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  1. Droid
    You. You need to send me your lists whenever you get the chance. I'm going to try and get this new list format fixed tonight. If you can't get it right now I'll use your old ones, but yeah.

    Sorry for lack of posting(people my posting is important to right now), having a 5 day weekend off so I've just been slacking off and spending some time with peoples. Will try and get one up tomorrow...well today Eastern time.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Droid
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Droid, Sep 2, 2012
  3. Droid
    On the note of lists, I'll be reworking the lists in a new format soonish. So I'd like everyone to PM me their Lists/Reserves when they get the chance, thanks~

    Post by: Droid, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Droid
    Oh god, What? is late for KH-Vids school. He'll never get there in time with all of his sparkles blinding his vision!

    What? because son of the most interesting man in the world.
    Post by: Droid, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: 2012
  5. Droid
    Post by: Droid, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Droid
  7. Droid
    Yes I will, whenever I get another post up.
    Profile Post Comment by Droid, Aug 31, 2012
  8. Droid
  9. Droid
    dear family
    I'm sexy and u know it

    luv williamz xoxox*whacks with gopher*
    Post by: Droid, Aug 30, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Droid
    Profile Post Comment

    Kill who?

    Kill who?
    Profile Post Comment by Droid, Aug 30, 2012
  11. Droid

    ~/Zero's Landing Bay:

    "Now why would I even consider spurning your help? The fact it took up until now for Pride to notice you.. yes, you could be of great use." Pride shadows entered the room and surrounded Zero, sprouting out of the ground into sharp points, directed at the three men. "Master Zero, these intruders!-"
    "Yes, you were a bit late on the draw it seems."
    Pride scoffed as his shadows circled the newcomers, eyes studying them from all around as teeth could be heard gritting. Saix stood beside Zero and gave a blank, yet questioning look. "So what is it you're bringing to the table? Are you saying you know how to beat these creatures?"

    ~/Battleship Halberd - Deck:


    Meta Knight gripped his sword tightly as his cape whipped around in the wind, beside him Hal Jordan's ring flashed every few moments as the Green Lantern prepared for battle. The two unlikely allies stood on one end of the Halberd's deck, on the other stood the murderous Crimson Alchemist, Solf J. Kimblee. The sky behind him was filled with smoke from the damage the Halberd had taken, he took a breath of the noxious gas in and smiled.
    "Ahh, I just love the smell of destruction. The only thing more pleasant I can see happening today is watching the life flutter out of your eyes."
    The Halberd's second cannon bellowed into life as it fired an enormous spherical ball across the deck, it whizzed by the two dodging combatants, flying out into the sky and connecting with one of the many Reapers hovering about. The moment Meta Knight landed the giant claw shot out from behind the cannon and speared into the deck. Barely escaping impalement, Meta Knight's wings extended as he quickly flew away from the claw.
    "Too slow." Kimblee was upon the masked knight, clapping his hands together before he had time to react.
    The alchemist backflipped unto the cannon as the smoke from his explosion began to dissipate, he was disspointed to see Meta Knight protected by the familiar green forcefield.
    "Sorry hotshot, but you won't be taking us down. Our combined strength will be plenty enough to dispose of you."
    The two flew across the deck in a full on charge at the cannon and Kimblee. The cannon began charging it's mega laser, Kimblee patiently waited for the opportune moment to fire.

    The deck then became engulfed in flames, the cannon had been sliced in two and exploded. Kimblee was thrown into the back part of the Battleship, apparently unconscious. Meta Knight and Hal were thrown off the deck and began falling toward the planet's surface.
    A silhouette was seen in the flaming debris of the cannon, the exact shape was hard to make out, but two bright violet eyes pierced through the smoke. The eyes appeared to be examining the surrounds, but once they closed the figure was gone, leaving the Battleship in it's weakened state.


    ~/Avengers Assemble:

    In the recent turmoil of the Savanna getting blown the hell up, Director Nick Fury had managed to meet up with his top agents, Maira Hill and Phil Coulson. The three were attempting to not get run over by tanks or singed by lasers, searching for any sign of the Avengers.
    "I'm not getting any signal from them, these creatures must be messing with the connection." Hill took her hand off the headset as Fury sighed. "Well then, looks like we'll be doing some more walking. Damn aliens.."
    "Hey, guys, I think I see Barton over there. Looks like he's with fact, I think everyone is together."
    "Well that was easier than expected."
    The three made their way across the field, eventually meeting up with the group.
    "Glad to see all of you together, especially in our current situation."
    "Right, Coulson can only taze so many people at once."
    "You underestimate my power. I once disarmed a man with only a small bag of flour."
    "Whatever the case we're going to have to do everything in our power to stop this invasion. At the moment our best option seems to be aiding this army that has taken a stance against the aliens."
    Hawkeye and Batman nodded, "Roger, I'm ready to show these monsters what we've got in store for round 2." He looked to the other members, "We're not called the Avengers for nothing, we've got a planet to protect again."
    Post by: Droid, Aug 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Droid
  13. Droid
    Alright, I'm done with this bull.
    SmashFan, on behalf of keeping the members that understand the rules and don't spend 4 pages trying so freakin hard to make their characters more "powerful", you're banned from Crossover Cove.

    What the devil even is this? You're simply lacking attention and want to make your characters out to be the big tough ones that kill everyone else. This isn't an RP about who's tougher than who. People's characters don't get killed unless they want them too. We're all telling a story together, enjoying each others company and trying to have a good time. You've done nothing but throw a bloody steak into our little family since you got here, nobody gives a damn about your character getting upgrades and becoming roid man. If you cared about Role-Playing as a group you would have learned by now that we're not trying to one-up each other. All you've proven to show is that you want to be in control. That's great, go make your own RP where you've got control. Meanwhile we'll continue doing what we've been doing, seems to be working.

    If any of you disagree with the unanimous decision to ban SmashFan, feel free to talk to me about it. Otherwise I'd rather we put this matter in the past and carry on.
    Post by: Droid, Aug 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Droid



    Yess, Supernatural. Also you could watch all the original Star Trek. Cause dat stuff be the shiz.
    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Droid
    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Droid
    Maleficent cackled loudly after hearing Xemnas out, "You fool, as if I'd cower to the whims of a being that barely exists. But, that's not the only problem with your plan." Maleficent outstretched her hand and created an image of the entrance to Kingdom Hearts inside the castle. "This Kingdom Hearts is incomplete, merely a door to the Realm of Darkness. What we both seek is a complete Kingdom Hearts, one created by an object known as the X-blade." She rested her hands back on her scepter as the image vanished.
    "If you still wish to invade my castle then do so, but my subordinates should have already stumbled upon the old systems created by your master. One in particular that will be central to my future rule. A machine capable of creating armies of heartless at my whim!"
    "You can't win. They're not strong..enough." A figure behind the Emerald exclaimed.
    "What are you prattling on about?! You know nothing of my power!"
    "You said it yourself in the past, "Don't steep yourself in darkness too long. The Heartless consume the careless." The price of power. To defeat the nobodies you'd need to loose your own heart. You've experience that loss once before, I can't imagine you'd want to relive it."
    The voice took on the shape of a young blonde girl in a white dress as she walked around the Master Emerald.

    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Droid
    And tonight with the weather we have Ollie Williams.

    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Droid
    bby you don't have to ask me
    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Droid
  20. Droid
    I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says shenanigans.
    Post by: Droid, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home