me, or feel his wrath!"
    Before following the crab, Aux took a quick look at Karina. "And they say I'm angry," he said to himself.

    All players have left the throne room.

    Once they were exiled from his presence, Ariel was already waiting outside for them.
    "Hey, you made it! Sorry about my dad... he just doesn't understand..."
    "Now now, move aside Ariel! These trespassers have been ordered by your father to leave Atlantica!" he said, proudly. "Their defiance was most unwelcomed."
    "Well... he didn't say WHEN they had to leave... so I can show them around a bit!" she took Luna's arm and swam past Sebastian. "Come to my grotto, I want to show you something!"
    Sebastian tried to speak, but no one seemed to be listening to the crab.


    "That little bottom feeder's lair is in Lalotai: the realm of monsters. A place where exiled creatures go to spend the rest of their days... Full of baddies and a whole lotta darkness. Some say that's where the darkness of this world began," Maui replied to Kel. After he finished answering his question, he immediately followed up by answering Kaida's. "And that HOOK, missy... was given to me by the gods. It's what lets me shapeshift and be... well... Maui. For the last thousand years I was stuck on that rock, I was only thinking about 3 things; getting my hook, keeping my hair silky, and being awesome again. And it's not gonna get messed up by some mortals that have no business being inside of a monster cave! Accept maybe as bait," he smirked evilly at their keyblades. "Tomatoa loves shiny things. And those mystical do-dads of yours seem like the perfect bait." He looked past the fogging clouds ahead. "And looks like we'll get to test out that theory since we're here..."

    The group arive at a giant pillar that was in the middle of another island. "The entrance is at the top of that mountain," Maui said, slowly docking the boat onto the sand. "Hope you mortals are good at climbing," he smirked. He clapped his hands together and began to climb the mountain with ease. Moana tried to go after him, but was struggling a bit.
    "So, daughter of the Chief, I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things. Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send... How do I phrase this? You," Maui mocked.
    "My people didn't send me. The ocean did!" Moana replied, struggling to climb a a bit.
    "The ocean? Makes sense. You're what, eight? Can't sail. Obvious choice. If the ocean's so smart, why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself? Or bring me my hook? The ocean's straight up hooky-dooks. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you. You're the Chosen One!"
    Moana sighed sadly. "The ocean chose you for a reason,"

    It took some time, but the rest of the group managed to finish the climb.
    Looking at the center of the top of the mountain was a giant gaping hole made from stone. The hole went on for hundreds of feet, seemingly having no bottom. "Don't worry... it's a lot farther than it looks, Maui joked. "So... whose first?"


    The expedition was long, with several of the travelers and vehicles making good time.
    A few of the members of the crew managed to make it close enough for the party members to hear their conversation.
    "Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book? You must've read it a dozen times by now," the dark skinned doctor said to Milo next to him.
    "I know, but this... this doesn't make any sense. See, in this passage here, the shepherd... seems to be leading up to something. He calls it the heart of Atlantis. It could be the power source the legends refer to. But then it just... it cuts off. It's almost like there's a missing page..." Milo wondered aloud.

    "Kid, relax. We don't get paid overtime," Vinny replied.
    "I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away. But, hey, you know, that's what this is all about, right? I mean, discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe... you're just in it for the money?"
    Without hesitation, Audrey, Mole and Sweet replied individually by saying "Money."
    "I'm gonna say... money," Vinny added.
    Milo sighed. "Well, I guess I set myself up for that one. So why are most of you here?"
    "I guess connections," Sweet began. "Learned most of my medical knowledge from an Arapaho medicine man. Born and raised with 'em. My father was an army medic.
    He settled down in the Kansas Territory... after he met my mother. I got a sheepskin from Howard U. And a bearskin from old Iron Cloud. Halfway through medical school, I was drafted. One day I'm studying gross anatomy in the classroom... the next I'm sewing up Rough Riders on San Juan Hill."
    "Well, I took this job when my dad retired. He was the mechanic on the last expedition when you're grandpa found that journal you're reading..." Audrey explained. "But the funny thing was... he always wanted sons, right? One to run his machine shop and the other... to be middleweight boxing champion. But he got my sister and me instead. She's 24 and 0, with a shot at the title next month. Anyway, I'm saving up... so my Papi and I can open another shop." Audrey informed.
    "Well, as far as me goes... I just like to blow things up," Vinny said, walking along.
    "Come on, Vinny... tell the kid the truth," Sweet replied.
    "My family owned a flower shop. We would sell roses... carnations, baby's breath, you name it. One day, I'm making... about three dozen corsages for this prom. You know, the one they put on their wrist. And everybody, they come. 'Where is it? When is it? Does it match my dress?' It's a nightmare. Anyway, I guess there was this leak next door... of gas or what. Boom! No more Chinese laundry. Blew me right through the front window. It was like a sign from God. I found myself that boom."
    Milo watched as Mole was enthusiastically driving the truck ahead of them. "What's Mole's story?" Milo asked curiously.
    "Trust me on this one. You don't wanna know," Sweet warned. "Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have... told me, but you did. And now I'm telling you... you don't wanna know..."

    Milo's attention had already shifted to a bunch of tanned warriors, with ancient tribal masks covering their face and chest. They carried pole arms and bladed weapons. They looked at the group suspiciously with their bright blue neon glow from overhead before running away. Milo gave chase ahead, wondering where they were headed.
    Hey, wait! Who... who are you? Where are you going? Come back!" Milo grunted, chasing after them.
    "Thatch, get back here!" Roarke commanded, his men and vehicles following him.

    Milo lost track of the the warriors, but had led the group to a waterfall,
    Beyond that waterfall was a gargantuan city that looked like paradise. They had found Atlantis...
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
    Enzo nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you Aria," he smiled softly. The attack to him done by the Horned King left him a little bit paralyzed, his fingers feeling like pins and needles. "Oh... my fingers tingle." he winced. "Eh... so weird..." he said stretching his fingers a bit. "Well let's see how you like it!" He waved his hand up and slammed his palm in a downward motion, casting a gravity spell. He closed his hand to unleash a poison spell onto the Horned King, before finally shaping his hand into a finger gun position, unleashing a thunder spell onto his target. He had cast three spells, with nothing but hand motions.

    Enzo cast Gravity, Poisonga, and Thundaga!

    Enzo's Info
    HP: 121/150
    MP: 43/70
    FOC: 15/20
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS: Stun(10 Turns) [Ex-Arts locked], Cheer (2 Turns), Rainbow Glow (4 Turns), Inspiring Presence (4 Turns)
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley

    Seeing that the Horned King was drawing forth the cauldron's power, Enzo set his attention on the scary skeletal being that stood before them. Hopping off the skeletal soldiers heads, he joined the fray of other fighters, looking to dethrone the king. His new friend Torrin had already found the allies he was trying to find earlier, and they were all casting spells and performing melee attacks. Wishing to give in his input, He dashed passed everyone picking up speed, before jumping swiftly into the air and spinning his leg around to performing a roundhouse kick. "Enzo kick!" he yelled proudly, hearing a cracking sound as his foot made contact with the horned king's head.

    As soon as his attack landed, he quickly dashed far away from the horned king. "Enzo retreat!" he yelled flailing his arms behind him. He only ran a dozen meters or so before skidding and facing the person beside him. He blinked a few times before giving a gentle wave to the girl with the pink hair and rainbow attire. "Hi there," he smiled. He took a few sniffs to get a sense of how she was. There was a large sensation of light surrounding her. "You smell like rainbows," he complimented.

    Enzo attacked and used Dodge Roll!
    MP: 70/70
    FOC: 15/20
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS: None.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    "Well, after Steel and I finished Sugar Rush, we got the list with the princesses Snow White, Cinderella, Alice, Aurora, Jasmine, Belle, and Kairi..." He thought to himself for a moment as to how he recalled another list. "But there's the other list from Space Paranoids that had Anna, Ariel, Moana, Mulan, Rapunzel, Tiana and Vanille. I think I must've had the memories of that list when..." He paused for a moment not wanting to continue reminiscing about his friend's sacrifice. "Let's just keep moving," he stalled, swimming forward.

    As the group swam through the city of Atlantica, they made their way into King Triton's throne room.
    Sebastian the crab cleered his throat as he bowed in his King's honor. "Behold. You swim before the ruler of the seas: His Majesty, King Triton."
    "Daddy!" Ariel cheered as she swam up to him, smiling.
    "Oh, Ariel! When will you listen? It’s dangerous out there! Strange creatures have been lurking outside!" Triton scolded. King Triton was an old, but muscular merman, with a white beard extending down to his stomach, and a tail fin matching his daughter's. As he scolded his daughter, Ariel couldn't help but look guilty.
    "And who are they? They don't look familiar..." he asked looking at the other five.
    "Foreign swimmers from a far off ocean, my liege," Sebastian filled in. "Apparently your daughter ran into them as she was prepared to show up LATE!" he said aggressively at her.
    " I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady," Triton sighed.
    "Daddy, I'm sorry. I just forgot-"
    "Don't give me that look Ariel.. You went up to the surface again, didn't you? Didn't you! Oh, Ariel, how many times must we go through this? You could have been seen by one ofthose barbarians, by-by one of those humans!"
    "Daddy, they're not barbarians!"
    "They are dangerous. Do you think I want to see my youngest daughter... snared by some fish-eater's hook?"
    "'m 16 years old. I'm not a child anymore."
    "Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady' As long as you live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules-"
    "But if you would just listen--"
    "Not another word' And I am never, never to hear of you going to the surface again' Is that clear?"
    The rest of the group floated awkwardly as the King was yelling at his daughter. She and flounder swam away leavin the rest of the group behind.
    "Hmph' Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you," Sebastian snidely commented.

    "And now that my daughter isn't here any more, I can deal with the lot of you," Triton sneered, pointing his golden trident at them. "You may fool Ariel, but you can’t fool me. You don’t know your dorsal fin from your tail! You're part of the SOS, aren't you?!" He interrogated.
    "The what, you're majesty?" Sebastian asked, backing away behind the king.
    "Seekers Of the Storm... Wielders of keyblades who bring chaos wherever they go. As key bearers, you must already know... One must not meddle in the affairs of other worlds. Just by BEING here, you have violated this principle. The key bearer shatters peace and brings ruin... Every time. So what are you after?! My daughter... or the keyhole?...." he asked, his trident glowing.


    "It's Moana!" she corrected, getting on Kaida's vehicle. "What kind of boat IS this?" she asked confused, as they raced off.
    As the keyblade wielders came up on their gliders, Moana got co jump for it, but immediately missed, falling in the water. She came up for air as she looked at the ocean around her. Uhh, ocean, I could use some help!" she asked loudly. And as if by magic, the ocean, picked her up in a tiny wave and rushed her onto the boat that Maui stole.
    Surprised, Maui blinked a few times. "Did not see that coming."
    Turning to face him, Moana stepped up to him angrily. "I am Moana of Motunui.This is my canoe. And you will journey to-" Before she could finish, Maui threw her off the boat. The ocean responded to Moana again, by putting her back onto the boat.
    "And she's back," Maui sighted. :It was Moana, right?"
    "Yes. And you will restore the heart!" She unlocked the pendant in her shell necklace and revealed a small green gem to the demigod. Maui took one look at it and immediately threw it far away. The ocean, not taking any of his flack, carried the small green gem back and spat it back out at him.
    "Alright, I'm out," Maui said, jumping overboard. The ocean wouldn't let him off that easily, throwing him back onto the boat. "Ahh, come on!"
    "What is your problem? Are you afraid of it?" Moana asked.
    "No! No! Ha..ha..ha. I'm not afraid, okay? That is not a heart. It is a curse. the second I took it, I got blasted out of the sky. And I lost my hook. Get it away from me.
    "Get this away?" she asked, holding it closer to his face.
    Backing away slowly, Maui tried to brush off his reaction. "Hey... I'm Demigod, okay? Stop that, I will smite you. You wanna get smote? Listen, that thing doesn't give you power to create life. It's a homing beacon of death. If you don't put it away bad things will come for it. You wanna get to Te Fiti, you have to go through a whole ocean of bad. Not to mention Te Ka. Lava monster? Ever defeat a lava monster?"
    "No...." Moana replied. "Have you?"
    Maui scoffed. "I'm not going on a suicide mission with some mortals and a wolf! You can't restore the heart without me. And me says ... No. I'm getting my hook. End of discussion."
    Moana examined the tattoos on Maui, which showed crowds cheering for him. She felt she could use this to her advantage. "You'll to be a hero... That's what you are about, right?"
    "Little girl, I am a hero!" Maui laughed.
    "Maybe you were but now... Now you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te Fiti. The guy who cursed the world. You're nobody's hero," Maona declared.
    "No one?" Maui adked, unconvinced. Moana folded her arms, shaking her head. Looking to the rest of the characters, he saw that no one even knew who he really was, aside from the wolf by association.
    "But, put this back. Save the world. You'd be everyone's hero," Moana bargained.
    "We'd never make it, without my hook. Not passed Te Ka..."
    "Then we get your hook! We get your hook, take out Te Ka. Restore the heart. Deal?"
    Maui thought hard about it, before reluctantly agreeing. "Deal... Okay, we go east. To the Lair of Tamatoa. If anyone has my hook, it's that bee-eyed bottomfeeder."

    Post by: Krowley, Sep 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    "Whot?!- Finlay doesn't charge in without thinkin'!" He stood stern for a moment before chuckling a bit. "Haha, okay okay, Finlay most of the time charges in without thinkin'- But most of the time it works!" He grinned. "And how can yah expect me to be quiet when amongst my comrades! I'm the DYNAMIX Viking! Not the indoor voice viking!"
    Lynn looked over to the rest of the group. "Will you just listen to me! You can't go in there without hearing me out first!"
    "Aye, and what makes you think we need yer help?"
    "Because I have this!" She said holding up a tattered old book.
    "Oh.. a book. Right. That's gonna help a ton!" Finlay replied sarcastically.
    "I'm serious. This book holds the key on finally getting rid of Nequa!"
    "Don't be playin' games with us lass-"
    "I'm not! Look!" She opened the book to a small page with a 12 sided circle. "Nequa was banished the first time to the void with the help of the 12 children of Cosmos! Since Nequa couldn't be destroyed by natural means, the warriors of light banished her to the void." She skimmed a few pages ahead. "She was supposed to be locked there forever under the guise of the void's guardian; Krowley." She showed an artist sketch of a youthful man with white hair. "I don't know how she did it... but she must have gotten rid of him and managed to escape." She closed the book and held it under her arm. "Please... you have to let me come with you... I know the Red Society's members better than any of you, and I need to avenge my sister's death. If I can help in the banishment of Nequa maybe her death won't be in vain. And we have to do it soon...." She quickly opened the page and turned to one of her bookmarked pages. "She's trying to return to her full power. Once she does, there's nothing we can do to stop her. She'll become an immortal god." She opened a page showing 5 swords. "The swords of Honor, Power, Ruin, Truth and Heroes... And then there's the final piece she needs, but... someone ripped out that page." She closed the book before looking up. "Are you sure you;re all prepared for that?"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Enzo raised an eyebrow as Torrin mentioned that the undead were incoming. He didn't sense much of a presence from the soldiers in front of them, but he could tell that there was something definitely off about them. "Well that's not very fair... I mean just because they look and act a certain way, doesn't make them undead." As he said this, a giant fireball came crashing down from the flying dragon above, scattering the bones of the skeletal soldiers in front of them. One of the soldier's skulls fell into Enzo's hands as he rubbed his hands around the skull. Holding in front of his face He felt around the outside of the skull and inside the eye holes, the skull's jaw opening and shutting as it made clanking, demonic sounds with it's maw. Squinting at the skull, Enzo made his conclusion.

    "Okay yeah, they're undead." Enzo tossed the skull into the air and did a quick roundhouse kick, knocking it into the other skeleton's head. He then dashed forward to one of the skeleton soldiers holding a large shield and ran upward on it, kicking the soldier's head off. Doing a flip, he landed crouching down, and swept the soldier's legs off in a breakdance-style move. "Sweep the leg Torrin! Sweep the legs!" He yelled, doing some quick leg movements, as he swung his legs around his alternating arms. He eventually boosted himself off the ground and began walking across their heads, balancing himself on two of the soldiers' heads. He looked up at the dragon flying overhead and smiled. "Aww... what a nice birdie."

    The skeletal soldiers swung their blades at him, causing him to hop from head to head, causing a few of them to crumble in the process. "Where to new friend?!" he asked Torrin.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena