Search Results

  1. Krowley

    With most of the soldiers passed out or mercilessly defeated, the party stood over their limp bodies. As the soldiers struggled to stay down, Laguna came rushing onto the scene. He stood back in shock, seeing everything that went on. His eyes darted from the bodies on the floor to the keybladers standing over them. "Whoa... what?!" He quickly grabbed his gun that was hanging around his back as he kept a dead eye on each of his targets. "One minute I'm exploring the fauna of the place and the next I find you beating down the crew! Where's Rourke?... and the princess? And one of you better start talking because this all looks VERY BAD TO ME RIGHT NOW!" Laguna panicked a bit as he kept his aim sharp.


    "And of all those princesses on the list, have you met any of them? If so, are they safe?" Aux thought to himself for a moment before answering her earlier question. "I don't recall the one from the other digital world, but I remember the one that Steel and I went to. Back when that Sho guy was messing with my head. The list had... Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Aurora, Cinderella, Kairi, and Alice. Snow White and Belle are captured, but Alice and Cinderella got away. Don't know where to find Jasmine or Alice though." He paused trying to think about that last name. "The name Kairi sounds familiar, but I don't know where." He recalled something earlier that Beuce mentioned as he went a bit off topic. "Follow up question. What the heck's a Mortimer?"
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    Lynn took a small dark piece of charcoal from the ground and began to draw a crude blueprint of the manor on the ground in front of them. "The house is very large, but there are three main sections to the building." She quickly circled the areas she had drawn. "On the basement floor, there's the laboratory. It's as advanced as the one where you were fighting Nequabots. HOTEL is very secretive, so we never really knew what ending up happening down there. We might be able to use something down there, so it's worth a look. Who knows what he's experimented on..." She circled the next main area on the first floor. "The main floor is simple enough like any mansion. Large staircases and marble floors and such. One thing that could be of usefulness is an orb Nequa asked him to keep. We CAN'T leave without getting this orb. It's the key to her defeat." She the circled the top floor of the building she drew. "Lastly is the Hangar on the roof. If there's any place that could show where the gateway to light is, it's there. Not to mention we can nab a vessel to travel from world to world." She dusted the dirt off her knees before looking to Koa. So how do you wanna split it up, leader?"


    Vanitas walked through a corridor of darkness with Ventus limply hanging over his shoulder. He quickly through the boy onto the ground with little care or worry as he walked towards a man he was meant to meet with. The man in front of him was Sho Minamimoto. "What the factor took so long? So did you get what I asked for?"
    Vanitas tossed the small portable drive at Sho as he caught it in his hand. "More trouble than it's worth," Vanitas replied.
    Sho quickly lifted up up his glove to reveal a watch before plugging the drive into it, he writhed in pain for a moment as if someone just pricked his wrist. His eyes went from their normal state into flashing bright blue numbers of ones and zeroes. Taking quick exhale, Sho was relieved. "There... that'll stop those pesky yoctograms from tracking me." He placed his glove over his chest again before explaining himself. "Soon as Megumi found me out, I had to make a quick exit. So long as I'm code though, no one from that garbage world will be able to find me," he slyly cheered.
    "Don't care," Vanitas replied. "Do you have what I asked for?"
    Sho smirked before holding a small orb of darkness between his two fingers. "Took a lot of tweaking, but I managed to zone in on the high frequency of the darkness from this thing...." Sho was holding in his fingers, the Remnant. The same energy that corrupted Aux and gave him all that power. Sho placed the small piece on the tip of his thumb before flicking it at Vanitas. "Don't see how it's much use to you. Once you form with your better half, that thing is Zetta useless."
    Vanitas looked at the orb before looking back at Ventus. "His body remains, but his heart left his body. It's the only reason I haven't re-fused with him yet. All I wanted to do was forge the X-Blade... And now I have no choice but to find another way to do that."
    Adjusting his hat, Sho began to walk off. "Well, good luck with that. If you don't mind, I'm going to enjoy the the magic of Taboo psycho-animation!" His hands quickly glitched as he walked off.

    "Wait..." Vanitas said before Sho fled. "There's another reason I did what you asked. You seem strong. Strong is what we're all about. You could call this a last minute recruitment I guess."
    Sho laughed as he held his gut. "You're out of your vector! I know all about your little hellfire club. A bunch of wannabe villains. Thanks for the offer but I'll pass. Besides, joining would be subtracting from my arts and crafts time. But uhh... good luck getting members for your little club!"

    "That's not what I meant. The group I'm referring to isn't a club. More like... an organization. And it includes finishing that game you had in Shibuya."
    Sho turned to face Vanitas as he grinned. "Now THAT sounds like my kinda vector..."
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    Guild Hall Update 3.06

    - Maximus' jousting combo both doubles your combo power and CG gain
    - Baymax's Healthcare heals 50% HP instead of 50.
    - Fairy Godmother now costs 5 MP (From 7 MP) and no longer pays extra MP for the recall ability

    - Dolphin kick now has a 2 turn cooldown (from 4) and deals 50% less damage.
    - Fire Strike deals 15% more damage.
    - Vorpal Blitz deals 25% more damage.
    - Howling Winds cooldown decreased to 4 (From 5)
    - Ice Barrage cooldown decreased to 5 (From 6)
    - Crystalline cooldown decreased to 5 (From 7)

    - Increasing HP above 101 will not increase past 20 crowns.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Krowley
    "So you're ugly.Got it," Maui nodded to affirm. "No worries dog man, you do you." Maui continued to prep the ship, while Moana spoke her mind on something that was bothering her. "So uhh... this princess of heart business... what does that mean exactly?" Maui tied a rope tightly ad he effortlessly answered. "Not a big honor or whatever, just means you have an honest and true heart thats free of any darkness."

    Moana's face lit up a bit. "Oh... well glad I don't have any darkness-"
    "Of course those seven princesses are also the key to opening the door to darkness, making you a probable target for threats much scarier then crabcakes back there."
    "Oh..." Moana replied, trying her best to stay composed.
    "Relax kid, I got my hook, the SOS has their weird swords, we got this. We'll return the heart, save the day, yada yada." He handed her the oar. "Well ships all ready to go. What about the rest of you? Ready to fight a lava monster?"
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    "You kiddin me kid? Princesses of heart have been around forever. Seven maidens of pure light that pass it on to other princesses. There are always going to be seven lights," Maui replied getting the boat ready. He gave Marx a hard pat on the back. "So what're you gonna do now fluff ball? I mean, you could start with a bath," Maui gave a quick sniff. "You still smell like wet dog." He tightened the ropes on the ship's sails before turning back to him. "What's with the mask and rags anyways?"


    Ananta leveled up! (51) AP Increased!
    Castur leveled up! (51) AP Increased!
    Faust leveled up! (51) AP Increased!
    Ignis leveled up! (51) AP Increased!

    "Well this crystal has much power... Allow me to share it with you," Kida offered.


    "You think he asked the missing page?" Milo ask aloud.
    Kida pulled out her spear. "Well this man isn't going to take anything that keeps my people safe," she stated aggressively.
    "I still can't believe it... I mean Rourke maybe, but everyone else seems like they could help us!"
    "Help you with what Mister Thatch?" Rourke asked, surprising the group from behind. Behind Rourke were several of his masked soldiers and the other crew members Milo spoke highly of.
    "You have a nice lesson?" Rourke asked.

    "Hey, guys, what's going on? What's... what's with all the guns?... Guys?" Milo asked nervously. He exhaled before hitting his head. "I am such an idiot. This is just another treasure hunt for you. You're after the crystal.
    "Oh, you mean this?" Rourke said, revealing the missing page from the Journal. "The heart of Atlantis. Yeah. About that... I would've told you sooner... but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis... and, well, now you know. I had to be sure you were one of us. Welcome to the club, son," he said, offering to shake Milo's hand.
    "I'm no mercenary," Milo replied angrily.
    "Mercenary? I prefer the term 'adventure capitalist.' Besides, you're the one who got us here. You led us right to the treasure chest!"
    "You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke. You think it's some kind of a diamond... I thought it was some kind of a battery... but we're both wrong. It's their life force. That crystal is the only thing keeping these people alive. You take that away, and they'll die!"
    "Well, that changes things. Knowing that, I'd double the price. Heck, maybe even triple..."
    "Rourke, don't do this!" The soldiers quickly grabbed Kida, and held their guns to prevent anyone else from making a move. Kida attempted to fight back, but was disarmed from her spear and taken hostage.
    "Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty. Think about it. If you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum... you'd be left with an empty building. We're just providing a necessary service... to the archeological community," Rourke reasoned.
    "Not interested!"
    "I got to admit, I'm disappointed. You're an idealist, just like your grandfather. Do yourself a favor, Milo. Don't be like him. For once, do the smart thing. I really hate it when negotiations go sour." He snapped his fingers as the soldier's cocked their guns. "Let's try this again. You're coming with me and the princess to pay her father another visit. We're getting what we came here for..." He signaled his men with a hand signal as they moved in on the party."

    "Take care of the rest, including the traitor over there," Rourke said pointing to Castur. "I know every man in my squadron son... I know when I've been infiltrated."
    Milo tried to resist but was taken with Kida back to the palace. The crew following suite. The party was left with several hostile soldiers ready to take them out.

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    "Better move fast babies... Sundown is sooner than you think." As Ursula said this, black ink began to surround the party, clouding their vision. They could hear Ursula laughing in the background before their vision of her vanished. "BAHAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed as the ink began to fade and they were back in Triton's city. Not far from the throne room either.
    After being a little shaken up from the mystic transport, Aux turned to the rest of the party to make something clear. "Before we go further, I think we need to establish this whole princess thing. I can remember two of the lists. One from Space Paranoids, and one from Game Central Station. "I know that some of the ones on that list were taken... most of them by me... But the others I'm still not sure about. I only know that Snow White, Belle and Rapunzel were taken. Who knows who else was napped... So if we keep traveling from world to world, it's best we know who they all are." He turned to Luna. "You're a princess right? Were you on the last list? "

    Meanwhile, back in Ursula's lair, she was swimming about her mystic cauldron. Maleficent's face appeared on the cauldron's reflection. "Ursula... what's taking so long? Where is the princess?"
    "Oh don't you worry your horny head Maleficent, it's all being handled. You just worry about what those other idiots are doing. Mama's got this one in the bag," Ursula grinned.
    "I should hope so. We have five of the princesses in tow. Two more and we can finally open the final door."
    "Consider it done. I'll call you when she's ready for pick up," she giggled, dispersing the communication to Maleficent.

    Flotsam and Jetsam slithered up to her confused. "But if the princess is human, why not take her now?"
    "Because my poopsies... There's no way I'm handing over Triton's daughter without getting what is owed to me! Once I get my revenge, Maleficent can have what she wants. But right now it's Ursula's time to shine!"

    Luna leveled up! (51) AP increased!
    Steel leveled up! (51) AP increased!
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    "You've got yourself a deal my little guppies..." she grinned. "I, Ursula, of sound mind and body to hereby swear to return princess Ariel back to the sea in return for King Triton's trident." The signed her name under the dotted line. "All you have to do is bring the trident to my grotto, and it'll render Ariel's contract null and void. Regardless if she gets the kiss or not." She turned the glowing contract towards the party and summoned a quill for them to use. "Just one of you has to sign the scroll and the deal is done."


    Maui did as instructed and transformed himself into a shark, diving into the ocean. He swum with his fin sticking out of the water, and stuck his head out, grinning from the success of his transformation. "Aww yeah! Shark head AND shark body baby!" Swimming towards the shore, he grinned with his sharp teeth waiting for them to suggest something else. After Kaida and Stratos' suggestion, he still stood their with a dumbfounded shark grin. "Yeah, I don't know what any of those are... But check this out!" He dove underwater for a brief moment before emerging to jump out of the water, turning into a large whale. He raised his blubber eyebrows as he landed back on the ocean, covering the entire party on shore with sea water.

    "Moana shook all the water out of her hair and smiled. "Next stop Te fiti!" Maui transformed back to normal and returned to shore. "It's official. I'm awesome again, he cheered, twisting his hook and placing it on his shoulder. "And hey, after this fight... you guys can call me anytime. I owe you that much."
    The mystic ocean rose from the water doing a little wave.
    "I guess the ocean wants to help too," Moana smiled.


    AJ leveled up! (52)
    Kel leveled up! (52)
    Stratos leveled up! (52)
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley

    "Probably due to the law of averages," Enzo added to Torrin's comment, taking his cup of hot chocolate as he did so. "The belief that a particular outcome or event is inevitable or certain simply because it is statistically possible. Like our odds against the Light chaser. Seeing as there are similar levels of power and how there's still plenty unknown about him, we'd stand a 50% chance at beating him. Trying hot chocolate like this before meeting Aria could be anyone between 0 and 15% based on your history. And the odds of me drinking this hot chocolate before checking if it's too hot is 100% based on the fact that I don't like waiting." He took a large swig of hot chocolate, severely burning the entire inside of his mouth and tongue. "AAAAAAAHHHH WORTH IT!" He said, slamming the cup onto the table. He bit his tongue trying to breath cold air against his burning tongue. "Delithuth... More pleathe..." he said with a lisp, holding his cup to Aria.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    "Someone say hot chocolate?" Enzo asked out of nowhere. He popped his head from behind Torrin, who he had been hiding behind at that moment. It was uncertain how or when he even appeared onto the scene, but he was there with a last bite of toast in his hand and crumbs on his mouth. He quickly finished the last bite before wiping the crumbs away from his mouth with his glove. As he chewed rapidly, he brushed any excess food residue of his clothes, he looked up at the group. "I mean, I just ate, but who can say no to hot chocolate?..." Enzo paused briefly as if waiting for an answer. "Is what I ask rhetorically..." He used his pinky to try and get rid of any food in between his teeth. "And if we're talking about taking down the guy that done did you wrong, I could make suggestions. This White Tracer guy seems like big trouble and well... that's the opposite of small benefits. And I like my benefits... Like Hot Chocolate. What? How did we get on the subject of warm chocalaty goodness while the Night Racer is at large?! Who knows, it's in the past. Let's just focus on the present and get some of that good cocoa moo." He smiled, preparing to lead the way. He paused before taking the first step. "I uhh... I forgot where the kitchen is..."
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    Maui clapped his hands, trying to shake off any nerves, preparing to take Kel's request. "Okay you can do this, you can do this, just a bird, just a bitty bitty bird. You're awesome.. I'm awesome..." He continued trying to sych himself up like this. It took several minute before he was finally ready with his large fish hook in hand. "Okay.. bitty birdie comin' up! CHEE-HOO!" He yelled out, the hook glowing as he was turned into a chicken. He wasn't exact;y impressed with it, but it still counted.
    "A ha! I did it!"
    "See? You don't have to be afraid of taka anymore," Moana said, patting his little chicken head.
    "Yeah haha, wait why?..." he asked suspiciously.
    "Don't say it."
    "Chicken!" She smiled, prompting Maui to glare at her through his chicken eyes.
    "Okay... new bird."

    Maui thought back to his past transformations as AJ suggested a larger bird. "Bigger bird, bigger bird... Alright, going for a giant hawk now... CHEE-HOO!" He yelled, managing to transform into a giant hawk roughly the size of everyone else. He flew the air joyously at the sign of getting his mojo back. "Yeah baby! Maui's back!" he shouted flapping in the air. "Come on, give me something bigger!"


    Ursula chuckled under her breath as the party swam back down towards her lair. Ursula was a light purple sea witch. She was a large woman with half her body being that of an octopus. She had short white hair and thick red lips.
    "Are you Ursula?" Aux asked aggressively.
    "The one and only handsome?" Ursula asked in her deep baritone voice.
    Aux shuttered under his breath.
    "I suppose you're here about Triton's daughter, but I'm afraid you're too late." She gleefully showed them a solid gold contract with her signature. "She signed a binding contract. If she doesn't kiss lover boy by sundown, she's all mine.. And a princess of light will do us just fine... I'd be happy to trade for her, but I doubt you have another princess of heart just lying around...."
    Aux did his best not to look at Luna.
    "Of course, if you would be willing to take Triton's trident for me, I could of course... make this contract go away... Then little miss princess will be safe back in the ocean instead of in the cold human world where she could be... he he... vulnerable." Ursula was not making this easy for them.
    "Why don't we just take you down now and save the trouble?"
    Ursula waved her finger. "Nice try big boy, but this contract is binding until the terms have been completed.. If anything happens to me, then Ariel goes down too..."

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    As the group of keybladers sailed towards Ursula's lair, they found a large flash of glowing light at the entrance.
    "Oh no! Ursula's already made a deal with her!" Sebastian cried, swimming fast with flounder scuttling behind. Ariel was found by the entrance, dressed in new write rags. She was struggling to breath seeing as how she somehow managed to turn human thanks to Ursula. She was flailing her legs and gasping for air, which her new human lungs desperately needed.

    Everyone pulled together to make sure she got to the surface in time, allowing her to take in a big gasp of air, as she tried to struggle her way towards the shore. She couldn't swim well with her new human legs, so Sebastian and Flounder assisted her to more shallow waters.
    "Are you alright Ariel? What happened?! How did this happen?!" Sebastian asked frantically.
    Ariel opened her mouth, with no sound coming out, moving her hands to try and communicate.
    "What's wrong with her" Aux asked.
    "Maybe she traded her voice to get her legs!" Flounder wondered allowed.
    Ariel nodded as she tried to stand, before falling back into the ocean.
    "You can understand her?!" Sebastian asked.
    "Of course, Ariel and I are best friends! I can translate for her...." He turned to Ariel as she mimed what she was trying to say.
    "She says that she went to Ursula and signed a contract... She became human by trading her voice... aaaaaannnddd... has to kiss the man she loves by sundown to keep it permanent," Flounder finished.
    "PERMANENT?! Oh mon, your father is gonna have my shell for this! And if I tell him, he's just gonna come rushing and keep the kingdom unguarded! I have no choice but to keep my eye on you! At the very least I can make sure nothing bad happens to her." He turned to the rest of the party. "Flounder and I will make sure she is safe!"
    "And gets that kiss!" Flounder cheered.
    "Not the priority!" Sebastian scolded. "The rest of ye must go to Ursula and get that sea witch to undo this mess!"
    Before Sebastian could finish his instructions, a man with quaffed black hair arrived on the beach. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

    Everyone his into the water as Ariel struggled to stand. The man stopped to try and help her onto her feet. "Whoa, easy there..." The man who helped her was Eric; the same person who was used to make the statue she was fawning over. Ariel opened her mouth to greet herself, but no sound came out. "What's wrong? You can't speak?" Eric asked. Ariel shook her head. "Oh, well.. where did you come from?" She looked towards the ocean, Eric looking onward, unsure of what to make of it. "Hmm.. well either way, I want to help you. You shouldn't be here all by yourself."
    Eric began to walk off with Ariel as Sebastian, Flounder, and the rest of the party watched.


    "I came from the island of Moto Nui," Moana said. "The darkness began to spread to our island, so I went off to search for Maui. I need to help him restore the heart of Te Fiti before the darkness keeps spreading." She quickly shoved the hook onto Maui's hand. "And soon as we help get your hook mojo back, we'll be ready for anything Ta Ka can throw at us," she said cheerfully.
    "Which will most likely be violent heaps of lava," Maui said pessimistically.
    "Come on... let's just start with something small and work our way up."



    Kida examined Ananta's crystal closely as they walked. "Your crystal is similar to that of my people. That warm feeling you gave makes sense now."
    "It does?" Milo asked in confusion.
    "She is an empath. The feelings that others have around her are amplified in her presence. My people have a similar trait when exposed. Our people have a rich culture that I myself need to learn more of," Kida replied.
    "You know, Kida... the most we ever hoped to find... was some crumbling buildings, maybe some broken pottery. Instead, we find a living, thriving society," Milo added.
    "We are not thriving. True, our people live... but our culture is dying. We are like a stone the ocean beats against. With each passing year... a little more of us is worn away."
    "I wish there was something I could do..." Milo lamented.
    "I have brought you to this place to ask you for your help. There is a mural here... with writing all around the pictures." Kida stopped in front of a large mural with detailed writing
    Yeah, well, you came to the right guy. OK, let me see. Let's start with this column right here..." As Milo examined he made several gasps and exclamations throughout his discovery. It was only about a minute, but his fascination was quite real.

    "This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis! It's just like Plato described it.... Well, he was off on a few details, but-"
    "The light I saw. The star in the middle of the city. What does the writing say about that?" Kida asked.
    "I don't know yet. But we're gonna find out..." He said, examining another side of the mural, he gasped before stepping back. "The heart of Atlantis!"
    "It's the heart of Atlantis! That's what the shepherd w-was talking about. It wasn't a star, it was... it was some kind of crystal... uh, like these!" He pointed to the crystal around her neck. "Don't you get it? The power source I've been looking for... the bright light you remember- they're the same thing!"
    "That cannot be..." Kida said unsure.
    "It's what's keeping all these things... you- all of Atlantis alive! It's like a living heart of the world!"
    "Then where is it now?"
    "I don't know, I don't know. Maybe it needs a key to unlock or a crystal to activate... You'd think something this important... would have been in the Journal, but... Unless... The missing page," He said, searching through the journal. "If only I had that page... I'm sorry Kida."
    "It's alright," she reassured. "I have already learned much than I ever thought possible... Thank you Milo."
    Milo blushed for a moment. "Well uh, you know it was nothing really just a uhh... simple translation of foreign linguistics- anyone coulda done it," he sniffed, pulling his belt high.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley

    Maui looked at his hook before tossing it to the side. "Face it, I'm just washed up at this point. All I wanted to do was make you mortals happy and it cost the one thing that made me special..." He quickly pulled his hair to the side and revealed the tattoo on his back. "These tattoos on my body show the important events in my life. The one on my back shows that my own parents abandoning me... The gods gave me that fish hook and made me Maui. Without that fish hook... I'm nobody..."

    Moana looked at the fish hook before lugging it back up. "You're still Maui. The fish hook probably just hasn't been used in a while. I mean it's been a thousand years right?" she shrugged. "I'll help you get back into the swing of things though. The ocean chose me and-"
    "Why did the ocean choose you exactly?" Maui interrupted. "You're just an island girl who's in over her head..." Maui was being harsh and still hurting from his failed fight.
    As Moana looked down in sadness, Maui's fish hook began to glow in her hands, along with the heart of te fiti around her neck.
    Maui immediately stepped back in awe. "Whoa... That's not supposed to happen... The god made that hook for me. Only one that could make it do that is a princess of..." he looked back to Moana. "Heart..."
    Moana stepped back in confusion. "What?! I'm the chief's daughter. Not a princess!"
    "You're wearing a skirt-" He then pointed to the wolf. "You got a new animal sidekick... You're a princess."

    The hook glowed as it a beam of light shot at the wolf, creating a blinding light before turning the wolf into what seemed to be a human.
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    November 2018
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!

    Post by: Krowley, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  14. Krowley
    Lynn nodded. "Brace yourselves. Hotel isn't known for his leniency..." she said, before leading them onward.

    Meanwhile, back in Nequa's lair...

    "****!" ****!" Alex said, punching a wall. "Nequa's gonna kill me. Stupid friggin... AAAHHH!" He said, angrily punching the wall again.
    "Probably, yeah." Luther replied, leaning across from him. He seemed distant and uninterested.
    "Easy for you to say, you got your target! If I'm going down for this, I'm gonna pin it on your gal pal! She's the whole reason I got screwed over!"
    "Oh right, yeah I'm sure Nequa will just let you off the hook if you tell her 'oh it wasn't my fault'" Luther replied.
    "Oh go eat a-" Before Alex could reply, Nequa strolled into the room.

    "Boy boys, play nice now... You keep trying to hurt my hideout, I might get angry," she said, her helmet removed to reveal Aqua's face.
    With a small gulp, Alex nodded. Nequa then turned her attention to Luther. "So from what I've seen you got rid of the small one I take it?"
    "That's right. I imagine it would've been a lot harder without the element of surprise."
    "Naturally, I'm sure taking out a little girl must have been hard work for a man of your talents Victor," she replied with a hint of sarcasm.
    "Not so much her as the giant ice golem next to her. Didn't really seem the type to fall for a feint."
    "So it seems..." Nequa turned back to Alex. "And from what I saw X-Ray, things got a little out of control on your end."
    "It wasn't my fault!" he blurted out. "Fox girl got-"
    Nequa raised her hand to silence him as she stared with her bright glowing eyes. "When we make mistakes, we don't make excuses... We make adjustments. Foxtrot is sitting with the Black coats as we speak and that could work towards our advantage. Besides, I'm not going to kill you just yet," she playfully tapped his nose. "Your tracking ability is almost invaluable to me. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, I'll make sure you and Luther stay well acquainted with each other." She turned to Luther. "Is that a problem?"

    Luther gave Nequa a small smirk and a shrug "Not for me, at least." He said smugly.
    Alex grimaced in his direction.
    "Speaking of which, I owe you a keyblade don't I?" With an effortless wave of her hand, Luther received his keyblade. "How is it like?"
    "Hm, man you can really just pass these things out, can't you?" Luther said, examining the blade up and down
    "Little foxtrot will get hers in due time. For now, I have a special recon mission for the two of you... I want you to find our little mole in the SOS group."
    "Oh? You really have ears everywhere," Luther repied.
    "Where they matter," she chuckled.
    "What do you want us to when we find him.. or her? We don't even know who this mystery person is," Akex shrugged.
    "They're my lucky charm I guess. Everything's gone according to plan with this person. When you find them report back. Just recon. Understood?"
    "That's a little vague. I'm all for finding them, but how are we supposed to know who it is, or even where they are?" Luther added.
    "I suppose that's fair," Nequa shrugged. "The one you're looking for is named..."


    [VOLUME 1]

    Lynn had led the group to Manson Manor. The Mansion was enormous. She turned to the rest of her group. "Find the portal back to the realm of light. That's our only job. I don't want anyone else to die here..."
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    October 2018
    This Month's Keyblades are 50% off!

    (I realize I completely spaced on October, so these keyblades will go on sale from October until the end of November 2018)




    Hello little dumb dumbs!
    My name is Professor Mogumen K. Moogle. Allow me to show you the winners of the past couple weeks based on your activity.
    Well, there's some probability but I'll spare you the statistics.

    We've been a bit behind so I'll get to the point of things.

    First thing's first, we'll do a quick summary for the winner of August's lottery!


    And the winner for August 2018 is....
    (Out of 356 Tickets)
    The winner for September 2018 is...
    (Out of 92 Tickets)
    The winner for October 2018 is...
    (Out of 71 Tickets)
    Come collect your 30 crowns and get off my stage.

    Next, we'll be doing a quick round off for the weeks that we've missed

    Winner for August 20 - August 26 2018
    (Out of 62 Tickets)
    Winner for August 27 - September 2 2018
    (Out of 152 Tickets)
    Winner for September 3 - September 9 2018
    (Cancelled due to low tickets)

    Winner for September 10 - September 16 2018
    (Out of 32 Tickets)
    Winner for September 17 - September 23 2018
    (Out of 21 Tickets)
    Winner for September 24 - September 30 2018
    (Out of 11 Tickets)
    Winner for October 1 - October 7 2018
    (Cancelled due to low tickets)

    Winner for October 8 - October 14 2018
    (Out of 11 Tickets)
    Winner for October 15 - October 21 2018
    (Out of 21 Tickets)
    Winner for October 22 - October 28 2018
    (Out of 21 Tickets)
    Collect your 10 crowns and I'll see you next week... hopefully...​
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Krowley

    As agitated as Enzo was with being hit on the head, he had to keep any resentment with a minimum here. He still didn't know much about them, and they didn't know a lot about him. And that's the way he wanted to keep it for now. After a quick eye twitch, goosebumps when down from his head to his feet before going back up again. He looked up with a polite smile after being chopped in the noggin and took a slice of toast off the table. "You're a loud one huh?" He shoved the piece of toast into her mouth. "And it seems you have food in your mouth now, so no more of that talking. It's rude to chew with your mouth open y'know?" He closed his eyes, still smiling. "And we're in the presence of masters after all, so no talking until you're done chewing that food missy!" He grabbed the top of her head and bottom of her chin, playfully getting her to chew the food he had just stuffed into her mouth. "Munch munch munch," he said, smiling. He moved away from the loud girl in order to do a small bow in front of the masters at the table. "I'm terribly sorry for not introducing myself. Most everyone looks alike to me here, so I just kind of assume you're all of the same kind of light," he said scratching the back of his head while he openly laughed.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley

    The wielders were definitely keeping his attention, but his outer layer was too touch to do any major damage. As AJ said flattered the crab, Tamatoa's legs broke from his ice spell as he marched towards the blonde haired boy. Intrigue and agitation in his eyes, he grabbed Moana in his claw for getting in his way towards AJ. As he scuttled up to the boy, his eyes glared at him. "Are you tying to get me to talk about myself?..." There was a small tense moment

    Moana took an opportunity to try and get them out of there by holding up a green gem that supposedly looked like the heart of Te Fiti. "Hey! I got something shiny for ya!"
    Tamatoa stopped beating on Maui as he eyed the heart. "The heart of Te Fiti... You can't run from me!" Moana made a quick run for it as the crab looked at her run. "Oh, you can...You keep surprising me! There's only so far you can get on those two little legs!" Tamatoa tripped her causing the heart to fall into a large crack in the ground. Chasing after it the crab dug deeper to reach it. "Hahahaaa. The power of creation...for the crustacean. Where is it? Where is it?"
    "We gotta go!" Moana said, trying to gather everyone together.
    "Wait, what about the heart?"
    "He can have it! I've got a better one," she sad, showing the heart still safe in her necklace. With his hook back in tow, Maui nodded as he quickly ran and grabbed the wolf and keybladers, throwing them over his shoulder like they were towels and running alongside Moana to the exit.
    Tamatoa eventually dug deep enough and grabbed the green decoy Moana tossed aside. "Hahahahaaa Yes! I have the ... Wait a minute... Ugh!! I see, she's taken a barnacle and she's covered it in bio illuminescent a diversion. Grrr!!! Come back here!!! Raaaaahh!!!"
    Maui and Moana ran to a nearby water geyser. knowing that the water would push them back to the surface. As the geyeser pushed them out, Tamatoas was flipped onto hi back, struggling to get back up.
    "Hey! Hey!!...Did you like the song?" the crab passively asked, still trying to get up.


    AJ levled up! (51) AP increased!
    Kaida leveled up! (51) AP increased!
    Marx leveled up! (51) AP Increased!

    Everyone crashed out of the realm of monsters and back on the sandy beach of the island they landed on.
    "We're alive. We're alive- AHH" Moana cheered, before turning to find
    Maui talked to the group with a more honest and thankful tony. Unbeknowst to him, his animal transformation abilities were still rustic and his entire upper half was still in animal form. "Listen. I appreciate what you all did down there. Took guts. But... I'm sorry. I'm tryin' to be sincere for once, and it feels you're distracted. I mean you're looking at me like I have a ..." He touched his face with his shark flippers and sighed. "Shark head."
    "Do you have a shark head, cause I-" Moana said, trying to be nice.
    "Look ... The point is ... For little kids, child things, sailors, whatever... who had no business being down there. You did me a solid. But you all could've died. And I couldn't even beat the dumb crab. I mean the stupid dog did more than I did!" Maui motioned to the wolf. "So chances of beating Te Ka. Bup kiss. We're never making it to the Te Fiti. This mission is curse."
    "It's not cursed," Moana tried to reasure.
    "Shark head" Maui said pointing to himself.
    "It's not cursed. Besides, you have a whole team of people with you now. If we all work together we can beat Ta Ka for sure.." She turned around to the others. "Right guys?" She said, hoping they'd agree.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    "Hey hang on a sec!" Aux quickly swam in front of Luna trying to stand in her way. "Why are you trying to fight against this? The king of this sea- this world, just told us to leave." He tried to look at everyone else to see if his perspective could be seen. "I know I'm still knew at this, but as far as I'm concerned, no one has asked for our help. Ariel didn't say anything, and Triton sure as heck doesn't want us here. The only excuse we have is to help a father and daughter better understand each other? How is that a good use of our time? We should be trying to find the others. It's a huge ocean and who knows where they are by now. The keyhole is safe, the princess is safe-" Aux folded his arms, not knowing why they bothered sticking around. "If we stay, we're no better than invaders. And believe me, that is not a fun thing to have in your conscience..." Aux had tampered with the natural order of several worlds. The Great Forest, Beast's Castle, and Deep Jungle to name a few.

    "So instead someone desperately needs our help for a job outside family therapy, I say we just move on..."
    As he finished his sentence, Sebastian the crab had come swimming up to them, out of breath. Flounder swam up to Sebastian to see if he was okay. "Sebastian, what's wrong?... And where's Ariel?"
    Taking a big gulp, the crab's eyes darted to each o them as he attempted to speak."It's Ursula the sea witch! She got her eely goons to convince her to go to Ursula!"
    "But why?" Flounder asked anxiously.
    "Because she wants to be human, that's why! And if Triton leaves the kingdom unprotected, Ursula will send more of her monsters to attack to kingdom." He scuttled towards the wielders. "I know his majesty isn't fond of you, and as loyal as I am to him, I can't have his daughter go AWOL!!!" He pushed his claws together. "So I'm beggin' yah from da bottom of me crustacean heart! Please help me get back da king's daughter! I'M DESPERATE!!" Sebastian weeped.

    Aux's eyes shifted over to everyone else. "Not one... word..."



    Rourke and his men arrived in the king's chamber's where Rourke greeted himself and his crew. Kida bowed before her father as they spoke Atlantean back and forth to each other. The king seemed disgruntled at their arrival, while Kida pleaded to hear them out. None of this could be heard however, as only Milo was the one being able to roughly translate every other word in his book.
    The commander did his best to put on a charming presentation to appease the king.
    "Your Majesty? On behalf of my crew... may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city.
    "You presume much... to think you are welcome here."
    "Oh, sir, we have come a long way looking for-"
    "I know what you seek... and you will not find it here. Your journey has been in vain," The king dismissed.
    "But we are peaceful explorers, men of science," Rourke argued.
    "Heh heh heh. And yet you bring weapons."
    "Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter.
    "Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force. Return to your people. You must leave Atlantis at once."
    Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable... May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir? That would give us time to rest, resupply... and be ready to travel by morning." Rourke was hiding something, and the king didn't want to risk his people. As far as he was concerned however, this was the most peaceful resolution.
    "Hmm. Very well. One night. That is all."
    "Well, thank you, Your Majesty," Rourke said leaving with everyone in tow.
    The king sighed as he was left alone with his daughter.
    "Mmm. Your heart has softened, Kida. A thousand years ago... you would have slain them on sight."
    "A thousand years ago, the streets were lit... and our people did not have to scavenge for food... at the edge of a crumbling city!"
    "The people are content..."
    "They do not know any better! We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins. The kings of our past would weep... if they could see how far we have fallen. If these outsiders... can unlock the secrets of our past... perhaps we can save our future. Our way of life is dying."
    "Our way of life is preserved! Mmm. Kida, when you take the throne... you will understand."

    Kida sighed as she walked out of the throne room, finding Milo and the wielders waiting outside.
    Milo had been waiting with them, eager to ask as many questions as he could.
    "I have some questions for you... and you are not leaving this city... until they are answered.
    "Yeah, well, l... OK..." Milo shrugged. Kida turned to the rest of the wielder. "You all must come with me as well!"
    "Umm... okay, but why?" Milo asked. "I mean, the more the merrier and all but-"
    The second I came across your group, I noticed my crystal glow." She held up the glowing blue crystal around her neck. "But when I stand next to them..." the crystal began to glow white. "It has never done that before. It was said our crystals glowed brighter in the presense of the SOS."
    "The SOS?" Milo asked.
    "Sentinals of Salvation. My father told me stories that there were warriors that traveled from world to world, protecting worlds from destruction. And my world is in need of help. So will you help me save my people?..."

    Milo looked to the others. "I'm game if you are. I've been looking forward to this my whole life!"

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    Enzo looked down at the dishes the latest arrival gave him. Her aura wasn't as bright as the others, but still had good in it. Like a brutally honest friend or a door to door salesman. As soon as she and the cat arrived. "It was nice to meet you too!" he shouted, watching you leave. "Whoever you were," he smiled eating the last cookie in his bag. Chewing the cookie, he reflected on everything Torrin had informed him about. The light chaser, the princesses of heart, and the balance of darkness being lost. All these things would affect the world order in one way or another and while it didn't affect him directly, he still couldn't have it affecting the rest of the worlds.

    He put the dishes in his bag before reaching for another cookie. He hadn't realized they were all gone and sighed. He then recalled that girl mentioning something about breakfast in the kitchen. "Hmm... breakfast in the kitchen huh?" He grabbed another chicken tender from the bag and chewed on it. "I could eat," he said with his mouth full before strolling along towards the kitchen.

    He walked the castle halls with his tote bag of food and dishes, blinking slowly as he walked along the corridor. He could hear voices and smell freshly made food around the corner, making a quick change in direction towards the food smell. Making a B line for the kitchen, he tossed the dishes on the counter, not knowing where he placed them, a few fell down with a loud clang. He smelled toward the table as he licked his lips and took the plate of toast before dumping a few slices into his snack bag. "So how did everyone else sleep?" He smiled, making awkward eye contact with everyone at the table. As he did, he slid a couple of the eggs messily into his bag as well.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley

    Once Take left, Torrin had begun to explain to enzo regarding the jacket he was wearing. apparently it was given to him by his mother.
    "Your mom, huh?" Enzo asked, looking down at the sleeve. He felt around the cuffs, trying to feel the material. It had definitely been through a lot of wear and tear.

    Enzo was barely eleven and was looking around. Nothing but darkness it was pitch black.
    "MOM?!" He cried out, coughing into his sleeve. He tried to blink to adjust his sigh, but there was nothing but darkness for miles. He tried to move his hands in front of him to feel for something- anything, that could point him in the right direction. "MOM!" He cried out, with more rasp in his throat. He could feel smoke feeling his lungs and the smell of ash. Tears falling down his face, he close his eyes to scream out one last time. "MOOOOOOMMMM!!!"

    "Well that's fair! Here yah go pal!" He smiled chipperly, stripping the jacket off slowly. He passed it towards Torrin with care, now knowing the value of it. "Far as knowing what goes on, it don't really matter to me. You guys seem to be handling most things to be honest. Think of me as more of your... Ace in the joker." he shrugged before eating a chicken tender. "I mean, I'll still gladly here the recap. I'm always up for a good prologue."
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena